George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

zimmerman in the end is still a POS - who the fuck cares about him at this point?

Zimmerman was expendable to the Left and the libs used him and threw him under the bus because he defended himself against their movement's sacred cow.

Zimmerman wasn't a hero, but instead was just someone who was used by the libs for their purposes. Much like Cindy Sheehan.
zimmerman in the end is still a POS - who the fuck cares about him at this point?
Yeah.....he was innocent but fuck him because you believed a hoax created by the media that makes him look like a scumbag.

Let's talk about another hoax. Michael Brown tried to murder a cop and got shot and killed. He actually reached into a cop car and tried to take a cop's gun. The gun went off during the struggle which caused Michael Brown, who had robbed a liquor store down the street minutes before, to flee. The cop ends up shooting him and the media claims he was just standing there with his hands up when the cop shot him. So the media generates this hoax of an unlawful shooting when the perp was committing attempted murder. They trashed the cop's reputation and turned it into a media circus.....but the facts of the case were pretty clear.
has nothing to do with martin and that night.

everything to do with all the crap he's pulled since then.
zimmerman in the end is still a POS - who the fuck cares about him at this point?
Yeah.....he was innocent but fuck him because you believed a hoax created by the media that makes him look like a scumbag.

Let's talk about another hoax. Michael Brown tried to murder a cop and got shot and killed. He actually reached into a cop car and tried to take a cop's gun. The gun went off during the struggle which caused Michael Brown, who had robbed a liquor store down the street minutes before, to flee. The cop ends up shooting him and the media claims he was just standing there with his hands up when the cop shot him. So the media generates this hoax of an unlawful shooting when the perp was committing attempted murder. They trashed the cop's reputation and turned it into a media circus.....but the facts of the case were pretty clear.
has nothing to do with martin and that night.

everything to do with all the crap he's pulled since then.
Crap the media claims he pulled.
But then again, if you were being attacked by the media, and couldn't show your face anywhere, you'd probably handle it no better than Zimmerman. Clearly the media has tried to ruin his life so they can justify their fake story.
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
If Trayvon survived, he would have gone to prison for assault, or perhaps even attempted murder. You need to educate yourself more.
TM was doing nothing wrong---he was walking
idiot boy wannabe cop went after him
plain and simple got it ass backwards.....Trayvon attacked George and it may have been a hate crime as Trayvon apparantly was homophobic and believed George was a homo.

Attacking someone because you think they are queer is a hate crime.

Trayvon Martin Was The Bigot, Thought Zimmerman Was Gay

That is ridiculous.
George was the one being threatening by slowly following Trayvon, and then taking a short cut and cutting off Trayvon in his attempt to get home.
Clearly blocking someone from getting home at night is obviously an extremely aggressive and hostile act,
And he deserved death.
How dare anyone follow you and ask you what you're up to at night in a high crime area.
Anyone did that to me and I just might call them a real poopy-pants.
Trayvon had every right to put his hands on the guy and try to kill him.
Crush his head.
Zimmerman clearly was the aggressor and IDIOT
........he is the perfect example of an idiot who should never have been armed because his idiocy CAUSED a death
..some humans are just stupid/idiots [ undeniable ] --and should not carry weapons
Clearly Zimmerman was the aggressor.....while getting his head bashed into the concrete sidewalk.
That's the same rationale as saying a person wearing a MAGA is attacked by a mob and a crazy Indian.
Obviously the jerk shouldn't have smirked in an aggressive way.

George is the only one who claims his head was being bashed in, and we know for certain it was not true because almost the entire area was grass.
And if George was not the aggressor, why did he get out of his vehicle and run to get in front of Trayvon and cut him off from his home?
Have you ever tried to bash in someone's head on a sidewalk?
It is essentially impossible.
The neck is far stronger than 2 hands could ever be.
And George was about twice the size of skinny little Trayvon.
His head was being bashed in right in front of a witnesses house. The witness yelled at him to stop, but he refused, so the witness said he was calling the cops and went back inside, leaving Zimmerman all on his own.

You have no idea what happened in this case so quit talking about it. You arent qualified to speak on this matter.
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zimmerman in the end is still a POS - who the fuck cares about him at this point?
Yeah.....he was innocent but fuck him because you believed a hoax created by the media that makes him look like a scumbag.

Let's talk about another hoax. Michael Brown tried to murder a cop and got shot and killed. He actually reached into a cop car and tried to take a cop's gun. The gun went off during the struggle which caused Michael Brown, who had robbed a liquor store down the street minutes before, to flee. The cop ends up shooting him and the media claims he was just standing there with his hands up when the cop shot him. So the media generates this hoax of an unlawful shooting when the perp was committing attempted murder. They trashed the cop's reputation and turned it into a media circus.....but the facts of the case were pretty clear.
has nothing to do with martin and that night.

everything to do with all the crap he's pulled since then.
Crap the media claims he pulled.
But then again, if you were being attacked by the media, and couldn't show your face anywhere, you'd probably handle it no better than Zimmerman. Clearly the media has tried to ruin his life so they can justify their fake story.
yes. the media has blown zimmerman up. they milked it for every single thing then can. they lied, they enhanced, they twisted it up - did it all in the name of hits and profits.

what part of anything i have said would deny that?

however, that doesn't excuse the crap he's pulled relying on said "celebrity" status. that's on him for digging in the turd he had a hand in creating. he was told to stop and let the police handle it.

he didn't. that choice comes with ramifications as they do for any of us and in this case, tragic ramifications. now i'm not calling martin a saint by any means. he certainly was not on a good path himself and also owns much of what happened that night.

now - let's again look at what zimmerman has done since that night that directly falls on him - not the media portrayal of him.

