George Floyd. The Truth Is Out. (Finally)

For those unsure of what Floyd was sentenced to prison for, here is the statutes for aggravated robbery:

and here is the statute for aggravated assault:

Why post both? Because plea bargaining is so common and the Floyd "The Gentle Giant" (snicker) committed both crimes during his robbery, and this one was dropped for pleading to the more serious charge. He was let out of prison early as a result.

So now police get to kill ex-cons who paid their debt to society and were released - just because they're ex-cons? Don't be stupid.
No because they continue their criminal behavior.
HERE is Floyd's record...
Okay, let's clear up a bunch of the confusion here.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday declared the death of George Floyd a homicide, saying he died of “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression,” according to a Minneapolis television station.

The updated report from the examiner states that Floyd died from a loss of blood flow due to compression on his neck while being restrained by Minneapolis police, local Fox television affiliate Fox 9 reported.

Coroner confirms George Floyd's death WAS a homicide as officials walk back initial reports he wasn't strangled after family's autopsy found cop's knee on his neck caused asphyxia

  • The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday ruled that George's Floyd's death was a homicide and that he died by asphyxiation
  • The finding confirms the same conclusion of the independent autopsy that was also released on Monday, but there are key differences over the cause
  • The medical examiner said underlying health conditions and drug use were possible contributing factors to Floyd's death
  • But two doctors who carried out that independent autopsy at the family's request said he had no underlying conditions that may have contributed
  • They argued that Floyd was killed by police action alone when Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day
  • Monday's medical examiner press release appeared to show authorities walked back their conclusions on what killed Floyd
  • The original criminal complaint against Chauvin cited the medical examiner's office when it said it found no findings of strangulation
  • A spokeswoman for Hennepin County did not confirm any reversal, saying only that Monday's release were the 'final findings'
So no "dueling medical examiners", no more confident assertions of "XYZ didn't happen, so the cop can't be at fault." The MEs are on the same page, and the cop is culpable, and now we move on to building a case and prosecuting it.

Fuck that. Put ME on the defense team and let me go after those jackass medical examiners. I would show them the cop's knee and ask them if they have the slightest clue about the anatomy of the human neck. Then ask them if they see the cops knee anywhere hear the victims windpipe.
YEA... look at this picture...
View attachment 345175

Is his knee on his throat???? NOPE

Your constant use of the word "throat" is a straw man. The issue is that the knee on his NECK is an improper restraint, and you know it but don't want to accept it, which is why you keep trying to make it about "throat".

Not my word...
Paul Harding, Deputy Sheriff since 2000, Certified Flight Instructor
The tried-and-true method is the “polyester pile on” where a bunch of cops each take one limb and just hold the person down until he's exhausted from struggling so hard. Again, they could make him helpless, even kill him, in a few seconds with so many officers against him, but they don't.

A cop's knee or shin might touch a person's neck during handcuffing if the person is one of those few who decide to physically fight against being arrested. Cops aren't putting their weight on the back of a person's neck though, and if they were then just about everyone who resisted arrest to the point where they had to be pinned down and cuffed would end up with a broken neck.
Okay, let's clear up a bunch of the confusion here.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday declared the death of George Floyd a homicide, saying he died of “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression,” according to a Minneapolis television station.

The updated report from the examiner states that Floyd died from a loss of blood flow due to compression on his neck while being restrained by Minneapolis police, local Fox television affiliate Fox 9 reported.

