General Bone Spurs attacks Navy Seal commander

So, some globalist asshat says stupid shit and we’re supposed to be upset that President Trump takes a swipe at him with what was probably a joke?
Not the "joke" excuse. It ess no joke.

Bin Laden was in Pakistan. Pakistan is part of the "Global" dumbass.

Bin Laden did what he did because of the US GLOBAL action in the Middfle East & you were part of that global when your car sucked in all that Middle Easyern black goop.

You people are dumber than shit.

Not as dumb as you. But them most people are smarter than you.

Never mind.
So, some globalist asshat says stupid shit and we’re supposed to be upset that President Trump takes a swipe at him with what was probably a joke?
Not the "joke" excuse. It ess no joke.

Bin Laden was in Pakistan. Pakistan is part of the "Global" dumbass.

Bin Laden did what he did because of the US GLOBAL action in the Middfle East & you were part of that global when your car sucked in all that Middle Easyern black goop.

You people are dumber than shit.

Bin Laden did what he did because ---SINCE CHILDHOOD, he
was entranced with the PAST GLORY AND FUTURE GLORY
OF THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE. Fossil fuel is an energy source----
a very valuable commodity that put wealth and power into some really
evil hands
both Osama and Sadaam should have been taken down DECADES
earlier than they were-------but blaming it on military officers is silly
One of the most stupid comment I’ve ever seen on this site. You can’t just go around killing people because you’re feel like it. Republicans are so fuking ignorant. Why? How did they end up this way? And now they support a traitor to this country? They are willing accomplices.
Obama droned and bombed 8 different ME countries, not to mention putting US troops on the ground.

I guess he can kill people just because he feels like it.
When Trump said he likes soldiers who weren’t captured, that kind of clued you in that he wasn’t a real American.

And knowing how anti-American Trump is, the people that support him are no longer stooges. They are willing accomplices.

Their goal is to destroy this country. Why? I don’t know. But that’s what their leader wants and they want what their leader wants.
Isn't it sad that so many people would side with a man that paid off a doctor to get him out of the Vietnam war would have no problem with him trashing our military leaders.

He trashed John McCain's service, He trashed POWs. He trashed a Gold Star family, He trashed a widow of a slain soldier the day she met her husband's body at the airport, He trashed our military leaders.

How the FUCK do you assfucks still, back this man. How do any of the Trumpettes who served in the military put up with this shit.,
Please. Will someone explain that to me?

Got proof or a link that Trump paid off a doctor??

Didn't think so.

Please, What bone spurs??? He has a history of lying about his medical condition. He wrote his own medical report in the campaign.

I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says
And the Trump infused crowd trashes veterans.

Come on people. Look at what Trump has made you do.

You never would trash veterans before Trump so why are you doing it now?

You voted for McCain to be President ion 2008? His heroic efforts was part of that. I voted for McCain in 2000.

I respected those who died in service to this country. My father was a veteran. my uncles were veterans.

We all respectedc veterans.

Then along came Donald Trump & he has duped you into disrespecting veterans and supporting others that disrespect them.

Wake up & see what you have become. Look in the mirror.
both Osama and Sadaam should have been taken down DECADES
earlier than they were-------but blaming it on military officers is silly
One of the most stupid comment I’ve ever seen on this site. You can’t just go around killing people because you’re feel like it. Republicans are so fuking ignorant. Why? How did they end up this way? And now they support a traitor to this country? They are willing accomplices.

your comment makes no sense. How did who "end up this way"
who is "the traitor" . Who is "they"? Killing active dangerous
murderous criminals does not constitute "going around killing people"
So, some globalist asshat says stupid shit and we’re supposed to be upset that President Trump takes a swipe at him with what was probably a joke?
Not the "joke" excuse. It ess no joke.

Bin Laden was in Pakistan. Pakistan is part of the "Global" dumbass.

Bin Laden did what he did because of the US GLOBAL action in the Middfle East & you were part of that global when your car sucked in all that Middle Easyern black goop.

You people are dumber than shit.

Bin Laden did what he did because ---SINCE CHILDHOOD, he
was entranced with the PAST GLORY AND FUTURE GLORY
OF THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE. Fossil fuel is an energy source----
a very valuable commodity that put wealth and power into some really
evil hands
Bin Laden was evil. But if there was a reason why he did what he did, he told us.

Remember when Saddam invaded Kuwait? Bin Laden wanted to put together a coalition of Arabs and go and drive Saddam out of Kuwait.

George Bush Senior following are treaties with Middle Eastern countries drove Sadam out of Kuwait and smartly stopped at the border.

Osama bin Laden felt that infidels had no right killing Muslims in Muslim holy lands.
And the Trump infused crowd trashes veterans.

Come on people. Look at what Trump has made you do.

You never would trash veterans before Trump so why are you doing it now?

You voted for McCain to be President ion 2008? His heroic efforts was part of that. I voted for McCain in 2000.

I respected those who died in service to this country. My father was a veteran. my uncles were veterans.

We all respectedc veterans.

Then along came Donald Trump & he has duped you into disrespecting veterans and supporting others that disrespect them.

Wake up & see what you have become. Look in the mirror.
The Don has reenergized and updated the military. Get with the times.
Got proof or a link that Trump paid off a doctor??

Didn't think so.

Please, What bone spurs??? He has a history of lying about his medical condition. He wrote his own medical report in the campaign.

I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says
------------------------------- from what i hear the 'doctor' signed the letter JMiller .
When Trump said he likes soldiers who weren’t captured, that kind of clued you in that he wasn’t a real American.

And knowing how anti-American Trump is, the people that support him are no longer stooges. They are willing accomplices.

Their goal is to destroy this country. Why? I don’t know. But that’s what their leader wants and they want what their leader wants.

sadly-----"not liking people who get captured" is actually a
MILITARY THING-------Trump had a military education and----
believe it or not-------his comment reflect the ethos of the
the military
And the Trump infused crowd trashes veterans.

Come on people. Look at what Trump has made you do.

You never would trash veterans before Trump so why are you doing it now?

You voted for McCain to be President ion 2008? His heroic efforts was part of that. I voted for McCain in 2000.

I respected those who died in service to this country. My father was a veteran. my uncles were veterans.

We all respectedc veterans.

Then along came Donald Trump & he has duped you into disrespecting veterans and supporting others that disrespect them.

Wake up & see what you have become. Look in the mirror.
The Don has reenergized and updated the military. Get with the times.

Hevspend a lot of borrowed money. If he truly gave a shit he would have funded it. That budget gets cut in his new budget.
Please, What bone spurs??? He has a history of lying about his medical condition. He wrote his own medical report in the campaign.

I'll ask again.

Got proof or a link to him writing his own medical report or paying a doctor off??

Didn't think so.

You sure are full of shit.

His doctor said Trump wrote that report. Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & get better informed.

You sure are funny.

No Link??

Thought not.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says
------------------------------- from what i hear the 'doctor' signed the letter JMiller .
So, who wrote it. Why did Trump raid his office to gather all the evidence of it?
i'm simply saying that 'mcraven' did nothing . Navy Seal Rob Oneal did the good work RDave .
So, some globalist asshat says stupid shit and we’re supposed to be upset that President Trump takes a swipe at him with what was probably a joke?
Not the "joke" excuse. It ess no joke.

Bin Laden was in Pakistan. Pakistan is part of the "Global" dumbass.

Bin Laden did what he did because of the US GLOBAL action in the Middfle East & you were part of that global when your car sucked in all that Middle Easyern black goop.

You people are dumber than shit.

How stupid can you be?

I would really like to know.

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