George Will Says Josh Hawley Is Why Senators Should Be Banned From Running For President

Well anyone that crosses the cult need to be demonised...

There is fuck all I agree with George Will but I know he isn't a swamp rat and is actually a conservative... That must fucking hurt, you follow the Orange God...
He is a never Trumper depending on very stupid people full of hate from the real cult believing him. You are part of that cult.
from wikipedia:

George Frederick Will (born May 4, 1941) is an American libertarian-conservative political commentator and author. He writes regular columns for The Washington Post and provides commentary for NBC News and MSNBC.[1] In 1986, The Wall Street Journal called him "perhaps the most powerful journalist in America," in a league with Walter Lippmann (1889–1974).[2][3] He won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1977.[4]

So he is a nobody, thanks for clearing it up. If he is a nobody, why should we care what he thinks?
George Will is the greatest conservative in the history of the world
Hawley “exemplifies the worst about would-be presidents incubated in the Senate,” wrote Will.

And where is Obama on that list of grandstanding Senators?
no one would want to run for Senate if such a law were to be implemented, except Senate geeks like Moscow Mitch

So let me see if I understand this correctly. We are watching this Bidumb fucking train wreck of an administration and this turds opinion is we don’t need any senators to become president because of… Josh Hawley.
no one would want to run for Senate if such a law were to be implemented, except Senate geeks like Moscow Mitch

Do you even know why he was tagged with the Moscow Mitch label? I am betting you have no clue and that it is based on a bald-faced lie.
from wikipedia:

George Frederick Will (born May 4, 1941) is an American libertarian-conservative political commentator and author. He writes regular columns for The Washington Post and provides commentary for NBC News and MSNBC.[1] In 1986, The Wall Street Journal called him "perhaps the most powerful journalist in America," in a league with Walter Lippmann (1889–1974).[2][3] He won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1977.[4]

George Will was great writer who had good ideas and a commanding way with words to present those ideas

One quote that has always impressed me for its imagery was

“World War Two, which began with a charge of Polish cavalry and ended with a clap of atomic thunder…”

But people change and George Will changed

He grew long ears and a tail and now he’s just another swamp rat
So now he's taking cheap shots at Josh Hawley? More proof George Will is a has-been.
Hawley doesn't need Will's help to show what a devious self serving punk that he really is. He can do that all on his own.

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