George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.

Zimmerman wasn't picking a fight with a child. Its sort of silly to think so, and that's why he was exonerated by his peers. Martin was a thug, he called himself the "no limit n-word". He decided to attack Zimmerman for one reason only. He thought he could get away with it and figured he was untouchable as a young , black male- America's sacred cow.

That is crazy. Trayvon was just trying to get home with food he had just bought, in the rain, at night.
Clearly it was George who did everything wrong, like following, chasing, and cutting off Trayvon's route home.
George was not at all "exonerated".
All the jurors said that it was George who did things wrong.
Martin did nothing at all wrong.
It is just that there was no proof of exactly what happened because there were no witnesses to the actual fight.
So the jury did not feel it was absolute enough to convict.

There is zero evidence that Trayvon had ever been in trouble, arrested, or ever done anything wrong.
The worst you can claim is that he was suspended for having women's jewelry that he was likely selling.
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is obviously a lie.
George got out of his SUV, chased Trayvon, and then cut him off from getting home.
Those are all acts of aggression by George.
He did not just pull his gun and murder Trayvon at a distance, so I can't say that he should have been convicted, but he clearly should not have chased or cornered Trayvon.
The eyewitness says that is not what happened, jackass.

That is a lie.
There was not a single eye witness.
There was a woman who heard the fighting, but she said she really could not see what was going on.
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.
No, the short fat middle middle aged dude did not chase down the tall young wide receiver, dumbass.

Yes he did.
It is in the testimony, if you bothered to read it.
Trayvon was just walking, so was easy to beat by running.
And it is clear that George knew the grounds well enough to take a short cut, which put in IN FRONT of Trayvon, cutting off his route home.
Look at the map.
Clearly the fight happened no where near to George's SUV.
So when the dispatcher told him to stop following, he failed to take that order and instead deliberately provoked the confrontation and fight.
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.
No, the short fat middle middle aged dude did not chase down the tall young wide receiver, dumbass.


Further, Zimmerman shot Martin at point black range. It isn't like Martin was running away and Zimmerman hit him in the back

No, Martin was running away and Zimmerman took a short cut to cut him off and get in front of him.
It was Zimmerman that forced the confrontation for no reason.
Martin had done nothing at all wrong.
It was legal for him to be there, and all he was trying to do was get home with his groceries.
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.

Zimmerman wasn't picking a fight with a child. Its sort of silly to think so, and that's why he was exonerated by his peers. Martin was a thug, he called himself the "no limit n-word". He decided to attack Zimmerman for one reason only. He thought he could get away with it and figured he was untouchable as a young , black male- America's sacred cow.

The American psyche now puts the Young Black Male up on a pedestal to be worshipped and honored no matter what. Martin knew this, as a young black guy.

You saw the way Michael White was lionized after getting shot when wrestling with the police for their handgun.

Martin had to know how Tupac and the Notorious Big were praised after they got their asses capped. He didn't think that Zimmerman would do shit when he went MMA style on him, and he had good reason to think so from the history of others. And the fact that he thought Zimmerman was light in his loafers was even more of a reason.

It is clear Martin was trying to avoid a confrontation.
He never went towards Zimmerman, but always away from him.
It was Zimmerman who took a short cut and got in front of Martin.
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.

Following someone does not "force a fight".

The persons that throws the first punch, starts the fight.

NOTHING you have said, in anyway supports your assumption that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

You WANT it to be true, to support your belief system of America being racist and evul.

Following someone is deliberate and illegal intimidation, especially at night.
But it is clear the confrontation happened so far from Zimmerman's SUV, that Zimmerman kept running and got in front of Martin by taking a short cut.
And why would Zimmerman do that unless he intended to take the first swing?
Zimmerman clearly was the aggressor and IDIOT
........he is the perfect example of an idiot who should never have been armed because his idiocy CAUSED a death
..some humans are just stupid/idiots [ undeniable ] --and should not carry weapons
Clearly Zimmerman was the aggressor.....while getting his head bashed into the concrete sidewalk.
That's the same rationale as saying a person wearing a MAGA is attacked by a mob and a crazy Indian.
Obviously the jerk shouldn't have smirked in an aggressive way.

