George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app


To the brain-dead, an unarmed teen carrying candy back to his friend is “thug life.” :eusa_doh:

Yup. Dead thugs are dead.
^^^ Doubling down on stupid.

TM ain't doubling down any more.
No, but you are, on stupid.

I'm not doubling down on Trayon's fatal stupidity.
No, you’re doubling down on your Trayvon was a thug stupidity.
^^^ Doubling down on stupid.
yes you did,,,

Great, what’s thuggery about carrying candy back to a friend...?

Thuggery was beating on a creepy cracka instead of walking home.
Let’s see your proof Trayvon started the fight....


Maybe Trayvon started beating on GZ after he was shot?
Or maybe Zimmerman started the fight.

Maybe Trayvon started beating on GZ after he was shot?
That's what he doesn't seem to understand, no matter how hard I try to explain.

Zimmerman could have walked up to Martin and straight BITCH SLAPPED his thug ass, and that STILL would not justify Martin sitting on top of Zimmerman, beating on is face and head.


Oh look, yet another idiot who posts a link which doesn’t state Martin stole jewelry.
Yeah, nobody is going to defend your obtuse stance on that. We're pretty much laughing at you, at this point.

Laugh all you want, you still failed miserably to prove your claim.
like you did either,,,
My claim is that he was never accused of stealing jewelry, as you falsely claimed he was.

You even posted a link that sided with me on that, not you.

I never said that,,,so stop lying,,,
You got me. I'm biased against thugs.

Martin wasn't breaking the law at that moment. He is protected by the law just as you and I are. Just because you deem him a "thug" doesn't mean Zimmerman is allowed to pursue, confront and create a situation while being armed.

Martin wasn't breaking the law at that moment.

Not until he started beating on GZ.

doesn't mean Zimmerman is allowed to pursue, confront and create a situation

Baloney. He can pursue, confront and create all he wants.
TM, stupidly, and fatally, escalated instead of going home or calling 911.
You can’t prove Martin started beating on Zimmerman.

Stop making shit up.

Martin didn't beat on GZ?
What a pity you don’t understand English, huh?

Right back at ya, Chuckles.
yes you did,,,

Great, what’s thuggery about carrying candy back to a friend...?

Thuggery was beating on a creepy cracka instead of walking home.
Let’s see your proof Trayvon started the fight....


Maybe Trayvon started beating on GZ after he was shot?
Or maybe Zimmerman started the fight.

You have any proof?
Someone washed their car by your lawn... it’s from morning dew... a pipe under the ground burst... it was a sun shower... your neighbor pissed on your yard ... kids had a water balloon fight...
BUT, we know it wasn't rain, right?

So, that is evidence that the sprinklers ran....RIGHT?

There may be some other explanation...but it would NOT be an improper inference that the sprinklers ran, right?

So, the FACT that Martin was in possession of women's jewelry AND had a tool commonly used in burglary WOULD support a PROPER inference that he stole that shit, RIGHT???

Please say no. Let everyone see how retarded you are.

”BUT, we know it wasn't rain, right?”

No, you don’t know that either.

You are wrong to equate the situations.

Being shoved once and surviving does not pose a threat of death if there is no second, or third, or 100th shove. After a few dangerous shoves and the assailant refuses to stop? Maybe.

Again, it is all factual.

Having your face smashed in while lacking the ability to flee....that would warrant deadly force.

And yet, it took me only 3 seconds to find a case where someone was shoved once and died.

liar,,,they were shoved to the ground and thats what killed them

And according to your logic, since getting shoved can lead to death, you should be legally allowed to kill someone who shoves you. <smh>

I never said that,,,
so dont put words in my mouth,,,
Dumbass, I didn’t say you said those words. I said that’s your logic. You’re the one who says it’s justifiable to kill someone because “beating on one's face could be fatal.”