Coroner confirms George Floyd's death WAS a homicide as officials walk back initial reports he wasn't strangled after family's autopsy found cop's knee on his neck caused asphyxia

  • The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday ruled that George's Floyd's death was a homicide and that he died by asphyxiation
  • The finding confirms the same conclusion of the independent autopsy that was also released on Monday, but there are key differences over the cause
  • The medical examiner said underlying health conditions and drug use were possible contributing factors to Floyd's death
  • But two doctors who carried out that independent autopsy at the family's request said he had no underlying conditions that may have contributed
  • They argued that Floyd was killed by police action alone when Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day
  • Monday's medical examiner press release appeared to show authorities walked back their conclusions on what killed Floyd
  • The original criminal complaint against Chauvin cited the medical examiner's office when it said it found no findings of strangulation
  • A spokeswoman for Hennepin County did not confirm any reversal, saying only that Monday's release were the 'final findings'
So no "dueling medical examiners", no more confident assertions of "XYZ didn't happen, so the cop can't be at fault." The MEs are on the same page, and the cop is culpable, and now we move on to building a case and prosecuting it.

Fuck that. Put ME on the defense team and let me go after those jackass medical examiners. I would show them the cop's knee and ask them if they have the slightest clue about the anatomy of the human neck. Then ask them if they see the cops knee anywhere hear the victims windpipe.
YEA... look at this picture...
View attachment 345175

Is his knee on his throat???? NOPE

Your constant use of the word "throat" is a straw man. The issue is that the knee on his NECK is an improper restraint, and you know it but don't want to accept it, which is why you keep trying to make it about "throat".
Because the throat is where the air flow is and if it was being constricted then air flow would be constricted and he wouldn't be able to breath. He said he couldn't breath but that was not why he died.

The knee was on the right side carotid artery, not the throat. He died because he had pre-existing blood flow issues.

Well, thank you for that incisive analysis of your own limited knowledge about the respiratory system. You'll excuse me if I'm willing to believe the actual doctors, both of whom say his airflow WAS restricted. I'm also believing my teachers in anatomy and physiology classes.
Okay, let's clear up a bunch of the confusion here.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday declared the death of George Floyd a homicide, saying he died of “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression,” according to a Minneapolis television station.

The updated report from the examiner states that Floyd died from a loss of blood flow due to compression on his neck while being restrained by Minneapolis police, local Fox television affiliate Fox 9 reported.

Coroner confirms George Floyd's death WAS a homicide as officials walk back initial reports he wasn't strangled after family's autopsy found cop's knee on his neck caused asphyxia

  • The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday ruled that George's Floyd's death was a homicide and that he died by asphyxiation
  • The finding confirms the same conclusion of the independent autopsy that was also released on Monday, but there are key differences over the cause
  • The medical examiner said underlying health conditions and drug use were possible contributing factors to Floyd's death
  • But two doctors who carried out that independent autopsy at the family's request said he had no underlying conditions that may have contributed
  • They argued that Floyd was killed by police action alone when Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day
  • Monday's medical examiner press release appeared to show authorities walked back their conclusions on what killed Floyd
  • The original criminal complaint against Chauvin cited the medical examiner's office when it said it found no findings of strangulation
  • A spokeswoman for Hennepin County did not confirm any reversal, saying only that Monday's release were the 'final findings'
So no "dueling medical examiners", no more confident assertions of "XYZ didn't happen, so the cop can't be at fault." The MEs are on the same page, and the cop is culpable, and now we move on to building a case and prosecuting it.

Fuck that. Put ME on the defense team and let me go after those jackass medical examiners. I would show them the cop's knee and ask them if they have the slightest clue about the anatomy of the human neck. Then ask them if they see the cops knee anywhere hear the victims windpipe.
YEA... look at this picture...
View attachment 345175

Is his knee on his throat???? NOPE

Your constant use of the word "throat" is a straw man. The issue is that the knee on his NECK is an improper restraint, and you know it but don't want to accept it, which is why you keep trying to make it about "throat".

Not my word...
Paul Harding, Deputy Sheriff since 2000, Certified Flight Instructor
The tried-and-true method is the “polyester pile on” where a bunch of cops each take one limb and just hold the person down until he's exhausted from struggling so hard. Again, they could make him helpless, even kill him, in a few seconds with so many officers against him, but they don't.

