George Soros: "Nazi occupation was the happiest time of my life."

I acknowledge that, and once again I apologize for the misunderstanding. And though Beck left some points out when he said the guy was a collaborator, I appreciate anyone in the media for bringing the topic of Sorros to light. I would rather stick to the facts at hand, such as the fact that the above statements came straight from the mans mouth.

Lakisha is a fucking retard - it knows nothing.

It knows nothing.
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I acknowledge that, and once again I apologize for the misunderstanding. And though Beck left some points out when he said the guy was a collaborator, I appreciate anyone in the media for bringing the topic of Sorros to light. I would rather stick to the facts at hand, such as the fact that the above statements came straight from the mans mouth.

Again, he was 14 years old at the time according to his words in the video.

I acknowledge that, and once again I apologize for the misunderstanding. And though Beck left some points out when he said the guy was a collaborator, I appreciate anyone in the media for bringing the topic of Sorros to light. I would rather stick to the facts at hand, such as the fact that the above statements came straight from the mans mouth.

Again, he was 14 years old at the time according to his words in the video.

You mean like how 14-year-olds read op-ed pieces and then judge people on others opinions???

I acknowledge that, and once again I apologize for the misunderstanding. And though Beck left some points out when he said the guy was a collaborator, I appreciate anyone in the media for bringing the topic of Sorros to light. I would rather stick to the facts at hand, such as the fact that the above statements came straight from the mans mouth.

Again, he was 14 years old at the time according to his words in the video.

And he said it was the happiest most exhilarating time off his life. My problem is he wasn't 14 years old when he said that.
I acknowledge that, and once again I apologize for the misunderstanding. And though Beck left some points out when he said the guy was a collaborator, I appreciate anyone in the media for bringing the topic of Sorros to light. I would rather stick to the facts at hand, such as the fact that the above statements came straight from the mans mouth.

Again, he was 14 years old at the time according to his words in the video.

And he said it was the happiest most exhilarating time off his life. My problem is he wasn't 14 years old when he said that.

I wish I knew something about Obama when he was 14....
I acknowledge that, and once again I apologize for the misunderstanding. And though Beck left some points out when he said the guy was a collaborator, I appreciate anyone in the media for bringing the topic of Sorros to light. I would rather stick to the facts at hand, such as the fact that the above statements came straight from the mans mouth.

Again, he was 14 years old at the time according to his words in the video.

And he said it was the happiest most exhilarating time off his life. My problem is he wasn't 14 years old when he said that.

I would say you had to be there in his shoes as a 14-year-old.
Again, he was 14 years old at the time according to his words in the video.

And he said it was the happiest most exhilarating time off his life. My problem is he wasn't 14 years old when he said that.

I would say you had to be there in his shoes as a 14-year-old.

And the words I would have picked to describe the experience would not have been "happy", or "exhilarating", regardless of the circumstances. Especially looking at it in hindsight.
And he said it was the happiest most exhilarating time off his life. My problem is he wasn't 14 years old when he said that.

I would say you had to be there in his shoes as a 14-year-old.

And the words I would have picked to describe the experience would not have been "happy", or "exhilarating", regardless of the circumstances. Especially looking at it in hindsight.

Seriously, how could you possibly know? How could anyone really know without living it as he did? You do know he's a Jew, right?
I would say you had to be there in his shoes as a 14-year-old.

And the words I would have picked to describe the experience would not have been "happy", or "exhilarating", regardless of the circumstances. Especially looking at it in hindsight.

Seriously, how could you possibly know? How could anyone really know without living it as he did? You do know he's a Jew, right?


Oh yeah.....
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I would say you had to be there in his shoes as a 14-year-old.

And the words I would have picked to describe the experience would not have been "happy", or "exhilarating", regardless of the circumstances. Especially looking at it in hindsight.

Seriously, how could you possibly know? How could anyone really know without living it as he did? You do know he's a Jew, right?

I've made my position clear, and I think his position is very clear from the video. Total lack of sensitivity to what happened, and considering his involvement (whether voluntary of involuntary) he should have treaded more carefully on the topic. You're just nitpicking now.
Don't twist things. I'm saying that if he really happened to not condone it he wouldn't have described it as the happiest time of his life. Why do you choose to overlook the important facts here.
you're actually accusing me of twisting things on this? that's rich.

which is it? was he working with the nazis and rounding up jews or did he do nothing to be ashamed of and is not at fault?