George is the only one who claims his head was being bashed in, and we know for certain it was not true because almost the entire area was grass.
And if George was not the aggressor, why did he get out of his vehicle and run to get in front of Trayvon and cut him off from his home?
Have you ever tried to bash in someone's head on a sidewalk?
It is essentially impossible.
The neck is far stronger than 2 hands could ever be.
And George was about twice the size of skinny little Trayvon.
Yeah....sidewalks are usually narrower than the grass yard they go thru or around. *rolling eyes*


And how dare GZ get out of his vehicle and follow a thug to keep eyes on him till the cops arrive.

From January 1, 2011, through February 26, 2012, police were called to The Retreat at Twin Lakes 402 times.[22] Crimes committed at The Retreat in the year prior to Martin's death had included eight burglaries, nine thefts, and one shooting.[35] Twin Lakes residents said there were dozens of reports of attempted break-ins, which had created an atmosphere of fear in their neighborhood.[2]

In September 2011, the Twin Lakes residents held an organizational meeting to create a neighborhood watch program. Zimmerman was selected by neighbors as the program's coordinator, according to Wendy Dorival, Neighborhood Watch organizer for the Sanford Police Department.[5][36]

No....I have not tried to bash anyone's head on a sidewalk, have you?
However, I know that my two arms and my full body weight can generate more force than anyone's neck can support. My upper body can generate roughly 150 lbs of force. Find me one person with a neck that can support that kind of weight.

Trayvon was 5' 11" was bigger than GZ who was 5'7".
The only reason GZ was charged with murder was because Trayvon was unarmed. He was found not guilty due to lack of evidence. The left needed a reason to claim racism during a highly charged political season, so they latched onto the case and blew it out of proportion.

That is NOT at all evidence of anyone attempting to bash anyone else.
Those are scratches, and obviously from rolling around, because there are so many.
A bash would be singular, raised and swollen, and bruised.
That is no evidence of that at all.
All we see is evidence of being hit in the nose.
Which is not something that could be considered life threatening.
Unless Martin has a weapon, it is illegal for someone like Zimmerman who is carrying a weapon, to use it.

Downward force of your weight is totally irrelevant.
In order to bash someone's head on pavement, you first have to lift the head into the air, and that should have been impossible, unless Zimmerman was unconscious or something.

Martin was tall, but thin and young. At 17 one does not yet have dense muscle mass. There is no way he could have been a physical threat.
thats not how the jury saw it,,,

or were you there and failed to come forward in travons defense???

hehheh Even that great liberal ---former.....President Carter said the Jury got it right.

Trayvon was walking around peeping in windows on a dark and rainy night.

When he noticed George pull up and park in front of the clubhouse...he came to where George was and circled his vehicle scoping out George......George stayed on the phone the whole time ---George did not say anything to trayvon...did not even roll down his window ....just kept describing to dispatch what trayvonista was doing....then trayvon seeing George on the phone and possibly hearing him talking to the police dispatcher ....Trayvon took off running(if he was so innocent why did he run away?) then when George told the dispatcher the suspect had taken off runnig....she axed George which way did he go....George then got out of the truck(having completely lost sight of trayvon) to try and determine which way he had run off to. George had not walked but a few steps when the dispatcher hearing the wind in his phone advised George she did not need him to follow trayvon....George complied and then she axed him for the exact address where he was....then George walked a little further to get to a lighted area where he could see an address to tell the dispatcher his exact location....then on his way back to his truck trayvon doubled back and confronted George and axed him if he had a problem.....George was attempting to call the dispatcher back but trayvo sucker punched him...knocked him to the ground....jumped on top of him and began beating his head against the side walk and told George he was going to kill him....whereupon George managed to get his weapon out and shoot trayvon.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

That is totally and completely false.
No one ever testified that Trayvon was peeping or even on private property, ever.
He did NOT circle around George's vehicle.
And George did not stay put, but was following Trayvon as a very slow speed.
When Travon stopped to ask what he wanted, then George stopped as well.
And that clearly is why Trayvon took off.
He thought he was being stalked by a sexual predator.
But George did not comply when the dispatcher said he should not follow.
We know that because the location of the confrontation was several blocks from George's SUV.
He never went back to his vehicle.
And no, there was no one else reporting that Trayvon started any violence or ever even said anything to him.
Considering Trayvon was a skinny kid and George was about twice his weight, claiming George was at risk is just a farce.
The jury did not conclude George was innocent, but that there simply was not enough evidence as to what really happened.

youre really going to call someone else wrong and then post that????

sorry you are just wrong,,,

Just look at the map.
Clearly George Zimmerman cut off Trayvon Martin from getting to his home, and forced the confrontation.
It was entirely the fault of George Zimmerman.


