Genocide of white farmers in South africa

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And yes, the murder of white farmers is murder. I do not think that is in dispute.
----------------------------- all i argue about is the USE of the word Genocide as i don't think it applies and the use of the word obscures the fact that White Farmers are being eradicated / Murdered simply because they are White Farmers Coyote .
sure Colonizers and they built up one good country with their abilities that the Good LORD gave them Coyote .
And slave labor Piz.
--------------------------------------------------- probably , so all i'd say is that that rather common practice still being done in Africa and 'arab' lands is wrong but very common Coyote .
sure Colonizers and they built up one good country with their abilities that the Good LORD gave them Coyote .
And slave labor Piz.
--------------------------------------------------- probably , so all i'd say is that that rather common practice still being done in Africa and 'arab' lands is wrong but very common Coyote .
It is happening here in this country as well.
i mean , hey , White and some Black farmers are being murdered in 's. africa' and those are the facts . Worrying about Genocide just muddies the waters in my opinion . Murder is murder no matter who is murdered . But the newly made word of GENOCIDE [from 1944] can be argued forever and ever .
The term genocide has become so all encompassing it can be applied to almost any situation now, so those on the Left use it liberally for brown folk, but, of course, deny exactly the same principles when they apply to whites.
-------------------------------------------------- to me words like Genocide and HATE Speech and others that are new words and concepts that just muddy the waters of clear thinking . And yes , i know what the newly made [from 1944] word Genocide means but to me its simply MURDER of White farmers in South Africa because they are WHITE FARMERS that own farmland . And as i quickly went through the thread i see argument of [its not genocide or -- yes it is genocide] but to me its the actual MURDER of White Farmers that is the issue , imo !!!
How is slaughtering two thirds of Europe’s Jewish population just murder?
------------------------------------ we are talking about South Africa and not the Jews and others of Europe and i say that the MURDER of White Farmers is murder . The arguing back and forth about Genocide of Boers is just silliness . As i have shown , Boers GENES exist in many parts of the world Coyote .
You seem to be portraying genocide as just murder. I fail to see how the attempted extermination of a people is just murder. Like the Jews.
------------------------------------------- i think that GENOCIDE is supposed to mean the eradication / removal of certain GENES from the gene pool of humanity . As i said somewhere else . Boers remain in the worlds Gene pool even if it is outside of Africa Coyote . [i might be repeating]
sure Colonizers and they built up one good country with their abilities that the Good LORD gave them Coyote .
And slave labor Piz.
--------------------------------------------------- probably , so all i'd say is that that rather common practice still being done in Africa and 'arab' lands is wrong but very common Coyote .
It is happening here in this country as well.
------------------------------------------ where is this SLAVERY in the USA Coyote ??
Coyote apparently you do not have very good comprehension skills and your math skills totally suck. Here is the international recognized definition of genocide for ya;

The legal definition of genocide (Including Discussion and Key terms)
The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

Article II describes two elements of the crime of genocide:

1) the mental element, meaning the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such", and

2) the physical element which includes five acts described in sections a, b, c, d and e. A crime must include both elements to be called "genocide."

Article III described five punishable forms of the crime of genocide: genocide; conspiracy, incitement, attempt and complicity.

Excerpt from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (For full text click here)
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide. "
Or maybe your comprehension of genocide sucks and your mental tools are are dull. Like when the crime stats show black farm workers are being killed as well, and robbery seems to be the main motive. I guess that doesn’t fit your genocide claim too well.
Robbery is almost never the motive. Quit hiding behind the black fascists in charge of South Africa and just admit that you have no ground to stand on concerning this issue.

Whites are far more likely to be tortured, raped and killed during a "robbery" than blacks are.
You are free to indulge in any fantasies you wish but don’t confuse that with facts. Robbery was noted in the police reports. The same reports that noted quite a few blacks also killed. That makes it rather difficult to create a case of racial genocide.
---------------------------------------------------- They showed up to do murder but ROBBERY or stealing and the looting of victims goods while they are incapacitated or dead is pretty common way of doing things . MURDER was the intention but hey , lets rape the females and take her valuable money and jewels . And then lets drink the GIN and Whiskey and make sandwiches .
There are no BOer genes, they are Dutch immigrants. That is all.
----------------------------------- If so , why talk of GENOCIDE a newly made word in 1944 that describes the removal of Genetic traits , genes . characteristics from human society or humanities GENE pool Coyote ??
Because that is not the modern definition of genocide Piz.
There is no "modern" definition of genocide, dipshit.

