General Bone Spurs attacks Navy Seal commander

Four million lost health insurance coverage the past two years.

That doesn't mean someone took it. They might have decided to no longer pay their premiums since they don't have to anymore. Someone can opt out of health care now without penalty. Logic would have it that many many people would then "lose" their coverage.

In fact, considering the ONLY change that has been made to Obamacare is that they no longer mandate that you have it, I would have to say pretty much everyone that "lost" it choose to lose it.
Trump slashed efforts to get people enrolled. The premiums have risen due to Trump actions like eliminating the one payment to insurers.
Premiums were rising during Obama's reign of terror. Providers were bailing, all that.

But for those who want Obamacare, it is still available and they are free to purchase some.

The ACA slowed the rise of premiums. When the exchanges started, insurance companies were acting in the dark as far as the mix of buyers. It took a few years to even everything out.

If you bought insurance as an individual, you did better on the exchanges.
There should be a choice, millions of people want nothing to do with Obamacare, will never use it, and will never benefit from it
You have a choice. Don't buy it. See, iosn't that simple.
Government should NOT be forcing people to buy a product against their will, then financially penalize them if they don't. That is the definition of TYRANNY.

They don't want to pay to support it but certainly want to use it when they need it. Hospitals must treat emergencies. Who will pay?
He didn`t find Bin Laden fast enough! The retired commander gave him a justified hammering.
Trump suggests venerated Navy SEAL commander should have found bin Laden faster
Not another fake story from the Washington post...... *rolls eyes*

Rush is probably on. Better hurry in tune in to find fuel for your next dumbass post.
How ironic.
You post links over stupid stories from the worst purveyor of yellow journalism in the business, but then accuse me of being gullible.

You're a Trumpette. Nothing more needs said.
I'm a realist.
You're a useful idiot.
You are a realassed
That doesn't mean someone took it. They might have decided to no longer pay their premiums since they don't have to anymore. Someone can opt out of health care now without penalty. Logic would have it that many many people would then "lose" their coverage.

In fact, considering the ONLY change that has been made to Obamacare is that they no longer mandate that you have it, I would have to say pretty much everyone that "lost" it choose to lose it.
Trump slashed efforts to get people enrolled. The premiums have risen due to Trump actions like eliminating the one payment to insurers.
Premiums were rising during Obama's reign of terror. Providers were bailing, all that.

But for those who want Obamacare, it is still available and they are free to purchase some.

The ACA slowed the rise of premiums. When the exchanges started, insurance companies were acting in the dark as far as the mix of buyers. It took a few years to even everything out.

If you bought insurance as an individual, you did better on the exchanges.
There should be a choice, millions of people want nothing to do with Obamacare, will never use it, and will never benefit from it
You have a choice. Don't buy it. See, iosn't that simple.
There’s a reason why there is no mandate… Keep that shit to yourselves
Taking away peoples health care and their benefits is not helping them.

Nobody is taking anything.

Please tell us what Trump has done for the military that no other president has done. He claims to care about the military and then turns around and attacks its veterans.

Please show me where I said Trump has done something for the military no other President has done. All I said was he gave them proper funding, and support. So did Reagan and other Presidents.
Four million lost health insurance coverage the past two years.

That doesn't mean someone took it. They might have decided to no longer pay their premiums since they don't have to anymore. Someone can opt out of health care now without penalty. Logic would have it that many many people would then "lose" their coverage.

In fact, considering the ONLY change that has been made to Obamacare is that they no longer mandate that you have it, I would have to say pretty much everyone that "lost" it choose to lose it.
Trump slashed efforts to get people enrolled. The premiums have risen due to Trump actions like eliminating the one payment to insurers.
The problem with Obamacare is the only people who wanted to sign up for it were DACA recipients, the poor who stopped paying premiums, and people with pre-existing conditions, that Obama dumped off of their previous policies because they didn't meet new OBAMACARE standards. Imagine the fact that it cost $2,000,000,000,000.00 to create Obamacare and yet it covered less than 10 million people. For what we spent on that POS he could have given each customer a couple of million each. Nope........Obamacare wasn't designed to work. It was nothing more than a massive tax increase.

