General Flynn pleads - GUILTY! - Lock him up!... and Hillary laughs and laughs and laughs!

Read the information (guilty plea) flynn admits he lied about not meeting with the ambassador, and lied about not discussing sanctions with the russians
That's right but meeting with the Russians about sanctions was not a crime. He for some stupid reason thought he should lie about it...that was a crime. Now he wants to keep his son out of the witness chair.
I wonder what he's spilling to get the plea deal.
And I wonder what Hope Hicks said. And I wonder if Rince has been interviewed yet. He knew what Bannon was up to.

This goes beyond just Trump and his family...this goes all the way to the RNC and the down-ballot races that took Russian-backed support in the form of funding from the RNC and dark money groups. Not to mention Conservative organizations that coordinated with the RNC.

That's why nothing this GOP Congress does should be allowed to stand. None of the appointees should be allowed to remain in their positions. None of the judicial nominees should be allowed to stay on the bench. If Russian influence reached into the Republican Party, which with Preibus being RNC Chair and then Trump's C-o-S, then the entire Republican Party and all its members should be treated as Russian kompromat at the very least.


It's crystal clear now that Trump and his team were colluding with Russia. Reince Priebus was head of the RNC during this, so he was fully aware of what was happening. Since he also became Trump's Chief-of-Staff, it is doubtful he'd have no knowledge of any Russian connections. So if Reince is pulled into this, it implicates the entire Republican Party thus invalidating everything they're doing right now.

And if you want to buy this nice stone Bridge In Brooklyn, I can sell it to you for a steal....

How about some nice land in central florida?
Breaking: Flynn plea hearing at 10:30 in Mueller probe; Update: Plea deal on single 1001 count - Hot Air

"Presumably Flynn has agreed to plead out on this one charge, involving statements regarding his contacts with former Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Specifically (not confirmed), the charge states that Flynn lied when he denied asking Kislyak to keep Russia from escalating its response to Barack Obama’s diplomatic sanctions in late December 2016.

The denial is the issue here. Flynn’s actions with Kislyak would have been a violation of the Logan Act, but no one has ever been successfully prosecuted under that law. However, lots of people get prosecuted for lying to federal investigators..."

Yeah, like 'Scooter Libby'...hardly the type of indictment Mueller was hoping for.

"Interestingly, Mueller hasn’t charged Flynn with violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), despite what appeared to be grounds for such charges. That’s also rarely prosecuted, but Mueller showed no hesitation in charging Paul Manafort and Rick Gates under FARA when he was throwing the kitchen sink at them. Flynn’s FARA issues related more to Turkey, though, and it looks like Mueller decided to stick with Russia-related issues for this plea deal."

Mueller still seems to be finding 'Scooter Libby's and throwing the kitchen sink at them in hopes they will give him something he STILL DOES NOT HAVE - EVIDENCE AGAINST TRUMP.

"The disparity between the Manafort indictment and Flynn’s plea deal tells us at least that Flynn’s cooperating with Mueller."

What incentive does Flynn have in cooperating with Mueller?

"Judge Andrew Napolitano points out that Flynn could have faced a 60-year sentence if he fought Mueller and got the kitchen sink treatment. Instead, he’s facing a 6-12 month sentence for the 18 USC 1001 violation."

Weak men will be willing to do just about anything to save their own ass. I am wondering if Flynn - knowing how bad Liberals . snowflakes want Trump and knowing they will believe ANYTHING he tells them as long as it is something 'bad' about Trump - would be willing to lie, give Mueller anything he wants to hear in exchange for a lighter sentence / his freedom...

So far, however, Mueller still has NOTHING - NO EVIDENCE - against Trump. All he has is:

2 Indictments for Tax Evasion dating back to something like 2006, 1 Indictment regarding giving false statements, and 1 'ploy' indictment of a Mueller / Obama 'mole' who was caught wearing a wire and shopping a book deal.

As the saying goes, though, we will have to see how this 'shakes out' going forward.

Breaking: Flynn plea hearing at 10:30 in Mueller probe; Update: Plea deal on single 1001 count - Hot Air
Flynn pled guilty to lying about colluding with the russians.
And the funny part was he didn't have to.

As National Security Adviser, Flynn had every right to talk to the Russians.

In fact, Trump was right when he said he wanted Flynn to talk to the Russians. They could even talk about relaxing sanctions. There was nothing illegal in doing that.

The problem is, they tried to do it in secret and they lied to the FBI about it. When they didn't have to.

So then the question becomes, what are they hiding?

That's the ironic part of all this. They didn't even know what they didn't know.
This video is a fabulous manipulation and compilation of images, but it's also COMING TRUE.

Interesting for the army folks.

