Geologists Warn of Sumatra Super-Volcano

KarlMarx said:
I guess I was wrong, was it 1908? I was going by memory.... not the most reliable thing on a 47 year old!

I hear ya KM... I'm just a couple month's from 50! :beer:
KarlMarx said:
Hi Pale

Just an update.... I checked with my source here at work.....

He thinks it was a comet fragment, but said that you're right, no one really knows what it was...

I even heard one wild theory one time of someone speculating that maybe it could have been a thread beam of anti-matter, some of which are so small that they are only two dimensional, but none the less, are out there in space. If you were to ever encounter one during space travel, it would slice your whatever passed through it like a razor blade. Evidently, our atmosphere diffused it to the point of doing what it did.

A rather far fetched theory, but like you say, no one has really figured out what happened there yet. Could have been aliens... :tinfoil:
Pale Rider said:
I even heard one wild theory one time of someone speculating that maybe it could have been a thread beam of anti-matter, some of which are so small that they are only two dimensional, but none the less, are out there in space. If you were to ever encounter one during space travel, it would slice your whatever passed through it like a razor blade. Evidently, our atmosphere diffused it to the point of doing what it did.

A rather far fetched theory, but like you say, no one has really figured out what happened there yet. Could have been aliens... :tinfoil:
BTW did you watch "Supervolcano"? I told myself I was going to go to bed early that night and wound up watching the whole thing.... so much for self-discipline!

According to their scenario, 25 million people died in the US alone....

This is off topic, but did you notice that during the story, Mexico closed its borders to people fleeing the eruption? I said to myself "it figures! I hope President Bush is watching this!"..... I wonder if they put that little bit in the story as a political comment?

P.S. I also wonder if such a horrible thing actually happened.... I wonder who would send us aid first, France, the UN, Russia, or China? :laugh:
KarlMarx said:
BTW did you watch "Supervolcano"? I told myself I was going to go to bed early that night and wound up watching the whole thing.... so much for self-discipline!

According to their scenario, 25 million people died in the US alone....

This is off topic, but did you notice that during the story, Mexico closed its borders to people fleeing the eruption? I said to myself "it figures! I hope President Bush is watching this!"..... I wonder if they put that little bit in the story as a political comment?

P.S. I also wonder if such a horrible thing actually happened.... I wonder who would send us aid first, France, the UN, Russia, or China? :laugh:

I said I was going to watch it, and had every intention to, and then didn't. I missed it. But, usually they air programs like that more than once. I'll have to try and catch it another time.

If it really did happen, I don't think ANYONE would help us. I think whoever thought they could get the job done would move in to try and take us over while we were weak.

By the way, how did people in Nevada fare? Will I live through it here in Reno? :terror:
Pale Rider said:
I said I was going to watch it, and had every intention to, and then didn't. I missed it. But, usually they air programs like that more than once. I'll have to try and catch it another time.

If it really did happen, I don't think ANYONE would help us. I think whoever thought they could get the job done would move in to try and take us over while we were weak.

By the way, how did people in Nevada fare? Will I live through it here in Reno? :terror:
People to the east got hit worse that west, because the prevailing winds blow west to east..... so they got the worst of the ash.

Also, the bread basket of the United States was buried under a layer of volcanic ash, so there obviously would be a famine.

Unfortunately, the entire planet was plunged into a long, long winter which Nevada would not escape (we in upstate New York probably wouldn't notice the difference ---- our winters usually last for months and our summers last for minutes! :) )
Pale Rider said:
Cool. Lets hope the one under Yellowstone Park isn't a big one either. My sister lives like 90 miles due west of the north west corner of Wyoming in Sheridan, Montana.
Actually the one under Yellowstone is enormous.... the caldera (the "hole" of the volcano) is 90 miles across! It probably is the largest volcano in the world (or at least in the top three)

KarlMarx said:
Actually the one under Yellowstone is enormous.... the caldera (the "hole" of the volcano) is 90 miles across! It probably is the largest volcano in the world (or at least in the top three)

They ran the program again last night, and I watched it. All three hours of it. Pretty incredible. But what they have to say about it all in actuality at the end, they pretty much say a super eruption isn't very likely to happen. It ended at 11:00PM, and I couldn't stay awake long enough to watch the next program which was Super Quake.