A couple in their 50's that buy as individuals could easily pay $1800 a month or more. The exchanges meant they could buy as part of a large group & get a policy for half of that. And, if they qualify, could get a subsidy to help.

Youi look at only the cost & not how it was completely funded.
He didn`t find Bin Laden fast enough! The retired commander gave him a justified hammering.
Trump suggests venerated Navy SEAL commander should have found bin Laden faster
He did not. Quit lying like the author is, also-

“Wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that, wouldn’t it have been nice?” the president said.

Unless, of course, you don’t wish the same...
Navy Seals are not supposed to "find Bin Laden" -- that is the CIA's job....

Trump is an idiot, so he doesn't know that -- he was just in his feelings and lashing out like a spoiled brat
Maybe Trump will have a "Trash The Troops" rally & all you Trumpettes can join him. No fear, it will be indoors to protect from the rain.
both Osama and Sadaam should have been taken down DECADES
earlier than they were-------but blaming it on military officers is silly
One of the most stupid comment I’ve ever seen on this site. You can’t just go around killing people because you’re feel like it. Republicans are so fuking ignorant. Why? How did they end up this way? And now they support a traitor to this country? They are willing accomplices.

your comment makes no sense. How did who "end up this way"
who is "the traitor" . Who is "they"? Killing active dangerous
murderous criminals does not constitute "going around killing people"
Maybe we should have killed Bin Laden instead of arming & training him to fight the Russians in Afghanistan? Or Maybe kill Sadam when he installed him in Iraq?
And what you actually said, in stark contrast to the facts, was, ”cutting VA wait times have helped tremendously.” ~ just another lying con
Vets no longer have to wait for the VA.
That’s not what you said, liar. You said VA wait times are down. I showed you they are actually up.
Veterans wait times are down.

That's one thing The Don has done for vets. :)
You’re still lying.

Report: Vets still face long waits with VA Choice program

But the new GAO research says that Choice participants can face waits of up to 70 days to receive care, due to bureaucratic requirements and deadlines. Officials there said VA’s decision not to put stricter timelines for patient requests lead to an average of 51 days for veterans to receive care in late 2016.
I know, Xina the Cock. Vets no longer are forced to use VA hospitals, thanks to The Don.

Now say the same thing again.
WRONG! My other half is a vet and he has to go to the VA hospital. We just went down there last week when he had cataract surgery. He now has to have a cyst taken off his back and they can't do it until after the first of the year. We have two huge hospitals here but he can't go to either one of them. He also has to go the the VA clinic locally for some general stuff. He can't go to any civilian doctor he wants unless he's ready to pay for it out of his own pocket.
i'm simply saying that 'mcraven' did nothing . Navy Seal Rob Oneal did the good work RDave .
Oneal wopuldn't have been there without McRaven.
--------------------------------- mcraven is scum , o'neil did the work . 'mcraven and mrobama likely planned the funeral and 'hilary' was the flower girl and belly dancer RDave !!
Nope. The claim was for the Vietnam war.

Not something that happened in 2015.

Keep up.

Pay attention. The claim was Trump wrote his own report for the 'campaign'. It's RD's sentence right before you "No link?"

Nope the claim was that Trump wrote his own report and had a doctor sign it that he had bone spurs and was ineligible for the Army and a tour in Vietnam.

Keep up.
You are lying. As usual.

The only liar I've seen is you.

As usual.

I never said Trump wrote his own report to dodge the draft. I said he paid off a doctor to write it.

You had your typical meltdown & said to prove it.

I used the idea that he wrote hos own health report that was supposedly written by his doctor during the campaign as an example of his cheating.

It is not my fault you can't follow a conversation.
Actually, his father paid off the doctor for him to dodge the draft I think.
Four million lost health insurance coverage the past two years.

