General Bone Spurs attacks Navy Seal commander

Bill Clinton dodged the draft. So did your fast assed orange buddy.
Got proof? Didn't think so.
John Kerry helped end the Vietnam War & thereby saved soldier's lives. I have news, there were atrocities.
He talked about atrocities by American soldiers, then when asked if he saw any atrocities he said that he heard about them. In other words he made baseless accusations and TRASHED AMERICAN VETERANS. And I knew you would find a way to defend him for it you fucking hypocrite.

If you took your head out of your fat ass you would know they had held a summit where soldiers from Vietnam spoke about these atrocities. Winter Soldier | Iraq Veterans Against the War Real soldiers. Their testimonies.
Hey stupid, those aren't soldiers from Vietnam, they're soldiers from Iraq, you fucking idiot. :laughing0301:
He backed no candidate.

Trump is a liar & you are stupid for believing him.

Oh he was a good friend to Brennan as I recall and took umbridge when Brennan's security clearance was revoked.

He had no problem telling one and all what he thought of Trump.

Guess that makes you stupid for believing the General.

The man stood up with one of his fellow Americans that spent years keeping us safe.

Too bad you will piss on anyone who says anything bad about Trump regardless of it is true or not.

I have a thought. BE A FUCKING AMERICAN first & not as dumbasss POS Tfrumpette.

I have a thought. Be an American instead of a Trump hater and a lefty loon.
I support our troops. You support the man that has trashed the service of vets.

I always support the troops as does Trump.
He's always supported our troops and only lefty loons like you see it differently.

Trump trashed the service of John McCain & Admiral McRaven and POWS.

So Fuck your pretend " I care about the troops" bullshit
Bill Clinton dodged the draft. So did your fast assed orange buddy.
Got proof? Didn't think so.
John Kerry helped end the Vietnam War & thereby saved soldier's lives. I have news, there were atrocities.
He talked about atrocities by American soldiers, then when asked if he saw any atrocities he said that he heard about them. In other words he made baseless accusations and TRASHED AMERICAN VETERANS. And I knew you would find a way to defend him for it you fucking hypocrite.

If you took your head out of your fat ass you would know they had held a summit where soldiers from Vietnam spoke about these atrocities. Winter Soldier | Iraq Veterans Against the War Real soldiers. Their testimonies.
Hey stupid, those aren't soldiers from Vietnam, they're soldiers from Iraq, you fucking idiot. :laughing0301:
They had a summit during the Viet Nam War. My God you people are so fucking stupid. Gert a fucking brain.
Oh he was a good friend to Brennan as I recall and took umbridge when Brennan's security clearance was revoked.

He had no problem telling one and all what he thought of Trump.

Guess that makes you stupid for believing the General.

The man stood up with one of his fellow Americans that spent years keeping us safe.

Too bad you will piss on anyone who says anything bad about Trump regardless of it is true or not.

I have a thought. BE A FUCKING AMERICAN first & not as dumbasss POS Tfrumpette.

I have a thought. Be an American instead of a Trump hater and a lefty loon.
I support our troops. You support the man that has trashed the service of vets.

I always support the troops as does Trump.
He's always supported our troops and only lefty loons like you see it differently.

Trump trashed the service of John McCain & Admiral McRaven and POWS.

So Fuck your pretend " I care about the troops" bullshit

You don't care about anything but your perverted view of things.

Sucks to be you.
concerning 'mcraven' as far as i know he is a lefty RDave .
He backed no candidate.

Trump is a liar & you are stupid for believing him.

Oh he was a good friend to Brennan as I recall and took umbridge when Brennan's security clearance was revoked.

He had no problem telling one and all what he thought of Trump.

Guess that makes you stupid for believing the General.

The man stood up with one of his fellow Americans that spent years keeping us safe.

Too bad you will piss on anyone who says anything bad about Trump regardless of it is true or not.

I have a thought. BE A FUCKING AMERICAN first & not as dumbasss POS Tfrumpette.
------------------------------------ naw , i don't like 'mcraven' lefty politics is what it is RDave . And i find that a lot of retired military are lefties and lefty gun control types and thats another complaint that i have against retired military RDave .
------------------------------------------- heres some info for you RDave . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- lotta retired USA Military are unamerican gun controlling lefties as i already mentioned RealDave .