So George needed to have his skull bashed in, right?

That is obviously a lie because there was not even a bruise on Zimmerman's head.
All we see are scratches.
hehheh Even that great liberal ---former.....President Carter said the Jury got it right.

Trayvon was walking around peeping in windows on a dark and rainy night.

When he noticed George pull up and park in front of the clubhouse...he came to where George was and circled his vehicle scoping out George......George stayed on the phone the whole time ---George did not say anything to trayvon...did not even roll down his window ....just kept describing to dispatch what trayvonista was doing....then trayvon seeing George on the phone and possibly hearing him talking to the police dispatcher ....Trayvon took off running(if he was so innocent why did he run away?) then when George told the dispatcher the suspect had taken off runnig....she axed George which way did he go....George then got out of the truck(having completely lost sight of trayvon) to try and determine which way he had run off to. George had not walked but a few steps when the dispatcher hearing the wind in his phone advised George she did not need him to follow trayvon....George complied and then she axed him for the exact address where he was....then George walked a little further to get to a lighted area where he could see an address to tell the dispatcher his exact location....then on his way back to his truck trayvon doubled back and confronted George and axed him if he had a problem.....George was attempting to call the dispatcher back but trayvo sucker punched him...knocked him to the ground....jumped on top of him and began beating his head against the side walk and told George he was going to kill him....whereupon George managed to get his weapon out and shoot trayvon.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

That is totally and completely false.
No one ever testified that Trayvon was peeping or even on private property, ever.
He did NOT circle around George's vehicle.
And George did not stay put, but was following Trayvon as a very slow speed.
When Travon stopped to ask what he wanted, then George stopped as well.
And that clearly is why Trayvon took off.
He thought he was being stalked by a sexual predator.
But George did not comply when the dispatcher said he should not follow.
We know that because the location of the confrontation was several blocks from George's SUV.
He never went back to his vehicle.
And no, there was no one else reporting that Trayvon started any violence or ever even said anything to him.
Considering Trayvon was a skinny kid and George was about twice his weight, claiming George was at risk is just a farce.
The jury did not conclude George was innocent, but that there simply was not enough evidence as to what really happened.

youre really going to call someone else wrong and then post that????

sorry you are just wrong,,,

Just look at the map.
Clearly George Zimmerman cut off Trayvon Martin from getting to his home, and forced the confrontation.
It was entirely the fault of George Zimmerman.


So George needed to have his skull bashed in, right?

That is obviously a lie because there was not even a bruise on Zimmerman's head.
All we see are scratches.

What a dumbass you must be....choosing a topic that can be proven so easily. STFU

George Zimmerman's injuries
Zim is undeniably an idiot who can't add 1 + 1:
he says ''TM must have something wrong with him because TM is staring at him''
???!!!!!!!!! do YOU know what this means????!!!!???
it means he's an IDIOT with a pistol
....TM is staring because dumbass is FOLLOWING him aggressively !! and DUMBASS's thinking is so FKed up he can't figure that out
..he's so OBSESSED with being a hero so much that he can't add 1 + 1
Zim calls him as asshole for --------------------------------walking !!!!!

a DUMBASS wannabe with a pistol --JUST like the dumbass trouble STARTER with a pistol that shot the Amazon driver over a parking spot
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.

Following someone does not "force a fight".

The persons that throws the first punch, starts the fight.

NOTHING you have said, in anyway supports your assumption that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

You WANT it to be true, to support your belief system of America being racist and evul.

Following someone is deliberate and illegal intimidation, especially at night.
But it is clear the confrontation happened so far from Zimmerman's SUV, that Zimmerman kept running and got in front of Martin by taking a short cut.
And why would Zimmerman do that unless he intended to take the first swing?

bwaaaaaaaaa what an ignoramous..............obviously you know not much of the law to say the least....once again demonstrating the ignorance of those who come on the Z threads thinking they know it all when they know nothing.

First of all Z whilst not a police officer was part of the watch program for the neighborhood....thus it was in the scope of his responsibility...not even to mention he only went in the direction where he thought trayvon had off in to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did he run? being a dark and rainy night he had completely lost sight of trayvon.

