George Santos Identified as a Drag Queen in Brazil

yea keep dreaming

Santos is the biggest disgrace in US politics. fitting he is a trash republican.

You live in this fantasy world void of facts and you just make shit up as you see fit.

You can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, therefor you completely lack credibility and nothing you say has any merit at all.
No, while Santos is a piece of shit, Biden is by far the biggest disgrace ever, and a laughing stock in front of the world. Now howl louder, monkey.
I could care less about drag queens.
BUT Santos openly came out against gays and drag queens, when he is one himself.
That is trash GOP hypocrisy on full display. The GOP is a total joke. The laughing stock of the world.

You don't even seem to understand the issue here...
You don't understand the issue. You support drag queens if they are on the left and pillory the ones that are not.

I could care less about drag queens.

But you are the party that supports them.

Unless they are conservative?


Dang! Look at all the threads these idiots are starting on Santos! The guy is a nobody but they can't shut up about him. Just shows what dismal losers leftists are!
I could care less about drag queens.
I realize you are too stupid to understand that the term is COULDN'T care less, but I will walk you through the logic, anyway.

You see, when you say you could care less, you are indicating that you have some level of care as you are allowing for the possibility that you could express a lower level of care than you are currently stating. Only by saying you couldn't care less would you convey your utter disdain (which would be a false statement, anyway, since you are obviously so fascinated).

I hope that helps, and don't be afraid to call on my assistance in the future.
This howler is too stupid to realize they are democrats. You clowns must really be terrified of the new speaker to howl this much over some do nothing freak loser.
You could fill volumes of books with blank pages to show what you do know.

Mr. Santo is in the GOP along with these people.

Log Cabin Republicans​

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation's largest Republican organization dedicated to representing LGBT conservatives and allies. For more than 40 years, ...
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You look so cute when you play are stupid...
This just keeps getting better and better !

Santos epitomizes the GOP and why I cant stand them.

10000% liars
10000000% hypocrites
The GOP will say anything, do anything, tell any lie possible just to get elected. They are all phonies and frauds and corrupt deep state.

You people had your chance to distance yourself from Santos, just like you had the chance to distance yourself from Trump and you didn't do it. Now you go down married to these monsters.

Santos literally manufactured and fabricated lie after lie, just to play you gullible sheep. And you people got played big time !!!!

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Is that your new girl banker?

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