George W. Bush Paintings.

Your mouth is pretty much like your asshole, it spews nothing but shit. And that goes for Samson too. Both back on ignore; i.e., not worth engaging in any type of intelligent discussion.


Early Sunday Morning Meltdown!


Well, I've accomplished my mission for today.

Hardly a meltdown. What a moron you are.

Don't know how to work the ignore function, huh?


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U don't know me..and have no basis for determining how much "real important work" I've done relative to W...but I know that I've helped save human lives..whereas ur boy has not only wasted human lives...

I have every basis to be all but CERTAIN you have not done a tiny fraction of the "real important work" President Bush has done, which includes saving MILLIONS of lives in Africa. Can you top that, mouthy? I didn't think so.

Stop being an empty partisan talking machine and try being a real person for a change.

Lady...ur projecting here. If "empty partisan talking machine" were an Olympic event....u'd get the gold.
I KNOW what I've accomplished in my 30 plus years in practice...I also see evidence of the lives maimed and destroyed by W's decisions...and of ur own inanity. If would be refreshing if u shared more than name calling and GOP talking points in ur posts.

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I don't like ur boy W and the damage he's done to our country..taking no responsibility for the torture he authorized and the multitude of deaths caused by his asinine "pre-emptive war Bush doctrine"....
Oh come on. You aren't fooling anyone. You're a Bushophobe. His manly unassuming stature has you all gooy inside. You are ashamed of your late night feelings for him. His touch. What would it be like? But you know you can't have him. Would your friends still accept you if they discovered the unbridled lust? Would they understand? Could they understand? Now this, he paints as well? Arggh....where's the meds??

Ur disturbingly self revealing...but both W and U leave me cold.
I must compliment u on the very appropriate name u chose ice's spot on.

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I don't like ur boy W and the damage he's done to our country..taking no responsibility for the torture he authorized and the multitude of deaths caused by his asinine "pre-emptive war Bush doctrine"....
Oh come on. You aren't fooling anyone. You're a Bushophobe. His manly unassuming stature has you all gooy inside. You are ashamed of your late night feelings for him. His touch. What would it be like? But you know you can't have him. Would your friends still accept you if they discovered the unbridled lust? Would they understand? Could they understand? Now this, he paints as well? Arggh....where's the meds??

Ur disturbingly self revealing...but both W and U leave me cold.
I must compliment u on the very appropriate name u chose ice's spot on.

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IceWeasel got it right.

W makes you wet, dr. dipshit.
U don't know me..and have no basis for determining how much "real important work" I've done relative to W...but I know that I've helped save human lives..whereas ur boy has not only wasted human lives...

I have every basis to be all but CERTAIN you have not done a tiny fraction of the "real important work" President Bush has done, which includes saving MILLIONS of lives in Africa. Can you top that, mouthy? I didn't think so.

Stop being an empty partisan talking machine and try being a real person for a change.

I KNOW what I've accomplished in my 30 plus years in practice....

I think you missed this part, 'Doctor' Dopey:

"...the "real important work" President Bush has done, which includes saving MILLIONS of lives in Africa. Can you top that, mouthy? I didn't think so."

Face it, you're nobody; nothing but another among countless unthinking partisan drones on the internet. My, what a rich, meaningful life... :rolleyes:
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Is that supposed to make up for the 100's of thousands of people he murdered for empire you stupid fucking bitch?

He didn't "murder" anybody, nor do any thing "for empire," you dishonest, hypocritical, hysterical little lefty fool.
Hitler was a good artist too.

So was John Wayne Gacy.

And Gacy didn't kill near as many people as Bush did. Gacy couldn't profit from his "art" and Bush can. Not that Bush needs the money since he and his family sacked the treasury of the United States. Not to mention the money they get from the bin Laden's.

The only place his paintings are hanging is in his own library. If he had not bought his own "gallery", they'd be stacked up in a spare room where they belong.

You, Dude, are as far left as it's possible to go. You should be ashamed of your unbridled disdain for anything conservative. At least we tolerate you.
They look like caricatures.


Here's the fun thing, deany.

You can't separate your hatred of the man for his talent.

These aren't 'caricatures'.

This is expressionism.

Expressionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a very talented artist.
They are certainly not Expressionism.

He's an ordinary man of ordinary talents who should never have been a world leader: he was completely incompetent. Now he is an ordinary retired man who likes to paint. Nothing wrong with that, but his his talent is very ordinary too. They are nothing more than any other average retired person might paint, and about a step or two above paint by number.

When you speak of utter incompetence, you have to start and end with Obama, the dude who stole the presidency with a lot of help from Gates, Buffet, and all the other fat cats who pull Obama's strings.
Hitler was a good artist too.

Yeap, I clicked into the thread to see how long some asshole would equate Hitler and Booooosh and it was post number 2.

Of course, agreed and thanked by the new dumbest liberal poster, black label.

I still think they blame Booooosh for the economy crumbling under Booooosh even though the democrats took over the power in 2007. Cause until 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent.

Not that any of these morons like Black label would care. Then again I will bet a cookie to a doughnut that a moron like black label crowed when the left wing media BRAGGED that the unemployment "FELL" to 7.8 percent in October 2012. Yet, we all know that was a flat out lie.

Of course, the same media that harped on the high gas prices every single freaking day in 2006, did not say shit about the high gas prices in 2012, 2011, 2010 or 2009. Nope. Hardly a thing. In fact, interestingly enough, the media bragged that the high gas prices (under Obama of course) was a good thing for......THE ENVIRONMENT. The same media said it was crony capitalism under BOOOOSH in 2006.

Take a look everyone. Take a look.

Cause they will call me a liar. We already know they will not care.

Oh, thats right. I hijacked the thread, cause some asshole equated BOOOOSH to Hitler. That must be because of the "war in Iraq." Yet, the person they brag they will vote for in 2016 propagated the existence of WMDS before Booooosh took office, voted for the war, and said it was a good thing that Saddam is gone. I mean she would have to, considering her husband signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs.

Not that liberals care, cause they don't.

Poor brainwashed libs. They are funny.

Owl. You are my kind of poster. Keep up the good work. Truth will eventually win out.

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