General Flynn & The Logan Act


Sep 23, 2010
Democrats and their media stooges latched onto the Logan Act in July 2016:

When Donald Trump asked Russian hackers to spy on Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, he shocked the nation. But did he break the law?

Some Democrats think so. Specifically, they're accusing Trump of violating the Logan Act, a centuries-old law aimed at keeping private citizens out of foreign affairs.​


And in 2016, when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stared straight into the cameras at a press conference and said: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."​

Democrats think Donald Trump just violated the Logan Act. What is that?

Democrats think Donald Trump just violated the Logan Act. What is that?

Democrats lost a boatload of elections in 2016 but they have to believe the Logan Act is still a winner because they are now citing it to go after General Flynn. I suspect media mouths will eventually criticize AG Jeff Sessions for not prosecuting Flynn:


White House clarifies Flynn's sanctions talk with Russia

A little research will tell you that Democrats and Republicans might have violated the Logan Act over the years. Most of the examples are insignificant with one notable exception. John Kerry’s violation included treason. No one has ever been charged with violating the Logan Act. John Kerry should have been the first:

Worse, Kerry went to Paris in 1971. There, he met with North Vietnamese Communists. We need to see all his notes from those meetings. Any negotiation between a private U.S. citizen and a foreign power is illegal. It violates the Logan Act of 1798. Did Kerry demand of the North Vietnamese Communists that they abide by the Geneva Convention? Or is that only a demand he made of his fellow Americans?​

We do not charge Kerry with treason in the statements and actions he engaged in then. Treason consists of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States. But this country has set a very high bar for conviction for treason -- ever since the Burr Treason Trial of 1807. Nonetheless, we do say Kerry's actions and statements then were not those to which America's top diplomat should be linked. What was he thinking?​

December 22, 2012
Question John Kerry Long and Hard!
By Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison

Lurching Toward Treason

The Logan Act forbids “unauthorized” Americans from negotiating with foreign governments:

For example, as the nation became well aware during the course of the 2004 election, John Kerry has probably violated the Logan Act before, and possibly other laws that make it a crime to negotiate with enemies of the United States.

The script of the famously hard hitting Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ad on the subject recaps the story better than I could:

Even before Jane Fonda went to Hanoi to meet with the enemy and mock America, John Kerry secretly met with enemy leaders in Paris, though we were still at war and Americans were being held in North Vietnamese prisons camps.​

Kerry’s Logan Act
By Patrick Hynes on 1.20.05 @ 12:07AM

Kerry’s Logan Act


Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:56:26 PM by CHARLITE


Kerry not only got away with treason he eventually settled down in that nest of Democrat traitors for 27 years —— the US Senate. Not content to continue working against his country in the Senate he succeeded in getting the Democrat party’s nomination for president in 2004. Failing to win the presidential election he angled his way into the secretary of state job:

The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson


The Logan Act is never enforced. Worse still, the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945 made the crime of treason un-punishable as this excerpt details:

In addition to the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945, the sneaks who got this country into the UN knew what they were doing when they designed a foundation that was a masterpiece of betrayal. A foundation that would withstand every challenge when their descendants carried on. Treason became legal the minute the US became a member of an underhanded organization that was, and is, determined to tear down America. Membership in the UN meant that no American official betraying this country on the UN’s behalf could be prosecuted for treason. Only lawyers could design something like that.​

American Traitors Are Sweating

And let us not forget the man who was never right about anything. In all of Biden’s 36 years in the Senate the mouth that roars never said a word about his pal John Kerry’s documented treason, while no Republican ever escaped Biden’s ire:

"In 36 years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance" in which senators intervened in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy,” Vice President Joe Biden declared, outraged by the "open letter to the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran," signed by 47 Republican senators.

