General Question for everyone!

Whenever the word ''compromise'' is invoked, particularly in an environment such as this, I know that they're just after me lucky charms.
Hard to set an example when others don't like the example. Thanks to the courts giving custody of my kids to their mother, they chose her as a role model. They are suffering because of it. They praise my example but don't follow it.
So be it. Life is unfair but that doesn't mean you have to be unfair. If you do not set an example, how can you expect anyone else to ever do the right thing for you at "any time".

Life is about good and bad happening to all of us. Without the bad, there is not good and vice versa. It is part of life but we all need to try to do what is right so that we have a right to ask others to do the same.............whether they do it or not, is not the thing. The thing is that if we do not do it, we have NO RIGHT to expect others to do it, meaning every moment of our lives is spent fighting and hating.
I am sorry, everyone that lives has a right to live. Everyone should respect others right to live, this means that morals, ethics, principles and humanity are for everyone to follow, not just us. If they don't, then let them suffer the consequences, meaning that no morals, ethics, principles or humanity should be used in their favor.

Like I said in the OP, they should be ignored and left alone and not be part of humanity.
Your humanity consists only of people who think like you. So all those who think like you, get one country. Those who don't get their own country. We don't go around imposing cultures on anyone.
I am sorry, everyone that lives has a right to live. Everyone should respect others right to live, this means that morals, ethics, principles and humanity are for everyone to follow, not just us. If they don't, then let them suffer the consequences, meaning that no morals, ethics, principles or humanity should be used in their favor.

Like I said in the OP, they should be ignored and left alone and not be part of humanity.
In Kohlberg's scale of moral development, he called the very lowest "preconventional" which referred to the stage children go through where they only understand punishment as their guide to what is moral. You are at that level.

The elites have conditioned the left to virtue signal through very basic conditioned responses. Say one thing and you will be praised. Say something else and you will be condemned, or even shunned by your peers.

It usually has nothing to do with true morality.
Normally yes, but not in this day and age, bub. It is life or is WAR! And once there is no more rule of law, reparations, equity and justice will be forthcoming. Sorry, but that's the score.

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Its war?

And you’re posting on a message board?

Shouldn’t you be manning a post or something instead of hiding behind a keyboard?

You must be a coward.
Your humanity consists only of people who think like you. So all those who think like you, get one country. Those who don't get their own country. We don't go around imposing cultures on anyone.
These are basics of life, not basics of culture. Show me one single nation in the entire world that does not see morals, ethics, principles and humanity as something good and necessary to have.

One country!!!!!

By the way, the way you think is why problems continue to occur. You have to expect others to act as you do, meaning that everyone should think that you do not have a right to anything and treat you like a piece of shit. Why do you expect others (like Trump for example) to care about your life? Do you expect him to treat you like you are a piece of shit even though you support him? I mean, with your explanation, that is the end result, isn't it? Why should Trump have humanity if anyone thinks differently than him, correct?
Whenever the word ''compromise'' is invoked, particularly in an environment such as this, I know that they're just after me lucky charms.
There was a great bit in the tv show "Rules of Engagement". Patrick Warburton's character on 'compromise'.

"My wife wanted a cat.
I didn't want a cat.
So we compromised.
And got a cat."
In Kohlberg's scale of moral development, he called the very lowest "preconventional" which referred to the stage children go through where they only understand punishment as their guide to what is moral. You are at that level.

The elites have conditioned the left to virtue signal through very basic conditioned responses. Say one thing and you will be praised. Say something else and you will be condemned, or even shunned by your peers.

It usually has nothing to do with true morality.
True morality produces good, although it often takes a while.
In Kohlberg's scale of moral development, he called the very lowest "preconventional" which referred to the stage children go through where they only understand punishment as their guide to what is moral. You are at that level.

The elites have conditioned the left to virtue signal through very basic conditioned responses. Say one thing and you will be praised. Say something else and you will be condemned, or even shunned by your peers.

It usually has nothing to do with true morality.
What a piece of garbage reply. We are not children. Children are not expected to do things right simply because their minds are not developed enough to expect them to KNOW what is right. That is a physical scenario and not a moral one. Using that example is pure BS.

By the way, the elites exist on both sides. In fact, there are more elites on the right than on the left because the left supports elites becoming elites.
What a piece of garbage reply. We are not children. Children are not expected to do things right simply because their minds are not developed enough to expect them to KNOW what is right. That is a physical scenario and not a moral one. Using that example is pure BS.

By the way, the elites exist on both sides. In fact, there are more elites on the right than on the left because the left supports elites becoming elites.
The fact that you use the term "we" only reinforces my position. You belong to a tribe and allow the tribe to dictate to you what is moral

Ten years ago, your tribe told you that women should not be forced to compete against men in sports. Today, they not only do, but attack anybody who might think otherwise.

True morality is not so utterly fluid.
These are basics of life, not basics of culture. Show me one single nation in the entire world that does not see morals, ethics, principles and humanity as something good and necessary to have.

One country!!!!!

By the way, the way you think is why problems continue to occur. You have to expect others to act as you do, meaning that everyone should think that you do not have a right to anything and treat you like a piece of shit. Why do you expect others (like Trump for example) to care about your life? Do you expect him to treat you like you are a piece of shit even though you support him? I mean, with your explanation, that is the end result, isn't it? Why should Trump have humanity if anyone thinks differently than him, correct?
The entire Arab world has a moral and religious obligation to kill Jews.

Many cultures in the middle east, Africa and India believe that women do not have a right to refuse rape. It is immoral for a woman to refuse.

Many cultures in the middle east and Africa practice female genital mutilation. It is moral for a father to have male family members hold little girls down wh8le dad cuts out her clitoris.

In. Villages throughout the third world dogs and cats are eaten. It is immoral to withhold that food source.

In many cultures and in parts of the United States immoral girls can be Killed in honor killings.

These are other cultures. You don't let them come here.
The system would depend on all "in on it". We cannot have the endless lying we see on TV with media and entertainers. Political leanings are destroying us.
Batshit crazy conspiracy theories are destroying us. JD Vance openly admitting to making up absurd hurtful lies just to get media attention is destroying us. Trump repeating those same lies is destroying us.
The entire Arab world has a moral and religious obligation to kill Jews.

Many cultures in the middle east, Africa and India believe that women do not have a right to refuse rape. It is immoral for a woman to refuse.

Many cultures in the middle east and Africa practice female genital mutilation. It is moral for a father to have male family members hold little girls down wh8le dad cuts out her clitoris.

In. Villages throughout the third world dogs and cats are eaten. It is immoral to withhold that food source.

In many cultures and in parts of the United States immoral girls can be Killed in honor killings.

These are other cultures. You don't let them come here.
and every single one of those countries are considered to be wrong by others, on a worldwide basis. From a moral, ethical, principled, and humane perspective they are wrong.

Human rights do exist for everyone (as a basic) even though some countries may see it differently. Keep in mind that most of these differences have to do with ignorance that comes from the past. It does not make it right, only among the ignorant.
and every single one of those countries are considered to be wrong by others, on a worldwide basis. From a moral, ethical, principled, and humane perspective they are wrong.

Human rights do exist for everyone (as a basic) even though some countries may see it differently. Keep in mind that most of these differences have to do with ignorance that comes from the past. It does not make it right, only among the ignorant.
You sound like a high school student.

Your repeating the same set of words over and over again does not make you appear as intelligent as you are hoping they might.
Throughout history people have depended on information sources like newspapers to form an opinion but what happens when almost all the information sources become propaganda agents for a crooked regime? People would get along better if the media was honest.

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