Biological terms don't change unless they are changed to become MORE encompassing, not less.

Genocide always has meant and always will mean the eradication of genes.
A song. That is your sole claim to genocidal intent.
Answer the question, bitch.

You retards freak out when Trump says that "some" of the people at the illegally cancelled Unite the Right rally are "good people" and then have the fucking gall to think Zuma voicing support for racism against whites is "just a song"?

You just want to keep digging yourself a hole and pretending I am just some dumbass "conservative" who will let you out for humanitarian reasons, don't you?

First let me answer your question. Had blacks invaded a white nation, murdered thousands to steal their land, make laws whereby whites could not own property in their own homeland, forced whites to carry pass cards, forcibly removed whites from their homes to bantustans and ruled by authoritarian force whereby they imprisoned or killed all opposition to black minority rule, the maybe Trump could sing a song about killing blacks.

Zuma is not the president of South Africa. He was voted out. So just shut up about that song junior. You can't be sane and truly be making the equivalence you just tried. .All you're doing is arguing from the Afrikaner perspective and they are the racists. You're a fucking idiot, young boy. You weren't alive during apartheid, so you really need to shut the hell up about things going on as a result of things that occurred before your ass got slapped by the doctor so you could start breathing. After all that's your standard for discussing white racism in America. Apply that to South Africa and shut the fuck up.
The new president is even worse, idiot.

His main campaign promise was based on a bill brought up by Malema.

You know nothing about the new president of South Africa and you have refused to recognize that whites there are getting what they deserve. No different than ISIS is getting what they deserve. Yeah I sad it. Because the whites in South Africa terrorized those people. And while a pussy like you can point fingers at every body else your punk ass cannot seem to get registered in your head that you white motherfuckers are not special or immune to the same rules as everyone else. So shut the fuck up about what the majority of South Africans have decided to do with a minority that decided to inflict terror and murder upon them.
Part of a successful democracy is protecting the rights of its minorities. Are you saying SA is incapable of this or that they shouldn’t? There is a generation of people born there who had nothing to do with apartheid.

I'm saying that until blacks are given proper power and authority in every part of South Africa, that unrest will be the result. The minority controls 80-90 percent of the farmland, all the banks and controls the South African economy. I think this needs to be understood. Apartheid ended in the 1990s just a little over 20 years ago, So there isn't a generation of people who are in control of the banks, land and economy who were not part of apartheid. I now you are no racist so don't take this as me calling you one, but whites need to stop trying to find ways where they can excuse themselves from problems they created.
Who is “the enemy”? Blacks because they are black? Whites because they are white?

Whites who are racists. Notice what has been sad, because that des not mean all whites since all whites are not racists. And do not try the what about black racists stuff because backs don't have the power to be racist. We can call you honkies and you will scream and holler abut black racism,, but we cannot enact laws, we can't complain about being discriminated against when we get the majority of jobs or admissions and be heard by the supreme court, nor can we elect officials to enforce our prejudices by making them into policy. We had a black president and he couldn't get away with being racist like the one we have now. And even our prejudices against whites are because of how we have been treated by whites not from falsehoods passed down through generations.
see Post 120 , everyone wants to talk Genocide but the real issue is MURDER of White Farmers . Already GENOCIDE has been averted as there are BOER's in Israel and Australia and other places so Boer Genes survive in this world . The issue is MURDER of White Farmers in S.Africa.

74 white farmers murdered. 19,000 other South Africans were murdered mostly black. There s no issue.
Answer the question, bitch.

You retards freak out when Trump says that "some" of the people at the illegally cancelled Unite the Right rally are "good people" and then have the fucking gall to think Zuma voicing support for racism against whites is "just a song"?

You just want to keep digging yourself a hole and pretending I am just some dumbass "conservative" who will let you out for humanitarian reasons, don't you?

First let me answer your question. Had blacks invaded a white nation, murdered thousands to steal their land, make laws whereby whites could not own property in their own homeland, forced whites to carry pass cards, forcibly removed whites from their homes to bantustans and ruled by authoritarian force whereby they imprisoned or killed all opposition to black minority rule, the maybe Trump could sing a song about killing blacks.

