Genocide of white farmers in South africa

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last thing i do is laser in on the word Genocide . So called Genocide doesn't matter to me . But it is True that WHITE Farmers predominately are being murdered because they are White Farmers . The Murdered also include some Black farm workers that were employed by White farmers and land owners . ------------- I think that its silly to look for proof of Genocide when its clear to anyone with eyes that White Farmers are being Murdered because they are White Farmers , just a comment .
White farmers are also among the wealthiest so of course they would targeted. Theft was involved in most of the cases, and the few that did not report stolen property, reported interrupting them in the process and they fled.
i mean , hey , White and some Black farmers are being murdered in 's. africa' and those are the facts . Worrying about Genocide just muddies the waters in my opinion . Murder is murder no matter who is murdered . But the newly made word of GENOCIDE [from 1944] can be argued forever and ever .
The term genocide has become so all encompassing it can be applied to almost any situation now, so those on the Left use it liberally for brown folk, but, of course, deny exactly the same principles when they apply to whites.
-------------------------------------------------- to me words like Genocide and HATE Speech and others that are new words and concepts that just muddy the waters of clear thinking . And yes , i know what the newly made [from 1944] word Genocide means but to me its simply MURDER of White farmers in South Africa because they are WHITE FARMERS that own farmland . And as i quickly went through the thread i see argument of [its not genocide or -- yes it is genocide] but to me its the actual MURDER of White Farmers that is the issue , imo !!!
How is slaughtering two thirds of Europe’s Jewish population just murder?
Who is “the enemy”? Blacks because they are black? Whites because they are white?
i mean , hey , White and some Black farmers are being murdered in 's. africa' and those are the facts . Worrying about Genocide just muddies the waters in my opinion . Murder is murder no matter who is murdered . But the newly made word of GENOCIDE [from 1944] can be argued forever and ever .
The term genocide has become so all encompassing it can be applied to almost any situation now, so those on the Left use it liberally for brown folk, but, of course, deny exactly the same principles when they apply to whites.
-------------------------------------------------- to me words like Genocide and HATE Speech and others that are new words and concepts that just muddy the waters of clear thinking . And yes , i know what the newly made [from 1944] word Genocide means but to me its simply MURDER of White farmers in South Africa because they are WHITE FARMERS that own farmland . And as i quickly went through the thread i see argument of [its not genocide or -- yes it is genocide] but to me its the actual MURDER of White Farmers that is the issue , imo !!!
Murder is purely an individual standpoint.

"Kill the Boer" is about killing ALL the Boers and ultimately all whites in South Africa to wipe out the European genetic expressions in that country. It is genocide.
No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA
Seriously dude? Because that is pretty sick.
Coyote apparently you do not have very good comprehension skills and your math skills totally suck. Here is the international recognized definition of genocide for ya;

The legal definition of genocide (Including Discussion and Key terms)
The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

Article II describes two elements of the crime of genocide:

1) the mental element, meaning the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such", and

2) the physical element which includes five acts described in sections a, b, c, d and e. A crime must include both elements to be called "genocide."

Article III described five punishable forms of the crime of genocide: genocide; conspiracy, incitement, attempt and complicity.

Excerpt from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (For full text click here)
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide. "
Or maybe your comprehension of genocide sucks and your mental tools are are dull. Like when the crime stats show black farm workers are being killed as well, and robbery seems to be the main motive. I guess that doesn’t fit your genocide claim too well.
Robbery is almost never the motive. Quit hiding behind the black fascists in charge of South Africa and just admit that you have no ground to stand on concerning this issue.

Whites are far more likely to be tortured, raped and killed during a "robbery" than blacks are.
You are free to indulge in any fantasies you wish but don’t confuse that with facts. Robbery was noted in the police reports. The same reports that noted quite a few blacks also killed. That makes it rather difficult to create a case of racial genocide.
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depends on what u c as racism.

I see as RACISM your filthy stinking vile post about how you would rape and kill children whilst their parents are forced to watch and do the same to adults because they are WHITE South Africans.
YOU are a disgusting POS racist, and you also sound like a fucking murderous psycho.
I hope you are on a watch list somewhere, your sick fantasies indicate you are not blessed with good mental health. Pig.
Once again.

How would you treat your enemy?
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I doubt that happens and I also doubt Zimbabwe's situation will be permanent.
It's been like this in Zimbabwe since 1979. When do you imagine it will improve?