But in fact, a number of U.S. senators, including then-Senator and now Secretary of State John Kerry, have contacted unfriendly governments, in opposition to the policies of the White House at the time.​

Chris Matthews Ignores How Then-Sen. Kerry Arguably Violated Logan Act
By Ken Shepherd | March 11, 2015 | 9:12 PM EDT

Chris Matthews Ignores How Then-Sen. Kerry Arguably Violated Logan Act

I have one thing to say about General Flynn’s so-called Logan Act violation: BRING IT ON.

My point. There is no statute of limitation on treason. Even if Flynn is forced to resign, his resignation would be a small price to pay for convicting John Kerry.
Whenever liberal politicians accuse their opponents of something nefarious, you can bet they are doing the same thing.

John Kerry is one disgusting human being, like most politicians but worse. If not for a career in politics, which made him amazingly wealthy and powerful, he would have ended up a shoe shine boy.

...and let's not forget Fat Teddy Kennedy who was working with the Soviets, in an effort to harm Reagan.
BREAKING: Mike Flynn Resigns as Trump’s National Security Adviser
Kristinn Taylor
Feb 13th, 2017 10:24 pm

BREAKING: Mike Flynn Resigns as Trump’s National Security Adviser

Now go get John Kerry War unless you believe telling a white lie to the vice president is worse than treason:
There is no statute of limitation on treason. Even if Flynn is forced to resign, his resignation would be a small price to pay for convicting John Kerry.
Incidentally, Trump rolled over for the media.
Incidentally, Trump rolled over for the media.

If Trump had any guts he would not have accepted Flynn’s resignation. Bottom line: It did not take long for President Trump to learn who governs. Oscar Wilde’s observation made in the late 19th century is no longer valid. Print journalism has so little influence they cannot remove or save anybody.

In America the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs forever and ever. Oscar Wilde

Television —— NOT JOURNALISM —— governs. Trump knows that; nevertheless, he sold out Flynn to the highest bidder.

Finally, Hillary Clinton’s defeat was an anomaly in television's authority to govern. Trump should know that fact better than does anyone else.

p.s. For all of the noise Trump made about moving the press corps out of the White House he jumped at the first opportunity to satisfy television’s demand; i.e. satisfy liberals. To me, he showed that he has more trust in television than he has in the people who elected him.
Last edited:
ROFL...Yes bring it on and when its happening I cant wait until the screams of "But Mommy they did it too" get drowned out with "Trump didnt do anything wrong"
ROFL...Yes bring it on and when its happening I cant wait until the screams of "But Mommy they did it too" get drowned out with "Trump didnt do anything wrong"
To ClosedCaption: You make no sense. Did you understand why I wanted to bring it on in relation to the Logan Act?
I have one thing to say about General Flynn’s so-called Logan Act violation: BRING IT ON.
Even if Flynn is forced to resign, his resignation would be a small price to pay for convicting John Kerry.
After making so much noise about the Logan Act media mouths refusing to give John Kerry the same treatment they gave Flynn will show themselves to be the same Communist apologists they were in 1971.
Like I said, I cant wait for you to throw in John Kerry like it has anything to do with today. Hell we should try other people from 30 years ago too because.....Flynn!
Like I said, I cant wait for you to throw in John Kerry like it has anything to do with today.
To ClosedCaption: What in hell are you waiting for? John Kerry was all over my original message!
Hell we should try other people from 30 years ago too
To ClosedCaption: You finally make some sense. The Vietnam era was more than 40 years ago, but there is a long list of traitors still living to choose from. Hanoi Jane for one. When all is said and done, General Flynn’s faux-naif as a civilian did not get anybody killed. The same cannot be said of John Kerry’s treason.

Incidentally, media began with the Logan Act, then they went to Flynn lying to the vice president. Now, filthy media scum are moving over to national security. Democrats talking about national security is the most obscene joke of all.
So you're mad and want everyone to go down
To ClosedCaption: Only known traitors.

