George HW Bush Will Vote For Clinton

Bush was a Liberal when he was President.

He increased debt, grew the size of government, conducted interventionism foreign policies, refuse to seal the border, increased entitlements and kissed the ass of the minorities. Everything that the Liberal filth loves so much.

I am not surprised. Hillary Clinton is his perfect candidate.
Funny I always considered Papa Bush to be nothing more than a compassionate progressive beltway Conservative, otherwise known as a RINO. Reagan pointed it out during the 1980 primaries. The left hated Papa Bush for no other reason then he was a conservative, he caved on taxes, expansion of government regulations, and size of government.

Why wouldn't he? The Bush and Clinton crime families are connected at the hip and have for over 30 years. Both families were backed by the Rockefellers. The Clintons and Bushs were overseeing the cocaine trafficking into Arkansas during the 80's and early 90's using the Mena air field and my oh my how the money rolled in. This country is being ran by an oligarch that control the supply of fiat currency and politics is nothing but theater to keep the dumbed down masses distracted.
Most on the blind partisan right refuse to acknowledge the fact that Trump has no business being president.

Now someone most Republicans and conservatives voted for has confirmed that fact, and they still refuse to listen.
The MSM didn't realize the opinion of a crazy neocon whose low energy son could whopped by The Donald has zero impact except since it shows a crazy neocon supports Crooked Hillary it might give Crooked Hillary fewer votes..
Most on the blind partisan right refuse to acknowledge the fact that Trump has no business being president.

Now someone most Republicans and conservatives voted for has confirmed that fact, and they still refuse to listen.

But I'll bet you imagine that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton was just fine.

Ditto his wife, the career criminal.

So.....who ties your shoelaces for you...or did they take them away along with your belt at the lock-up?
Ah if every ex President votes for Clinton how many votes is that.

Lets count, there is Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama. 5 votes for Clinton and the New World order.............. Then again there is America, and Americans who can vote for real freedom, again

Again the Republican establishment is scared to death of a candidate that is not part of the new world order but that will actually help the people and give them strength, Trump if elected can achieve more than George Washington ever did
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Shocker /sarcasm

Let me guess, HW Bush "wasn't a true conservative" either? Not far enough to the right for you?
Conceding in advance that Trump is a National Train-Wreck waiting to happen...


Bush 41 voting for the HildaBeast?

In all probability... to his way of thinking... even Opposition Establishment is better than Non-Establishment.

If you're not in the Ruling Elites Club, you don't get 41's blessing.

Also, Trump is directly responsible for Baby Jebbie not getting the GOP nod in 2016.

Given HW's advanced age...

He may very well leave us now, not knowing whether his family would recover (politically) from 2016 or whether it now begins its slow (political) decline.

Trump trashed 41's aspirations for a come-back, in HW's mission to establish an Imperial Family Dynasty on the North American continent.

Another reason to cast his vote elsewhere.

Big surprise.

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Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend should not have posted her PRIVATE conversation with the former president - that said, I hope Townsend understood GHW Bush correctly.
But still... shame on her, GHW Bush's vote is nobody's business but GHW Bush's.

I have to disagree with that.

There's an old saying that the only thing that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

The people in the GOP establishment know Trump is unsuited for the presidency for a number of reasons. Yet they are all going along with it passively because their nominating system failed.

And, yes, I put a lot of blame for that on the Bush family for having Jeb suck a lot of the oxygen out of the room for an alternative to Trump to emerge when there is no way the GOP rank and file was going to support a third Bush.

Every decent Republican who knows that Trump is going to be a disaster for the party and the country should be screaming it from the rooftops. Instead, they are quietly hoping Hillary wins.

Shame on them.

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