That doesn't mean someone took it. They might have decided to no longer pay their premiums since they don't have to anymore. Someone can opt out of health care now without penalty. Logic would have it that many many people would then "lose" their coverage.

In fact, considering the ONLY change that has been made to Obamacare is that they no longer mandate that you have it, I would have to say pretty much everyone that "lost" it choose to lose it.
Trump slashed efforts to get people enrolled. The premiums have risen due to Trump actions like eliminating the one payment to insurers.

Proof? Or baseless claim?

If something only works because you MAKE people buy it then it failed on its face.

Please, STFU until you get better informed.

Trump ended certain payments to insurance companies & it caused premiums to go up.

Trump slashed the budget for outreach. Both major stories that you would know if your head was not so far up Trump's ass.

The mandate was necessary to end pre-existying conditions. Now insurers will have no option but raise pricing even more.

Shut the fuck up you dumb liberal Obama dick sucking fuckhead. Trump undid what never should have been done in the first place, FORCING someone to buy something. Trump didn't cut payments to anyone who was not entitled to them from Obamacare. He DID cut grants to Obamacare to help pay for people's insurance. You bitch about the debt, well that helps the debt. Or do you not really give a shit about the debt at all?

The ONLY change to Obamacare was the mandate. So anyone who doesn't have it now CHOOSE to get off.

Stick that up your Obama reamed out ass hole and suck it.

The purpose on the mandate (Originally a Republican idea) was to stop people from boy buying insurance until they developed a major illness or had an accident as there were no longer exclusions for pre-existing conditions. That was the purpose, to keep cheating fucks like you from gaming the system & making people like me pay for it.

Trump cut payments, like I said. He cut out the grants & that made Insurers raise premiums to make up the loss.

The ACA was fully funded you stupid shit. I guess you are a right winger & have no clue what that means,.

Trump is running up the debt & you don't care.
Noooo, that is what you wish he had said. It is not what he said. And no, Bush did not close it down. It was the cia tracking him, that led to his being killed-
American intelligence officials discovered the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden by tracking one of his couriers. Information was collected from Guantánamo Baydetainees, who gave intelligence officers the courier's pseudonym as Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, and said that he was a protégé of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.[5] In 2007, U.S. officials discovered the courier's real name and, in 2009, that he lived in Abbottābad, Pakistan.[6] Using satellite photos and intelligence reports, the CIA inferred the identities of the inhabitants of the mansion. In September 2010, the CIA concluded that the compound was "custom built to hide someone of significance" and that bin Laden's residence there was very likely.[7][8] Officials surmised that he was living there with his youngest wife.[8]

He did not use the word “he”. You guys are using the word he.

“Wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that, wouldn’t it have been nice?”

No, that is your progressive bias seeing what you wish and fantasize he meant, not the truth.
He did not. Quit lying like the author is, also-

“Wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that, wouldn’t it have been nice?” the president said.

Unless, of course, you don’t wish the same...
Don’t be stupid. That’s the president way of saying who dropped the ball?
You know by now what an a$$ whole he is. Quit trying to pretend otherwise.

Worse, George Bush admit it in public that he stopped worrying about bin Laden and even closed down the CIA unit that was tasked with finding him.

And during the election in 2008, when Obama said he would take down bin Laden no matter where he was, Republicans publicly mocked him for his inexperience.

Then, after Obama took down bin Ladin, Republicans, the fukers, tried to take credit. It didn’t work.

You only have to listen to Republicans to actually understand how awful they are.

So explain it. What did Trump mean whr en he said he should have gotten Bin Laden sooner?

When he said McCain was not a hero

When he said he did not like POWs

When he called the widow of a dead soldier a liar?

We - as in the US & who was responsible? McRaven.

You can't be this fucking stupid.
It just shows you how low the Republicans have sunk to attack the guy who took at out Bin Laden.

It shows you how dangerous the Republicans have become to do it publicly.

