George Washington film

I read a biography of him and was amazed at his life and accomplishments. He was a social climber of sorts but used his position in the military to try to achieve it. He desperately wanted an officer's commission in the British army but was always rejected.
He had a real quirk about bold strokes to win major conflicts with less loss of life. More than once, he planned kidnappings of Royals who were visiting the colonies but he never was successful with them. And that hair? That hair in those paintings was never a powdered wig. It was always his own.
He suffered terribly from stomach and bowel issues as well as having horrible troubles with his teeth. Oh, and his dentures were never wooden ;) Best ceramic available.
I read a biography of him and was amazed at his life and accomplishments. He was a social climber of sorts but used his position in the military to try to achieve it. He desperately wanted an officer's commission in the British army but was always rejected.
He had a real quirk about bold strokes to win major conflicts with less loss of life. More than once, he planned kidnappings of Royals who were visiting the colonies but he never was successful with them. And that hair? That hair in those paintings was never a powdered wig. It was always his own.
He suffered terribly from stomach and bowel issues as well as having horrible troubles with his teeth. Oh, and his dentures were never wooden ;) Best ceramic available.
Thanks, Esdraelon. :thup:

I procured information from Washington's speeches and writings during his 8 years as President a few years back. He credited the Lord in almost every executive speech and letter he wrote, praised God in song every evening with Martha, and called on God to help him in every act to be thoughtful and useful to all others. He was indeed the Father of our Country and was one of the most loved Presidents America ever had. His faith in God was an inspiration to the nation that was guided to do good to each other and to people from other lands. After reading all his letters and speeches, I developed an unquenchable admiration for all he did for America, and I loved what I read about his First Lady, Martha Washington and I found her cookbook at a store which was bought and put in my cookbook library. She did a lot of baking, cooking, and serving all the people George Washington brought home, even when he was President. What wonderful people the Washingtons were. And I thank God for his servant George Washington, who took time every day to pray and sing praises to the Lord.

I really enjoyed the series which I found this morning and listened to it more than the 7 hours because I had to do a few tasks around the house, so had to put it on hold about 5 or six times while enjoying Barry Bostwick's excellent job of portraying General Washington throughout the Revolutionary War. Good night all. :sleep:
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George Washington would not make a good hero in today's style of historical films.

He was not colorful or particularly loquacious. He didn't even stand in the prow of the boat rowing across The Delaware River. I don't think anyone would watch a Washington biopic unless Michael Bay directed and added a few thousand explosions and may a car chase or two.

He was a soft-spoken, dour man, given to writing very pessimistic assessments of the Army under his command.

He was a very good commander in the field and was the object of fanatical loyalty fro his men, if not always from his officers.

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