General Bone Spurs attacks Navy Seal commander

Got proof or a link that Trump paid off a doctor??

Didn't think so.

Please, What bone spurs??? He has a history of lying about his medical condition. He wrote his own medical report in the campaign.

I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says
Got proof or a link that Trump paid off a doctor??

Didn't think so.

Please, What bone spurs??? He has a history of lying about his medical condition. He wrote his own medical report in the campaign.

I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says

A letter that was written in 2015.

Oh and the BBC, really.
And the Trump infused crowd trashes veterans.

Come on people. Look at what Trump has made you do.

You never would trash veterans before Trump so why are you doing it now?

You voted for McCain to be President ion 2008? His heroic efforts was part of that. I voted for McCain in 2000.

I respected those who died in service to this country. My father was a veteran. my uncles were veterans.

We all respectedc veterans.

Then along came Donald Trump & he has duped you into disrespecting veterans and supporting others that disrespect them.

Wake up & see what you have become. Look in the mirror.
The Don has reenergized and updated the military. Get with the times.

Hevspend a lot of borrowed money. If he truly gave a shit he would have funded it. That budget gets cut in his new budget.
Let's not forget all his work for veterans and the VA.

We can discuss what the budget is when Dems finish trashing the economy. :)
They call him a draft dodger and seem to forget ol slick willy WAS a draft dodger.

How much military experience did clinton have?

So, some globalist asshat says stupid shit and we’re supposed to be upset that President Trump takes a swipe at him with what was probably a joke?
Not the "joke" excuse. It ess no joke.

Bin Laden was in Pakistan. Pakistan is part of the "Global" dumbass.

Bin Laden did what he did because of the US GLOBAL action in the Middfle East & you were part of that global when your car sucked in all that Middle Easyern black goop.

You people are dumber than shit.

Bin Laden did what he did because ---SINCE CHILDHOOD, he
was entranced with the PAST GLORY AND FUTURE GLORY
OF THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE. Fossil fuel is an energy source----
a very valuable commodity that put wealth and power into some really
evil hands
Bin Laden was evil. But if there was a reason why he did what he did, he told us.

Remember when Saddam invaded Kuwait? Bin Laden wanted to put together a coalition of Arabs and go and drive Saddam out of Kuwait.

George Bush Senior following are treaties with Middle Eastern countries drove Sadam out of Kuwait and smartly stopped at the border.

Osama bin Laden felt that infidels had no right killing Muslims in Muslim holy lands.

you made no point------except that you are right in saying that
bin laden thought HE HAD A RIGHT TO KILL INFIDELS---
wherever they were for the sake of Islamic empire. Pot Pot thought
he had a right to kill "capitalists" in any form. Saddam thought
he had a right to kill Shiites and Kurds. ALL THREE NEEDED
the letter is just funny , who cares , obviously the TRUMP is in fine health and fit as a fiddle and knows how to feck with YOU lefties . And like i said , I hear that the 'doctor' signed the letter RDave .
Please, What bone spurs??? He has a history of lying about his medical condition. He wrote his own medical report in the campaign.

I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says
Please, What bone spurs??? He has a history of lying about his medical condition. He wrote his own medical report in the campaign.

I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says

A letter that was written in 2015.

Oh and the BBC, really.

It's a link that supports the claim. If you didn't want it, you shouldn't have asked.

And yes, the BBC. Is that 'fake news' in Trumplandia?
I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says
I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says

A letter that was written in 2015.

Oh and the BBC, really.

It's a link that supports the claim. If you didn't want it, you shouldn't have asked.

And yes, the BBC. Is that 'fake news' in Trumplandia?

Nope. The claim was for the Vietnam war.

Not something that happened in 2015.

Keep up.
Did Clinton serve during Vietnam? Did Obama ever put on a U.S. military uniform? How about many other Democrats? All hypocrites.
No, but they honored the military while serving as Commander-in-Chief. They didn’t skip out on memorial services because they were afraid their hair might get wet.
His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says
His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says

A letter that was written in 2015.

