General Flynn pleads - GUILTY! - Lock him up!... and Hillary laughs and laughs and laughs!

I wonder what he's spilling to get the plea deal.
And I wonder what Hope Hicks said. And I wonder if Rince has been interviewed yet. He knew what Bannon was up to.

This goes beyond just Trump and his family...this goes all the way to the RNC and the down-ballot races that took Russian-backed support in the form of funding from the RNC and dark money groups. Not to mention Conservative organizations that coordinated with the RNC.

That's why nothing this GOP Congress does should be allowed to stand. None of the appointees should be allowed to remain in their positions. None of the judicial nominees should be allowed to stay on the bench. If Russian influence reached into the Republican Party, which with Preibus being RNC Chair and then Trump's C-o-S, then the entire Republican Party and all its members should be treated as Russian kompromat at the very least.


It's crystal clear now that Trump and his team were colluding with Russia. Reince Priebus was head of the RNC during this, so he was fully aware of what was happening. Since he also became Trump's Chief-of-Staff, it is doubtful he'd have no knowledge of any Russian connections. So if Reince is pulled into this, it implicates the entire Republican Party thus invalidating everything they're doing right now.
Flynn will start singing for his supper.

Flynn pled guilty to lying about a Logan Act charge
Flynn has no song to sing...he is keeping his son off of the hot seat nothing more...When will you libs get it? There was no Russia Trump collusion.

So what you want us to believe is that Flynn, ON HIS OWN, went to talk to Russians, urging them to change their response to sanctions, without Trump's knowledge? And then that THIS was just a coincidence?


Do you not see that it is not believable?

Logan Act is plain on this:

I wonder what he's spilling to get the plea deal.
And I wonder what Hope Hicks said. And I wonder if Rince has been interviewed yet. He knew what Bannon was up to.

This goes beyond just Trump and his family...this goes all the way to the RNC and the down-ballot races that took Russian-backed support in the form of funding from the RNC and dark money groups. Not to mention Conservative organizations that coordinated with the RNC.

That's why nothing this GOP Congress does should be allowed to stand. None of the appointees should be allowed to remain in their positions. None of the judicial nominees should be allowed to stay on the bench. If Russian influence reached into the Republican Party, which with Preibus being RNC Chair and then Trump's C-o-S, then the entire Republican Party and all its members should be treated as Russian kompromat at the very least.
I don't know about that. It would seem logical that Flynn knew of any contacts between the campaign and the early presidency and the Russkies. And he may have known what Trump's motivations were. He may not have any idea as to how the Russians actally assisted the campaign in targeting voters by internet user data, and we know that occurred.
Flynn will start singing for his supper.

Flynn pled guilty to lying about a Logan Act charge
Flynn has no song to sing...he is keeping his son off of the hot seat nothing more...When will you libs get it? There was no Russia Trump collusion.

Read the information (guilty plea) flynn admits he lied about not meeting with the ambassador, and lied about not discussing sanctions with the russians.
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I could look at the gif in your signature all day.

Had an option for Elvira tassel twirling, decided to go with the Christmas theme
I now know what I want for Christmas.

It's from the movie 'Bad Girls'.

Thanks.... I could actually get the movie for Christmas.
Flynn will start singing for his supper.

Flynn pled guilty to lying about a Logan Act charge
Flynn has no song to sing...he is keeping his son off of the hot seat nothing more...When will you libs get it? There was no Russia Trump collusion.

So what you want us to believe is that Flynn, ON HIS OWN, went to talk to Russians, urging them to change their response to sanctions, without Trump's knowledge? And then that THIS was just a coincidence?


Do you not see that it is not believable?

Logan Act is plain on this:


Mantafort should give up on his 11 million bail and try and join Assange in Bolivia. LOL
So what you want us to believe is that Flynn, ON HIS OWN, went to talk to Russians, urging them to change their response to sanctions, without Trump's knowledge? And then that THIS was just a coincidence?
What you just posted is not a crime in any way shape or form...lying about it was. He was in the meeting with the Russian and so was Flynn Jr...that is who the General is taking the hit for.
Flynn pled guilty to lying about colluding with the russians.
And the funny part was he didn't have to.

As National Security Adviser, Flynn had every right to talk to the Russians.

In fact, Trump was right when he said he wanted Flynn to talk to the Russians. They could even talk about relaxing sanctions. There was nothing illegal in doing that.

The problem is, they tried to do it in secret and they lied to the FBI about it. When they didn't have to.

So then the question becomes, what are they hiding?
Flynn will start singing for his supper.

Flynn pled guilty to lying about a Logan Act charge
Flynn has no song to sing...he is keeping his son off of the hot seat nothing more...When will you libs get it? There was no Russia Trump collusion.

So what you want us to believe is that Flynn, ON HIS OWN, went to talk to Russians, urging them to change their response to sanctions, without Trump's knowledge? And then that THIS was just a coincidence?


Do you not see that it is not believable?

Logan Act is plain on this:

Without the authority. But Trump was elected president. He had the authority. If they hadn't tried to hide their Russian connections and lied to the FBI, there wouldn't be a case.
My question is why is he being charged if he is supposedly flipping on Trump? I thought people who flipped got immunity?

It was only rumored that the FBI had turned him. It was never confirmed.
No surprise, Rachel Maddow said on her show in February to watch Flynn. He was the key. She's always spot on.
Like she was spot on Hillary winning the election..... Yep, that's right! Maddow is always spot on.

Where/when did she say Hillary was going to win? She never did. If it wasn't for lies you people wouldn't be able to post.

Maddow has been right all along.
So what you want us to believe is that Flynn, ON HIS OWN, went to talk to Russians, urging them to change their response to sanctions, without Trump's knowledge? And then that THIS was just a coincidence?
What you just posted is not a crime in any way shape or form...lying about it was. He was in the meeting with the Russian and so was Flynn Jr...that is who the General is taking the hit for.

So the next question is, what were they hiding?

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