George Friedman : Putin Will Be Humiliated - Moscow empire Is Facing Total Annihilation

That's going to hurt someone's feelings....
If only they can keep that kind of thing up.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that they used a ship to launch a drone to do the damage. It really wouldn't take much of a boat to do so. A few sheets of plywood for a makeshift runway and clear airways for the radio signal.

But turnaround is fair play here. Russia has targeted Ukranian's infrastructure....time for Russia to feel the same heat and frustration.
Oil refineries so close to the shore are used for export. Meaning that they require skilled trades to fix. Instrumentation techs, engineers, pipe fitters, and a brigade of electricians. The big tanks look like a good target....but they aren't really. They hit that refinery where it will hurt the most....the controls for operating it. That stuff is complicated and takes longer to put back together correctly.
If they actually have ALL the parts and types of cabling and sensors, 2 weeks around the clock minimum of work with 3 dozen guys. Otherwise 2 months. But with sanctions in place....might be longer.
1) YOU dont care but you can not change the fact that you REPRESENT A SMALL GROUP OF THE MARGINALS , AND YOU KNOW IT
2) WHEN appeasement has worked well ?

I do care, I care very much, for human life and I realize I’m in the minority as were those who opposed Hitler early on. If you want to go to Ukraine and lay your life on the line for a corrupt government, go right ahead, I’d support you but we went to Afghanistan with no out, we went to Iraq with no out and we were there far to long and lost too many sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, fathers, wives to make another stupid mistake, but you don’t value life because you want to keep an evil corrupt leader in power. Go right ahead, you blood thirsty animal.
That's going to hurt someone's feelings....
If only they can keep that kind of thing up.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that they used a ship to launch a drone to do the damage. It really wouldn't take much of a boat to do so. A few sheets of plywood for a makeshift runway and clear airways for the radio signal.

But turnaround is fair play here. Russia has targeted Ukranian's infrastructure....time for Russia to feel the same heat and frustration.
Oil refineries so close to the shore are used for export. Meaning that they require skilled trades to fix. Instrumentation techs, engineers, pipe fitters, and a brigade of electricians. The big tanks look like a good target....but they aren't really. They hit that refinery where it will hurt the most....the controls for operating it. That stuff is complicated and takes longer to put back together correctly.
If they actually have ALL the parts and types of cabling and sensors, 2 weeks around the clock minimum of work with 3 dozen guys. Otherwise 2 months. But with sanctions in place....might be longer.

After every incident, major or minor, Ruzzia's first response is to lie about it. Lies, lies, lies. What a country.
Yeah, they really are needing pre-programmed drones that read topography instead of remote controlled ones. Because the jamming is effective with these.

And when jamming gets turned on....nothing works that needs a radio signal. No cell phones, no GPS, radios, and definitely not RC drones.
Which is why Russia has been somewhat successful with the Iranian made Kamikaze drones....Russia doesn't care if they hit a senior citizen hospital or children daycare.

Apparently not everyone has the same morality.
Yeah, they really are needing pre-programmed drones that read topography instead of remote controlled ones. Because the jamming is effective with these.

And when jamming gets turned on....nothing works that needs a radio signal. No cell phones, no GPS, radios, and definitely not RC drones.
Which is why Russia has been somewhat successful with the Iranian made Kamikaze drones....Russia doesn't care if they hit a senior citizen hospital or children daycare.

Apparently not everyone has the same morality.
update :


I didn't watch your video, after your stupid cartoon, I figured you know nothing of my reasoning, you don't want to know so it is pointless to converse with a person that can't express themselves and needs cartoons and youtube videos to convey their beliefs. thanks, Skippy.
when Moscow said to much :auiqs.jpg:
Well, Ukraine doesn’t seem to care about their citizens, they had a terrible human right record up to the beginning of the war, according to the US State Department. Again, I hate Putin but I don’t like Ukraine leadership any better. The citizens of both countries I feel for. They got stuck we evil governments.
Well, Ukraine doesn’t seem to care about their citizens, they had a terrible human right record up to the beginning of the war, according to the US State Department. Again, I hate Putin but I don’t like Ukraine leadership any better. The citizens of both countries I feel for. They got stuck we evil governments.

Ukraine's human rights record is still as bad as Russia's, and both countries are infested with Nazis at every level of government, but Ukraine launders the DemoKKKrats' money, so they're ignoring it.

with other words, Moscow empire is finished !​

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

George Friedman : Putin Will Be Humiliated - Moscow empire Is Facing Total Annihilation​

Tank Gawd we delivered freeDumb to Korea ,Nam and the Afthalliwagger so efficiently or you'd look as bad.
Lets not forget cleaning up Cuba and Somali-Iraq with unsurpassed speed and success !
And Nicaragua. Boy Lollie showed them !

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