George W. Bush Continues To Be Loved Buy Our Troops

A true American patriot....

Warrior Open | Bush Center

His illegal wars have killed thousands of American troops but I know they all love him.
In fact, one expressed a wish to have sex with Bush the other day.
I distinctly heard him say, "Fuck Bush".

Don't you have a Pedophile Prophet you should be worshiping?

No one cares about your opinion on such matters, troll.

And there was I thinking I had the right to free speech.
His illegal wars have killed thousands of American troops but I know they all love him.
In fact, one expressed a wish to have sex with Bush the other day.
I distinctly heard him say, "Fuck Bush".

Don't you have a Pedophile Prophet you should be worshiping?

No one cares about your opinion on such matters, troll.

And there was I thinking I had the right to free speech.

Muslims don't have free speech. Is one allowed to call your beloved prophet a pedophile in Islamic countries?

Didn't think so.

Of course here you do have the freedom of speech, I was just pointing out no one cares about your opinion of this matter.
I even like him. Not as president but he's a very nice man, good family.

Cheney - another story.
A true American patriot....

Warrior Open | Bush Center finally got a threadline that almost makes sense.............although, you're missing a couple of words, it should read "George W. Bush continues to be loved as he buys the troops".

I've thought that Jr. was an idiot since 9/11, and he's done nothing to change my mind since, especially since Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, and under Jr.'s leadership, Bin Laden ran free.

Compound that with the invasion of Iraq when we should have devoted everything to getting OBL, as well as many of the policy failures he had while in office, I think he's the shittiest president, who was even worse than Reagan.

The troops aren't signing up because they're in love with Jr., it's because they're looking for a free trip with a chance at photo ops that they may be able to turn into 15 min. of fame.

But...................your misspelling of the word "by" for "buy" is sure telling.................
Bush was an idiot because he thought Muslims would embrace democracy.

Other than that, he cares for the troops, unlike Obama.
Even though I didn't agree with putting ground troops in Iraq, Bush was a good CIC that the military respected. I'm sure very few of the military respect the scumbucket Obama!
No surprise there.

Does Obama continue to be reviled?

Look at how troops overseas scream their hatred of Obama. They only gave him more money than Romney so they would continue to have someone to hate.
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A true American patriot....

Warrior Open | Bush Center finally got a threadline that almost makes sense.............although, you're missing a couple of words, it should read "George W. Bush continues to be loved as he buys the troops".

I've thought that Jr. was an idiot since 9/11, and he's done nothing to change my mind since, especially since Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, and under Jr.'s leadership, Bin Laden ran free.

Compound that with the invasion of Iraq when we should have devoted everything to getting OBL, as well as many of the policy failures he had while in office, I think he's the shittiest president, who was even worse than Reagan.

The troops aren't signing up because they're in love with Jr., it's because they're looking for a free trip with a chance at photo ops that they may be able to turn into 15 min. of fame.

But...................your misspelling of the word "by" for "buy" is sure telling.................

:thup: You noticed that too?

Shrub continues to be loved by our reading teachers. Job security.
On a person level, Bush is hard not to like.

He just got in with a bad crowd.

As much as I hate to, I have to agree. He does seem like a fun person to have have around. Even if he is spoiled and a liar and caused so much damage to the country, he still seems like someone you could have beer with and swap a few jokes. As long as they aren't jokes about WMD's and how stupid America is for falling for that.
Bush was an idiot because he thought Muslims would embrace democracy.

Other than that, he cares for the troops, unlike Obama.

Jr. cared for the troops?


I seem to remember his SECDEF Donald RumsFAILED who told the military that "you go to war with the army you've got, not the army you want".

I also seem to remember that it was civilians (namely Cher) who were sending over things to keep the troops safe.

Wanna talk about how when they first got over there in Iraq that they had to scavenge from the scrapyards to try to get armor for their Humvees?
Bush was an idiot because he thought Muslims would embrace democracy.

Other than that, he cares for the troops, unlike Obama.

Jr. cared for the troops?


I seem to remember his SECDEF Donald RumsFAILED who told the military that "you go to war with the army you've got, not the army you want".

I also seem to remember that it was civilians (namely Cher) who were sending over things to keep the troops safe.

Wanna talk about how when they first got over there in Iraq that they had to scavenge from the scrapyards to try to get armor for their Humvees?

Okay, you worthless pile of excrement.

The US military, when Pres Bush II took office had been decimated by the Clinton's and their anti-military policies. I'm not going to both to search links as, even if I provide them, idiots like you don't give a damn!

You're part of the "Blame Bush" crowd.

You want to know what the troops think of him? Go to any military base and see the construction designed for the men and women of the military that came from the Bush Era. Then, try to find ANYTHING positive from the big-eared, inept jerk currently spending his non-vaction, non-campaigning time in the White House.

Pres Bush I AND II! :salute::salute::salute:
All I have to say is that he sent a lot of people to die for empire expansion just like Obama will eventually send more for the same reason.

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