Zuma is not the president of South Africa. He was voted out. So just shut up about that song junior. You can't be sane and truly be making the equivalence you just tried. .All you're doing is arguing from the Afrikaner perspective and they are the racists. You're a fucking idiot, young boy. You weren't alive during apartheid, so you really need to shut the hell up about things going on as a result of things that occurred before your ass got slapped by the doctor so you could start breathing. After all that's your standard for discussing white racism in America. Apply that to South Africa and shut the fuck up.
The new president is even worse, idiot.

His main campaign promise was based on a bill brought up by Malema.

You know nothing about the new president of South Africa and you have refused to recognize that whites there are getting what they deserve. No different than ISIS is getting what they deserve. Yeah I sad it. Because the whites in South Africa terrorized those people. And while a pussy like you can point fingers at every body else your punk ass cannot seem to get registered in your head that you white motherfuckers are not special or immune to the same rules as everyone else. So shut the fuck up about what the majority of South Africans have decided to do with a minority that decided to inflict terror and murder upon them.
Part of a successful democracy is protecting the rights of its minorities. Are you saying SA is incapable of this or that they shouldn’t? There is a generation of people born there who had nothing to do with apartheid.

I'm saying that until blacks are given proper power and authority in every part of South Africa, that unrest will be the result. The minority controls 80-90 percent of the farmland, all the banks and controls the South African economy. I think this needs to be understood. Apartheid ended in the 1990s just a little over 20 years ago, So there isn't a generation of people who are in control of the banks, land and economy who were not part of apartheid. I now you are no racist so don't take this as me calling you one, but whites need to stop trying to find ways where they can excuse themselves from problems they created.
---------------------------- GOOD , go to work you bonehead , lets see what happens !!
Coyote apparently you do not have very good comprehension skills and your math skills totally suck. Here is the international recognized definition of genocide for ya;

The legal definition of genocide (Including Discussion and Key terms)
The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

Article II describes two elements of the crime of genocide:

1) the mental element, meaning the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such", and

2) the physical element which includes five acts described in sections a, b, c, d and e. A crime must include both elements to be called "genocide."

Article III described five punishable forms of the crime of genocide: genocide; conspiracy, incitement, attempt and complicity.

Excerpt from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (For full text click here)
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide. "
Or maybe your comprehension of genocide sucks and your mental tools are are dull. Like when the crime stats show black farm workers are being killed as well, and robbery seems to be the main motive. I guess that doesn’t fit your genocide claim too well.
When Jews were being slaughtered so were Polish and others. Again your math skills and comprehension skills suck. The blacks are being killed who stand in solidarity with the farmers. You put up the numbers now take into consideration that whites are only 9% of the population and being called White there means you are anyone who isn't black skinned.
The complete lack of even basic sympathy for the victims of murder and genocide when the victims are white is quite astonishing, isn’t it?
If these farmers were muslims, for example, we’d have NGOs branding this ethnic cleansing and genocide in a heartbeat, and of course the leftards here have already attempted to deflect and derail the thread in that direction.
The double standards are well beyond nauseating.
Oh quit with the passive aggressive stuff Tilly, you are fooling no one. :lol: instead of this ridiculous second hand response while pretending to ignore me, either respond directly or really ignore me. I am happy to ignore you, and have been but this is si,ly.

If there was real evidence of genocide I’d be right up there, but there doesn’t seem to be according to the articles I have posted. Now the issue of land distribution is a concern, it could lead to increased violence towards the white minority or a total negation of THEIR rights to land. So it is still smoldering.

Race, ethnicity and religion don’t matter when it comes to genocide. As I pointed out before, genocide is the worst thing man can do to his fellow men. I don’t think that is happening here.
Oh do get over yourself :laugh2: Passive aggressive to comment on the prevailing lack of even basic sympathy for those being raped and murdered? Oh diddums!
I don’t see how such comments are passive aggressive - but if you want to play the victim of this fictional passive aggression - please go ahead :laugh:.