Matthew Apperson: George Zimmerman threatened to shoot me

.got several run ins here. maybe others are encouraging it or maybe he's starting it. hard to tell from the stories and hey - both guys had guns. but again - more stupid shit to get involved in.

What happened to George Zimmerman? 5 weird things he's done since killing Trayvon Martin

more stupid shit he does. so when you do stupid shit a lot i have no pity when stupid shit happens as a result.

Here's George Zimmerman's history with the law since Trayvon Martin shooting

more of the same.

in all - like i said. i'm not into the debate of *that night*. minds are made up and no one will change them at this point. i think he was being stupid, crossed the wrong guy, stupid broke out and martin was killed as a result of both doing things they should not be doing.

all i'm gonna say about that.

but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time
If Trayvon survived, he would have gone to prison for assault, or perhaps even attempted murder. You need to educate yourself more.
TM was doing nothing wrong---he was walking
idiot boy wannabe cop went after him
plain and simple got it ass backwards.....Trayvon attacked George and it may have been a hate crime as Trayvon apparantly was homophobic and believed George was a homo.

Attacking someone because you think they are queer is a hate crime.

Trayvon Martin Was The Bigot, Thought Zimmerman Was Gay

That is ridiculous.
George was the one being threatening by slowly following Trayvon, and then taking a short cut and cutting off Trayvon in his attempt to get home.
Clearly blocking someone from getting home at night is obviously an extremely aggressive and hostile act,
WRONG! Trayvon was already at his house when he was on the phone with Rachel, at which point she begged him to not go looking for Zimmerman, but he refused. Its in her testimony you uninformed dolt.
Reminds me of someone who posts here on U.S. Message Board

MIAMI (AP) — The ex-neighborhood watch volunteer who killed an unarmed black teen in Florida in 2012 has been banned from the dating app Tinder.

An emailed statement from Tinder cited users' safety as a reason for removing George Zimmerman's profile.​

George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app
You mean the guy that shot a vicious thug who beat him? Yeah, that black criminal! He got what he deserved!
but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.

Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.

Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
but zimmerman is still a dumbass and that's all i'm going to say here.

Maybe. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed by Trayvon or have his head bashed in.

And the fact that the Black Panther Party has put a million dollar bounty on his head would likely change anyone's behavior. If you knew that there were numerous people out there ready to cap your ass anytime you appear in public, it could easily make you appear erratic.
never said he did. thanks for the input.

but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.
Its got to be hard to make money after half the country declared you are a muderer. The left really fucked this guys life up.
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.
The point is, if you were in his position, you would do a celebrity boxing match too.
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.

Wrong.....he is not free to do as he wishes....he cannot even get a job due to his notoriety --constantly helped along by the media....he remains under a microscope and probably always will be.
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.

Wrong.....he is not free to do as he wishes....he cannot even get a job due to his notoriety --constantly helped along by the media....he remains under a microscope and probably always will be.
and sometimes that's the result of the choices we've made along the way.
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.
The point is, if you were in his position, you would do a celebrity boxing match too.

Since he is unable to work he should always be looking for opportunities to make some money off his notiriety which prevents him from finding regular work.
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.

Wrong.....he is not free to do as he wishes....he cannot even get a job due to his notoriety --constantly helped along by the media....he remains under a microscope and probably always will be.
and sometimes that's the result of the choices we've made along the way.
...and sometimes its the fault of a left wing smear campaign with a political agenda.
but i'd also not make celebrity death match appearances, and other activity to exasperate the problem.

What else is Zimmerman going to do for money? He still has to live, celebrity boxing matches and other publicity events are the only thing he can do really to make a living. His pre-trayvon dreams are no longer possible. Zimmerman is just following the road followed by John Wayne Bobbitt and Joey Buttafuoco before him
dunno. don't care. we all have a cross to bear and i'm not going to get into helping him continue to be stupid. he's free to do as he wants but all these actions he takes just puts gas on any flames people put to him.

you wanna make up excuses for him feel free. it's a monday and all.

Wrong.....he is not free to do as he wishes....he cannot even get a job due to his notoriety --constantly helped along by the media....he remains under a microscope and probably always will be.
and sometimes that's the result of the choices we've made along the way.

Nonsense...........Z did not choose to become famous and notorious...he did so because he was able to defend his life.

He never sought any of this crap...he had a job in addition to volunteering to help protect his neighborhood which was under assault from burglars and home invaders.

On the night in question he simply did what he had always done in these cases....see someone suspicious and report it to the police.

The only thing that made this particular night different was the fact he was viciously attacked by the suspect.

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