Now you can tell me who all those angry Democrats want to go down aside from President Trump. For starters you can explain this Democrat talking about nailing law-breakers and “OUR democracy”:


Rep. Swalwell on Flynn's talks: Our democracy is at stake

You might tell Rep. Swelwell he better check with Nancy Pelosi before he prosecutes anybody who breaks the law. He would have to start with her pal John Kerry.

No American ever fought for Swalwell’s political party democracy. Americans fight for their country. Country and Democrat democracy are polar opposites. In simple terms:

Loyalty to the Nation ALL the time, loyalty to the Government when it deserves it. Mark Twain

No government controlled by Democrats ever deserves it. Obama & Company proved it countless times.
Democrats and their media stooges latched onto the Logan Act in July 2016:

When Donald Trump asked Russian hackers to spy on Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, he shocked the nation. But did he break the law?

Some Democrats think so. Specifically, they're accusing Trump of violating the Logan Act, a centuries-old law aimed at keeping private citizens out of foreign affairs.​


And in 2016, when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stared straight into the cameras at a press conference and said: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."​

Democrats think Donald Trump just violated the Logan Act. What is that?

Democrats think Donald Trump just violated the Logan Act. What is that?

Democrats lost a boatload of elections in 2016 but they have to believe the Logan Act is still a winner because they are now citing it to go after General Flynn. I suspect media mouths will eventually criticize AG Jeff Sessions for not prosecuting Flynn:


White House clarifies Flynn's sanctions talk with Russia

A little research will tell you that Democrats and Republicans might have violated the Logan Act over the years. Most of the examples are insignificant with one notable exception. John Kerry’s violation included treason. No one has ever been charged with violating the Logan Act. John Kerry should have been the first:

Worse, Kerry went to Paris in 1971. There, he met with North Vietnamese Communists. We need to see all his notes from those meetings. Any negotiation between a private U.S. citizen and a foreign power is illegal. It violates the Logan Act of 1798. Did Kerry demand of the North Vietnamese Communists that they abide by the Geneva Convention? Or is that only a demand he made of his fellow Americans?​

We do not charge Kerry with treason in the statements and actions he engaged in then. Treason consists of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States. But this country has set a very high bar for conviction for treason -- ever since the Burr Treason Trial of 1807. Nonetheless, we do say Kerry's actions and statements then were not those to which America's top diplomat should be linked. What was he thinking?​

December 22, 2012
Question John Kerry Long and Hard!
By Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison

Lurching Toward Treason

The Logan Act forbids “unauthorized” Americans from negotiating with foreign governments:

For example, as the nation became well aware during the course of the 2004 election, John Kerry has probably violated the Logan Act before, and possibly other laws that make it a crime to negotiate with enemies of the United States.

The script of the famously hard hitting Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ad on the subject recaps the story better than I could:

Even before Jane Fonda went to Hanoi to meet with the enemy and mock America, John Kerry secretly met with enemy leaders in Paris, though we were still at war and Americans were being held in North Vietnamese prisons camps.​

Kerry’s Logan Act
By Patrick Hynes on 1.20.05 @ 12:07AM

Kerry’s Logan Act


Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:56:26 PM by CHARLITE


Kerry not only got away with treason he eventually settled down in that nest of Democrat traitors for 27 years —— the US Senate. Not content to continue working against his country in the Senate he succeeded in getting the Democrat party’s nomination for president in 2004. Failing to win the presidential election he angled his way into the secretary of state job:

The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson


The Logan Act is never enforced. Worse still, the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945 made the crime of treason un-punishable as this excerpt details:

In addition to the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945, the sneaks who got this country into the UN knew what they were doing when they designed a foundation that was a masterpiece of betrayal. A foundation that would withstand every challenge when their descendants carried on. Treason became legal the minute the US became a member of an underhanded organization that was, and is, determined to tear down America. Membership in the UN meant that no American official betraying this country on the UN’s behalf could be prosecuted for treason. Only lawyers could design something like that.​

American Traitors Are Sweating

And let us not forget the man who was never right about anything. In all of Biden’s 36 years in the Senate the mouth that roars never said a word about his pal John Kerry’s documented treason, while no Republican ever escaped Biden’s ire:

"In 36 years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance" in which senators intervened in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy,” Vice President Joe Biden declared, outraged by the "open letter to the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran," signed by 47 Republican senators.

