George W. Bush Continues To Be Loved Buy Our Troops

Yeah, Bush loved our military to death.

Only fools would love the man who made a war where there was none and then killed and maimed thousands and thousands of his fellow military - all just to make money for the 2% who don't give a rat's ass about any of them.
All I have to say is that he sent a lot of people to die for empire expansion just like Obama will eventually send more for the same reason.

"... eventually ..."??

Just when do you think he will do that? His next term?

President Obama saves lives by using drones and the idiot rw's hate him for it. :cuckoo:
Why shouldn't they love him. They know that when obama took office he changed the rules of engagement to make sure the numbers of their dead increased, dramatically.
A true American patriot....

Warrior Open | Bush Center

GW's compassion for our troops was always genuine. Of that I have no doubt.

And they know it too...which is why they still think highly of him.

Why shouldn't they love him. They know that when obama took office he changed the rules of engagement to make sure the numbers of their dead increased, dramatically.

Liberals were doing that long before Obama hit office. See the faux outrage over things such as Guantanamo that they kept in the media for months on end.
Yeah, Bush loved our military to death.

Only fools would love the man who made a war where there was none and then killed and maimed thousands and thousands of his fellow military - all just to make money for the 2% who don't give a rat's ass about any of them.

While you make a valid point about Bush and his love of war- you fail to point the finger in the direction of your god BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA who has sent many more troops to their early graves. Hacks like you are brain-dead parasites.
All I have to say is that he sent a lot of people to die for empire expansion just like Obama will eventually send more for the same reason.

"... eventually ..."??

Just when do you think he will do that? His next term?

President Obama saves lives by using drones and the idiot rw's hate him for it. :cuckoo:

I don't think you understand how the real world works nor do I believe you know anything about U.S. foreign policy in the last 60 years. I'd wager 50 dollars right now that without google you couldn't tell me about "Asisan Pivot" let alone how many carrier groups the U.S. maintains. Without foundations in basic history and U.S. foreign policy the is really no point in my wasting my time with you.
Bush was an idiot because he thought Muslims would embrace democracy.

Other than that, he cares for the troops, unlike Obama.

Jr. cared for the troops?


I seem to remember his SECDEF Donald RumsFAILED who told the military that "you go to war with the army you've got, not the army you want".

I also seem to remember that it was civilians (namely Cher) who were sending over things to keep the troops safe.

Wanna talk about how when they first got over there in Iraq that they had to scavenge from the scrapyards to try to get armor for their Humvees?

Okay, you worthless pile of excrement.

The US military, when Pres Bush II took office had been decimated by the Clinton's and their anti-military policies. I'm not going to both to search links as, even if I provide them, idiots like you don't give a damn!

You're part of the "Blame Bush" crowd.

You want to know what the troops think of him? Go to any military base and see the construction designed for the men and women of the military that came from the Bush Era. Then, try to find ANYTHING positive from the big-eared, inept jerk currently spending his non-vaction, non-campaigning time in the White House.

Pres Bush I AND II! :salute::salute::salute:

Yanno................I was active duty Navy under both Clinton and Jr.

I had more money in my pocket under Clinton, as well as felt a bit safer while I was overseas.

Jr. sucked ass, and should have been brought up for war crimes. I don't care that you love him, I'm speaking as a person who has a differing point of view from you.

I wish that my retirement certificate could have been signed by someone other than Jr.
Yeah, Bush loved our military to death.

Only fools would love the man who made a war where there was none and then killed and maimed thousands and thousands of his fellow military - all just to make money for the 2% who don't give a rat's ass about any of them.

How exactly did the "2%" make money off the war again? By allowing the Chinese and French to win big oil contracts in Iraq?
Bush was an idiot because he thought Muslims would embrace democracy.

Other than that, he cares for the troops, unlike Obama.

Jr. cared for the troops?


I seem to remember his SECDEF Donald RumsFAILED who told the military that "you go to war with the army you've got, not the army you want".

I also seem to remember that it was civilians (namely Cher) who were sending over things to keep the troops safe.

Wanna talk about how when they first got over there in Iraq that they had to scavenge from the scrapyards to try to get armor for their Humvees?

Oh yes, and the military is just soooo much better off today under the Hussein right? Because he is pushing for higher military budgets right? No, welfare and Obamacare are his priorities, the military comes dead last to him.
Bush was an idiot because he thought Muslims would embrace democracy.

Other than that, he cares for the troops, unlike Obama.

Jr. cared for the troops?


I seem to remember his SECDEF Donald RumsFAILED who told the military that "you go to war with the army you've got, not the army you want".

I also seem to remember that it was civilians (namely Cher) who were sending over things to keep the troops safe.

Wanna talk about how when they first got over there in Iraq that they had to scavenge from the scrapyards to try to get armor for their Humvees?

Oh yes, and the military is just soooo much better off today under the Hussein right? Because he is pushing for higher military budgets right? No, welfare and Obamacare are his priorities, the military comes dead last to him.

What a maroon. No POTUS has had the cojones for anything less than genuflecting before the MIC. Nobody since Eisenhower has even brought it up.

OK kids sing along now...

M.. I... C... ♩

D... U... H... ♫

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[ame=]President George W Bush Greeting Troops at DFW - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Different Presidents, A Different Corps - YouTube[/ame]

Obozo won't waste the time​
On a person level, Bush is hard not to like.

He just got in with a bad crowd.

He was misguided, misinformed and made his own mistakes. I believe for the most part, he did what he thought was best. Same of course can be said of Obama. Both good men that love this country.
His illegal wars have killed thousands of American troops but I know they all love him.
In fact, one expressed a wish to have sex with Bush the other day.
I distinctly heard him say, "Fuck Bush".

Don't you have a Pedophile Prophet you should be worshiping?

No one cares about your opinion on such matters, troll.

And there was I thinking I had the right to free speech.

Nobody questions your right to free speech....only your sanity. :eusa_eh:
"W"s policies resulted in the deaths of many of our troops for a war that had no business being fought. No one had any evidence of Iraq having anything to do with 9-11. But Bush let the man that masterminded the deaths of 3000 Americans on American soil go to pursue a war with no basis. In the meantime, the repeal of Glass-Steagal was working it's way through the system, and in spite of many warnings, the only thing that Bush did was prevent the SEC from looking at what was happening. So, we damned near had the Second Great Republican Depression.

Some Vets make think highly of "W", but there are just as many, maybe a lot more, that regard him as an idiot that got so many of our people killed for no good reason.
"W"s policies resulted in the deaths of many of our troops for a war that had no business being fought. No one had any evidence of Iraq having anything to do with 9-11. But Bush let the man that masterminded the deaths of 3000 Americans on American soil go to pursue a war with no basis. In the meantime, the repeal of Glass-Steagal was working it's way through the system, and in spite of many warnings, the only thing that Bush did was prevent the SEC from looking at what was happening. So, we damned near had the Second Great Republican Depression.

Some Vets make think highly of "W", but there are just as many, maybe a lot more, that regard him as an idiot that got so many of our people killed for no good reason.

Cheney used his anger at Saddam (remember, Saddam threatened to kill his pa), to finance Halliburton stockholders.

Jr. was too fucking stupid to do anything, and was driven by his puppet master Cheney.
As long as Jr. is buying, the troops will continue to say they love him.

Like I said, if you bought me a really nice vacation for a couple of days, I'd be willing to say that you were my friend.

Jr. is buying the troops admiration, and even so..................I really doubt that many love him.

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