George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

Zim is undeniably an idiot who can't add 1 + 1:
he says ''TM must have something wrong with him because TM is staring at him''
???!!!!!!!!! do YOU know what this means????!!!!???
it means he's an IDIOT with a pistol
....TM is staring because dumbass is FOLLOWING him aggressively !! and DUMBASS's thinking is so FKed up he can't figure that out
..he's so OBSESSED with being a hero so much that he can't add 1 + 1
Zim calls him as asshole for --------------------------------walking !!!!!

a DUMBASS wannabe with a pistol --JUST like the dumbass trouble STARTER with a pistol that shot the Amazon driver over a parking spot

Sounds like some crap a Negro would say....pathetic.

Trayvon fucked up and got hisself kilt....get over it.

There is a lessson to all thugs and wanna be gangstas keep the fuck out of Florida...we have the right...the legal right to carry a concealed that easy target you looking at...might not be so easy.

Trayvon learned that the hard way.
you are such the tough guy hero
Obviously we have a few negroes on this thread....and the lies they try to spread are even beneath the dignity of most Negroes.....these morons must be afllicted with an i.q. like mad maxine. hehheh
Zim is undeniably an idiot who can't add 1 + 1:
he says ''TM must have something wrong with him because TM is staring at him''
???!!!!!!!!! do YOU know what this means????!!!!???
it means he's an IDIOT with a pistol
....TM is staring because dumbass is FOLLOWING him aggressively !! and DUMBASS's thinking is so FKed up he can't figure that out
..he's so OBSESSED with being a hero so much that he can't add 1 + 1
Zim calls him as asshole for --------------------------------walking !!!!!

a DUMBASS wannabe with a pistol --JUST like the dumbass trouble STARTER with a pistol that shot the Amazon driver over a parking spot

Sounds like some crap a Negro would say....pathetic.

Trayvon fucked up and got hisself kilt....get over it.

There is a lessson to all thugs and wanna be gangstas keep the fuck out of Florida...we have the right...the legal right to carry a concealed that easy target you looking at...might not be so easy.

Trayvon learned that the hard way.
you are such the tough guy hero

I am the kind of guy you never want to meet boyo......from Florida...if you git mah drift chump.
I hope Zimmerman sends the rest of his pathetic life with a sore neck from looking over his shoulder.

I doubt Z is the kind to worry much....a guy who would be that worried would probably move to Peru or somewhere.

There was an attempt on his life awhile back but seemed not to faze him....being a single guy he probably feels he can handle whatever pops up like he proved with trayvonista.....someone with a family and kids would have to be worried for the kids sake....lots of idiots out there like you full of hatred.
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hehheh Even that great liberal ---former.....President Carter said the Jury got it right.

Trayvon was walking around peeping in windows on a dark and rainy night.

When he noticed George pull up and park in front of the clubhouse...he came to where George was and circled his vehicle scoping out George......George stayed on the phone the whole time ---George did not say anything to trayvon...did not even roll down his window ....just kept describing to dispatch what trayvonista was doing....then trayvon seeing George on the phone and possibly hearing him talking to the police dispatcher ....Trayvon took off running(if he was so innocent why did he run away?) then when George told the dispatcher the suspect had taken off runnig....she axed George which way did he go....George then got out of the truck(having completely lost sight of trayvon) to try and determine which way he had run off to. George had not walked but a few steps when the dispatcher hearing the wind in his phone advised George she did not need him to follow trayvon....George complied and then she axed him for the exact address where he was....then George walked a little further to get to a lighted area where he could see an address to tell the dispatcher his exact location....then on his way back to his truck trayvon doubled back and confronted George and axed him if he had a problem.....George was attempting to call the dispatcher back but trayvo sucker punched him...knocked him to the ground....jumped on top of him and began beating his head against the side walk and told George he was going to kill him....whereupon George managed to get his weapon out and shoot trayvon.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