But in fact, a number of U.S. senators, including then-Senator and now Secretary of State John Kerry, have contacted unfriendly governments, in opposition to the policies of the White House at the time.​

Chris Matthews Ignores How Then-Sen. Kerry Arguably Violated Logan Act
By Ken Shepherd | March 11, 2015 | 9:12 PM EDT

Chris Matthews Ignores How Then-Sen. Kerry Arguably Violated Logan Act

I have one thing to say about General Flynn’s so-called Logan Act violation: BRING IT ON.

My point. There is no statute of limitation on treason. Even if Flynn is forced to resign, his resignation would be a small price to pay for convicting John Kerry.

^ Moonbat
Whenever liberal politicians accuse their opponents of something nefarious, you can bet they are doing the same thing.

John Kerry is one disgusting human being, like most politicians but worse. If not for a career in politics, which made him amazingly wealthy and powerful, he would have ended up a shoe shine boy.

...and let's not forget Fat Teddy Kennedy who was working with the Soviets, in an effort to harm Reagan.

I can see Trump saying, "Oh ohhh me so so sorry."

Democrats are in for a the biggest fight of their lives. They're picking on a guy who negotiated against real live NYC Mafia Captains and made a fortune in the most ruthless yet legal arenas imaginable: NYC Luxury apartments

Remember, you brought this on yourselves.
Whenever liberal politicians accuse their opponents of something nefarious, you can bet they are doing the same thing.

John Kerry is one disgusting human being, like most politicians but worse. If not for a career in politics, which made him amazingly wealthy and powerful, he would have ended up a shoe shine boy.

...and let's not forget Fat Teddy Kennedy who was working with the Soviets, in an effort to harm Reagan.

I can see Trump saying, "Oh ohhh me so so sorry."

Democrats are in for a the biggest fight of their lives. They're picking on a guy who negotiated against real live NYC Mafia Captains and made a fortune in the most ruthless yet legal arenas imaginable: NYC Luxury apartments

Remember, you brought this on yourselves.
I hope you are right. He needs to attack them for the scum that they are.
You can always believe anything bad said about Andre Carson and Luis Guiterez, but look who else shows up in their company:

Last year, eight members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued a demand that their staffers be granted access to top secret classified information.

The signatories to the letter were Andre Carson, Luis Guiterez, Jim Himes, Terri Sewell, Jackie Speier, Mike Quigley, Eric Swalwell and Patrick Murphy. All the signatories were Democrats. Some had a history of attempting to undermine national security.​

A Muslim Brotherhood Security Breach in Congress
There’s a national security risk swamp to drain.
February 8, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

A Muslim Brotherhood Security Breach in Congress


. . . Democrats are mum over their own explosive hacking scandal, which could overshadow Watergate, Filegate, Travelgate and dozens of other Washington scandals.

The allegation is that Democrats hired tech staffers who were Pakistani nationals, and they likely gained illegal access to secret congressional information.

And that includes classified documents.​


Among the many offices WND contacted, without generating a response, were those for Democrats Andre Carson, Luis Guiterez, Jim Himes, Terri Sewell, Jackie Speier, Mike Quigley, Eric Swalwell, Patrick Murphy, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joaquini Castro, Lois Frankel, Ted Lieu, Robin Kelly, Tammy Duckworth, Mark Takano and John Sarbanes.​

Explosive new hacking scandal has Democrats' fingerprints
Posted By Bob Unruh On 02/14/2017 @ 10:01 pm

Explosive new hacking scandal has Democrats’ fingerprints

Keep a close eye on how the MSM covers Democrat breaches of national security —— if they report them at all.