A cop's knee or shin might touch a person's neck during handcuffing if the person is one of those few who decide to physically fight against being arrested. Cops aren't putting their weight on the back of a person's neck though, and if they were then just about everyone who resisted arrest to the point where they had to be pinned down and cuffed would end up with a broken neck.

You're quoting fucking QUORA at me. Faster to just say, "I surrender."
lolthe family has reached a new low today; they had Al Sharpton speak at the thug's funeral. All very dramatic, and phony hypocritical rubbish. AL probably slipped them a hundred to get his face on TV.
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I looked this up. I couldn't find anything anywhere where the woman was raped. Or ganged raped. Only that she was beaten. Though I never could find out what the woman's name was or any other information about her.

There is more than one crime. The sonofabitch had a rap sheet a mile long.

Aside from the alleged passing of counterfeit bills, was there anything for which he had not already been convicted and done his time? Because if not, it's irrelevant to the issue.

Of course not! He was a saint, a SAINT!!! DINDUNUTTIN!!!! He was so good with money he was able to drive a luxury SUV on a bouncer's wages from a latino night club. Manneeds a statue in every town square!

And, I have a bag of magic beans for sale you can buy cheap.

I looked this up. I couldn't find anything anywhere where the woman was raped. Or ganged raped. Only that she was beaten. Though I never could find out what the woman's name was or any other information about her.

There is more than one crime. The sonofabitch had a rap sheet a mile long.

Aside from the alleged passing of counterfeit bills, was there anything for which he had not already been convicted and done his time? Because if not, it's irrelevant to the issue.

Of course not! He was a saint, a SAINT!!! DINDUNUTTIN!!!! He was so good with money he was able to drive a luxury SUV on a bouncer's wages from a latino night club. Manneeds a statue in every town square!

And, I have a bag of magic beans for sale you can buy cheap.

So you're telling me that if someone is convicted of a crime, serves their sentence, and is then released, they still deserve to be killed by the police the next time they're suspected of something? The only choices are "He's a SAINT!" or "He has a record, so fuck him"? Is that your position?

I looked this up. I couldn't find anything anywhere where the woman was raped. Or ganged raped. Only that she was beaten. Though I never could find out what the woman's name was or any other information about her.

There is more than one crime. The sonofabitch had a rap sheet a mile long.

Aside from the alleged passing of counterfeit bills, was there anything for which he had not already been convicted and done his time? Because if not, it's irrelevant to the issue.

Of course not! He was a saint, a SAINT!!! DINDUNUTTIN!!!! He was so good with money he was able to drive a luxury SUV on a bouncer's wages from a latino night club. Manneeds a statue in every town square!

And, I have a bag of magic beans for sale you can buy cheap.

So you're telling me that if someone is convicted of a crime, serves their sentence, and is then released, they still deserve to be killed by the police the next time they're suspected of something? The only choices are "He's a SAINT!" or "He has a record, so fuck him"? Is that your position?

He wasn't killed by police. And yes, fuck him. He was a violent criminal thug. Got any more strawmen you want to throw out in solidarity with the lynch mob?
So out of the 1,000 people you arrested in your career... how many peacefully sat down on the side walk?
Just curious where you have that data.

It was only a couple of hundred. Quite a few actually. And those that didn't, we're easy to handle once I handcuffed them.
So you had 200 arrests and those that resisted were easy to handle right?
Were you the only one to handle those that were handcuffed?

Once they were handcuffed? Yep. Beforehand, not so much.
Yeah, the issue they have with their hands behind their backs is one of balance. It's very hard to be balanced when your hands are cuffed behind you. I've handcuffed gang members, stroppy entitled brats and guys high on PCP (in one case it took five of us to handcuff a guy, but he was easy to handle once it was done).
Not my word...
Paul Harding, Deputy Sheriff since 2000, Certified Flight Instructor
The tried-and-true method is the “polyester pile on” where a bunch of cops each take one limb and just hold the person down until he's exhausted from struggling so hard. Again, they could make him helpless, even kill him, in a few seconds with so many officers against him, but they don't.

