George Santos Identified as a Drag Queen in Brazil


I hope they never stop.

It's fun to watch them howl,

It means that they're not paying attention to the important shit.

What I love is the vindictive hypocrisy shown by Republicans over the issue, if it was a Democrat they'd be howling at the Moon like a werewolf in full regalia calling them groomers.
You don't understand the issue. You support drag queens if they are on the left and pillory the ones that are not.

What are you nuts?

I could care less that Santos is a drag queen
I care that Santos has come out against gays and gay rights, when he is a drag queen...
You don't seem to understand the simple yet extreme hypocrisy here.
Its pretty simple
What I love is the vindictive hypocrisy shown by Republicans over the issue, if it was a Democrat they'd be howling at the Moon like a werewolf in full regalia calling them groomers.
No, I'd just think, well, there's another perv leftist. Santos is probably a closet democrat though.
What are you nuts?

I could care less that Santos is a drag queen
I care that Santos has come out against gays and gay rights, when he is a drag queen...
You don't seem to understand the simple yet extreme hypocrisy here.
Its pretty simple
You're like September 10th; no one will remember you.
What are you nuts?

I could care less that Santos is a drag queen
I care that Santos has come out against gays and gay rights, when he is a drag queen...
You don't seem to understand the simple yet extreme hypocrisy here.
Its pretty simple
Gee, he's all you talk about. Perhaps you're trying to tell us something? Maybe you're preparing for your out of closet debut? Stop yapping about the queer cause no one cares.
This just keeps getting better and better !

Santos epitomizes the GOP and why I cant stand them.

10000% liars
10000000% hypocrites
The GOP will say anything, do anything, tell any lie possible just to get elected. They are all phonies and frauds and corrupt deep state.

You people had your chance to distance yourself from Santos, just like you had the chance to distance yourself from Trump and you didn't do it. Now you go down married to these monsters.

Santos literally manufactured and fabricated lie after lie, just to play you gullible sheep. And you people got played big time !!!!

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I get Democrats giddiness at finally being able to attack a liar instead of having to constantly defend liars.

I don't get why the OP, as a Democrat, sees Santos also being a drag queen as a teenager as something to attack him for.

OP, can you say in your own words, why it is bad to have been a drag queen?
You are defending Santos because...Biden?
i'm NO defending anybody, shit stain---where did i type that?
just pointing out that SCUM demonRATS support a pedophile/foreign agent (xiden)
so you assuming, not surprising, makes you think you are spot on----guess what, shit for brains, YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN, and a piece of shit, pedophile (xiden) supporter, that hates AMERICA


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