Introduce a pathogen, make sure everyone has adequate firepower to address their neighbors. Nuke the place. Eliminate the natives. THEN Zimbabwe will become a decent place to live and who knows might be farmed again.
I am not sure what you mean here. I have always supported and will always support equality of rights for all. I am not going to go along with racial fear mongering as a means to further divide people.

Did you miss the part about “with intent”? Intent to destroy an entire ethnic group? Chanting racist slogans is not genocide.

1. No it isn’t. All you have done is pointed out an increased crime rate directed against white farmers.

2. Commitment with Intent to destroy an entire group?

3. Land is an underlying issue, that has been simmering since they ended apartheid. What land grabs do you mean? If the 9% who are white own 72% of the land, I am not seeing how this is genocide. How is their language being intentionally destroyed.

4. How is birthdate being intentionally restricted in white South Africans?

Yes, it doesn’t have to be in the context of a war but it does require intent.

It is also a complex situation and if the law and justice system fails to support all South Africans equally or encourages racial violence, it could become genocide but I would not call it that now.
THIS is intent, dumbass.

A song? :lmao: you have entered the realm of the truly pathetic.

The "song" is what you earlier referred to as "chanting racist slogans", dimwit.

The fucking president of South Africa was "singing" about the slaughter of Boers at a time when racism and violence against whites in South Africa was trending up yet again, and at a time when Julius Malema was reprimanded by the South African supreme court for singing the same song.

What do you think Newsweek would say if Trump started to sing about killing blacks?

A song. That is your sole claim to genocidal intent.

Answer the question, bitch.

You retards freak out when Trump says that "some" of the people at the illegally cancelled Unite the Right rally are "good people" and then have the fucking gall to think Zuma voicing support for racism against whites is "just a song"?

You just want to keep digging yourself a hole and pretending I am just some dumbass "conservative" who will let you out for humanitarian reasons, don't you?

Dude, I am not your bitch. Now put on your big girl panties and let me know when your capable of a real discussion.

I am not sure what Trump has to do with it but I don’t think even the most moronic leftists are accusing Trump of genocide over stupid shit he has said.

To use a song as evidence of intent is beyond moronic, it is desperation. The desperation of people who feel so worried about racial superiority they have to invent genocide in order to justify their sense of victimhood.
The "song" is what you earlier referred to as "chanting racist slogans", dimwit.

The fucking president of South Africa was "singing" about the slaughter of Boers at a time when racism and violence against whites in South Africa was trending up yet again, and at a time when Julius Malema was reprimanded by the South African supreme court for singing the same song.

What do you think Newsweek would say if Trump started to sing about killing blacks?
A song. That is your sole claim to genocidal intent.
Answer the question, bitch.

You retards freak out when Trump says that "some" of the people at the illegally cancelled Unite the Right rally are "good people" and then have the fucking gall to think Zuma voicing support for racism against whites is "just a song"?

You just want to keep digging yourself a hole and pretending I am just some dumbass "conservative" who will let you out for humanitarian reasons, don't you?

First let me answer your question. Had blacks invaded a white nation, murdered thousands to steal their land, make laws whereby whites could not own property in their own homeland, forced whites to carry pass cards, forcibly removed whites from their homes to bantustans and ruled by authoritarian force whereby they imprisoned or killed all opposition to black minority rule, the maybe Trump could sing a song about killing blacks.

Zuma is not the president of South Africa. He was voted out. So just shut up about that song junior. You can't be sane and truly be making the equivalence you just tried. .All you're doing is arguing from the Afrikaner perspective and they are the racists. You're a fucking idiot, young boy. You weren't alive during apartheid, so you really need to shut the hell up about things going on as a result of things that occurred before your ass got slapped by the doctor so you could start breathing. After all that's your standard for discussing white racism in America. Apply that to South Africa and shut the fuck up.
The new president is even worse, idiot.

His main campaign promise was based on a bill brought up by Malema.