Flynn A Traitor, he IS!
Flynn A RAT, he IS!
Flynn Got No WaterBoarding!
Flynn so Weak.. must be a basic Cowardly army GUY.

So the next question is, what were they hiding?
Flynn was trying to hide the Sanctions meeting...why? who knows maybe he actually thought it would cause problems for Trump but meeting with the Russians was not illegal and actually expected for the president elect.
I don't know about that. It would seem logical that Flynn knew of any contacts between the campaign and the early presidency and the Russkies. And he may have known what Trump's motivations were. He may not have any idea as to how the Russians actally assisted the campaign in targeting voters by internet user data, and we know that occurred.

The targeting of voters by using internet data is something the RNC would have shared with the Russians. Otherwise, how would they have known who to target, right?

Plus there's this:

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking
WASHINGTON — South Florida has long been a laboratory for some of the nation’s roughest politics, with techniques like phantom candidates created by political rivals to siphon off votes from their opponents, or so-called boleteras hired to illegally fill out stacks of absentee ballots on behalf of elderly or disabled voters.

No way they could have done this without help from the Republican Party.
Flynn pled guilty to lying about colluding with the russians.
And the funny part was he didn't have to.

As National Security Adviser, Flynn had every right to talk to the Russians.

In fact, Trump was right when he said he wanted Flynn to talk to the Russians. They could even talk about relaxing sanctions. There was nothing illegal in doing that.

The problem is, they tried to do it in secret and they lied to the FBI about it. When they didn't have to.

So then the question becomes, what are they hiding?

That's the ironic part of all this. They didn't even know what they didn't know.
Oh they knew all right. Remember, Flynn had worked for years in the government. He was Trump's adviser.
I don't know about that. It would seem logical that Flynn knew of any contacts between the campaign and the early presidency and the Russkies. And he may have known what Trump's motivations were. He may not have any idea as to how the Russians actally assisted the campaign in targeting voters by internet user data, and we know that occurred.

The targeting of voters by using internet data is something the RNC would have shared with the Russians. Otherwise, how would they have known who to target, right?
As I understood it, the RNC and Trump campaign had not developed the technical expertise of the kind that team Obama had. Although team Obama developed a means to take the IP or email of each small donor, and then target them specifically with messages. Nothing wrong with that.

It was less clear, from what I read, whom the Russians fake bots and team Trump were targeting and how the targets were identified.

But of course this is all about law and justice and not about politics (sacasm)
That's why Trump fired him
Laughable bullshit. Trump says he fired him for lying to Pence...but Trump had the info before the conversation with Pence, meaning Trump lied to Pence, too. So what kind of moron believes Trump fired him for lying to Pence?

Trump fired him for the same reason he fired everyone else: Wonderboy Kushner's advice.
BOMBSHELL: Mike Flynn to plead guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia

Breaking story being reported everywhere.

Trump must be sh!tting his depends. Remember, Trump said to Comey to go easy on Flynn. Trump loves criminals.

Old news... *yawn*
Strange how a guy who never made it into the Trump Administration gives you so much pleasure.
Flynn may admit to being dishonest with an overly political and corrupt FBI, but try explaining how this has anything to do with Russia hacking the election, Hmmmmm???

There is still no indication that Trump is being investigated, much less any evidence of anything other than process crimes intended to flip witnesses.
That's right but meeting with the Russians about sanctions was not a crime. He for some stupid reason thought he should lie about it...that was a crime. Now he wants to keep his son out of the witness chair.

So why did Trump and his administration lie it didn't happen? They all denied Flynn was doing what Trump wanted Flynn to do.
Flynn was trying to hide the Sanctions meeting...why? who knows maybe he actually thought it would cause problems for Trump but meeting with the Russians was not illegal and actually expected for the president elect.

Why lie about it, then?
That's why Trump fired him
Laughable bullshit. Trump says he fired him for lying to Pence...but Trump had the info before the conversation with Pence, meaning Trump lied to Pence, too. So what kind of moron believes Trump fired him for lying to Pence?

Trump fired him for the same reason he fired everyone else: Wonderboy Kushner's advice.
Wow....that was incredibly stupid.
And if you want to buy this nice stone Bridge In Brooklyn, I can sell it to you for a steal....

12 months ago, you all were saying there was no contact between Trump and Russia and that Flynn was a hero.

Wanna walk that shit back now?
Strange how a guy who never made it into the Trump Administration

Uh...hey McFly...he was the national security adviser. Yes, that's right, Trump named a foreign agent as the head of our national security. Damn, how can you be so damn ignorant of the basic facts of these events, despite squawkimg about it for over a year? That's astounding.
Trump is pleading to the smallest felony, which means he is TELLING ALL.

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