A cop's knee or shin might touch a person's neck during handcuffing if the person is one of those few who decide to physically fight against being arrested. Cops aren't putting their weight on the back of a person's neck though, and if they were then just about everyone who resisted arrest to the point where they had to be pinned down and cuffed would end up with a broken neck.

They want to see those cops dead, period. Innocence doesn't not matter to them, they want human sacrifices, like all good lil pagans. Anything that exonerates them is to be shouted down and the evidence destroyed. watch a lot of videos suddenly disappear, more 'autopsies' contracted, a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize given to good ole George, The Gentle Giant, etc.
So out of the 1,000 people you arrested in your career... how many peacefully sat down on the side walk?
Just curious where you have that data.

It was only a couple of hundred. Quite a few actually. And those that didn't, we're easy to handle once I handcuffed them.
So you had 200 arrests and those that resisted were easy to handle right?
Were you the only one to handle those that were handcuffed?

Once they were handcuffed? Yep. Beforehand, not so much.
Yeah, the issue they have with their hands behind their backs is one of balance. It's very hard to be balanced when your hands are cuffed behind you. I've handcuffed gang members, stroppy entitled brats and guys high on PCP (in one case it took five of us to handcuff a guy, but he was easy to handle once it was done).

So with your expertise then why did Officer Derek Chauvin with 19 years experience put his knee on the side of Floyd's neck if Floyd was in compliance? Did he do it out of vengeance? Black hatred? What purpose would Chauvin have in putting the knee to Floyd's NECK... not throat as been grossly misrepresented by the biased MSM.
So with your expertise then why did Officer Derek Chauvin with 19 years experience put his knee on the side of Floyd's neck if Floyd was in compliance? Did he do it out of vengeance? Black hatred? What purpose would Chauvin have in putting the knee to Floyd's NECK... not throat as been grossly misrepresented by the biased MSM.

I don't think Chauvin is a racist. I think he had his knee on the neck because he is a fucking idiot. I think if a person didn't comply of any colour, he would have done the same thing, which is why he is a dick. We used to get trained to do the carotid hold (you guys call it the choke hold), but that got phased out about 20 years ago exactly for the reason that happened with Floyd. The choke didn't kill him, the heart failure brought on by the hold did. Thus the second-degree murder charge.
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.
What part of "only the force necessary to subdue" don't you understand?

When he stopped fighting, they had a legal duty to simply restrain him and put him in the back of the car.

NOTHING he did prior to that gang execution justified that cop putting a knee on his neck for 8 FUCKING MINUTES.

He murdered him. This is no hero cop. He is no better than the people who kill others.

A drug induced suicide by cop does not a murder make.

Imagine the riots after the cop is finally aquitted of the murder charge.

If that was the case. It would be hard to prove or disprove. I'm still waiting for more video to come out. Which shows how he got from the back of the cop car to where he ended up. I am wondering also if a tazer was used on him at all. If one was and it didn't work well enough, it would be even more reason for him to be in the situation he ended up in.
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.
What part of "only the force necessary to subdue" don't you understand?

When he stopped fighting, they had a legal duty to simply restrain him and put him in the back of the car.

NOTHING he did prior to that gang execution justified that cop putting a knee on his neck for 8 FUCKING MINUTES.

He murdered him. This is no hero cop. He is no better than the people who kill others.

A drug induced suicide by cop does not a murder make.

Imagine the riots after the cop is finally aquitted of the murder charge.

If that was the case. It would be hard to prove or disprove. I'm still waiting for more video to come out. Which shows how he got from the back of the cop car to where he ended up. I am wondering also if a tazer was used on him at all. If one was and it didn't work well enough, it would be even more reason for him to be in the situation he ended up in.

