General Kelly


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
with Trumps newest war on Generals, Kelly could be a short timer, gone before he gets unpacked.

He has the entire family to suck up to or else !
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It's just a matter of time before Kelly gets the axe!

Trump is a lying treasonous rat bastard and Kelly a man of honor, like oil and water, they don't mix!
I can see Trumps daughter making an appointment with Kelly to go see her daddy.

uh huh, surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.
with Trumps newest war on Generals, Kelly could be a short timer, gone before he gets unpacked.

He has the entire family to suck up to or else !
What war on Generals? This morning it was Congress? Is Trump having a meltdown?
I can see Trumps daughter making an appointment with Kelly to go see her daddy.

uh huh, surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.
Did John Kennedy Jr. make an appointment before he visited his father in the oval office?

We don't know. Did he? He was a child living in the White House.

with Trumps newest war on Generals, Kelly could be a short timer, gone before he gets unpacked.

He has the entire family to suck up to or else !
The more military people trump surrounds himself with.....the worst it will be for this country and the world.
Now what type of leader surrounds himself with family and the military?
Dictators !
Noooooo...nothing to fear here.
You have a problem with what Trump said?
The Generals in charge of Afghanistan have not done anything to end the war there. How long have we been there now? We are not further along then when we first got there. After how many billions of dollars and nothing to show for it.
Trump is right are generals are not doing their jobs and should be fired.
You have a problem with what Trump said?
The Generals in charge of Afghanistan have not done anything to end the war there. How long have we been there now? We are not further along then when we first got there. After how many billions of dollars and nothing to show for it.
Trump is right are generals are not doing their jobs and should be fired.

Trumps a stupid bitch.

fighting a world wide terrorist organization in one country ... dumbass.

He tells everyone he won in Afghanistan. He pats himself on the ass and Trumpdrones lick his ballsack

a new day dawns, what about


please, spare me the stupidity of RW war on terrorists winners.
dear mr general, you didnt crush afghanistan, youre fired .

The Global Terrorism Index
  • View information as a:
  • List
  • Chart
Rank Country Terror Rating
1 Iraq 10.00
2 Afghanistan 9.23
3 Nigeria 9.21
4 Pakistan 9.07
5 Syria 8.11
6 India 7.75
7 Yemen 7.64
8 Somalia 7.60
9 Libya 7.29
10 Thailand 7.28
11 Philippines 7.27
12 Ukraine 7.20
13 Egypt 6.81
14 Central African Republic 6.72
15 South Sudan 6.71
16 Sudan 6.69
17 Colombia 6.66
18 Kenya 6.66
19 Democratic Republic of the Congo 6.49
20 Cameroon 6.47
21 Lebanon 6.38
22 China 6.29
23 Russia 6.21
24 Israel 6.03
25 Bangladesh 5.92
26 Mali 5.87
27 Turkey 5.74
28 United Kingdom 5.61
29 Greece 4.98
30 Uganda 4.89
31 Bahrain 4.87
32 Nepal 4.79
33 Indonesia 4.76
34 Algeria 4.75
35 United States 4.61
36 France 4.55
37 Mozambique 4.39
38 South Africa 4.23
39 Iran 4.22
40 Paraguay 4.09
41 Myanmar 4.08
42 Sri Lanka 4.08
43 Saudi Arabia 4.01
44 Mexico 3.99
45 Tanzania 3.98
46 Chile 3.97
47 Tunisia 3.70
48 Ireland 3.66
49 Malaysia 3.58
50 Ethiopia 3.54

ok dupes, dopes, and dumbasses ... afghanistans off the list , now get off your broke ass and start paying for the other 49 sob.s
Republicans wanted this war and now it's been 15 years and we're still trying to win it?

What would winning mean at this point? All Afghans dead? All Taliban dead? How would you know one from the other?

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