Anyway, thank you for self identifying (I wasn’t specifically referring to you - it was a general observation :rolleyes-41:) as one of a number of people in this thread who have indeed expressed NO CONCERN whatsoever for the white people being murdered - and for being one of whom who has also been busy deflecting to using the Jews et al, and the Holocaust ad nauseum, in order to trivialise the slaughter (genocide if they were brown or black) of white SA’s. Thanks :clap2:

We now even have disgusting posts about how a poster would rape and murder white kids and force the parents to watch before doing the same to them. Not seeing much in the way of condemnation of that disgusting racist anti white post either, Interestingly.

And I’m not interested in your lies (which is why I don't respond to you - regardless of your paranoia :rolleyes:) that you believe race and ethnicity has no bearing on this in your view, because your posts never have suggested you believe anything of the kind or that you have any concern over such issues if the victims are not brown/black or muslim - well- except when you find it expedient to use the Jews and the Holocaust et al.

Now please try to curtail your desire to play the victim of imaginary passive aggression against your poor self, as I’m not interested in your anti white, pro everyone not white, dissembling, and never will be :)
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Convenient! If the SA government was composed of white people, they’d be condemned worldwide as ethnic cleansing racist genocidal monsters (and no doubt Nazis).

....Definitive figures are not available, as the African National Congress (ANC) government ordered the authorities to stop releasing details about the ethnicity of murder victims in 2007.

However, South African president Jacob Zuma has
sung the anti-white revolutionary song ‘Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer’ while in office, and ANC politicians have shouted “Bury them alive!” in the South African legislature during debates on the plight of white farmers.

'Outright Act of Terror' – White South Africans Protest Farm Murders, 74 Killed in 2017 So Far
Coyote apparently you do not have very good comprehension skills and your math skills totally suck. Here is the international recognized definition of genocide for ya;

The legal definition of genocide (Including Discussion and Key terms)
The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

Article II describes two elements of the crime of genocide:

1) the mental element, meaning the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such", and

2) the physical element which includes five acts described in sections a, b, c, d and e. A crime must include both elements to be called "genocide."

Article III described five punishable forms of the crime of genocide: genocide; conspiracy, incitement, attempt and complicity.

Excerpt from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (For full text click here)
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide. "
Or maybe your comprehension of genocide sucks and your mental tools are are dull. Like when the crime stats show black farm workers are being killed as well, and robbery seems to be the main motive. I guess that doesn’t fit your genocide claim too well.
When Jews were being slaughtered so were Polish and others. Again your math skills and comprehension skills suck. The blacks are being killed who stand in solidarity with the farmers. You put up the numbers now take into consideration that whites are only 9% of the population and being called White there means you are anyone who isn't black skinned.
The complete lack of even basic sympathy for the victims of murder and genocide when the victims are white is quite astonishing, isn’t it?
If these farmers were muslims, for example, we’d have NGOs branding this ethnic cleansing and genocide in a heartbeat, and of course the leftards here have already attempted to deflect and derail the thread in that direction.
The double standards are well beyond nauseating.
Oh quit with the passive aggressive stuff Tilly, you are fooling no one. :lol: instead of this ridiculous second hand response while pretending to ignore me, either respond directly or really ignore me. I am happy to ignore you, and have been but this is si,ly.

If there was real evidence of genocide I’d be right up there, but there doesn’t seem to be according to the articles I have posted. Now the issue of land distribution is a concern, it could lead to increased violence towards the white minority or a total negation of THEIR rights to land. So it is still smoldering.

Race, ethnicity and religion don’t matter when it comes to genocide. As I pointed out before, genocide is the worst thing man can do to his fellow men. I don’t think that is happening here.
Oh do get over yourself :laugh2: Passive aggressive to comment on the prevailing lack of even basic sympathy for those being raped and murdered? Oh diddums!
I don’t see how such comments are passive aggressive - but if you want to play the victim of this fictional passive aggression - please go ahead :laugh:.

Anyway, thank you for self identifying (I wasn’t specifically referring to you - it was a general observation :rolleyes-41:) as one of a number of people in this thread who have indeed expressed NO CONCERN whatsoever for the white people being murdered - and for being one of whom who has also been busy deflecting to using the Jews et al, and the Holocaust ad nauseum, in order to trivialise the slaughter (genocide if they were brown or black) of white SA’s. Thanks :clap2:

We now even have disgusting posts about how a poster would rape and murder white kids and force the parents to watch before doing the same to them. Not seeing much in the way of condemnation of that disgusting racist anti white post either, Interestingly.

