General Question for everyone!

Unfortunately people on the Left don't have any of these.
Everyone has morals. For the Left, might makes right.

It's like the abortion issue. Who gives a damn about the unborn? They have no money and can't vote and they cost us money and leave a carbon footprint.


Besides, humans are just glorified animals anyway since Leftists don't believe in God. Humans have no special rights. And what do we do with animals? That's right, we use them as beasts of burden, lock them in zoos for our entertainment, and kill and eat them on a whim.
MAGA tried to protest to make their views known and you shot an unarmed woman in the process and then claimed they tried to take over the government.

And people believe you fascists.
Facts are fact.

In addition and if you are right (did not bother or interested in checking), you need to understand that humans make mistakes and you cannot make an overall statement about all when it is one (or a few) doing something. That is humanity and the reason why we all need to compromise and that means giving (and accepting) as well as getting (and accepting) the good and the bad. That is what ALL humans offer/have (good and bad_
No one, that is why compromising is so important (as I stated in the OP).
Then you have no case unless to say that MAGAs have to agree with you

Total surrender to the lib agenda is not compromise

But thats what is expected
A rebuttal without a rebuttal. Nice
Fact of life.
Then you have no case unless to say that MAGAs have to agree with you

Total surrender to the lib agenda is not compromise

But thats what is expected
By the Republicans...........the Republicans are the ones offering "my way or the highway" they are never willing to compromise on anything.
Facts are fact.

In addition and if you are right (did not bother or interested in checking), you need to understand that humans make mistakes and you cannot make an overall statement about all when it is one (or a few) doing something. That is humanity and the reason why we all need to compromise and that means giving (and accepting) as well as getting (and accepting) the good and the bad. That is what ALL humans offer/have (good and bad_
So, you can judge me, but I can't judge you?

Yes, the heart of Progressivism.

Why not climb back under your self-righteous rock of yours.
Fact of life.

By the Republicans...........the Republicans are the ones offering "my way or the highway" they are never willing to compromise on anything.
How about compromising on mass genocide?

How many Jews should the Nazis have been allowed to murder?

How many babies should conservatives allow Progressives to murder?

To date, it has been over 60 million since Roe.

Ironically, after Roe vs. Wade was declared unconstitutional; the abortion rate has increased with states removing basically any regulations with states adding radical abortion laws into their state constitutions.

It is a Progressive dream come true.

Walz was apart as he made provisions to remove basically any abortion regulations that existed. He then denied any culpability during the debate with JD. But with journalism now dead and in the pocket of the DNC, no one cares.

The icing on the cake is, Progressives have even gotten people energized to vote convincing them that women are dying and bleeding to death because they can't get abortions now.
So, you can judge me, but I can't judge you?

Yes, the heart of Progressivism.

Why not climb back under your self-righteous rock of yours.
I am NOT judging you at all. I clearly stated in the OP that these are basic factors of humans and if you have some morals, ethics, principles or humanity, then you QUALIFY and if you don't, you should be tossed aside and not paid attention to. Where is the judging element in that?

Do you have any morals, ethics, principles or humanity. If so, tell me about them.
I am NOT judging you at all. I clearly stated in the OP that these are basic factors of humans and if you have some morals, ethics, principles or humanity, then you QUALIFY and if you don't, you should be tossed aside and not paid attention to. Where is the judging element in that?

Do you have any morals, ethics, principles or humanity. If so, tell me about them.
Let me ask you. If you had entered a Nazi concentration camp and saw the horrific nature of what went on there, what is there to discuss?

You must smile and tell them to prepare to meet their Maker.
How about compromising on mass genocide?

How many Jews should the Nazis have been allowed to murder?

How many babies should conservatives allow Progressives to murder?

To date, it has been over 60 million since Roe.

Ironically, after Roe vs. Wade was declared unconstitutional; the abortion rate has increased with states removing basically any regulations with states adding radical abortion laws into their state constitutions.

It is a Progressive dream come true.

The icing on the cake is, Progressives have even gotten people energized to vote convincing them that women are dying and bleeding to death because they can't get abortions now.
What are you talking about?

Mass genocide (if not done in a survival more - you or me) is against morals ethics, principles and humanity.

Hitler was guilty, Hamas is guilty.

Do not talk about babies because the definition of babies varies even among unbiased scientists. In addition, define a woman's rights to do with her own body what she wants. That topic does not qualify and I will not talk about it.
Fact of life.

By the Republicans...........the Republicans are the ones offering "my way or the highway" they are never willing to compromise on anything.
Can we compromise and say that democrats are just as inflexible?

For instance what compromise are you willing to accept on abortion?
Let me ask you. If you had entered a Nazi concentration camp and saw the horrific nature of what went on there, what is there to discuss?

You must smile and tell them to prepare to meet their Maker.
Would you please make your point (and criticism of me) in an intelligent and understanding way? You are not making sense and even less, making your point.
What are you talking about?

Mass genocide (if not done in a survival more - you or me) is against morals ethics, principles and humanity.