I am betting that Hillary Clinton’s fingerprints are all over everything congressional Democrats and their staffers did. Now that Eric Holder and Lorette Lynch are gone, the Clintons & Their Gang may still pay for their criminal acts.

Parenthetically, John Sarbanes is the son of former Senator Paul Sarbanes who was one of the best friends the United Nations ever had in the Senate.

For all of the Democrat talk about John Bolton’s prickly personalty it was Senator Paul Sarbanes (now retired) who stated the true reason Democrats opposed Bolton so vehemently:​

To send someone as our ambassador to the United Nations who does not demonstrate a basic respect for the institution and its legal foundations is a disservice to our national interests. This has nothing to do with whether you're going to carry out reforms at the U.N. or more closely monitor its activities. This represents very basic questions about one's mind-set about the United States, about the United Nations and about international law. Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D-Md.).
The Voter's Self Defense System

Sarbanes’ remarks embraced two assumptions that leading Democrats and their willing accomplices in the mainstream media passed off as the wishes of a majority of Americans. Those two assumptions are the foundation for the Left’s anti-sovereignty ideology. Note that Democrats never had to defend that ideology. All they ever had to do was to show up on TV and talk like America and the UN are one —— knowing they would not be challenged.

The first of Sarbanes’ two assumptions declared that US membership in the UN serves America’s national interests. That is not true. It is not even debatable. Proof: No Democrat dare debate the assumption.

As for respect: It’s pretty hard to respect an institution that has always been as anti-American and corrupt as is the UN.

Sarbanes’ second assumption moves International law from fantasy to fact.

You don’t have to be a genius to see how an undiplomatic statement like the one John Bolton made in 1999 would send Sarbanes and the other Democrats up the wall. Bolton’s position was a heresy to the anti-America Left; second only to dumping on the UN itself. Bolton’s failure to grant respectability to non-existent International law angered Democrats much more than anything he ever said to a subordinate.

Also, Bolton’s pronouncement clearly withheld legitimacy from the UN’s International Court of Justice (World Court) as well as every phoney baloney spinoff like the International Criminal Court.​

Do Not Expect An Apology On I-20-2017

It is unfair to blame a son for the sins of his father, but in John’s case I will make an exception based on the company he keeps.

These are the folks who wrap themselves in the flag every time they are outed:

Prison time predicted in Dems' national-security scandal
Posted By Garth Kant On 02/15/2017 @ 9:01 pm

Prison time predicted in Dems’ national-security scandal

The joke is Democrats playing the Russia card as though they are patriotic Americans trying to strengthen national security procedures. Nothing is further from the truth.

Let me remind readers that Russia was the Soviet Union when Democrats were betraying this country for Communism. In fact, American Communists were in bed with Russians as far back as the 1920s, in WWII, in Korea, and in Vietnam. Bringing defeat to their own country in Vietnam is the high point of their lives.

Now, Democrats would have us believe they changed their wicked ways.

Notice that Democrats only hint at President Trump selling out to Russia. They dare not openly accuse him lest Americans take a closer at the criteria for betrayal.

Let me close with a few random observations that I’ve posted many times over the years.

American Communists only fought for this country in WWII because Hitler double-crossed Joe Stalin.

The only reason Democrats did not demonstrate against the Korean War was because it was a United Nations war.

Ask Democrats: Do you oppose the Korean War in hindsight?

If they answer “Yes” they admit that fighting against Communism is what they oppose.

If they answer “No.” ask them why not? since Korea and Vietnam were fought for the same reason.

Throughout the Cold War responsible Americans lived with the fear that the Soviet Union would attack if Americans were busy quelling massive unrest stirred up by Communist agitators; so Americans rolled over for a lot of Communist garbage rather than risk nuclear war. While loyal Americans were prepared to defend the country against the Soviet military, Democrats were busy implementing Communism in the Courts.

Americans would be speaking Russian today had Democrats got anywhere near an intelligence agency throughout the Cold War. Today, they have control of the entire intelligence community. (NATIONAL SECURITY.)

