George W. not a perfect president but lead us through 9/11 well

Unfortunately, he overreacted to the attacks and blundered us into attacking Afghanistan and Iraq. His decision to engage in torture demeaned us all
Things might have been different, without Cheney and Rumsfeld, the sniveling, evil little snakes.
Bush was the decider

He was looking at his legacy and wanted to rework the Islamic world through invasion and empire building
Unfortunately, he overreacted to the attacks and blundered us into attacking Afghanistan and Iraq. His decision to engage in torture demeaned us all
Things might have been different, without Cheney and Rumsfeld, the sniveling, evil little snakes.
Bush was the decider

He was looking at his legacy and wanted to rework the Islamic world through invasion and empire building
...because evil men much smarter than him convinced him it was both moral and possible.
I’d take “W”, ten times out of ten over, DJT, based on W’s morals and empathy as DJT is amoral as one can get, and he has zippo empathy.
So would I

W was ultimately a good person
Can’t say that about Trump
Unfortunately, he overreacted to the attacks and blundered us into attacking Afghanistan and Iraq. His decision to engage in torture demeaned us all
Things might have been different, without Cheney and Rumsfeld, the sniveling, evil little snakes.
Bush was the decider

He was looking at his legacy and wanted to rework the Islamic world through invasion and empire building
...because evil men much smarter than him convinced him it was both moral and possible.
Those same men now advise Trump
Doesn’t get worse than John Bolton
I believe the American public came to the forefront during the time without need for leadership. People acted on behalf of their countrymen, organizing blood drives, seeing needs and stepping up to help out. The one politician who stood out to me was NY mayor Rudy Giuliani whose presence standing with the people was a powerful image.
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?

oh not this again .... they weren't ignored....they weren't specific enough to act on.

Really? I suggest you do a little more research.
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?

oh not this again .... they weren't ignored....they weren't specific enough to act on.

Really? I suggest you do a little more research.
I suggest you do a little more research, and look into what information actually made it to Intel agency heads and the oval office.
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?
Washington redskin
All presidents have fucked up when it comes to intelligence, Why didn’t slick Willy kill Osama bin Laden when he had the opportunity you stupid ass motherfucker?

No matter what side they pick you cannot trust any career politician...
So shut the fuck up
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?

oh not this again .... they weren't ignored....they weren't specific enough to act on.
Never give a president the benefit of doubt.
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?

oh not this again .... they weren't ignored....they weren't specific enough to act on.

Really? I suggest you do a little more research.
I suggest you do a little more research, and look into what information actually made it to Intel agency heads and the oval office.

Research Condi Rice and the CIA.

‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’
An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored this warning from the CIA months before 9/11, along with others that were far more detailed than previously revealed.

How the Bush administration ignored a significant warning from the CIA months before 9/11
I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.

I was puzzled to learn some in the former Soviet Union yearn for a return of Stalin. I am dumfounded to see nostalgic yearning for
one of the most inept US presicents.
I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.
I can say the GW was the least Progressive of the Bush clan, more of a normal citizen and for that I could respect him. His father, no new taxes, just was the New England man that he acted like. His position on illegal border jumping was against the grain. So the over rank score of him about about average.
It’s a good thing he was a Republican. Had he been a Democrat, he would not have gotten widespread support in the days and weeks following the attack. Instead, He’d have been accused of causing the tragedy and would have been brought in for public hearings.

Bush had the support of democrats. Full stop.

Until he started to use the crisis for political gain.

After the attacks, Bush was given a 9-11 card that allowed him to do anything he feels he needed to fight terrorism

He used that card to form Homeland Security, pass the Patriot Act and invade Afghanistan and Iraq

After Iraq fell apart and it was obvious that he had lied about WMDs, his 9-11 card was taken away
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?

oh not this again .... they weren't ignored....they weren't specific enough to act on.

Really? I suggest you do a little more research.
I suggest you do a little more research, and look into what information actually made it to Intel agency heads and the oval office.

Research Condi Rice and the CIA.

‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’
An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored this warning from the CIA months before 9/11, along with others that were far more detailed than previously revealed.

How the Bush administration ignored a significant warning from the CIA months before 9/11
Your link proves the point you are arguing against. A "spectacular attack", eh? Where? How? The article does not say any such informayion made it to the Oval Office, which is precisely the point I and the other poster are making.
Personally, I admired Bush for his post 9-11 leadership and his AIDs humanitarian work in Africa

Other than that, his administration was a disaster in allowing the 9-11 attacks, his disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq, lying about WMDs, engaging in torture, establishing GITMO and his inability to stop an economic collapse
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?

oh not this again .... they weren't ignored....they weren't specific enough to act on.

Really? I suggest you do a little more research.
I suggest you do a little more research, and look into what information actually made it to Intel agency heads and the oval office.

Research Condi Rice and the CIA.

‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’
An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored this warning from the CIA months before 9/11, along with others that were far more detailed than previously revealed.

How the Bush administration ignored a significant warning from the CIA months before 9/11
Your link proves the point you are arguing against. A "spectacular attack", eh? Where? How? The article does not say any such informayion made it to the Oval Office, which is precisely the point I and the other poster are making.

How quickly some people forget and are now trying to whitewash Bush's clusterfuck.

Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

Claim vs. Fact: Rice's Q&A Testimony Before the 9/11 Commission
I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.

Right up until he invaded Iraq....though I supported it at the time, when it turned out the intel was sketchy and the Turks prevented the 4th ID from coming down thru the Sunni Triangle. Saddam's forces beat us to their munitions caches thanks to the stinking Turks and that's where the majority of the IEDs came from. They should have leveled Ankara for that or at least made Turkey believe they would or called it off.
Personally, I admired Bush for his post 9-11 leadership and his AIDs humanitarian work in Africa

Other than that, his administration was a disaster in allowing the 9-11 attacks, his disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq, lying about WMDs, engaging in torture, establishing GITMO and his inability to stop an economic collapse

You belong in GITMO for this treasonous garbage....unbelievable.

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