George Zimmerman back in the news: another shooting incident

Zimmerman, a hero to racists, and should be but isn't, an example of why there ought to be an open debate on gun control.
1: How so?
2: How is there -not- such a debate?

Gun control is never debated, it shuts down when anti gun control advocates fall back on the Second Amendment; it is tantamount to mom saying "because I say so".
Gun control is never debated it shuts down when anti gun control advocates fall back on the Second Amendment; it is tantamount to mom saying "because I say so".
Why do you believe the 2nd amendment and the surrounding jurisprudence is not relevant to a discussion on gun control?
Why do you believe citing the 2nd amendment is a defacto appeal to authority fallacy?

Any time you want to have an open, honest debate on gun control you just let me know.
Hey! Where did WC go?
I thought he wanted an open, honest debate on gun control?
Is it possible that left wing anger encouraged by the liberal media declared open season on not only George Zimmerman but every Police Officer in the Country?
Zimmerman has a history of issues with that guy. This is just the type of person Zimmerman is. He'll be in another gun incident soon no doubt.
Gun control is never debated it shuts down when anti gun control advocates fall back on the Second Amendment; it is tantamount to mom saying "because I say so".
Why do you believe the 2nd amendment and the surrounding jurisprudence is not relevant to a discussion on gun control?
Why do you believe citing the 2nd amendment is a defacto appeal to authority fallacy?

Any time you want to have an open, honest debate on gun control you just let me know.

As I've pointed out ad nauseaum, the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control is infringed, arguing that gun control of any shape or form is fought tooth and nail by you, and others. Whenever gun control is brought up, such as allowing states to require a person who wants to own, possess, etc. a firearem the cry from you and others is, "THAT IS AN INFRINGEMENT AND IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!"

Thus the merits of such an argument are immediately shouted down.
Gun control is never debated it shuts down when anti gun control advocates fall back on the Second Amendment; it is tantamount to mom saying "because I say so".
Why do you believe the 2nd amendment and the surrounding jurisprudence is not relevant to a discussion on gun control?
Why do you believe citing the 2nd amendment is a defacto appeal to authority fallacy?
Any time you want to have an open, honest debate on gun control you just let me know.
As I've pointed out ad nauseaum, the right to own, possess or have in one's custody and control is infringed, arguing that gun control of any shape or form is fought tooth and nail by you, and others. Whenever gun control is brought up, such as allowing states to require a person who wants to own, possess, etc. a firearem the cry from you and others is, "THAT IS AN INFRINGEMENT AND IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!"
Thus the merits of such an argument are immediately shouted down.
Rather than having the conversation by yourself, why don't you start by stating your position on gun control, what further gun control you believe is necessary, and the justification for it.
Remember that the object here is "open and honest" debate.
Let's start with what you characterized as the most ignorant and dishonest statement ever made at USMB:

"There is no gun control in this country"

True or not True (that is, is there gun control in the United States)?
Let's start with what you characterized as the most ignorant and dishonest statement ever made at USMB:
"There is no gun control in this country"
True or not True (that is, is there gun control in the United States)?
Unarguably true; it is impossible to soundly argue that there is no gun control in the US.
Let's start with what you characterized as the most ignorant and dishonest statement ever made at USMB:
"There is no gun control in this country"
True or not True (that is, is there gun control in the United States)?
Unarguably true.

Therefore, if there is gun control, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is currently infringed.

True or not true?
Let's start with what you characterized as the most ignorant and dishonest statement ever made at USMB:
"There is no gun control in this country"
True or not True (that is, is there gun control in the United States)?
Unarguably true.
Therefore, if there is gun control, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is currently infringed.
True or not true?
Not necessarily true; it is possible for a gun control law to not infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.
Let's start with what you characterized as the most ignorant and dishonest statement ever made at USMB:
"There is no gun control in this country"
True or not True (that is, is there gun control in the United States)?
Unarguably true.
Therefore, if there is gun control, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is currently infringed.
True or not true?
Not necessarily true; it is possible for a gun control law to not infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.

Mmmm, example please.
George Who?

Ummmmm... oh, yeah...

That guy who wasted Saint Skittles...

Hasn't some Black Panther racist sonofabitch killed him yet?
Is it possible that left wing anger encouraged by the liberal media declared open season on not only George Zimmerman but every Police Officer in the Country?
Zimmerman has a history of issues with that guy. This is just the type of person Zimmerman is. He'll be in another gun incident soon no doubt.
It's the other way around. The wacko Apperson is obsessed with Zimmerman and wants a confrontation. He is seeking fame. I put him on the level of John Lennon's killer Mark Chapman.

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