George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

Nonsense...........Z did not choose to become famous and notorious...he did so because he was able to defend his life.

He never sought any of this crap...he had a job in addition to volunteering to help protect his neighborhood which was under assault from burglars and home invaders.

On the night in question he simply did what he had always done in these case....see someone suspicious and report it to the police.

The only thing that made this particular night different was the fact he was viciously attacked by the suspect.
he chose to go after someone when the police said stop.

at this point i'm simply not into the history by emotional need lessons from you so i'll move along. you keep your opinion, i'll keep mine.

You have two things.....your opinion and the fantasy you made up to support....yes run a have nothing of value to contribute...bye not let the screen door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya. hehheh
heh - terminally a child i see.

i have a lot to add. we just disagree and you choose to make it a divide. i just choose not to get into it with someone who is, in the end, going to do this anyway.

No you choose to lie and try and spin the facts of the case to fit that movie running in your head.

We absolutely disagree....but that does not mean there is anything at all correct regarding your spurious claims aka nonsense. Take a one wants to keep hearing your repeat b.s.
please - feel free to put me on ignore.

Well, if you leave like you promised there would be no need for that. I have never used that function but you are tempting me....only so much stupid can be tolerated.
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.

Wrong.....he is not free to do as he wishes....he cannot even get a job due to his notoriety --constantly helped along by the media....he remains under a microscope and probably always will be.
and sometimes that's the result of the choices we've made along the way.
Bullshit! The filthy media ruined him and pos like you fanned the flames! You're all racist pos.

Here's what the black pos got and he deserved it.
showing off how big a dick you are, i see.

no one seems to hear the fact i never said nor felt zimmerman was guilty of much that night other than being stupid OF WHICH he was not alone.

instead you hear some jacked up defense of martin OF WHICH i've not said much about.
Well, that's good. Being a dick is good too. If the media and liberal SCUM had not made every effort to destroy Zimmerman, we would never have heard from him again. That is the truth.

Exactly...the local police did a exellent investigtion exonerating George but then Al Sharpton heard a Jew boy had killed on of his homies and the rest is history aka...him using his media connections to spread disinformation aka the picture of trayvon when he was just l2 yrs. old being widely circulated making folks believe that was the way he looked when he was killed...even obama was tricked by that photo...hence his statement of....'If i had a son he would look like trayvon' hehheh.

The way trayvon really looked at the time of his death..............

but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.

Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
So that justifies crushing his skull?
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.

Wrong.....he is not free to do as he wishes....he cannot even get a job due to his notoriety --constantly helped along by the media....he remains under a microscope and probably always will be.
and sometimes that's the result of the choices we've made along the way.
Bullshit! The filthy media ruined him and pos like you fanned the flames! You're all racist pos.

Here's what the black pos got and he deserved it.
but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.

Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
So that justifies crushing his skull?
please show me where i ever said he deserved his skull bashed in.
Well I wouldn’t want a killer on my dating app either .

AT, educator!

Are you willing and capable of defending your life if you feel it is being threatened...or would you just beg for mercy?

Well sure I believe that you should defend your life If it is being threatened.

AT, educator!

What makes you think George's life was not being threatened?

Florida Law....................

When Deadly Force is Justified
A person is justified in using deadly force if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself.

Forensic expert says evidence backs George Zimmerman’s story

That was 'evidence' presented in court which the jury obviously found credible.

What you got showing that Trayvon did not attack not forget his bruised knuckels. do have your agenda, you do have your liberal beliefs and fallacies and opinion.....

What you do not have: Any evidence whatsoever that supports your opinion.

Oh my bad I forgot....Sweet little Trayvon was unarmed...........bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Too friggin ridiculous....but how many times did we see that irrelevant fact presented like it proved trayvon just had to be innocent...just like that little boy picture when he was l2 yrs. old....which the media circulated far and wide like that was how he looked when he met his fate......newsflash....trayvon was just a few days short of being a legal adult and had left his innocent days long ago....years ago....his only ambition was to be a gang banga and proved that by boasting about his fights, implicated in a burglary, school problems, disciplinary suspensions etc.

BTW Trayvon did not have a pistol but he did have two strong arms and was very capable of knocking someones head on the sidewalk whilst he straddled them especially after he sucker punched George and thus stunning him....

George was lucky he was able to get his pistol out before he was rendered unconscious and having his gun taken away and used against him.

In the old west a .45 pistol was known as the 'equalizer' meaning a stronger man had no advantage over a weaker man in a fight if the weaker man was armed.

George demonstrated the value of being armed....especially in a dangerous situation.....however no one knows when danger might can jump out at you from the bushes just like trayvon did....thus we all can take a lesson from that.
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but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.

Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
So that justifies crushing his skull?
please show me where i ever said he deserved his skull bashed in.

That's what Martin was doing when Zimmerman capped his ass.

Martin was in the process of crushing Z's skull in, and stopping that process was the purpose of the shooting.

If you were against Z's shooting the man, you must be in favor of Z getting his skull crushed.
but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.

Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
So that justifies crushing his skull?
please show me where i ever said he deserved his skull bashed in.
You don't have to.....your nasty attitude toward the guy implies you think he got away with something.
Problem with that is he would have had to allowed that punk-ass motherfucker to bash his skull in rather than shoot the SOB.
but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.

Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
So that justifies crushing his skull?
please show me where i ever said he deserved his skull bashed in.
You don't have to.....your nasty attitude toward the guy implies you think he got away with something.
Problem with that is he would have had to allowed that punk-ass motherfucker to bash his skull in rather than shoot the SOB.
no it doesnt but fine. make it what you want.
Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
So that justifies crushing his skull?
please show me where i ever said he deserved his skull bashed in.
You don't have to.....your nasty attitude toward the guy implies you think he got away with something.
Problem with that is he would have had to allowed that punk-ass motherfucker to bash his skull in rather than shoot the SOB.
no it doesnt but fine. make it what you want.
You don't like the guy because you have a tendency to buy into media reports.
I think it's clear that the media lies to us every I don't really care what they publish.
It doesn't change my opinion one bit, simply because I know they have a dishonest agenda.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
So that justifies crushing his skull?
please show me where i ever said he deserved his skull bashed in.
You don't have to.....your nasty attitude toward the guy implies you think he got away with something.
Problem with that is he would have had to allowed that punk-ass motherfucker to bash his skull in rather than shoot the SOB.
no it doesnt but fine. make it what you want.
You don't like the guy because you have a tendency to buy into media reports.
I think it's clear that the media lies to us every I don't really care what they publish.
It doesn't change my opinion one bit, simply because I know they have a dishonest agenda.
you are wrong.


but dont let that stop you. keep on being full of shit.
So that justifies crushing his skull?
please show me where i ever said he deserved his skull bashed in.
You don't have to.....your nasty attitude toward the guy implies you think he got away with something.
Problem with that is he would have had to allowed that punk-ass motherfucker to bash his skull in rather than shoot the SOB.
no it doesnt but fine. make it what you want.
You don't like the guy because you have a tendency to buy into media reports.
I think it's clear that the media lies to us every I don't really care what they publish.
It doesn't change my opinion one bit, simply because I know they have a dishonest agenda.
you are wrong.


but dont let that stop you. keep on being full of shit.
No, the media is full of shit.
It's rare that they aren't.
...And Trayvon Martin is still taking a dirt nap.

He will not be missed
Zimmerman clearly was the aggressor and IDIOT
........he is the perfect example of an idiot who should never have been armed because his idiocy CAUSED a death
..some humans are just stupid/idiots [ undeniable ] --and should not carry weapons
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is obviously a lie.
George got out of his SUV, chased Trayvon, and then cut him off from getting home.
Those are all acts of aggression by George.
He did not just pull his gun and murder Trayvon at a distance, so I can't say that he should have been convicted, but he clearly should not have chased or cornered Trayvon.
Well I wouldn’t want a killer on my dating app either .

AT, educator!

Are you willing and capable of defending your life if you feel it is being threatened...or would you just beg for mercy?

Well sure I believe that you should defend your life If it is being threatened.

AT, educator!

What makes you think George's life was not being threatened?

Florida Law....................

When Deadly Force is Justified
A person is justified in using deadly force if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself.

Forensic expert says evidence backs George Zimmerman’s story

That was 'evidence' presented in court which the jury obviously found credible.

What you got showing that Trayvon did not attack not forget his bruised knuckels. do have your agenda, you do have your liberal beliefs and fallacies and opinion.....

What you do not have: Any evidence whatsoever that supports your opinion.

Oh my bad I forgot....Sweet little Trayvon was unarmed...........bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Too friggin ridiculous....but how many times did we see that irrelevant fact presented like it proved trayvon just had to be innocent...just like that little boy picture when he was l2 yrs. old....which the media circulated far and wide like that was how he looked when he met his fate......newsflash....trayvon was just a few days short of being a legal adult and had left his innocent days long ago....years ago....his only ambition was to be a gang banga and proved that by boasting about his fights, implicated in a burglary, school problems, disciplinary suspensions etc.

BTW Trayvon did not have a pistol but he did have two strong arms and was very capable of knocking someones head on the sidewalk whilst he straddled them especially after he sucker punched George and thus stunning him....

George was lucky he was able to get his pistol out before he was rendered unconscious and having his gun taken away and used against him.

In the old west a .45 pistol was known as the 'equalizer' meaning a stronger man had no advantage over a weaker man in a fight if the weaker man was armed.

George demonstrated the value of being armed....especially in a dangerous situation.....however no one knows when danger might can jump out at you from the bushes just like trayvon did....thus we all can take a lesson from that.

Well I’m not saying Trayvon was not a potential threat. In reality we’re all threats, so I can see the reasoning. All I’m saying is that I wouldn’t want him on tinder.

AT, educator!
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
that is until he attacked a man with a gun,,,
TM was standing his ground against the aggressor
Z kept going after him in the vehicle and then on FOOT
TM was the aggressor.

That is obviously a lie.
George got out of his SUV, chased Trayvon, and then cut him off from getting home.
Those are all acts of aggression by George.
He did not just pull his gun and murder Trayvon at a distance, so I can't say that he should have been convicted, but he clearly should not have chased or cornered Trayvon.
The eyewitness says that is not what happened, jackass.

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