General Question for everyone!

Quotes | Eisenhower Presidential Library

When we get to the point, as we one day will, that both sides know that in any outbreak of general hostilities, regardless of the element of surprise, destruction will be both reciprocal and complete, possibly we will have sense enough to meet at the conference table with the understanding that the era of armaments has ended and the human race must conform its actions to this truth or die."
Letter, DDE to Richard L. Simon, Simon and Schuster, Inc., 4/4/56 [DDE's Papers as President, DDE Diaries Series, Box 14, April 1956
Throughout history, dissension between people has always existed and will always exist. That is life. We all have had different lives, different cultures, different opinions and different objective. Nonetheless, when we live with others (not alone), we need to find ways to "get along" and work together (to a certain extent) so that we can go forward in life. If we always fight with each other, there is no advancement for either of us of if there is advancement, it is at the cost of the other.

Do you agree with that simple statement?

There are some things that I call "BASICS" that are needed/required with everything and everyone in order to be able to find some common ground, get along with each other and go forward (instead of going back).

Those basics are called morals, ethics, principles and humanity. If you have all 4 of them, you are a fine person that will always try to do what is right, but even if you only have one, it does prevent you from doing much damage.

Lying, insulting, debasing, hating, fighting, not willing to compromise, and closing ones eyes and ears to what the other has to say is not going to ever solve anything.

Do you agree?

As such, do you think that the intelligent thing to do is talk civilly with each other and be open to communication?

I do believe that someone that does all the negatives above needs to be put aside and not paid attention to, no matter what he/she is saying. If you can't have morals, ethics, principles or humanity, what good can come out of such a relationship. As long as we are to live together in one nation, we all need to get something out of it (as well as give something up).

Do you agree?

I do know it is difficult but we all need to keep in mind that humanity is by nature flawed and that no one is perfect. That means that we will all make mistakes and errors in judgement that will cause problems and pain. Nonetheless, isn't that what we all agree to when we get married to someone? For good or bad, knowing for sure that we will get both............For Sure!

Do you agree with me on the "general basics of this"?
As long as folks agree that a child should never get a sex change operation before the age of 18. That white people are not privileged …that’s a good start. That’s in line with the basics that everyone can agree with.
That's easy. We're willing to accept a near-total ban on 3rd trimester abortions.

Almost every liberal will say that.

Now, back at you.

The point is that liberals will compromise, conservatives won't.
Your side pushes your agenda like Jihadist push Islam by the sword.

In regards to abortion your side has done the opposite of your post. You have passed laws for the protection of abortion.
That's easy. We're willing to accept a near-total ban on 3rd trimester abortions.

Almost every liberal will say that.

Now, back at you.

The point is that liberals will compromise, conservatives won't.
I will support abortion to save the life of the mother if necessary

Libs want abortion for rape and incest and I’ll give you that

But it has to be documented

If a woman is raped she has to report it at the time

Not 6 months later as an “oh by the way I just remembered”
Fact of life.

By the Republicans...........the Republicans are the ones offering "my way or the highway" they are never willing to compromise on anything.
We did, then we got men competing in womens sports and sharing women’s locker rooms.

Lesson learned.

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