George W. Bush Focuses On Quiet Service After Presidency

Bush should spend every minute of every day of the rest of his worthless life begging forgiveness for causing the deaths of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis.

Your pathetic, furthermore you have no concept of the issues and circumstances dictating the course of events. You can be certain of one thing, Baby Bush, lives with fact that there is a price one pays for being a leader during times of conflict and war.
Bush should spend every minute of every day of the rest of his worthless life begging forgiveness for causing the deaths of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis.

Funny that the liberal media doesn't call everyone's attention to the deaths under Obama. They used to do a daily count, now hardly mention it.
Bush should spend every minute of every day of the rest of his worthless life begging forgiveness for causing the deaths of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis.

Funny that the liberal media doesn't call everyone's attention to the deaths under Obama. They used to do a daily count, now hardly mention it.

More soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama then did under Bush... Remember Obama falsely claiming that Bush was "air raiding" villages? Now Obama has tripled drone strikes into Pakistan... Drones that kill "innocent villagers".

[ame=]Obama: troops just airraiding villages and killing civilians - YouTube[/ame]
Bush should spend every minute of every day of the rest of his worthless life begging forgiveness for causing the deaths of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis.

Funny that the liberal media doesn't call everyone's attention to the deaths under Obama. They used to do a daily count, now hardly mention it.

More soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama then did under Bush... Remember Obama falsely claiming that Bush was "air raiding" villages? Now Obama has tripled drone strikes into Pakistan... Drones that kill "innocent villagers".

[ame=]Obama: troops just airraiding villages and killing civilians - YouTube[/ame]

Bush ignored Afghanistan, that would probably explain why more troops died under Obama. Obama has had to clean up what Bush and Reagan started.
Were you going to vote for McCain?
Funny that the liberal media doesn't call everyone's attention to the deaths under Obama. They used to do a daily count, now hardly mention it.

More soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama then did under Bush... Remember Obama falsely claiming that Bush was "air raiding" villages? Now Obama has tripled drone strikes into Pakistan... Drones that kill "innocent villagers".

[ame=]Obama: troops just airraiding villages and killing civilians - YouTube[/ame]

Bush ignored Afghanistan, that would probably explain why more troops died under Obama. Obama has had to clean up what Bush and Reagan started.
Were you going to vote for McCain?

Afghanistan is the quagmire its always been- Bush never ignored Afghanistan- He routed the Taliban and al-Qaeda- for Obama's inept handling read starting in 2009 page 20 or there about.

(page 18) As a result, coalition forces began preparing offensives to root out the
rebel forces. In late August 2005, Afghan government forces backed
by U.S troops and heavy American aerial bombardment advanced upon
Taliban positions within the mountain fortress. After a one-week battle,
Taliban forces were routed with up to 124 fighters (according to
Afghan government estimates) killed.
I thought Dubya was a dumbass, but he was a freaking genius compared to the Stuttering Clusterfuck in Chief we have now.
I thought Dubya was a dumbass, but he was a freaking genius compared to the Stuttering Clusterfuck in Chief we have now.

No he really isn't a genius but he's a nice man and he cares about people. Obama is very smart.
Bush should spend every minute of every day of the rest of his worthless life begging forgiveness for causing the deaths of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis.

Should congress also be begging forgivness, since they voted in favor or military action in Iraq and could have ended it at any time? How about Hillary or Kerry? Should Clinton be begging for forgiveness for at least the Chinese he killed in Bosnia? How about Obama and is predator killings or his intervention in Libya and elsewhere? I guess your problem is that by having the evidence available to congress and then having a vote is far worse then just ordering bombing of civilians and nothing more then the President says so. Clinton and Obama are actually the guilty parties. I would not have voted for any of those actions but at least in Iraq Congress had a BIG say. To now claim all the BS about lies is just code for "I voted for war before I didn't."
Reagan was a great man, Bush....not even close. So whats your point?

That Bush's "Quiet Service" was due to the fact that no one wants to hear what he has to say. The republicans don't want to remind people that he exists.

