George W. Bush Bashes Obama on Middle East


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Well... Under the Heading: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER...

"In a closed-door meeting with Jewish Donors Saturday night, former President George W. Bush delivered his harshest public criticisms to date against his successor on foreign policy, saying that President Barack Obama is being naïve about Iran and the pending nuclear deal and losing the war against the Islamic State. ...
Bush said that Obama’s plan to lift sanctions on Iran with a promise that they could snap back in place at any time was not plausible. He also said the deal would be bad for American national security in the long term: “You think the Middle East is chaotic now? Imagine what it looks like for our grandchildren. That’s how Americans should view the deal.”

Bush then went into a detailed criticism of Obama’s policies in fighting the Islamic State and dealing with the chaos in Iraq. On Obama’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops in Iraq at the end of 2011, he quoted Senator Lindsey Graham calling it a “strategic blunder.” Bush signed an agreement with the Iraqi government to withdraw those troops, but the idea had been to negotiate a new status of forces agreement to keep U.S. forces there past 2011. The Obama administration tried and failed to negotiate such an agreement.

Bush said he views the rise of the Islamic State as al-Qaeda’s "second act” and that they may have changed the name but that murdering innocents is still the favored tactic. He defended his own administration’s handling of terrorism, noting that the terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who confessed to killing Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, was captured on his watch: “Just remember the guy who slit Danny Pearl’s throat is in Gitmo, and now they're doing it on TV.”

George W. Bush Bashes Obama on Middle East - Bloomberg View
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation.

Hey! It's nice to see Overt Delusion has checked in.

Natch pubes....anytime a truly ridiculous thread pops up I'm bound to check it. Can't help it. It's like a dog with a squirrel.

Kind of's old Dubya proud of catching the guy Khalid Sheikh Mohammed but it was Obama who got bin Laden ;)
That diplomatically retarded motherfucker has no right to criticize anything at all concerning the Middle-east.
For George W. Bush, the remarks in Vegas showed he has little respect for how the current president is running the world. He also revealed that he takes little responsibility for the policies that he put in place that contributed to the current state of affairs.

When will all the RWnuts come rushing into this thread to attack Bush, a former president, for criticizing the current president?

or have they conveniently flip flopped on that principle?
That hardly qualifies as harsh criticisim and given the fact the Obama administration tried to blame the Bush administration for every foreign policy blunder they made during Obama's first term one criticisim from Bush in five years is pretty light.
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

How in the hell do you figure THAT???

You have Democrat leaders telling the bad guys the US military are the bad guys!
YOU have the MSM every day telling us HOW BAD it was in Iraq... YET 28 million Iraqis will disagree and there are over a million children now alive that would have been
starved if you idiots that loved Saddam had your way and he was still around!

As it was pointed out we still have troops in Europe and Asia 70 years after WWII and Bush wanted to keep some troops just as the military wanted in Iraq..BUT
f...king traitors like you and the idiot Obama for pure political gain pulled the troops thus leaving ISIS in the vacuum !

Also you idiots helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq by agreeing with these traitors and their blaming our military...all helping encourage the barbarians!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
NOTE: You are not that naive to think the terrorists didn't find Kerry calling OUR TROOPS terrorists absolutely EMBOLDENING???

Remember Kerry EARLIER wanted Bush to: "Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ....
to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ....
"Kerry , JanS. 23. 2003

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

You can't convince me that the TERRORISTS were emboldened and encouraged and recruited more terrorists!

Bush then went into a detailed criticism of Obama’s policies in fighting the Islamic State and dealing with the chaos in Iraq.
On Obama’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops in Iraq at the end of 2011, he quoted Senator Lindsey Graham calling it a “strategic blunder.”
Bush signed an agreement with the Iraqi government to withdraw those troops,
but the idea had been to negotiate a new status of forces agreement to keep U.S. forces there past 2011.
The Obama administration tried and failed to negotiate such an agreement.
George W. Bush Bashes Obama on Middle East - Bloomberg View
Well... Under the Heading: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER...

"In a closed-door meeting with Jewish Donors Saturday night, former President George W. Bush delivered his harshest public criticisms to date against his successor on foreign policy, saying that President Barack Obama is being naïve about Iran and the pending nuclear deal and losing the war against the Islamic State. ...
Bush said that Obama’s plan to lift sanctions on Iran with a promise that they could snap back in place at any time was not plausible. He also said the deal would be bad for American national security in the long term: “You think the Middle East is chaotic now? Imagine what it looks like for our grandchildren. That’s how Americans should view the deal.”

Bush then went into a detailed criticism of Obama’s policies in fighting the Islamic State and dealing with the chaos in Iraq. On Obama’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops in Iraq at the end of 2011, he quoted Senator Lindsey Graham calling it a “strategic blunder.” Bush signed an agreement with the Iraqi government to withdraw those troops, but the idea had been to negotiate a new status of forces agreement to keep U.S. forces there past 2011. The Obama administration tried and failed to negotiate such an agreement.

Bush said he views the rise of the Islamic State as al-Qaeda’s "second act” and that they may have changed the name but that murdering innocents is still the favored tactic. He defended his own administration’s handling of terrorism, noting that the terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who confessed to killing Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, was captured on his watch: “Just remember the guy who slit Danny Pearl’s throat is in Gitmo, and now they're doing it on TV.”

George W. Bush Bashes Obama on Middle East - Bloomberg View
What "war"? The right can't even justify wartime Tax rates for their alleged war.
Here's a perfect example of how the RWnuts feel about ex-presidents criticizing current presidents (when it suits the nuts)

On the May 29, 2003, edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, columnist and former Rep. John LeBoutillier (R-NY) claimed, unchallenged, that "both before it [the Iraq war] and during it, Bill Clinton was very critical of the Bush administration, violating an unwritten but usually honored rule by ex-presidents not to criticize their immediate successor."

and yes that sentiment by the nuts has been all over this board in the past.

Reporting Carter comments media repeat myth of unwritten rule against ex-presidents criticizing successors Research Media Matters for America

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