George Conway Admits Rant Against / Feud With Trump 'Therapy To Prevent Verbal Spousal Abuse'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
George Conway: I Taunt Trump on Twitter ā€˜so I Donā€™t End Up Screaming atā€™ My Wife Georgiy Porgy just admitted that it is HE who has the mental instability problem stemming from obvious TDS and is trying to hold it together...

"Conway, a Trump foe once under consideration for a top position at the Department of Justice, has ratcheted up criticism about the president in recent days, questioning whether his wifeā€™s boss lacks the mental fitness to lead the country."

"Itā€™s so maddening to watch,ā€ Conway stated. ā€œThe mendacity, the incompetence, itā€™s just maddening to watch. The tweeting is just the way to get it out of the way, so I can get it off my chest and move on with my life that day. Thatā€™s basically it. Frankly, itā€™s so I donā€™t end up screaming at her about it.ā€

'Maddening'.....twice....Oh yeah, Georgy Porgy has IT bad - a massive case of Trump Derangement Syndrome is ever there was one!


The only difference, it seems, between Georgy Porgy and snowflakes on this board is that he is married to a famous wife who - thanks to Trump winning - has a successful career while he feels he has been screwed out of his successful lucrative job at the exposed corrupt / criminal DOJ by Trump defeating Hillary AND that due to her success the only way he can get any publicity, feel important, and still feel like a big shot / a man around the house now is to ride her coat-tails and have this highly publicized / reported feud with the President instead of anonymously post on a chat board.

Because of Trump winning, she now has the big job, the publicity, and wears the pants in the family!

His manhood has probably taken a huge blow since he lost any hope at tat job with the DOJ, his wife is making more money than him and is more important than him now.

She probably walks past him in the house and says with a smile / smirk something like 'Loser', maybe now dominantly tells him to take out the trash, sit on the floor and rub her feet at the end of a long hard day....since the only thing he did all day was pick a fight with the President by submitting 'Tweets'....calls him her 'bit@h'...and he is losing it.


George Conway: I Taunt Trump on Twitter to Keep from 'Screaming at' Wife


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