That is totally and completely false.
No one ever testified that Trayvon was peeping or even on private property, ever.
He did NOT circle around George's vehicle.
And George did not stay put, but was following Trayvon as a very slow speed.
When Travon stopped to ask what he wanted, then George stopped as well.
And that clearly is why Trayvon took off.
He thought he was being stalked by a sexual predator.
But George did not comply when the dispatcher said he should not follow.
We know that because the location of the confrontation was several blocks from George's SUV.
He never went back to his vehicle.
And no, there was no one else reporting that Trayvon started any violence or ever even said anything to him.
Considering Trayvon was a skinny kid and George was about twice his weight, claiming George was at risk is just a farce.
The jury did not conclude George was innocent, but that there simply was not enough evidence as to what really happened.

youre really going to call someone else wrong and then post that????

sorry you are just wrong,,,

Just look at the map.
Clearly George Zimmerman cut off Trayvon Martin from getting to his home, and forced the confrontation.
It was entirely the fault of George Zimmerman.


So George needed to have his skull bashed in, right?

That is obviously a lie because there was not even a bruise on Zimmerman's head.
All we see are scratches.

I posted pictures in the thread showing his bloody nose and cuts and blood coming out of the back of his head.
Stop being a tool for the media.
It makes you look like a moron.
Must be slow news day.

You folks rehashing this again?

Next up. . . . OJ and Rodney King. :auiqs.jpg:
Must be slow news day.

You folks rehashing this again?

Next up. . . . OJ and Rodney King. :auiqs.jpg:

hehheh I love the Z threads...nothing on the message boards that so completely and easily shows up liberals for what they are....lying scumbags.
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is obviously a lie.
George got out of his SUV, chased Trayvon, and then cut him off from getting home.
Those are all acts of aggression by George.
He did not just pull his gun and murder Trayvon at a distance, so I can't say that he should have been convicted, but he clearly should not have chased or cornered Trayvon.
The eyewitness says that is not what happened, jackass.

That is a lie.
There was not a single eye witness.
There was a woman who heard the fighting, but she said she really could not see what was going on.

Wrong again prissy missy........2 Witnesses Say Zimmerman Was Beaten
Well I wouldn’t want a killer on my dating app either .

AT, educator!

Are you willing and capable of defending your life if you feel it is being threatened...or would you just beg for mercy?

Well sure I believe that you should defend your life If it is being threatened.

AT, educator!

What makes you think George's life was not being threatened?

Florida Law....................

When Deadly Force is Justified
A person is justified in using deadly force if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself.

Forensic expert says evidence backs George Zimmerman’s story

That was 'evidence' presented in court which the jury obviously found credible.

What you got showing that Trayvon did not attack not forget his bruised knuckels. do have your agenda, you do have your liberal beliefs and fallacies and opinion.....

What you do not have: Any evidence whatsoever that supports your opinion.

Oh my bad I forgot....Sweet little Trayvon was unarmed...........bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Too friggin ridiculous....but how many times did we see that irrelevant fact presented like it proved trayvon just had to be innocent...just like that little boy picture when he was l2 yrs. old....which the media circulated far and wide like that was how he looked when he met his fate......newsflash....trayvon was just a few days short of being a legal adult and had left his innocent days long ago....years ago....his only ambition was to be a gang banga and proved that by boasting about his fights, implicated in a burglary, school problems, disciplinary suspensions etc.

BTW Trayvon did not have a pistol but he did have two strong arms and was very capable of knocking someones head on the sidewalk whilst he straddled them especially after he sucker punched George and thus stunning him....

George was lucky he was able to get his pistol out before he was rendered unconscious and having his gun taken away and used against him.

In the old west a .45 pistol was known as the 'equalizer' meaning a stronger man had no advantage over a weaker man in a fight if the weaker man was armed.

George demonstrated the value of being armed....especially in a dangerous situation.....however no one knows when danger might can jump out at you from the bushes just like trayvon did....thus we all can take a lesson from that.

Well I’m not saying Trayvon was not a potential threat. In reality we’re all threats, so I can see the reasoning. All I’m saying is that I wouldn’t want him on tinder.

AT, educator!

There was a notorious serial killer on a dating show out in Californicate once.
I hope Zimmerman sends the rest of his pathetic life with a sore neck from looking over his shoulder.

Why do you have such an antipathy to people defending themselves? Why the hatred?