So anyone who was in the military must support rampant gun violence?
The disgusting left seems to think Trump should not be allowed to defend himself or criticize anyone who trashes him first. They will side with anyone, even people they hate, if that person says something negative about Trump. They are the biggest phonies on the planet.
Defend himself with facts. Not trash a vet's military service.

Find me military experts that say McRaven did a poor job.

According to you Trumpettes, If someone criticized Trump for calling the Press enemies of the people, it is K for him to l;ie to trash that person. What, are you still stuck in the 8th grade?
So, some globalist asshat says stupid shit and we’re supposed to be upset that President Trump takes a swipe at him with what was probably a joke?

You should be upset because he attacked his military service.

You allow a fat assed draft dodger who refused to go out in the rain to honor fallen soldiers to disrespect his service.

If Trump was a real man, a real American, he would have replied : "First, I thank Admiral McRaven for his service to our country but I think he is wrong......"

THAT is how a real American defends himself against a veteran.
He backed no candidate.

Trump is a liar & you are stupid for believing him.

Oh he was a good friend to Brennan as I recall and took umbridge when Brennan's security clearance was revoked.

He had no problem telling one and all what he thought of Trump.

Guess that makes you stupid for believing the General.

The man stood up with one of his fellow Americans that spent years keeping us safe.

Too bad you will piss on anyone who says anything bad about Trump regardless of it is true or not.

I have a thought. BE A FUCKING AMERICAN first & not as dumbasss POS Tfrumpette.
------------------------------------ naw , i don't like 'mcraven' lefty politics is what it is RDave . And i find that a lot of retired military are lefties and lefty gun control types and thats another complaint that i have against retired military RDave .
------------------------------------------- heres some info for you RDave . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- lotta retired USA Military are unamerican gun controlling lefties as i already mentioned RealDave .

So anyone who was in the military must support rampant gun violence?
---------------------------------------------- just saying that MANY retired military are unamerican and i highlight those unamarican retired military that use their past military status as being important experts as being very 'unamerican' . They are just another social engineering and anti gun group working to disarm Americans . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- and there in the link are some that are 'unamerican' RDave .
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Oh he was a good friend to Brennan as I recall and took umbridge when Brennan's security clearance was revoked.

He had no problem telling one and all what he thought of Trump.

Guess that makes you stupid for believing the General.

The man stood up with one of his fellow Americans that spent years keeping us safe.

Too bad you will piss on anyone who says anything bad about Trump regardless of it is true or not.

I have a thought. BE A FUCKING AMERICAN first & not as dumbasss POS Tfrumpette.
------------------------------------ naw , i don't like 'mcraven' lefty politics is what it is RDave . And i find that a lot of retired military are lefties and lefty gun control types and thats another complaint that i have against retired military RDave .
------------------------------------------- heres some info for you RDave . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- lotta retired USA Military are unamerican gun controlling lefties as i already mentioned RealDave .

So anyone who was in the military must support rampant gun violence?
---------------------------------------------- just saying that MANY retired military are unamerican and i highlight those unamarican retired military that use their past military status as being very 'unamerican' . They are just another social engineering and anti gun group working to disarm Americans . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- and there in the link are some that are 'unamerican' RDave .

So now, to be an American, we must support gun violence?
He backed no candidate.

Trump is a liar & you are stupid for believing him.

Oh he was a good friend to Brennan as I recall and took umbridge when Brennan's security clearance was revoked.

He had no problem telling one and all what he thought of Trump.

Guess that makes you stupid for believing the General.

The man stood up with one of his fellow Americans that spent years keeping us safe.

Too bad you will piss on anyone who says anything bad about Trump regardless of it is true or not.

I have a thought. BE A FUCKING AMERICAN first & not as dumbasss POS Tfrumpette.
------------------------------------ naw , i don't like 'mcraven' lefty politics is what it is RDave . And i find that a lot of retired military are lefties and lefty gun control types and thats another complaint that i have against retired military RDave .
------------------------------------------- heres some info for you RDave . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- lotta retired USA Military are unamerican gun controlling lefties as i already mentioned RealDave .

