George Jones 9/12/31 - 4/26/13

[ame=]George Jones ,HE STOPPED LOVING HER TODAY - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]George Jones - Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes - YouTube[/ame]

Nobody. :sad:
I have an uncle who actually used to "hang" with George after his shows in Chicago when they were younger because that is where my uncle lived at the time and when I say "hang", I mean do what George was known for back in them days. On April 10th, my uncle lost one of his sisters who happened to be the only grandparent that I had left. She was 91. I am so ready for the month of May to be here because the month of April has been way too death filled and it isn't even over yet. (burying my head)

God bless you and my uncle and George's family always!!!

^^^ I guess that all depends on where his family decides to have his body be when the funeral takes place.

God bless you and them always!!!


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