I am open to more video and other evidence as well.

I am especially interested in the drug levels in Floyd's system.

Was the fentanyl and Meth only trace amounts or were they near lethal levels?

As for the altercation in the back seat, I want to know if the police are required to put seatbelts on a cuffed passenger. If they are so required, that would explain part of the struggle. Also, if Floyd shit or pissed himself in the cop's car. (happens a LOT.)
So with your expertise then why did Officer Derek Chauvin with 19 years experience put his knee on the side of Floyd's neck if Floyd was in compliance? Did he do it out of vengeance? Black hatred? What purpose would Chauvin have in putting the knee to Floyd's NECK... not throat as been grossly misrepresented by the biased MSM.

I don't think Chauvin is a racist. I think he had his knee on the neck because he is a fucking idiot. I think if a person didn't comply of any colour, he would have done the same thing, which is why he is a dick. We used to get trained to do the carotid hold (you guys call it the choke hold), but that got phased out about 20 years ago exactly for the reason that happened with Floyd. The choke didn't kill him, the heart failure brought on by the hold did. Thus the second-degree murder charge.
So why all the angst about Floyd's death if the cop didn't do it out of racial hatred? So why all the MSM coverage if the only reason the cop did it was because he was a dick, an idiot? Please explain from your expertise then why all the hue and cry by the MSM that fueled the deaths of cops in the protests?
So why all the angst about Floyd's death if the cop didn't do it out of racial hatred? So why all the MSM coverage if the only reason the cop did it was because he was a dick, an idiot? Please explain from your expertise then why all the hue and cry by the MSM that fueled the deaths of cops in the protests?

You'd have to ask them. As an aside, I was at dinner with some friends last Sat night and one of them is Sri Lankan descent (he's a highly educated doctor, born and trained in London, so he's no mug), and I gave him the explanation. He looked surprised and queried me as to why it wasn't racially motivated. He wasn't aghast at my thoughts, but he certainly thought I had it wrong.

People of colour see it differently. I do absolutely believe racial profiling goes on with the police. In fact, I know it does. There is a plethora of examples on youtube vids. And not just of police. Of everyday white people doing it.

However, the black community also has to take some responsibility IMO. 75% of black kids are bought up in a single-parent households, the vast majority being the mothers. That is something only they can fix.
Because the throat is where the air flow is and if it was being constricted then air flow would be constricted and he wouldn't be able to breath. He said he couldn't breath but that was not why he died.

The knee was on the right side carotid artery, not the throat. He died because he had pre-existing blood flow issues.

Look at the twist sideways and up of his head. There were a lot of angles and pressures involved - every one of them originating from the cops holding him down on his back and neck. He died because he was pinned to the ground, even after having been found with no pulse. No attempt was made to resuscitate or even further evaluate his condition. These cops absolutely believed that they could murder a man right there on the street, with witnesses and video recording, and get away with it.

And they might. Their union will fight to get them off and get their jobs back with back pay.
lolthe family has reached a new low today; they had Al Sharpton speak at the thug's funeral. All very dramatic, and phony hypocritical rubbish. AL probably slipped them a hundred to get his face on TV.

I don't like Sharpton any more than any conservative but I had to agree with him today. He said that Floyd's mother was dead. When Floyd called out for his mama was when she was standing by him, hand out, to take him to where he would find peace. My wife cried and I teared up. We know that is true.
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I am especially interested in the drug levels in Floyd's system.

Was the fentanyl and Meth only trace amounts or were they near lethal levels?

As for the altercation in the back seat, I want to know if the police are required to put seatbelts on a cuffed passenger. If they are so required, that would explain part of the struggle. Also, if Floyd shit or pissed himself in the cop's car. (happens a LOT.)
The drug levels have nothing to do with it. After he had no pulse they sat on him for 3 more minutes. They intended to kill him. And whether or not he shit in their police car, they still don't get to kill him.

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