So anyone who was in the military must support rampant gun violence?
---------------------------------------------------- so , how many died in Rampant Gun Violence . Seems to me that its not many but i'd like the numbers . Please exclude those criminal shot by police and people that stop criminal violence in self defence and exclude suiciders . ------------------ and how many people died in car accident RDave ,
Oh he was a good friend to Brennan as I recall and took umbridge when Brennan's security clearance was revoked.

He had no problem telling one and all what he thought of Trump.

Guess that makes you stupid for believing the General.

The man stood up with one of his fellow Americans that spent years keeping us safe.

Too bad you will piss on anyone who says anything bad about Trump regardless of it is true or not.

I have a thought. BE A FUCKING AMERICAN first & not as dumbasss POS Tfrumpette.
------------------------------------ naw , i don't like 'mcraven' lefty politics is what it is RDave . And i find that a lot of retired military are lefties and lefty gun control types and thats another complaint that i have against retired military RDave .
------------------------------------------- heres some info for you RDave . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- lotta retired USA Military are unamerican gun controlling lefties as i already mentioned RealDave .

So anyone who was in the military must support rampant gun violence?
---------------------------------------------------- so , how many died in Rampant Gun Violence . Seems to me that its not many but i'd like the numbers . Please exclude those criminal shot by police and people that stop criminal violence in self defence and exclude suiciders . ------------------ and how many people died in car accident RDave ,

Cars serve a purpose.

A gun does not. A gun only has one purpose - to injur or kill.

Quit being such an ass & compare gun deaths to car accidernts. You are being as ignorant as Ray from Cleveland.
Bill Clinton dodged the draft. So did your fast assed orange buddy.
Got proof? Didn't think so.
John Kerry helped end the Vietnam War & thereby saved soldier's lives. I have news, there were atrocities.
He talked about atrocities by American soldiers, then when asked if he saw any atrocities he said that he heard about them. In other words he made baseless accusations and TRASHED AMERICAN VETERANS. And I knew you would find a way to defend him for it you fucking hypocrite.

If you took your head out of your fat ass you would know they had held a summit where soldiers from Vietnam spoke about these atrocities. Winter Soldier | Iraq Veterans Against the War Real soldiers. Their testimonies.
Hey stupid, those aren't soldiers from Vietnam, they're soldiers from Iraq, you fucking idiot. :laughing0301:
They had a summit during the Viet Nam War. My God you people are so fucking stupid. Gert a fucking brain.
You mean you're just too fucking stupid to post the right link? Looks like you're the one who needs to get a fucking brain.
The disgusting left seems to think Trump should not be allowed to defend himself or criticize anyone who trashes him first. They will side with anyone, even people they hate, if that person says something negative about Trump. They are the biggest phonies on the planet.
Defend himself with facts. Not trash a vet's military service.

Find me military experts that say McRaven did a poor job.

According to you Trumpettes, If someone criticized Trump for calling the Press enemies of the people, it is K for him to l;ie to trash that person. What, are you still stuck in the 8th grade?
You don't like the First Amendment? Change it, asshole.
The man stood up with one of his fellow Americans that spent years keeping us safe.

Too bad you will piss on anyone who says anything bad about Trump regardless of it is true or not.

I have a thought. BE A FUCKING AMERICAN first & not as dumbasss POS Tfrumpette.
------------------------------------ naw , i don't like 'mcraven' lefty politics is what it is RDave . And i find that a lot of retired military are lefties and lefty gun control types and thats another complaint that i have against retired military RDave .
------------------------------------------- heres some info for you RDave . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- lotta retired USA Military are unamerican gun controlling lefties as i already mentioned RealDave .

So anyone who was in the military must support rampant gun violence?
---------------------------------------------------- so , how many died in Rampant Gun Violence . Seems to me that its not many but i'd like the numbers . Please exclude those criminal shot by police and people that stop criminal violence in self defence and exclude suiciders . ------------------ and how many people died in car accident RDave ,

Cars serve a purpose.

A gun does not. A gun only has one purpose - to injur or kill.

