George W Bush charged a charity $100,000 to guarantee his presence at fundraiser for military vets

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
And before the partisan bullshit starts, I also lambasted Hillary for this.

Why would you demand any payment for speaking at a fund raiser? Okay, if you have transportation costs I don't find it unreasonable to ask to have them covered, but that's it, and in Bush's case, he's a multi-millionaire so big fucking deal if he has to spend a couple thousand getting there. Consider the cost his donation. After all, how many of these veterans now need this charity because of the war he sent them into?

George Bush charged 100k to be at event for veterans wounded in the Iraq war Daily Mail Online
Here he shows he CAN learn a thing or two from Mr and Mrs. Lewinsky-Clinton and you're displeased?
KILL HIM, STONE HIM, BEHEAD THE MoFo, dare he UNDERCUT the Clintons!!!!:alirulz:
All the politicians and entertainers do it, what planet have you guys been marooned on?
Bad taste and poor judgement and if were standing in front of me I would tell him that.
And before the partisan bullshit starts, I also lambasted Hillary for this.

Why would you demand any payment for speaking at a fund raiser? Okay, if you have transportation costs I don't find it unreasonable to ask to have them covered, but that's it, and in Bush's case, he's a multi-millionaire so big fucking deal if he has to spend a couple thousand getting there. Consider the cost his donation. After all, how many of these veterans now need this charity because of the war he sent them into?

George Bush charged 100k to be at event for veterans wounded in the Iraq war Daily Mail Online
"It transpires the extortionate fee was in fact a reduced rate, bartered down from $250,000."
He gave a discount… you know like department stores do, mark things up then give a discount.
On the other hand, what a SOB! I expect that kind of shit from the Clintons but from him? Well, another illustration of the political "elite" being the same ilk just have different mascots
And before the partisan bullshit starts, I also lambasted Hillary for this.

Why would you demand any payment for speaking at a fund raiser? Okay, if you have transportation costs I don't find it unreasonable to ask to have them covered, but that's it, and in Bush's case, he's a multi-millionaire so big fucking deal if he has to spend a couple thousand getting there. Consider the cost his donation. After all, how many of these veterans now need this charity because of the war he sent them into?

George Bush charged 100k to be at event for veterans wounded in the Iraq war Daily Mail Online


I guarantee you the CLINTONS ARE PISSED!

Undercutting the market like that. Bubba would have stuck'em for 15 times that.
And before the partisan bullshit starts, I also lambasted Hillary for this.

Why would you demand any payment for speaking at a fund raiser? Okay, if you have transportation costs I don't find it unreasonable to ask to have them covered, but that's it, and in Bush's case, he's a multi-millionaire so big fucking deal if he has to spend a couple thousand getting there. Consider the cost his donation. After all, how many of these veterans now need this charity because of the war he sent them into?

George Bush charged 100k to be at event for veterans wounded in the Iraq war Daily Mail Online

John McCain ignored the pleas of doctors who turned to him to help them with the VA scandal in Arizona.

You would think of all people he would help, considering he is a veteran himself and considering that the GOP is suppose to support the troops in any way and be critical of government run health care.

Instead, he had them fired.

Had it not been for an obscure Congressman from Florida, the scandal may well have been swept under the rug entirely.

No, the GOP is no better than the DNC. As you point out, Hildabeast does the same thing with charities. Speaking of which, I need to start a charity like Hillary. It would be nice to get rich helping people.
After all, how many of these veterans now need this charity because of the war he sent them into?

That, right there ^^ bingo-roonie.
What a pissant.

All the politicians and entertainers do it, what planet have you guys been marooned on?

I've been involved in a few charity events, both organizing them and donating my talent, and I have yet to see one where the talent actually charged for their participation. At the most, expenses to get there, but you couldn't spend 100k on that if the event were in Antarctica.
And before the partisan bullshit starts, I also lambasted Hillary for this.

Why would you demand any payment for speaking at a fund raiser? Okay, if you have transportation costs I don't find it unreasonable to ask to have them covered, but that's it, and in Bush's case, he's a multi-millionaire so big fucking deal if he has to spend a couple thousand getting there. Consider the cost his donation. After all, how many of these veterans now need this charity because of the war he sent them into?

George Bush charged 100k to be at event for veterans wounded in the Iraq war Daily Mail Online

And how many of them were helped at significantly deeper levels, BECAUSE BUSH WAS THERE?

Bush has done more to support wounded veterans then the all of the other living Presidents COMBINED.

A hundred grand for such events is the equivalent of FREE... . Getting Bush to and from anywhere is a costly enterprise... and I'm sure that the OP is well aware of that.

The thread is a Trollopulooza... .
And before the partisan bullshit starts, I also lambasted Hillary for this.

Why would you demand any payment for speaking at a fund raiser? Okay, if you have transportation costs I don't find it unreasonable to ask to have them covered, but that's it, and in Bush's case, he's a multi-millionaire so big fucking deal if he has to spend a couple thousand getting there. Consider the cost his donation. After all, how many of these veterans now need this charity because of the war he sent them into?

George Bush charged 100k to be at event for veterans wounded in the Iraq war Daily Mail Online

And how many of them were helped at significantly deeper levels, BECAUSE BUSH WAS THERE?

Bush has done more to support wounded veterans then the all of the other living Presidents COMBINED.

A hundred grand for such events is the equivalent of FREE... . Getting Bush to and from anywhere is a costly enterprise... and I'm sure that the OP is well aware of that.

The thread is a Trollopulooza... .

The FUCKING EVENT WAS IN TEXAS, Moron. I can drive across the entire state of Texas for 99,900 bucks less than that, and I'll pocket what's left over.

Didn't take long for a partisan hack sycophant to show up to actually defend this shit, did it?

Also in the OP article:
It came a year after his wife Laura received $50,000 from Helping A Hero (which is a Houston charity established also for wounded vets)

Some fucking "charitable donation" that is.
So, first W caused them the worst harm, death, maiming, ptsd and then charged them to hear his self-serving speech.

And, Palin spoke for free at a NRA thingy but charged a group of parents of Downs kids.
And before the partisan bullshit starts, I also lambasted Hillary for this.

Why would you demand any payment for speaking at a fund raiser? Okay, if you have transportation costs I don't find it unreasonable to ask to have them covered, but that's it, and in Bush's case, he's a multi-millionaire so big fucking deal if he has to spend a couple thousand getting there. Consider the cost his donation. After all, how many of these veterans now need this charity because of the war he sent them into?

George Bush charged 100k to be at event for veterans wounded in the Iraq war Daily Mail Online

There goes that meme about "conservatives donating more to charity" --- after they get paid for doing so of course.

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