Anyhow following someone is not a crime, but if you keep following the same person for days on end then that might be stalking....but of course everyone knew what Georg's motive was thus he did nothing illegal whatsoever.
Last edited:
That is totally and completely false.
No one ever testified that Trayvon was peeping or even on private property, ever.
He did NOT circle around George's vehicle.
And George did not stay put, but was following Trayvon as a very slow speed.
When Travon stopped to ask what he wanted, then George stopped as well.
And that clearly is why Trayvon took off.
He thought he was being stalked by a sexual predator.
But George did not comply when the dispatcher said he should not follow.
We know that because the location of the confrontation was several blocks from George's SUV.
He never went back to his vehicle.
And no, there was no one else reporting that Trayvon started any violence or ever even said anything to him.
Considering Trayvon was a skinny kid and George was about twice his weight, claiming George was at risk is just a farce.
The jury did not conclude George was innocent, but that there simply was not enough evidence as to what really happened.

youre really going to call someone else wrong and then post that????

sorry you are just wrong,,,

Just look at the map.
Clearly George Zimmerman cut off Trayvon Martin from getting to his home, and forced the confrontation.
It was entirely the fault of George Zimmerman.

So George needed to have his skull bashed in, right?

That is obviously a lie because there was not even a bruise on Zimmerman's head.
All we see are scratches.

What a dumbass you must be....choosing a topic that can be proven so easily. STFU

George Zimmerman's injuries
see post # 191
all evidence points to Zim being the aggressor--many times
with his own words and actions
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.

Following someone does not "force a fight".

The persons that throws the first punch, starts the fight.

NOTHING you have said, in anyway supports your assumption that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

You WANT it to be true, to support your belief system of America being racist and evul.

Following someone is deliberate and illegal intimidation, especially at night.
But it is clear the confrontation happened so far from Zimmerman's SUV, that Zimmerman kept running and got in front of Martin by taking a short cut.
And why would Zimmerman do that unless he intended to take the first swing?

bwaaaaaaaaa what an ignoramous..............obviously you know not muh of the law to say the least....once again demonstrating the ignorance of those who comed on the Z threads thinking they know it all when they know nothing.

First of all Z whilst not a police officer was part of the watch program for the neighborhood....thus it was in the scope of his responsibility...not even to mention he only went in the direction where he thought trayvon had off in to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did he run? being a dark and rainy night he had completely lost sight of trayvon.

Anyhow following someone is not a crime, but if you keep following the same person for days on end then that might be stalking....but of course everyone knew what Georg's motive was thus he did nothing illegal whatsoever.
without even meeting/knowing TM, Z call's him an ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!
this shows:
1. Z is a DUMBASS
2. hate
3. aggression
Zim is undeniably an idiot who can't add 1 + 1:
he says ''TM must have something wrong with him because TM is staring at him''
???!!!!!!!!! do YOU know what this means????!!!!???
it means he's an IDIOT with a pistol
....TM is staring because dumbass is FOLLOWING him aggressively !! and DUMBASS's thinking is so FKed up he can't figure that out
..he's so OBSESSED with being a hero so much that he can't add 1 + 1
Zim calls him as asshole for --------------------------------walking !!!!!

a DUMBASS wannabe with a pistol --JUST like the dumbass trouble STARTER with a pistol that shot the Amazon driver over a parking spot

Sounds like some crap a Negro would say....pathetic.

Trayvon fucked up and got hisself kilt....get over it.

There is a lessson to all thugs and wanna be gangstas keep the fuck out of Florida...we have the right...the legal right to carry a concealed that easy target you looking at...might not be so easy.

Trayvon learned that the hard way.
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.

Following someone does not "force a fight".

The persons that throws the first punch, starts the fight.

NOTHING you have said, in anyway supports your assumption that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

You WANT it to be true, to support your belief system of America being racist and evul.

Following someone is deliberate and illegal intimidation, especially at night.
But it is clear the confrontation happened so far from Zimmerman's SUV, that Zimmerman kept running and got in front of Martin by taking a short cut.
And why would Zimmerman do that unless he intended to take the first swing?

bwaaaaaaaaa what an ignoramous..............obviously you know not muh of the law to say the least....once again demonstrating the ignorance of those who comed on the Z threads thinking they know it all when they know nothing.

First of all Z whilst not a police officer was part of the watch program for the neighborhood....thus it was in the scope of his responsibility...not even to mention he only went in the direction where he thought trayvon had off in to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did he run? being a dark and rainy night he had completely lost sight of trayvon.

