George W. not a perfect president but lead us through 9/11 well

...and it made perfect sense, too! Saudi Arabians attack America, and Bush attacks Iraq!
So the Saudi's attacked America through Bin Laden for whom the Saudi Kingdom had banned from that Kingdom ??? Please explain all the connections in that mess if you don't mind.. Thanks.

Bush should have attacked Britain, because Bin Laudon had friends and followers there, some of whom also were recruiting followers in France, so Bush should have taken down the Eiffel Tower...
Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

That fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.

I agree
The highlight of Bush’s presidency was post 9-11. He provided leadership, a strong backbone and a shoulder to cry on. His approval rose to 80 percent and he had bipartisan support

Unfortunately, he overreacted to the attacks and blundered us into attacking Afghanistan and Iraq. His decision to engage in torture demeaned us all
Nah, the waterboarding was the best part. You partisen scrubs were only against it because it was a republican at the helm.
Big deal...he was calm. Any idiot can be that...especially if he is the POTUS. What is he going to do - start rolling on the floor, sobbing?

I am POSITIVE his people/his father told him EXACTLY how to act and what to say.

I don't credit or berate him for how he 'handled' 9/'s no big deal what he did.
Big deal...he was calm. Any idiot can be that...especially if he is the POTUS. What is he going to do - start rolling on the floor, sobbing?

I am POSITIVE his people/his father told him EXACTLY how to act and what to say.

I don't credit or berate him for how he 'handled' 9/'s no big deal what he did.

Sure, every father has that conversation with their kid(s). Ok son...if you ever have a situation where a plane crashes into a skyscraper...act calm.
I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.

Yes he did. He was the right man in the right place at the right time.

His first term was great. His second a disaster.
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.
If 9-11 happened while Obama was President, Republicans would have impeached him
Personally, I admired Bush for his post 9-11 leadership and his AIDs humanitarian work in Africa

Other than that, his administration was a disaster in allowing the 9-11 attacks, his disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq, lying about WMDs, engaging in torture, establishing GITMO and his inability to stop an economic collapse

You belong in GITMO for this treasonous garbage....unbelievable.
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.
yea im sure the country would not have rallied around gore....dont let your hatred of trump cloud your thoughts LL....
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.

After the attacks, Bush was given a 9-11 card that allowed him to do anything he feels he needed to fight terrorism

He used that card to form Homeland Security, pass the Patriot Act and invade Afghanistan and Iraq

After Iraq fell apart and it was obvious that he had lied about WMDs, his 9-11 card was taken away
he also had 90% of the country and world standing behind him....and look what he did with that....he was a half-assed leader...
Personally, I admired Bush for his post 9-11 leadership and his AIDs humanitarian work in Africa

Other than that, his administration was a disaster in allowing the 9-11 attacks, his disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq, lying about WMDs, engaging in torture, establishing GITMO and his inability to stop an economic collapse
allowing 9-11 to happen? even if you were president that attack would have in all probability still happened...
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.
If 9-11 happened while Obama was President, Republicans would have impeached him
sure they would have.....there is something about this country that brings us together when we are attacked....
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.

After the attacks, Bush was given a 9-11 card that allowed him to do anything he feels he needed to fight terrorism

He used that card to form Homeland Security, pass the Patriot Act and invade Afghanistan and Iraq

After Iraq fell apart and it was obvious that he had lied about WMDs, his 9-11 card was taken away
he also had 90% of the country and world standing behind him....and look what he did with that....he was a half-assed leader...
Bush had unprecedented national and international support

He could have built an international coalition to fight terrorism

Instead, he went on his own to his own agenda
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.
If 9-11 happened while Obama was President, Republicans would have impeached him
sure they would have.....there is something about this country that brings us together when we are attacked....

It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.

After the attacks, Bush was given a 9-11 card that allowed him to do anything he feels he needed to fight terrorism

He used that card to form Homeland Security, pass the Patriot Act and invade Afghanistan and Iraq

After Iraq fell apart and it was obvious that he had lied about WMDs, his 9-11 card was taken away
he also had 90% of the country and world standing behind him....and look what he did with that....he was a half-assed leader...
Bush had unprecedented national and international support

He could have built an international coalition to fight terrorism

Instead, he went on his own to his own agenda
i have to agree....had he went after international terrorist he just may have been considered one of our better presidents.....
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.
If 9-11 happened while Obama was President, Republicans would have impeached him
sure they would have.....there is something about this country that brings us together when we are attacked....

im talking about the homeland....we have had our citizens in third world shitholes die for decades....
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.
If 9-11 happened while Obama was President, Republicans would have impeached him
sure they would have.....there is something about this country that brings us together when we are attacked....


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