You know nothing about the new president of South Africa and you have refused to recognize that whites there are getting what they deserve. No different than ISIS is getting what they deserve. Yeah I sad it. Because the whites in South Africa terrorized those people. And while a pussy like you can point fingers at every body else your punk ass cannot seem to get registered in your head that you white motherfuckers are not special or immune to the same rules as everyone else. So shut the fuck up about what the majority of South Africans have decided to do with a minority that decided to inflict terror and murder upon them.
Part of a successful democracy is protecting the rights of its minorities. Are you saying SA is incapable of this or that they shouldn’t? There is a generation of people born there who had nothing to do with apartheid.
see Post 120 , everyone wants to talk Genocide but the real issue is MURDER of White Farmers . Already GENOCIDE has been averted as there are BOER's in Israel and Australia and other places so Boer Genes survive in this world . The issue is MURDER of White Farmers in S.Africa.
There are no BOer genes, they are Dutch immigrants. That is all.
i mean , hey , White and some Black farmers are being murdered in 's. africa' and those are the facts . Worrying about Genocide just muddies the waters in my opinion . Murder is murder no matter who is murdered . But the newly made word of GENOCIDE [from 1944] can be argued forever and ever .
The term genocide has become so all encompassing it can be applied to almost any situation now, so those on the Left use it liberally for brown folk, but, of course, deny exactly the same principles when they apply to whites.
-------------------------------------------------- to me words like Genocide and HATE Speech and others that are new words and concepts that just muddy the waters of clear thinking . And yes , i know what the newly made [from 1944] word Genocide means but to me its simply MURDER of White farmers in South Africa because they are WHITE FARMERS that own farmland . And as i quickly went through the thread i see argument of [its not genocide or -- yes it is genocide] but to me its the actual MURDER of White Farmers that is the issue , imo !!!
How is slaughtering two thirds of Europe’s Jewish population just murder?
------------------------------------ we are talking about South Africa and not the Jews and others of Europe and i say that the MURDER of White Farmers is murder . The arguing back and forth about Genocide of Boers is just silliness . As i have shown , Boers GENES exist in many parts of the world Coyote .
There are no BOer genes, they are Dutch immigrants. That is all.
----------------------------------- If so , why talk of GENOCIDE a newly made word in 1944 that describes the removal of Genetic traits , genes . characteristics from human society or humanities GENE pool Coyote ??
There are no BOer genes, they are Dutch immigrants. That is all.
----------------------------------- If so , why talk of GENOCIDE a newly made word in 1944 that describes the removal of Genetic traits , genes . characteristics from human society or humanities GENE pool Coyote ??
Because that is not the modern definition of genocide Piz.
i mean , hey , White and some Black farmers are being murdered in 's. africa' and those are the facts . Worrying about Genocide just muddies the waters in my opinion . Murder is murder no matter who is murdered . But the newly made word of GENOCIDE [from 1944] can be argued forever and ever .
The term genocide has become so all encompassing it can be applied to almost any situation now, so those on the Left use it liberally for brown folk, but, of course, deny exactly the same principles when they apply to whites.
-------------------------------------------------- to me words like Genocide and HATE Speech and others that are new words and concepts that just muddy the waters of clear thinking . And yes , i know what the newly made [from 1944] word Genocide means but to me its simply MURDER of White farmers in South Africa because they are WHITE FARMERS that own farmland . And as i quickly went through the thread i see argument of [its not genocide or -- yes it is genocide] but to me its the actual MURDER of White Farmers that is the issue , imo !!!
How is slaughtering two thirds of Europe’s Jewish population just murder?
------------------------------------ we are talking about South Africa and not the Jews and others of Europe and i say that the MURDER of White Farmers is murder . The arguing back and forth about Genocide of Boers is just silliness . As i have shown , Boers GENES exist in many parts of the world Coyote .
You seem to be portraying genocide as just murder. I fail to see how the attempted extermination of a people is just murder. Like the Jews.
There are no BOer genes, they are Dutch immigrants. That is all.
------------------------------------------------------------- maybe correct if talking about 4 - 5 hundred years ago when Dutch explorers had just arrived in S. Africa , but even then i'd call the Dutch explorers as Colonizers rather than 'immigrants' Coyote .
And yes, the murder of white farmers is murder. I do not think that is in dispute.
There are no BOer genes, they are Dutch immigrants. That is all.
------------------------------------------------------------- maybe correct if talking about 4 - 5 hundred years ago when Dutch explorers had just arrived in S. Africa , but even then i'd call the Dutch explorers as Colonizers rather than 'immigrants' Coyote .
Yes, colonizers.
last thing i do is laser in on the word Genocide . So called Genocide doesn't matter to me . But it is True that WHITE Farmers predominately are being murdered because they are White Farmers . The Murdered also include some Black farm workers that were employed by White farmers and land owners . ------------- I think that its silly to look for proof of Genocide when its clear to anyone with eyes that White Farmers are being Murdered because they are White Farmers , just a comment .
White farmers are also among the wealthiest so of course they would targeted. Theft was involved in most of the cases, and the few that did not report stolen property, reported interrupting them in the process and they fled.
------------------------- WEALTHIEST , sure , of course , they know how to farm and do Business Coyote .
sure Colonizers and they built up one good country with their abilities that the Good LORD gave them Coyote .
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