Anyhow following someone is not a crime, but if you keep following the same person for days on end then that might be stalking....but of course everyone knew what Georg's motive was thus he did nothing illegal whatsoever.
without even meeting/knowing TM, Z call's him an ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!
this shows:
1. Z is a DUMBASS
2. hate
3. aggression
bwaaaaaaaaa I could do the same for you....ASSHOLE.....heh heh in some cases it is just toooooo obious. Deal wid it chump. bwaaaaaaaaa
That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.

Following someone does not "force a fight".

The persons that throws the first punch, starts the fight.

NOTHING you have said, in anyway supports your assumption that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

You WANT it to be true, to support your belief system of America being racist and evul.

Following someone is deliberate and illegal intimidation, especially at night.
But it is clear the confrontation happened so far from Zimmerman's SUV, that Zimmerman kept running and got in front of Martin by taking a short cut.
And why would Zimmerman do that unless he intended to take the first swing?

bwaaaaaaaaa what an ignoramous..............obviously you know not muh of the law to say the least....once again demonstrating the ignorance of those who comed on the Z threads thinking they know it all when they know nothing.

First of all Z whilst not a police officer was part of the watch program for the neighborhood....thus it was in the scope of his responsibility...not even to mention he only went in the direction where he thought trayvon had off in to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did he run? being a dark and rainy night he had completely lost sight of trayvon.

Anyhow following someone is not a crime, but if you keep following the same person for days on end then that might be stalking....but of course everyone knew what Georg's motive was thus he did nothing illegal whatsoever.
without even meeting/knowing TM, Z call's him an ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!
this shows:
1. Z is a DUMBASS
2. hate
3. aggression
bwaaaaaaaaa I could do the same for you....ASSHOLE.....heh heh in some cases it is just toooooo obious. Deal wid it chump. bwaaaaaaaaa
very intelligent reply
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is impossible because George was the one who followed, chased, and then cut in front of Trayvon to force the fight.
That is well documented.
Look at the map.
George was never going back to his SUV.
The fight clearly happened too far away from the SUV for him to have ever stopped the pursuit.

Zimmerman wasn't picking a fight with a child. Its sort of silly to think so, and that's why he was exonerated by his peers. Martin was a thug, he called himself the "no limit n-word". He decided to attack Zimmerman for one reason only. He thought he could get away with it and figured he was untouchable as a young , black male- America's sacred cow.

The American psyche now puts the Young Black Male up on a pedestal to be worshipped and honored no matter what. Martin knew this, as a young black guy.

You saw the way Michael White was lionized after getting shot when wrestling with the police for their handgun.

Martin had to know how Tupac and the Notorious Big were praised after they got their asses capped. He didn't think that Zimmerman would do shit when he went MMA style on him, and he had good reason to think so from the history of others. And the fact that he thought Zimmerman was light in his loafers was even more of a reason.

It is clear Martin was trying to avoid a confrontation.
He never went towards Zimmerman, but always away from him.
It was Zimmerman who took a short cut and got in front of Martin.

How stupid of you to come on here and posit some shit like that...most especially when some of us actually watched the trial.

Wize up dumbass and try to stop looking so stupid.
I hope Zimmerman sends the rest of his pathetic life with a sore neck from looking over his shoulder.
Following someone does not "force a fight".

The persons that throws the first punch, starts the fight.

NOTHING you have said, in anyway supports your assumption that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

You WANT it to be true, to support your belief system of America being racist and evul.

Following someone is deliberate and illegal intimidation, especially at night.
But it is clear the confrontation happened so far from Zimmerman's SUV, that Zimmerman kept running and got in front of Martin by taking a short cut.
And why would Zimmerman do that unless he intended to take the first swing?

bwaaaaaaaaa what an ignoramous..............obviously you know not muh of the law to say the least....once again demonstrating the ignorance of those who comed on the Z threads thinking they know it all when they know nothing.

First of all Z whilst not a police officer was part of the watch program for the neighborhood....thus it was in the scope of his responsibility...not even to mention he only went in the direction where he thought trayvon had off in to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did he run? being a dark and rainy night he had completely lost sight of trayvon.

Anyhow following someone is not a crime, but if you keep following the same person for days on end then that might be stalking....but of course everyone knew what Georg's motive was thus he did nothing illegal whatsoever.
without even meeting/knowing TM, Z call's him an ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!
this shows:
1. Z is a DUMBASS
2. hate
3. aggression
bwaaaaaaaaa I could do the same for you....ASSHOLE.....heh heh in some cases it is just toooooo obious. Deal wid it chump. bwaaaaaaaaa
very intelligent reply

Quite fitting response boyo.

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