General Question for everyone!

I will give you another example of the media and abortion that I'm talking about.

After Roe had been overturned, the Left was in a rage and wanted some propaganda to get abortion the law of the land again, so they targeted a 10-year-old girl from Ohio who reportedly got turned away from an Ohio abortion center because Ohio had outlawed most abortions right after Roe. So, she went to Indiana to have the abortion which she did have an abortion, upon which, the abortion doctor promptly reported it to the media. Unfortunately, it was against HIPPA laws to do that, but she did it anyway and got away with it. The doctor did not even get a slap on the hand for it as where many other have lost their jobs for violating HIPPA laws like that. At first, lawmakers in Ohio said the story was made up, because no doctors had reported a 10-year-old girl requesting an abortion to the police, which they were obligated to do because a crime had occurred. The doctor simply failed to report the crime. In addition, the lawmakers said that had he reported the crime, there were provision which would have allowed the abortion, but the media just ignored these claims to drive home their propaganda. But then the wheels started to fall off the story because they had to investigate who the father was, which turned out to be an illegal alien. The news dropped the story like a ton of bricks at that point. But then it got weird. Apparently, the illegal had been living with the mother as her live in boyfriend, and admitted to raping the girl. Problem was, the mother refused to believe it even though he had confessed and even though they proved it came from him and wanted him to move back in with them

Essentially, had Roe not been overturned, the doctor would have performed the abortion without notifying the police as the boyfriend could have her way with her as many times as he wished.

This sort of thing the media never reports. It took Roe to get overturned to help save that little girl from repeated molestation.
What does any of this have to do with the OP and with my statements?
I asked you what compromise you are willing to accept on abortion and have none
I have answered that question on this thread 3 times already. You can't read?

Abortion is an impossible topic as women's right to do with her body what she wants are involved and also the definition of where life actually begins is involved. Until those two are perfectly clarified to EVERYONE's acceptance, I will not discuss the topic because right now there is nothing clear about what is right or wrong.
In most situations where morality is the issue compromise isn't possible its capitulation or ejection. Or, the society devolves into warring states.
Morality is always an issue. Without morality it is all about who is the strongest and then it is called anarchy. To explain the issue even more, the Constitution is about morality so that means the Constitution is involved.
Throughout history, dissension between people has always existed and will always exist. That is life. We all have had different lives, different cultures, different opinions and different objective. Nonetheless, when we live with others (not alone), we need to find ways to "get along" and work together (to a certain extent) so that we can go forward in life. If we always fight with each other, there is no advancement for either of us of if there is advancement, it is at the cost of the other.

Do you agree with that simple statement?

There are some things that I call "BASICS" that are needed/required with everything and everyone in order to be able to find some common ground, get along with each other and go forward (instead of going back).

Those basics are called morals, ethics, principles and humanity. If you have all 4 of them, you are a fine person that will always try to do what is right, but even if you only have one, it does prevent you from doing much damage.

Lying, insulting, debasing, hating, fighting, not willing to compromise, and closing ones eyes and ears to what the other has to say is not going to ever solve anything.

Do you agree?

As such, do you think that the intelligent thing to do is talk civilly with each other and be open to communication?

I do believe that someone that does all the negatives above needs to be put aside and not paid attention to, no matter what he/she is saying. If you can't have morals, ethics, principles or humanity, what good can come out of such a relationship. As long as we are to live together in one nation, we all need to get something out of it (as well as give something up).

Do you agree?

I do know it is difficult but we all need to keep in mind that humanity is by nature flawed and that no one is perfect. That means that we will all make mistakes and errors in judgement that will cause problems and pain. Nonetheless, isn't that what we all agree to when we get married to someone? For good or bad, knowing for sure that we will get both............For Sure!

Do you agree with me on the "general basics of this"?
I have answered that question on this thread 3 times already. You can't read?

Abortion is an impossible topic as women's right to do with her body what she wants are involved and also the definition of where life actually begins is involved. Until those two are perfectly clarified to EVERYONE's acceptance, I will not discuss the topic because right now there is nothing clear about what is right or wrong.
What you are saying is that you wont accept any compromise

Maybe even post partum death for babies that survive the abortion
What is actually killing us is blind partisanship and a school system that crank out students lacking critical thinking skills.
Critical thinking skills would reveal the liberal agenda of the Dems and the ignorance of the Republicans. Besides, most students aren't mature enough for those skills. It would be like handing a chainsaw to a five-year-old.
What you are saying is that you wont accept any compromise

Maybe even post partum death for babies that survive the abortion
You can't read? You have no ability to understand what other people way.

Here is a piece of advice so that does not happen again

The Left completely ignores human nature, which is why they have no problem with collectivism, that is, a highly centralized state that dictates to the entire world so they can impose all their policies on every man, woman, and child who lives on the planet.

Only then can they do such things as "save the planet from climate change" and "end world hunger"

They then take the history of mankind, which has essentially mankind enslaving most people who have ever walked the earth and/or oppressed people and forced others to fight wars for them and taken the pages from their history book to wipe their arse with and flush it down the commode cuz we can trust this next group of collectivists to do it right this time.

The Left plays on the "lemming syndrome" of human nature, which of course leads to destruction.

"Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are they that go in there at." -Somewhere in the Bible.
What you are saying is that you wont accept any compromise

Maybe even post partum death for babies that survive the abortion
You talk of a ONE CHILD in a million( and that's not even proven.
AND close your eyes to the millions, murdered, or starving too death.
What does any of this have to do with the OP and with my statements?
It was a discussion about media control by a centralized government, which you obviously have no interest in talking about

You seem only to want to try and get ideological adversaries to compromise with you.

Carry on.

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