And I’m not interested in your lies (which is why I don't respond to you - regardless of your paranoia :rolleyes:) that you believe race and ethnicity has no bearing on this in your view, because your posts never have suggested you believe anything of the kind or that you have any concern over such issues if the victims are not brown/black or muslim - well- except when you find it expedient to use the Jews and the Holocaust et al.

Now please try to curtail your desire to play the victim of imaginary passive aggression against your poor self, as I’m not interested in your anti white, pro everyone not white, dissembling, and never will be :)
Then ignore me instead of playing silly games ;)

Your outrage is laughable considering your refusal to condone (and you even excuse) real genocide, mass graves, gang rapes, fleeing people shot in the back, children decapitated, babies thrown into fires....except it isn’t really funny. It is genocide.

Now carry on.
Or maybe your comprehension of genocide sucks and your mental tools are are dull. Like when the crime stats show black farm workers are being killed as well, and robbery seems to be the main motive. I guess that doesn’t fit your genocide claim too well.
When Jews were being slaughtered so were Polish and others. Again your math skills and comprehension skills suck. The blacks are being killed who stand in solidarity with the farmers. You put up the numbers now take into consideration that whites are only 9% of the population and being called White there means you are anyone who isn't black skinned.
The complete lack of even basic sympathy for the victims of murder and genocide when the victims are white is quite astonishing, isn’t it?
If these farmers were muslims, for example, we’d have NGOs branding this ethnic cleansing and genocide in a heartbeat, and of course the leftards here have already attempted to deflect and derail the thread in that direction.
The double standards are well beyond nauseating.
Oh quit with the passive aggressive stuff Tilly, you are fooling no one. :lol: instead of this ridiculous second hand response while pretending to ignore me, either respond directly or really ignore me. I am happy to ignore you, and have been but this is si,ly.

If there was real evidence of genocide I’d be right up there, but there doesn’t seem to be according to the articles I have posted. Now the issue of land distribution is a concern, it could lead to increased violence towards the white minority or a total negation of THEIR rights to land. So it is still smoldering.

Race, ethnicity and religion don’t matter when it comes to genocide. As I pointed out before, genocide is the worst thing man can do to his fellow men. I don’t think that is happening here.
Oh do get over yourself :laugh2: Passive aggressive to comment on the prevailing lack of even basic sympathy for those being raped and murdered? Oh diddums!
I don’t see how such comments are passive aggressive - but if you want to play the victim of this fictional passive aggression - please go ahead :laugh:.

Anyway, thank you for self identifying (I wasn’t specifically referring to you - it was a general observation :rolleyes-41:) as one of a number of people in this thread who have indeed expressed NO CONCERN whatsoever for the white people being murdered - and for being one of whom who has also been busy deflecting to using the Jews et al, and the Holocaust ad nauseum, in order to trivialise the slaughter (genocide if they were brown or black) of white SA’s. Thanks :clap2:

We now even have disgusting posts about how a poster would rape and murder white kids and force the parents to watch before doing the same to them. Not seeing much in the way of condemnation of that disgusting racist anti white post either, Interestingly.

And I’m not interested in your lies (which is why I don't respond to you - regardless of your paranoia :rolleyes:) that you believe race and ethnicity has no bearing on this in your view, because your posts never have suggested you believe anything of the kind or that you have any concern over such issues if the victims are not brown/black or muslim - well- except when you find it expedient to use the Jews and the Holocaust et al.

Now please try to curtail your desire to play the victim of imaginary passive aggression against your poor self, as I’m not interested in your anti white, pro everyone not white, dissembling, and never will be :)
Then ignore me instead of playing silly games ;)

Your outrage is laughable considering your refusal to condone (and you even excuse) real genocide, mass graves, gang rapes, fleeing people shot in the back, children decapitated, babies thrown into fires....except it isn’t really funny. It is genocide.

Now carry on.
Quit your lame trolling :blahblah:
But do keep imagining you’re the victim of ‘passive aggression’ - it’s more entertaining than your pro genocidal bigotry against white SA’s :rolleyes:
In other words......White Farmers Lives Matter.....too. What about black taxi drivers
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