Hitler was guilty, Hamas is guilty.

Do not talk about babies because the definition of babies varies even among unbiased scientists. In addition, define a woman's rights to do with her own body what she wants. That topic does not qualify and I will not talk about it.
Do not talk about babies because the definition of babies varies even among unbiased scientists. In addition, define a woman's rights to do with her own body what she wants. That topic does not qualify and I will not talk about it.

You wont talk about it because the facts are against you
Can we compromise and say that democrats are just as inflexible?

For instance what compromise are you willing to accept on abortion?
I am not going to talk about abortion. It is an impossible topic as it involves women's rights to their own bodies as well as a clear and accepted by ALL definition of life.

The Democrats have proven to be more flexible than Republicans, over and over again. Check it out. They were flexible on the Wall. They were flexible on immigration. In neither of these have the Republicans shown ANY flexibility.

Stop blindly accepting the lies that Republicans are telling you.
What are you talking about?

Mass genocide (if not done in a survival more - you or me) is against morals ethics, principles and humanity.

Hitler was guilty, Hamas is guilty.

Do not talk about babies because the definition of babies varies even among unbiased scientists. In addition, define a woman's rights to do with her own body what she wants. That topic does not qualify and I will not talk about it.
Kermitt Gosnell

He is America's #1 mass murderer, but you would not know about him because we don't have journalism anywhere to be found in the Progressive dominated media.

Essentially, he began his abortion practice right after Roe vs. Wade became law, but upon state inspection, he did not measure up to standards. So, they had two options, close him down or stop coming round. They chose the later. Turn the clock forward some 30 years and you had the FBI investigating him for narcotic related issues, but they could not prove their case so they left him be. Problem is, local law enforcement was called to assist, and what they saw when they entered that abortion clinic compares to what you would have seen at a Nazi death camp as Gosnell proudly displayed a jar of fetus' on his desk for all to see. Local law enforcement was flabbergasted that the FBI just wanted to walk away because they could not unsee what they had just seen in that clinic. It was truly a shop of horrors. So, they pursued Gosnell on their own, despite warnings from their higher ups that pursuing an abortion doctor might cost them their careers because abortion was such a political football. But they persisted and proved their case, that he was killing viable infants for decades.

They thought it would be a media circus at the trial, but not one person from the media showed up despite him being the #1 mass murderer in US history. He even was proven to treat minority women worse because he could get away with it, but not a word from the NAACP. The media just ignored it. So, they decided to try and make a movie about it, but no one in Hollywood would make the film. Again, a political football thingy. So, they got actors outside of Hollywood and made the film anyway, but movie theatres did not want to show the movie. Granted, a few did but for a very limited time.

You can't convince me that there are not other shops of horrors just like that one in Philadelphia, because the state simply does not care because it is their view that any restrictions on abortion are too many. One of the arguments for legalize abortion is to prevent back-alley abortions, which is precisely what that operation was all about and what is probably going on 24/7 all over the country.
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Do not talk about babies because the definition of babies varies even among unbiased scientists. In addition, define a woman's rights to do with her own body what she wants. That topic does not qualify and I will not talk about it.

You wont talk about it because the facts are against you
BS. You are not explaining what you mean.
I am not going to talk about abortion. It is an impossible topic as it involves women's rights to their own bodies as well as a clear and accepted by ALL definition of life.
Thats an inflexible position meaning no compromise from you
Would you please make your point (and criticism of me) in an intelligent and understanding way? You are not making sense and even less, making your point.
I will give you another example of the media and abortion that I'm talking about.

After Roe had been overturned, the Left was in a rage and wanted some propaganda to get abortion the law of the land again, so they targeted a 10-year-old girl from Ohio who reportedly got turned away from an Ohio abortion center because Ohio had outlawed most abortions right after Roe. So, she went to Indiana to have the abortion which she did have an abortion, upon which, the abortion doctor promptly reported it to the media. Unfortunately, it was against HIPPA laws to do that, but she did it anyway and got away with it. The doctor did not even get a slap on the hand for it as where many other have lost their jobs for violating HIPPA laws like that. At first, lawmakers in Ohio said the story was made up, because no doctors had reported a 10-year-old girl requesting an abortion to the police, which they were obligated to do because a crime had occurred. The doctor simply failed to report the crime. In addition, the lawmakers said that had he reported the crime, there were provision which would have allowed the abortion, but the media just ignored these claims to drive home their propaganda. But then the wheels started to fall off the story because they had to investigate who the father was, which turned out to be an illegal alien. The news dropped the story like a ton of bricks at that point. But then it got weird. Apparently, the illegal had been living with the mother as her live in boyfriend, and admitted to raping the girl. Problem was, the mother refused to believe it even though he had confessed and even though they proved it came from him and wanted him to move back in with them

Essentially, had Roe not been overturned, the doctor would have performed the abortion without notifying the police as the boyfriend could have her way with her as many times as he wished.

This sort of thing the media never reports. It took Roe to get overturned to help save that little girl from repeated molestation.

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