(Compare General Flynn to these Democrats):

Now let’s go to the Democrats and Gorbachev. I’ll begin with a brief reference to Hillary Clinton:​

In 2006 the old Commie dictator praised then-Senator Clinton when he revealed that he occasionally conferred with her by telephone. He said:​

"She is a great woman, and she has some legitimate ambitions."​

Next, I will turn to the ever-popular Nutso:​

In a speech entitled “From Swords to Plowshares, delivered in the House of Representatives on June 4, 1992, Pelosi cheered the arrival of Gorbachev to the Presidio as a tenant.

“The National Park Service is actively seeking ideas for programs and tenants at this spectacular site. Last month, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev visited the Presidio to propose that the Gorbachev Foundation/use be located at the Presidio when the army leaves. In his words, “it is wonderful and symbolic that a military base is being converted for use by the people’.

“As the cold war ends,” Pelosi continued, “it is, indeed, fitting that this army garrison—one of the oldest in the United States—will be transformed to a monument to peace, environmental preservation and recreation as a global park.”​

Pelosi whinnies from the pastures
Judi McLeod
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pelosi whinnies from the pastures

And leave us not forget the guy who was never right about anything:​

Biden’s record as a senator included his support for the nuclear freeze, cutting off funding for the Vietnam War (launching the infamous killing fields of Cambodia and the murderous overtaking of South Vietnam by the North), opposing the first Gulf War in 1991 and so on… and so on… and so on.


As history now records, SDI became a central player in ending the Cold War. It was SDI that brought the Reykjavik Reagan-Gorbachev summit to an abrupt end as Gorbachev sought to effectively end the program. Reagan would have none of it, and walked out rather than be pressured to stop SDI.

None of this impressed Biden, although he was shown to be demonstrably wrong. Thus his opposition to the program continued through the years.​

Joe Biden’s War
By Jeffrey Lord on 3.21.13 @ 6:09AM
The Vice President’s long opposition to missile defense meets the reality of North Korea.

Joe Biden’s War

Replace Biden Before It's Too Late

President Donald Trump has not settled on a final selection yet and is also eyeing retired Army Gen. Keith Kellogg, who has been acting national security adviser since Flynn's departure, as well as other candidates.​

Senior White House Officials Support Bolton To Replace Flynn
BY: Adam Kredo
February 18, 2017 3:26 pm

Senior White House Officials Support Bolton To Replace Flynn

The Donald will make up his own mind. Speaking for myself, I always had high hopes for John Bolton.

Trump simply will not nominate John Bolton, or anybody like Bolton to a post who will upset the United Nations crowd.

Trump names H.R. McMaster as new national security advisor
Feb. 20, 2017, 1:01 p.m.

Trump names H.R. McMaster, an Army strategist, as his new national security advisor

The scary part is that the United Nations is the biggest national security threat of all:

In addition to the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945, the sneaks who got this country into the UN knew what they were doing when they designed a foundation that was a masterpiece of betrayal. A foundation that would withstand every challenge when their descendants carried on. Treason became legal the minute the US became a member of an underhanded organization that was, and is, determined to tear down America. Membership in the UN meant that no American official betraying this country on the UN’s behalf could be prosecuted for treason. Only lawyers could design something like that.

American Traitors Are Sweating
The scary part is that the United Nations is the biggest national security threat of all:
Media hysteria over Micheal Flynn’s resignation is a classic example of misdirection:

Buried deep beneath the Michael Flynn hysteria this week was Judicial Watch’s release of newly obtained State Department documents related to the Benghazi terrorist attack on September 11, 2012.


