George Soros's Media Matters: Time to drop fox


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Right after putting Juan Williams scalp under his belt, Soros is going after big game: Fox and Glenn Beck

His front group, Media Matters is organizing a Jihad against Fox advertisers.

Does he not understand Free Press? Does he think he's working for the Nazis again?

"Dear Friend,

We've watched as Fox News has gone from a conservative-leaning news source to an active political player -- but over the last two years, Fox has taken an even darker turn, aggressively pushing outright lies, over-the-top attacks, conspiracy theories, and heated, violent rhetoric. This sharp turn for the worse is epitomized by Glenn Beck, the self-described "progressive hunter" who paints the network's political adversaries as poisonous threats to freedom, faith and the Constitution.

Beck's falsehoods and dark prophecies of the nation's destruction have already had dangerous consequences. Beck's message inspired Byron Williams to embark on a mission of violence -- an attempt to "start a revolution" by killing staff at progressive organizations, including frequent Beck target the Tides Foundation.

Advertisers who sponsor Fox programming aren't just putting ads on a television network. They're actively paying to support a toxic force in our political climate, enabling the worst kind of incitement and deliberate misinformation.

Thousands of you have signed up to join our campaign to get advertisers to drop Fox. Companies who sponsor Fox need to make a choice. And they need to hear that from you.

You can join our campaign to tell advertisers to Drop Fox today."
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Blaming Beck for Byron Williams is like blaming the Beatles for Charles Manson, but then again, this is Media Matter.
Poor little George SorASS. The big bad evil Fox stole his lollipop. :(
Fabulous! I suspect within the next 24 hours, Fox viewers will launch a counter campaign. I wonder who'll win this one?

My money is on Fox.
Fox certainly has the advantage that they will do ANYTHING.

Just like they paid the Big Bucks in court to have the right to LIE to their viewers.
Fox certainly has the advantage that they will do ANYTHING.

Just like they paid the Big Bucks in court to have the right to LIE to their viewers.

What is it you're trying to say, Dear? It came across as silly and nonsensical. Maybe you should try again or did you mean to sound like that?
Jane Akre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why dont you already know this fact?

Whistleblower lawsuit
In 1997, Wilson and Akre began work on a story regarding the agricultural biotechnology company Monsanto and recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), a milk additive that had been approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration but also blamed for a number of health issues. Wilson and Akre planned a four part investigative report on Monsanto's use of rBGH, which prompted Monsanto to write to Roger Ailes, president of Fox News Channel, in an attempt to have the report reviewed for bias and because of the "enormous damage that can be done" as a result of the report.[
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Interesting how the left are all over Fox for unethical behavior, and yet, the silence is deafening when it comes to commenting on how our Congress has become more unethical under Pelosi than Delay. Why is that?
You cant say ONE thing about the provided information can you hack?

It took you three posts to make any sense. I don't even understand Jibberish as a second language. Don't expect me or anyone else to ready your mind and go, "ohhh so THAT's what she meant!"
Fox bought SCOTUS?

They didn't have to. John Roberts was a subversive NewGOP political and tactical operative. Remember the "locals" down in Miami pounding on the windows during the recount? One of those was John Roberts. He was flown down there by the GOP to disrupt the examination of the "chads".

I know, Gore won Florida because the Chad Twins, Dimpled and Hanging, were Democrats and didn't get their votes counted
You cant say ONE thing about the provided information can you hack?

Sorry, I don't speak Idiot. I still can't make heads or tails out of "Fox paid big bucks in court" and Monsanto letters, it reads like something Mascale might post
Truthmatters maintains the 'leftie whine' that the ruling was about lying. It wasn't, but why let facts get in the way of partisan hack jobs.

More interesting is that truthmatters doesn't seem to want to address the actual topic of the thread. Stop allowing truth to spin the thread and focus on the topic. It clearly makes her uncomfortable. Perhaps deep down, she knows it is fundamentally wrong to silence an organization just because you don't like what they say.

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