Quit being such an ass & compare gun deaths to car accidernts. You are being as ignorant as Ray from Cleveland.
You don't like the Second Amendment? Change it, asshole.
------------------------------------ naw , i don't like 'mcraven' lefty politics is what it is RDave . And i find that a lot of retired military are lefties and lefty gun control types and thats another complaint that i have against retired military RDave .
------------------------------------------- heres some info for you RDave . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- lotta retired USA Military are unamerican gun controlling lefties as i already mentioned RealDave .

So anyone who was in the military must support rampant gun violence?
---------------------------------------------------- so , how many died in Rampant Gun Violence . Seems to me that its not many but i'd like the numbers . Please exclude those criminal shot by police and people that stop criminal violence in self defence and exclude suiciders . ------------------ and how many people died in car accident RDave ,

Cars serve a purpose.

A gun does not. A gun only has one purpose - to injur or kill.

Quit being such an ass & compare gun deaths to car accidernts. You are being as ignorant as Ray from Cleveland.
You don't like the Second Amendment? Change it, asshole.
TGhe Second Amendment does not mean every gets to own al;l the guns & the types ofg guns they want.

It says you have the right to be armed. Here's a .22 single shot, you are now armed.
The disgusting left seems to think Trump should not be allowed to defend himself or criticize anyone who trashes him first. They will side with anyone, even people they hate, if that person says something negative about Trump. They are the biggest phonies on the planet.
Defend himself with facts. Not trash a vet's military service.

Find me military experts that say McRaven did a poor job.

According to you Trumpettes, If someone criticized Trump for calling the Press enemies of the people, it is K for him to l;ie to trash that person. What, are you still stuck in the 8th grade?
You don't like the First Amendment? Change it, asshole.
You people are dumber than shit.

Trump has the right to trash the service of our veterans & I have the first amendment right to call him out on it,.

Of course, you must like trashing our veterans, right?
Still have yet for any Trumpette to say Trump should not trash the service of veterans.
------------------------------------------- heres some info for you RDave . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- lotta retired USA Military are unamerican gun controlling lefties as i already mentioned RealDave .

So anyone who was in the military must support rampant gun violence?
---------------------------------------------------- so , how many died in Rampant Gun Violence . Seems to me that its not many but i'd like the numbers . Please exclude those criminal shot by police and people that stop criminal violence in self defence and exclude suiciders . ------------------ and how many people died in car accident RDave ,

Cars serve a purpose.

A gun does not. A gun only has one purpose - to injur or kill.

Quit being such an ass & compare gun deaths to car accidernts. You are being as ignorant as Ray from Cleveland.
You don't like the Second Amendment? Change it, asshole.
TGhe Second Amendment does not mean every gets to own al;l the guns & the types ofg guns they want.

It says you have the right to be armed. Here's a .22 single shot, you are now armed.
Well fortunately the Constitution doesn't give an idiot like you the right to make that decision.
The disgusting left seems to think Trump should not be allowed to defend himself or criticize anyone who trashes him first. They will side with anyone, even people they hate, if that person says something negative about Trump. They are the biggest phonies on the planet.
Defend himself with facts. Not trash a vet's military service.

Find me military experts that say McRaven did a poor job.

According to you Trumpettes, If someone criticized Trump for calling the Press enemies of the people, it is K for him to l;ie to trash that person. What, are you still stuck in the 8th grade?
You don't like the First Amendment? Change it, asshole.
You people are dumber than shit.

Trump has the right to trash the service of our veterans & I have the first amendment right to call him out on it,.

Of course, you must like trashing our veterans, right?
Nobody is trying to stop you, dickhead. You have the right to make a fool out of yourself whenever you want.
The disgusting left seems to think Trump should not be allowed to defend himself or criticize anyone who trashes him first. They will side with anyone, even people they hate, if that person says something negative about Trump. They are the biggest phonies on the planet.
Defend himself with facts. Not trash a vet's military service.

Find me military experts that say McRaven did a poor job.

According to you Trumpettes, If someone criticized Trump for calling the Press enemies of the people, it is K for him to l;ie to trash that person. What, are you still stuck in the 8th grade?
You don't like the First Amendment? Change it, asshole.
You people are dumber than shit.

Trump has the right to trash the service of our veterans & I have the first amendment right to call him out on it,.

Of course, you must like trashing our veterans, right?
Nobody is trying to stop you, dickhead. You have the right to make a fool out of yourself whenever you want.

Oh and does he ever.

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