It’s somewhat ironic—galling?—that this email was disclosed the same day the anti-Trump universe was spinning into the stratosphere over Flynn’s resignation as President Trump’s national security advisor.​

When President Obama’s National Security Advisor Lied, The Media Laughed
By Julie Kelly
February 17, 2017

When Obama’s National Security Advisor Lied, Media Laughed

Hysteria my ass. Democrat officials, their bureaucrats, and the press have been hiding their treason in plain sight for decades. Elected Democrats and their bureaucrats have been feeding information to foreign enemies stationed in the United Nations for as long as that ‘drop’ has been in business. Why in hell does anyone believe that clandestine meetings and secret locations for handing over files are necessary when Democrats can meet foreign enemies for lunch and pass along the latest bit of national security info? I am betting that enemy agents operating out of the United Nations will hear about the latest thinking on threats to national security before President Trump hears it. Only media mouths would call that flood “Leaks.”

The fact is that media mouths will never hint at Democrats spying for the United Nations let alone give it wall-wall coverage à la Michael Flynn who broke no laws.

NOTE: Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen were amateurs because they only spied for Russia. That is what pissed off Democrats who are professionals. Lacking the skill of a professional is one of the definitions of amateur.

Hillary Clinton obviously got away with Benghazi, but since Julie Kelly brought up Benghazi ask yourself these questions:

1. Did any “journalist” ever try to find out who gave Muslim attackers the information that made the attack successful?

2. Who ordered the coverup lie told by Suzy Five Shows almost as soon the attack ended? (That kind of speed smacks of a preplanned escape route.)

NOTE: it was top Democrat Leon Panetta who lied in order to give Suzy’s lie credibility. To this day the public does not know who gave the U.S. military the order to stand down while the battle was raging?

My point. Nobody can convince me that top Democrats were NOT committing treason for the United Nations before, during, and after Benghazi.
I suspect media mouths will eventually criticize AG Jeff Sessions for not prosecuting Flynn:
I was wrong. The media is not criticizing Sessions just yet. It is Democrats who are demanding that AG Sessions resign right now:

Top Democrats demanded that President Trump’s attorney general Jeff Sessions resign after Justice Department officials confirmed Wednesday that he had communications with Russian diplomats after seemingly denying those contacts during his confirmation hearings.​

All of the usual suspects are taking part, but it looks like the fake Indian is leading the charge:

Elizabeth Warren

And we need Attorney General Jeff Sessions – who should have never been confirmed in the first place – to resign. We need it now.
11:31 PM - 1 Mar 2017​

Democrats demand Sessions’ resignation after Russian communications surface
Carlos Garcia 1 hour

Democrats demand Sessions’ resignation after Russian communications surface

The party of liars demanding a resignation from a man who did not lie is wacky. Known liar Elena Kagan should resign. Kagan is there for life. Indeed, she never should have been confirmed:

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee asked her in writing if she had “ever been asked about your opinion” or “offered any view or comments” on the “the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to any proposed health care legislation, including but not limited to Pub. L. No. 111-148 [PPACA], or the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to potential litigation resulting from such legislation?"

Kagan answered both questions: “No.”​

Explosive Emails: Did Kagan Lie During Confirmation Hearing?
Published December 12, 2011
By Terence P. Jeffrey, CNS News

Explosive Emails: Did Kagan Lie During Confirmation Hearing?


During her Senate confirmation hearings, Kagan was asked point-blank whether she had ever been asked her opinion regarding the underlying constitutional questions surrounding the law, or offered any views about it, to which she replied simply, "No."​

Supreme Court Justice Kagan lied about ties to Obamacare
Friday, July 08, 2011 by: J. D. Heyes

Supreme Court Justice Kagan lied about ties to Obamacare

Democrats could not block Jeff Sessions’ confirmation. Trying to force him to resign hoping for someone more to their liking is a last ditch attempt to save Hillary Clinton:
Now that Eric Holder and Lorette Lynch are gone, the Clintons & Their Gang may still pay for their criminal acts.
Democrats are lined up in front of open graves. They were offered a final cigarette and a blindfold. Hillary going to jail will be the:

coup de grâce (noun)

plural coups de grâce

1. A deathblow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded victim.

2. A finishing stroke or decisive event.​

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