Is the young black male such a cultural Sacred Cow to you libs that any response to their aggression can not be tolerated?
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is obviously a lie.
George got out of his SUV, chased Trayvon, and then cut him off from getting home.
Those are all acts of aggression by George.
He did not just pull his gun and murder Trayvon at a distance, so I can't say that he should have been convicted, but he clearly should not have chased or cornered Trayvon.

Quite the theory you got there chump....did you hear that on cnn or nbc. hehheh
I hope Zimmerman sends the rest of his pathetic life with a sore neck from looking over his shoulder.

Why do you have such an antipathy to people defending themselves? Why the hatred?

Is the young black male such a cultural Sacred Cow to you libs that any response to their aggression can not be tolerated?

Well....some of these idiots that come on here to lie are Negroes but some liberals no has been pointed out they have been seriously duped by the media....not too bright to begin with...they have no problem coming on here embarassing themselves.
Well I wouldn’t want a killer on my dating app either .

AT, educator!

Are you willing and capable of defending your life if you feel it is being threatened...or would you just beg for mercy?

Well sure I believe that you should defend your life If it is being threatened.

AT, educator!

What makes you think George's life was not being threatened?

Florida Law....................

When Deadly Force is Justified
A person is justified in using deadly force if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself.

Forensic expert says evidence backs George Zimmerman’s story

That was 'evidence' presented in court which the jury obviously found credible.

What you got showing that Trayvon did not attack not forget his bruised knuckels. do have your agenda, you do have your liberal beliefs and fallacies and opinion.....

What you do not have: Any evidence whatsoever that supports your opinion.

Oh my bad I forgot....Sweet little Trayvon was unarmed...........bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Too friggin ridiculous....but how many times did we see that irrelevant fact presented like it proved trayvon just had to be innocent...just like that little boy picture when he was l2 yrs. old....which the media circulated far and wide like that was how he looked when he met his fate......newsflash....trayvon was just a few days short of being a legal adult and had left his innocent days long ago....years ago....his only ambition was to be a gang banga and proved that by boasting about his fights, implicated in a burglary, school problems, disciplinary suspensions etc.

BTW Trayvon did not have a pistol but he did have two strong arms and was very capable of knocking someones head on the sidewalk whilst he straddled them especially after he sucker punched George and thus stunning him....

George was lucky he was able to get his pistol out before he was rendered unconscious and having his gun taken away and used against him.

In the old west a .45 pistol was known as the 'equalizer' meaning a stronger man had no advantage over a weaker man in a fight if the weaker man was armed.

George demonstrated the value of being armed....especially in a dangerous situation.....however no one knows when danger might can jump out at you from the bushes just like trayvon did....thus we all can take a lesson from that.

Well I’m not saying Trayvon was not a potential threat. In reality we’re all threats, so I can see the reasoning. All I’m saying is that I wouldn’t want him on tinder.

AT, educator! doubt he would really stink up the show....but a lot of milenials are into weird crap. hehheh
Well I wouldn’t want a killer on my dating app either .

AT, educator!

Are you willing and capable of defending your life if you feel it is being threatened...or would you just beg for mercy?

Well sure I believe that you should defend your life If it is being threatened.

AT, educator!

What makes you think George's life was not being threatened?

Florida Law....................

When Deadly Force is Justified
A person is justified in using deadly force if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself.

Forensic expert says evidence backs George Zimmerman’s story

That was 'evidence' presented in court which the jury obviously found credible.

What you got showing that Trayvon did not attack not forget his bruised knuckels. do have your agenda, you do have your liberal beliefs and fallacies and opinion.....

What you do not have: Any evidence whatsoever that supports your opinion.

Oh my bad I forgot....Sweet little Trayvon was unarmed...........bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Too friggin ridiculous....but how many times did we see that irrelevant fact presented like it proved trayvon just had to be innocent...just like that little boy picture when he was l2 yrs. old....which the media circulated far and wide like that was how he looked when he met his fate......newsflash....trayvon was just a few days short of being a legal adult and had left his innocent days long ago....years ago....his only ambition was to be a gang banga and proved that by boasting about his fights, implicated in a burglary, school problems, disciplinary suspensions etc.

BTW Trayvon did not have a pistol but he did have two strong arms and was very capable of knocking someones head on the sidewalk whilst he straddled them especially after he sucker punched George and thus stunning him....