That's not true at all. Bush and Clinton both left with shit approval ratings. Bush has been clear that he doesn't want to be in the game anymore and he's lived up to that. Clinton wanted to be the unofficial leader of the party and up until Obama he had done so. And after Obama, he's still going to be in a position for that.
Bush left with shit approval ratings, yes, but not Clinton.

June 4, 1999
Presidential Job Approval: Bill Clinton's High Ratings in the Midst of Crisis, 1998
Frank Newport
Editor in Chief, The Gallup Poll
PRINCETON, NJ -- Gallup's presidential job approval measure has been used as a shorthand summation of the public's opinion of a president for over 50 years. The job approval measure came under particular scrutiny and criticism during 1998, based primarily on the seemingly paradoxical fact that the measure did not drop precipitously as Clinton's Lewinsky assignations became public and as Bill Clinton became only the second president in U.S. history to be impeached.

The facts are straightforward: Bill Clinton received the highest job approval ratings of his administration during the Lewinsky/impeachment controversy. As the Lewinsky situation unfolded, Clinton's job approval went up, not down, and his ratings remained high for the duration of the impeachment proceedings:

Bill Clinton's mean job approval rating, 1st quarter 1993 through 1st quarter, 1999 was 53.8
Bill Clinton's mean job approval rating for the five years preceding 1998 was 51.3
Bill Clinton's mean job approval rating in 1998 was 63.8
Bill Clinton's average job approval rating for 1998 was thus 10 points above his overall administration to-date average
Bill Clinton's average job approval rating for 1998 was thus 12.5 points above his administration average for the five years preceding 1998
Bill Clinton's average job approval rating for 1998 was 5.7 points above that of the previous year, 1997, which in turn was higher than that of any of the four years which preceded it
Bill Clinton's job approval rating in the first quarter during which the Lewinsky situation became public knowledge (1st quarter 1998) jumped 5.6 points compared to the immediately preceding quarter
Presidential Job Approval: Bill Clinton's High Ratings in the Midst of Crisis, 1998
George W. Bush Focuses On Quiet Service After Presidency

LUSAKA — Former President George W. Bush has kept a relatively low profile in the United States since leaving office. But in Africa this week he is publicly promoting his institute's initiative to prevent and treat cervical cancer. While Bush is following a familiar post-presidential path in supporting humanitarian causes, he would prefer to focus on quiet service, to lead through example and hard work.

i.e......Laura is "taking the wheel".....after fulfilling her initial-contract as full-time babysitter (and, bottle-blocker).


"OK, I am finally starting my diary if only to stop Bar from nagging on me. She was on the phone again first thing this morning going on about how much money the previous occupants of this Fright House have made on their book deals. Even though I'm sort of reluctant to take advice from someone who passes her own writing off as being written by a dog, she did make some good points in that bossy way of hers. I mean to say, it is getting harder and harder to wake up early enough to talk to her before her third bloody mary kicks in."​

Bush should spend every minute of every day of the rest of his worthless life begging forgiveness for causing the deaths of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis.

Should congress also be begging forgivness, since they voted in favor or military action in Iraq and could have ended it at any time? How about Hillary or Kerry? Should Clinton be begging for forgiveness for at least the Chinese he killed in Bosnia? How about Obama and is predator killings or his intervention in Libya and elsewhere? I guess your problem is that by having the evidence available to congress and then having a vote is far worse then just ordering bombing of civilians and nothing more then the President says so. Clinton and Obama are actually the guilty parties. I would not have voted for any of those actions but at least in Iraq Congress had a BIG say. To now claim all the BS about lies is just code for "I voted for war before I didn't."

How about you admit that you were wrong about Iraq, as was Bush?

You can't defend Bush, can you? That's why you start talking about Clinton, you fucking moron.
FW, Welcome, Bro. Glad to have you aboard. The site leans Right on some days, Left on others. If the Lefties abound, your posts will be quickly buried with nary a reply. Thankfully, you won't find any of that chicken sh!t here that was present in massive over abundance in the last site you frequented. Somewhere on these pages you'll find BigReb from the so long ago, old, old days scriveling happily away. Happy posting.
TR, wolfgang13

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