These people are dangerous to this country. They don't believe in Democracy and their bombs prove they also believe in murder.



I told you what kind of people Republicans are.

Now they are proving me correct.
Government should NOT be forcing people to buy a product against their will, then financially penalize them if they don't. That is the definition of TYRANNY.

They don't want to pay to support it but certainly want to use it when they need it. Hospitals must treat emergencies. Who will pay?
Republicans love free stuff.
They love to loot the country. That includes a base too stupid to know they are being taken balls deep.

Uhh, see, you fell for it to. He never mentioned the commander. It is a fantasy you progressives created.
He didn`t find Bin Laden fast enough! The retired commander gave him a justified hammering.
Trump suggests venerated Navy SEAL commander should have found bin Laden faster
He did not. Quit lying like the author is, also-

“Wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that, wouldn’t it have been nice?” the president said.

Unless, of course, you don’t wish the same...
Navy Seals are not supposed to "find Bin Laden" -- that is the CIA's job....

Trump is an idiot, so he doesn't know that -- he was just in his feelings and lashing out like a spoiled brat
That doesn't mean someone took it. They might have decided to no longer pay their premiums since they don't have to anymore. Someone can opt out of health care now without penalty. Logic would have it that many many people would then "lose" their coverage.

In fact, considering the ONLY change that has been made to Obamacare is that they no longer mandate that you have it, I would have to say pretty much everyone that "lost" it choose to lose it.
Trump slashed efforts to get people enrolled. The premiums have risen due to Trump actions like eliminating the one payment to insurers.

Proof? Or baseless claim?

If something only works because you MAKE people buy it then it failed on its face.

Please, STFU until you get better informed.

Trump ended certain payments to insurance companies & it caused premiums to go up.

Trump slashed the budget for outreach. Both major stories that you would know if your head was not so far up Trump's ass.

The mandate was necessary to end pre-existying conditions. Now insurers will have no option but raise pricing even more.

Shut the fuck up you dumb liberal Obama dick sucking fuckhead. Trump undid what never should have been done in the first place, FORCING someone to buy something. Trump didn't cut payments to anyone who was not entitled to them from Obamacare. He DID cut grants to Obamacare to help pay for people's insurance. You bitch about the debt, well that helps the debt. Or do you not really give a shit about the debt at all?

The ONLY change to Obamacare was the mandate. So anyone who doesn't have it now CHOOSE to get off.

Stick that up your Obama reamed out ass hole and suck it.

The purpose on the mandate (Originally a Republican idea) was to stop people from boy buying insurance until they developed a major illness or had an accident as there were no longer exclusions for pre-existing conditions. That was the purpose, to keep cheating fucks like you from gaming the system & making people like me pay for it.

Trump cut payments, like I said. He cut out the grants & that made Insurers raise premiums to make up the loss.

The ACA was fully funded you stupid shit. I guess you are a right winger & have no clue what that means,.

Trump is running up the debt & you don't care.

I don't give a fuck WHOSE IDEA it was you dumb shit. It was not voted on by a single fucking republican, it was shoved down the throats of Americans with about 75% disapproval at the time. And you guys considered that a fucking victory. And you wonder why you got your asses handed to you in 2012, 2014 and 2016.

Your ignorance about the American people cost you the house, the senate and finally the presidency. You think your dumb ass would wake up but no your head is stuck so far in the sand of ignorance you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your Obama reamed out ass hole.

And many times on this forum have I stated my disapproval of Trump running up the national debt you stupid cock sucking dipshit.
Not another fake story from the Washington post...... *rolls eyes*

Rush is probably on. Better hurry in tune in to find fuel for your next dumbass post.
How ironic.
You post links over stupid stories from the worst purveyor of yellow journalism in the business, but then accuse me of being gullible.

You're a Trumpette. Nothing more needs said.
I'm a realist.
You're a useful idiot.

You're a Trump Humper.
You're an Obama Suckofantic.

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