George was lucky he was able to get his pistol out before he was rendered unconscious and having his gun taken away and used against him.

In the old west a .45 pistol was known as the 'equalizer' meaning a stronger man had no advantage over a weaker man in a fight if the weaker man was armed.

George demonstrated the value of being armed....especially in a dangerous situation.....however no one knows when danger might can jump out at you from the bushes just like trayvon did....thus we all can take a lesson from that.

Well I’m not saying Trayvon was not a potential threat. In reality we’re all threats, so I can see the reasoning. All I’m saying is that I wouldn’t want him on tinder.

AT, educator!

There was a notorious serial killer on a dating show out in Californicate once.

He actually won the contest but the girl refused to go out with him....must have seen something in him that did not appeal to her.
I hope Zimmerman sends the rest of his pathetic life with a sore neck from looking over his shoulder.

Why do you have such an antipathy to people defending themselves? Why the hatred?

Is the young black male such a cultural Sacred Cow to you libs that any response to their aggression can not be tolerated?

Well....some of these idiots that come on here to lie are Negroes but some liberals no has been pointed out they have been seriously duped by the media....not too bright to begin with...they have no problem coming on here embarassing themselves.

I don't care if you are black or white, I don't think its particularly good for Young Black Males to be worshipped as untouchable sacred cows in our culture and our society. If you have a society where you have a subset that is not allowed to be challenged in any way, that isn't good for either them or for us.
Just imagine if you'd get the same reaction from the yards if a white guy got shot while banging the head of a BLACK guy into the pavement. Wouldn't happen.

But I KNOW I would defend the black guy's RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE if the races were reverse. I also KNOW every CONSERVATIVE here would support the black guy if the races were reverse. Not so with the yards here.
I hope Zimmerman sends the rest of his pathetic life with a sore neck from looking over his shoulder.

Why do you have such an antipathy to people defending themselves? Why the hatred?

Is the young black male such a cultural Sacred Cow to you libs that any response to their aggression can not be tolerated?

Well....some of these idiots that come on here to lie are Negroes but some liberals no has been pointed out they have been seriously duped by the media....not too bright to begin with...they have no problem coming on here embarassing themselves.

I don't care if you are black or white, I don't think its particularly good for Young Black Males to be worshipped as untouchable sacred cows in our culture and our society. If you have a society where you have a subset that is not allowed to be challenged in any way, that isn't good for either them or for us.

Excellent analysis....the ole double standard when it comes to do with anything concerning race....this phenomenon created by the media causes a lot of problems as it maintains that the narrative of black victimhood must always be maintained....that was the essential problem in the Trayvon affair...the media insisted despite all the evidence that Trayvon had to be innocent because he was black...just that and nothing more and they doubled down on it and kept doubling down on it till it exploded in their faces aka Z was not white, Trayvon was not l2 yrs. old as the picture they circulated and the only picture they circulated showed him ......Trayvon had grown up and unfortunately turned into a wanna be gangsta. is too obvious that the Negroes that come on here to run off at the mouth have never been challenged....they are so used to white folk bowing down to them...just to get them out of their faces they do not know how to engage in a actual conversation...they are like little kids talking to grownups....and believe their opinion is all that matters...not the jury, not the court, not the evidence....just the fantasys they conjure up to re-inforce their non-sensical opinions.
Just imagine if you'd get the same reaction from the yards if a white guy got shot while banging the head of a BLACK guy into the pavement. Wouldn't happen.

But I KNOW I would defend the black guy's RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE if the races were reverse. I also KNOW every CONSERVATIVE here would support the black guy if the races were reverse. Not so with the yards here.

Something else that needs the media has blood on its hands of innocent victims.

By lying, putting out misinformation, spinning the facts etc. they convinced some radical negroes that a great injustice had been done......and the result of that was the death of several innocent white folk.

Media Ignores ‘Trayvon Revenge Killing’ of Young White Man

Trayvon Martin case: 6 youths 'beat man, 78, in twisted racial revenge attack' | Daily Mail Online

Trayvon Martin case: Black teenager admits beating white man as 'revenge' for Martin's death | Daily Mail Online

there are many more and lots never reported
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