In any case, all VERY interesting.
Pale Rider said:
They ran the program again last night, and I watched it. All three hours of it. Pretty incredible. But what they have to say about it all in actuality at the end, they pretty much say a super eruption isn't very likely to happen. It ended at 11:00PM, and I couldn't stay awake long enough to watch the next program which was Super Quake.

In any case, all VERY interesting.

I enjoyed it too and couldn't help remember my days as a kid when we got under our desks in case a nuke hit us. Look out dudes !!! Here comes a world wide catastrophe " quick--under those desks " :teeth:
Pale Rider said:
They ran the program again last night, and I watched it. All three hours of it. Pretty incredible. But what they have to say about it all in actuality at the end, they pretty much say a super eruption isn't very likely to happen. It ended at 11:00PM, and I couldn't stay awake long enough to watch the next program which was Super Quake.

In any case, all VERY interesting.
That's the impression I got too. Also, many doomsayers say that we are overdue for a large volcanic eruption .... the problem is that they are using averages of estimates, the last volcanic eruption occurred approximately 640,000 years ago, the one before that approximately 1.4/1.5 million years ago, and so forth..... it's not an exact science....

Still.... consider that the pollution from one of these eruptions dwarfs anything that man has spewed into the air (about 600 cubic MILES of ash thrown into the atmosphere, not counting noxious gas emissions), yet the Earth recovered..... hmmmm..... does this put a damper on the greenhouse effect theory?
KarlMarx said:
Still.... consider that the pollution from one of these eruptions dwarfs anything that man has spewed into the air (about 600 cubic MILES of ash thrown into the atmosphere, not counting noxious gas emissions), yet the Earth recovered..... hmmmm..... does this put a damper on the greenhouse effect theory?

Don't worry KarlMarx, the greenies will somehow blame snowmobilers for putting Yellowstone out of balance and causing an eruption.
HAs any happened in recordable human history? If not that its just another THEORY that is itended to scare the crap out of ordinary people. Like global warming.
insein said:
HAs any happened in recordable human history? If not that its just another THEORY that is itended to scare the crap out of ordinary people. Like global warming.
Not a supervolcanic eruption, but there have been huge eruptions....

Tambora 1815
Krakatao 1848

in both cases, the climate of the entire planet was changed

No, I'm afraid that these things are real, there is real scientific evidence to verify that they happened. Furthermore, there isn't anything we can do about them (i.e. stop driving cars, or sign stupid treaties that infringe on our national sovereignty)
MtnBiker said:
Don't worry KarlMarx, the greenies will somehow blame snowmobilers for putting Yellowstone out of balance and causing an eruption.
Just like they started blaming global warming for the tsunami in December!

You know, if it weren't for the fact that these people are dangerous, it would be hilarious!
KarlMarx said:
Not a supervolcanic eruption, but there have been huge eruptions....

Tambora 1815
Krakatao 1848

in both cases, the climate of the entire planet was changed

No, I'm afraid that these things are real, there is real scientific evidence to verify that they happened. Furthermore, there isn't anything we can do about them (i.e. stop driving cars, or sign stupid treaties that infringe on our national sovereignty)

So if theres nothing we can do in our everyday lives to prevent it, then i suggest we stop wasting money and time on the subject from a governmental standpoint. Just another false standing point for a politician to hang his hat on and grab some money.
KarlMarx said:
That's the impression I got too. Also, many doomsayers say that we are overdue for a large volcanic eruption .... the problem is that they are using averages of estimates, the last volcanic eruption occurred approximately 640,000 years ago, the one before that approximately 1.4/1.5 million years ago, and so forth..... it's not an exact science....

Still.... consider that the pollution from one of these eruptions dwarfs anything that man has spewed into the air (about 600 cubic MILES of ash thrown into the atmosphere, not counting noxious gas emissions), yet the Earth recovered..... hmmmm..... does this put a damper on the greenhouse effect theory?

They also said, about the rising earth in Yellowstone, that the ground goes up and down in Yellowstone constantly, so stuff like the bulge in the lake really isn't all that unusual. And even if it did blow, it could be anything from the super eruption, to a one vent eruption just oozing lava.

They really don't know. That flick was about the absolute worst case senario. They love making those things, because there's that one in a million chance it COULD happen, and besides that, those programs are highly entertaining, and usually a lot of people watch it... like me. :happy2:

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