Oh and the BBC, really.

It's a link that supports the claim. If you didn't want it, you shouldn't have asked.

And yes, the BBC. Is that 'fake news' in Trumplandia?

Nope. The claim was for the Vietnam war.

Not something that happened in 2015.

Keep up.

Pay attention. The claim was Trump wrote his own report for the 'campaign'. It's RD's sentence right before you "No link?"
Did Clinton serve during Vietnam? Did Obama ever put on a U.S. military uniform? How about many other Democrats? All hypocrites.
No, but they honored the military while serving as Commander-in-Chief. They didn’t skip out on memorial services because they were afraid their hair might get wet.
They didn't improve conditions for service members or vets like The Don has.
Did Clinton serve during Vietnam? Did Obama ever put on a U.S. military uniform? How about many other Democrats? All hypocrites.
No, but they honored the military while serving as Commander-in-Chief. They didn’t skip out on memorial services because they were afraid their hair might get wet.
They didn't improve conditions for service members or vets like The Don has.

That's faith-based. He hasn't improved a fucking thing for vets.

It's a link that supports the claim. If you didn't want it, you shouldn't have asked.

And yes, the BBC. Is that 'fake news' in Trumplandia?

Nope. The claim was for the Vietnam war.

Not something that happened in 2015.

Keep up.

Pay attention. The claim was Trump wrote his own report for the 'campaign'. It's RD's sentence right before you "No link?"

Nope the claim was that Trump wrote his own report and had a doctor sign it that he had bone spurs and was ineligible for the Army and a tour in Vietnam.

Keep up.
Did Clinton serve during Vietnam? Did Obama ever put on a U.S. military uniform? How about many other Democrats? All hypocrites.
No, but they honored the military while serving as Commander-in-Chief. They didn’t skip out on memorial services because they were afraid their hair might get wet.
They didn't improve conditions for service members or vets like The Don has.

That's faith-based. He hasn't improved a fucking thing for vets.
lol OK. :)

His improvements sure have helped my son.
both Osama and Sadaam should have been taken down DECADES
earlier than they were-------but blaming it on military officers is silly
One of the most stupid comment I’ve ever seen on this site. You can’t just go around killing people because you’re feel like it. Republicans are so fuking ignorant. Why? How did they end up this way? And now they support a traitor to this country? They are willing accomplices.

your comment makes no sense. How did who "end up this way"
who is "the traitor" . Who is "they"? Killing active dangerous
murderous criminals does not constitute "going around killing people"
To words “due process“. You figure it out.
'mcraven' simply did his job and got paid for doing his job . Also hear that he is a 'mrobama' and 'hilary' boi , boy .
You "heard" that from a very pissed off Trump. McRaven corrected that. He said he respected Obama and Bush, the two Presidents he served under.
Trump avoided the draft LEGALLY also, so why all the bitching about him, and not Clinton? Trump has always said he supports the military, and has made good on his promise to fund it properly. Under Obama, our military suffered greatly. Democrats including Obama, and Hillary have always hated the military, and it shows.

Clinton joined the ROTC until he found out his number was to high to get drafted. He quit the ROTC, went to England and campaigned against the war.

The only time Barry wanted to see the military is when there was a photo op. Like the one when SEAL team six got UBL.

Other than that he had nothing but disdain for the military and it showed.
Did Clinton serve during Vietnam? Did Obama ever put on a U.S. military uniform? How about many other Democrats? All hypocrites.
No, but they honored the military while serving as Commander-in-Chief. They didn’t skip out on memorial services because they were afraid their hair might get wet.
They didn't improve conditions for service members or vets like The Don has.

That's faith-based. He hasn't improved a fucking thing for vets.
lol OK. :)

His improvements sure have helped my son.
Taking away peoples health care and their benefits is not helping them.

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