George Soros, Patriot. Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee.

The problem with Soros is not that he is of Jewish heritage. Here are the objections to Soros:
1. He's part of the New World Order crowd, which is Marxist (despite his riches, he is a Socialist-Marxist himself).
2. He supports the "no nation-state borders, free movement of people" proponents.
3. He massively funds soft on crime district attorney candidates and because of this, 90% of the candidates he supported, win. Thus, the massive crime surges in the Democrat run cities are because of him and the candidates that he gets into office.
4. He and Klaus Schwab, heading the World Economic Forum, a Communist, are part of the Globalist Marxist agenda.
Because of these things, he is vehemently against the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
In short, he is the enemy, as is his even more Marxist son who is taking over for him. He needs to be driven out of this nation.
It doesn’t claim that. Soros was a child. He was 9 when it started and when the war ended he had just turned 15. You’re a moron.
Yes, Nazi youth. Do you know anything about WWII? Stupid fuck.
The problem with Soros is not that he is of Jewish heritage. Here are the objections to Soros:
1. He's part of the New World Order crowd, which is Marxist (despite his riches, he is a Socialist-Marxist himself).
2. He supports the "no nation-state borders, free movement of people" proponents.
3. He massively funds soft on crime district attorney candidates and because of this, 90% of the candidates he supported, win. Thus, the massive crime surges in the Democrat run cities are because of him and the candidates that he gets into office.
4. He and Klaus Schwab, heading the World Economic Forum, a Communist, are part of the Globalist Marxist agenda.
Because of these things, he is vehemently against the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
In short, he is the enemy, as is his even more Marxist son who is taking over for him. He needs to be driven out of this nation.
Here is the excuse making for being anti-semitic.
Yes, Nazi youth. Do you know anything about WWII? Stupid fuck.
We know about NAZIs now.

Soros attacks are thinly veiled antisemitic attacks. “He is the Jew behind it all”. I swear you guys and Fox get more repugnant every day. Sheila is a patriot.
She is a stupid c*nt and he is a deranged man dedicated to the destruction of the US. No one gives two shits that he is a jew. In fact, that might be his only redeaming quality.
He admits to it, are you that stupid? It’s amazing how you just don’t get it, there are mental health professionals who would just lock you up and throw away the keys
No he doesnt. Him saying that he was, as a Jew, taken under cover with false papers and living with a non-Jew who inventoried Jew's homes doesnt make a 13 year old boy a nazi you piece of shit. He was hiding from being exterminate by people who think like you. White Nationalists.
Here is the excuse making for being anti-semitic.
Interesting. While I am an atheist, I wholly support Israel over the Palestinians and definitely was in agreement with Trump moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Frankly, I think Israel should just militarily roll into the Palestinian areas and blow them out and back to Islamic lands, as Palestinian Muslims will NEVER accept Israel as a nation state.
Reason: Islams stance on conquering infidel lands is that if once Muslims conquer an infidel land, if the Muslims are subsequently thrown out of the former infidel lands, the infidels are always considered to be "occcupiers." Sound familiar?
Yeah, well... some folks think Donald Trump is a patriot...

Different strokes and all that.

Personally, I don't think either one of them deserve the title.

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