Is working for the Nazis something you feel he should be proud of?

The man is a total, walking, talking, piece of radical, anti American shit. He's twisted and evil, and you want to defend him?

EXACTLY. Which is why the leftwingers here are going nutso over exposing this scumbag for what he is in this thread. AGAIN. They consider him someone they admire, identify with -one of themselves -because he is. They are only capable of responding with idiotic comments and stupid name calling that changes NOTHING -except prove they are just INCAPABLE of actually discussing the issue at hand. As usual. This is what they always do when they can't argue facts and they haven't caught on that the reason they can't argue the facts -is because the facts are not on their side.

This guy calmly and unemotionally said something that if he were a conservative or a Catholic Pope, even Hollywood actors with their average 10th grade education would be calling him a Nazi. And let's not pretend it was "unwillingly" -but HAPPILY. No one is unwilling but the happiest in their life at the same time -he remembers this being not just a happy time -but THE happiest time of his entire life.

The guy said he has never been happier in his entire LIFE than when he was living under Nazi occupation and working for them. There is NO getting around these words, there is no whitewashing them or trying to change the meaning of what he said. The happiest time of his life was when Nazis ruled his world. I don't give a flying fuck how how old he was at the time. He's a hell of a lot older NOW and knew EXACTLY what he was saying. He isn't senile -so he gets tagged with his own words as the fucking Nazi sympathizer he was then and now.

There is NO getting around this one. Especially since the man is a staunch advocate of many of the identical policies held by Nazis anyway. Just because he doesn't toss in the outright extermination of Jews (at least not publicly) and just because he is a self-loathing Jew doesn't change the fact this guy is STILL an advocate for many Nazi policies even today and absolutely no friend of the US, Israel -or Jews. He blames Jews for anti-semitism. Which totally ignores the fact that violent anti-semitism is an entrenched, deep seated and permanent part of European history but not ours, one that is cyclical in nature. And rising again right on schedule.

As I've pointed out before many times now -Nazism is LEFTWING! It is not and never has been rightwing extremism. Stalin once said Nazism was the opposite of communism which was TOTAL BULLSHIT. They are on the same side of the political spectrum and merely disagree about who should be wielding all that totalitarian power. The political views of Soros, a leftwing extremist - were and are grounded in Nazism. The happiest time in his life.
Do you not realize you're arguing with one of dumbest people I have encountered in 15 years online.

Lakisha is a troll...
I'm curious as to why there's consistently been between 5 and 9 "guests" viewing this thread, that's a little unusual isn't it?
Do you not realize you're arguing with one of dumbest people I have encountered in 15 years online.

Lakisha is a troll...

That's certainly becoming apparent. Man who has that kind of time to waste posting the same sh** over and over again.
By J.J. Goldberg

The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement calling the accusation — specifically the intent to “hold a young boy responsible for what was going on around him during the Holocaust as part of a larger effort to denigrate the man” — “horrific” and “repugnant,” along with “inappropriate,” “offensive” and “over the top.” The head of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, Elan Steinberg, called the description — particularly the made-up part about “helping send the Jews to the death camps” — “a particularly monstrous lie.”

More: So Glenn Beck Calls George Soros a Nazi Collaborator? Marty Peretz Said It First

ADL: Glenn Beck's Remarks About Soros And The Holocaust 'Offensive And Over The Top'
I only have not blocked "it" because its too entertaining not to block...

Laqkuanna is a perfect example of the failure of our education system..
By J.J. Goldberg

The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement calling the accusation — specifically the intent to “hold a young boy responsible for what was going on around him during the Holocaust as part of a larger effort to denigrate the man” — “horrific” and “repugnant,” along with “inappropriate,” “offensive” and “over the top.” The head of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, Elan Steinberg, called the description — particularly the made-up part about “helping send the Jews to the death camps” — “a particularly monstrous lie.”

More: So Glenn Beck Calls George Soros a Nazi Collaborator? Marty Peretz Said It First

ADL: Glenn Beck's Remarks About Soros And The Holocaust 'Offensive And Over The Top'

See this idiot has no idea what the fuck op-ed is...

Write a negative spin op-ed piece in a paper that shit dumb motherfucker will cite it as fact...

Ask it to prove its ideas and he will post op-ed pieces...
I only have not blocked "it" because its too entertaining not to block...

Laqkuanna is a perfect example of the failure of our education system..

A failure of natural selection, I think.

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