George Floyd....Entitled


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Yes, I'll say it. Mr. Floyd felt entitled to act like a complete Ass. Most folks would have complied instead of shouting 'don't shoot me' while NOT complying with officers' asking him to put his fucking hands on the steering wheel!! Who the FUCK did he think he was? He was being arrested for committing a FELONY!!! Then he complained about not being able to breathe and that he had claustrophobia. He thrashed about in the patrol car so they had to ask him to get out which, of course, he refused to do even after saying he did not want to be there. This is all available in many videos. Floyd obviously felt more entitled than anyone else to be able to commit a felony and defy law enforcement. That did not go well for him as it shouldn't really.
Yes, I'll say it. Mr. Floyd felt entitled to act like a complete Ass. Most folks would have complied instead of shouting 'don't shoot me' while NOT complying with officers' asking him to put his fucking hands on the steering wheel!! Who the FUCK did he think he was? He was being arrested for committing a FELONY!!! Then he complained about not being able to breathe and that he had claustrophobia. He thrashed about in the patrol car so they had to ask him to get out which, of course, he refused to do even after saying he did not want to be there. This is all available in many videos. Floyd obviously felt more entitled than anyone else to be able to commit a felony and defy law enforcement. That did not go well for him as it shouldn't really.
Yes but the cop acted like a psychopath by Keeping constant pressure on his neck and must be sentenced to jail along with the other cops
Yes but the cop acted like a psychopath by Keeping constant pressure on his neck and must be sentenced to jail along with the other cops
None of that would have happened if Floyd didn't act like a complete psychopath. Watch all the videos. The guy was a complete psycho. I would say he was playing to the cameras which is not unknown for thugs to do when confronted with law enforcement.
Yes but the cop acted like a psychopath by Keeping constant pressure on his neck and must be sentenced to jail along with the other cops
None of that would have happened if Floyd didn't act like a complete psychopath. Watch all the videos. The guy was a complete psycho. I would say he was playing to the cameras which is not unknown for thugs to do when confronted with law enforcement.
Yes but when you’re fully constraint on the ground and not resisting then the burden is on all the 4 cops and it’s murder
I am here to call it as I see it
I am not here for friends
The cop must in prison.
GF was a thug but he did not deserve it
Thugs deserve swift and lethal justice in my book. Fuck them all. Kill a few and they will whither.
Yes but when you’re fully constraint on the ground and not resisting then the burden is on all the 4 cops and it’s murder
He wouldn't have been on the fucking ground if he would have obeyed law enforcement like every other sentient, logical human being would do. That was my point. That bad things happened to Floyd is regrettable but, it's not murder. Floyd felt he was above the law, it is evident on all those videos.
I am here to call it as I see it
I am not here for friends
The cop must in prison.
GF was a thug but he did not deserve it
Thugs deserve swift and lethal justice in my book. Fuck them all. Kill a few and they will whither.
Still we have laws and he was restrained
The video clearly shows it
Yes but the cop acted like a psychopath by Keeping constant pressure on his neck and must be sentenced to jail along with the other cops
None of that would have happened if Floyd didn't act like a complete psychopath. Watch all the videos. The guy was a complete psycho. I would say he was playing to the cameras which is not unknown for thugs to do when confronted with law enforcement.
Murder isn't part of a cop's job.
Still we have laws and he was restrained
The video clearly shows it
Floyd should have obeyed those laws in the first place. Like not trying to pass forged $20 bills, like not resisting law enforcement, like not taking illegal drugs........Come on now....What would YOU have done with a huge man like that screaming in your face and resisting arrest...TAZ him? Shoot him? Come on armchair cop....Remember, Floyd was also trying to hurt himself.....Handcuffs did not deter him from that. What the FUCK else could you do Mr. Armchair Cop?
I am here to call it as I see it
I am not here for friends
The cop must in prison.
GF was a thug but he did not deserve it
Thugs deserve swift and lethal justice in my book. Fuck them all. Kill a few and they will whither.
Spoken like a truly dirty cop. Your attitude is why cops will never receive the respect they want. I guess they prefer fear to respect. How is that working out for them lately?
Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals…

I believe there are 13 now...

I would say he was playing to the cameras which is not unknown for thugs to do when confronted with law enforcement.
Yep, a cop told me that they play to the cameras these days. When the thugs are snagged, the hood gathers around with phone cameras and they know the cops have body cams. They turn into bad actors so far but, soon, I think Hollywood will start giving them pointers.

Floyd shoulda seen this:

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Still we have laws and he was restrained
The video clearly shows it
Floyd should have obeyed those laws in the first place. Like not trying to pass forged $20 bills, like not resisting law enforcement, like not taking illegal drugs........Come on now....What would YOU have done with a huge man like that screaming in your face and resisting arrest...TAZ him? Shoot him? Come on armchair cop....Remember, Floyd was also trying to hurt himself.....Handcuffs did not deter him from that. What the FUCK else could you do Mr. Armchair Cop?
You taz him but he was already held down and constrained
You don’t kill him
That makes you a murderer
The cop exasperated the problem and crossed the line by killing a constrained man
The only question is if it’s manslaughter or Second degree
You taz him but he was already held down and constrained
You don’t kill him
That makes you a murderer

They could have Tazed him but it might have killed him too. They did not exercise that option but, it could have killed him in his drugged altered state. The cops had no way of knowing.....I say give them a break, they are not racist in any way, they did not set out to kill Floyd, they even called for an Ambulance for Floyd. You are letting a video snippet color your judgement. And I say that with all all due respect.
You taz him but he was already held down and constrained
You don’t kill him
That makes you a murderer
Tazing him might have killed him too. They did not exercise that option but, it could have killed him in his drugged altered state. The cops had no way of knowing.....I say give them a break, they are not racist in any way, they did not set out to kill Floyd, they even called for an Ambulance for Floyd. You are letting a video snippet color your judgement. And I say that will all due respect.
GF was a thug
I am willing to give passes to the other cops but the main guy must get manslaughter
It’s only 7 yrs
Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals…

I believe there are 13 now...

I would say he was playing to the cameras which is not unknown for thugs to do when confronted with law enforcement.
Yep, a cop told me that they play to the cameras these days. When the thugs are snagged, the hood gathers around with phone cameras and they know the cops have body cams. They turn into bad actors so far but, soon, I think Hollywood will start giving them pointers.

Floyd shoulda seen this:

So you think the victim should be blamed for cops breaking the law? I'm sure dirty cops all over the country agree with you.

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