Well so can shoving someone.
as I explained,,,thats not my logic since in this case TM was on top slamming his head into the ground,,,

and shoving doesnt cause death,,,but what you are shoved into like the ground,,,
So? There’s no proof Martin was either.
Except the part where Martin was pinning Zimmerman down and beating on his face for an extended period of time.


Give it up.

Again, reviewing that night, his actions were to walk to a nearby convenience store to buy himself a soft drink and a bag of candy for a friend for them to watch an NBA game; to be followed for no good reason as far as he could tell; and to get into a fight, of which, we don’t know who started it.
Again, back to the irrelevant "who started it" nonsense BULLSHIT.

We get it. You don't know fucking shit about the legal application of self defense and unreasonable force. Quit making your ignorance even MORE obvious.

Again, beating someone up does not necessarily make one a thug. If someone hits you, but you’re the better fighter so you beat them up, you’re not a thug.
And yet, it took me only 3 seconds to find a case where someone was shoved once and died.
And you still have failed to spot the issue.

Self defense is intended to prevent serious bodily injury or death. One shove that does not cause death or serious injury is not cause to believe deadly force is necessary UNLESS it appears that the assailant will shove you again, and the next one WILL be your heals are hanging over the edge of a cliff.

Answer me this:

Is getting one's head repeatedly punched reason to fear serious injury or death?

Let's start there, shall we?
No, that’s not a reasonable fear. People don’t often die from being punched in in the face.
just like they dont often die from being shoved,,,but most do die if their heads are repeatedly slammed against the concrete
Again, beating someone up does not necessarily make one a thug.
It does when you prevent their escape by siting on them. And you continue to beat the shit out of them after such a beating is no longer necessary to overcome the threat.
If someone hits you, but you’re the better fighter so you beat them up, you’re not a thug.
You are when you not only beat them up, but you continue beating on them long after their defeat is made clear. Moreso when you prevent their escape. That is the very definition of a thug.

Now I KNOW you have ZERO martial arts experience, based on that comment

No, you made up the shit that he stole it;
Making a PROPER inference from facts presented is MAKING SHIT UP???


Every jury in the world makes shit up then, right?


Jesus this is getting pathetic.

and as we’ve seen, you can’t actually prove that claim.
That IS proof. What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know what proof is?

He was never accused of stealing it.
Well, that means it didn't happen then, right?

He was never charged with stealing it.
Well, that means it didn't happen then, right?

The police couldn’t match any of it up to reported stolen jewelry.
Well, that means it was perfectly legit, right?

He said someone gave it to him.
No thief has EVER used that line before, right?

Which if true, also renders your point useless that it was mainly women’s jewelry.
How so? (this should be good)

But g’head, keep living off your imagination.
AKA proper inferences.

Seems that’s all you have.
That's all juries have too.

It's like arguing with a child.


That’s a lot of nonsense to cover for the fact that you got caught making shit up that you couldn’t even prove. :lmao:
Martin wasn't breaking the law at that moment. He is protected by the law just as you and I are. Just because you deem him a "thug" doesn't mean Zimmerman is allowed to pursue, confront and create a situation while being armed.

Martin wasn't breaking the law at that moment.

Not until he started beating on GZ.

doesn't mean Zimmerman is allowed to pursue, confront and create a situation

Baloney. He can pursue, confront and create all he wants.
TM, stupidly, and fatally, escalated instead of going home or calling 911.
You can’t prove Martin started beating on Zimmerman.

Stop making shit up.

Martin didn't beat on GZ?
What a pity you don’t understand English, huh?

Right back at ya, Chuckles.
Well since you’re the one imagining I denied Martin was beating up on Zimmerman, not really. :cuckoo:

Great, what’s thuggery about carrying candy back to a friend...?

Thuggery was beating on a creepy cracka instead of walking home.
Let’s see your proof Trayvon started the fight....


Maybe Trayvon started beating on GZ after he was shot?
Or maybe Zimmerman started the fight.

You have any proof?
Look up the word, “maybe.”
”BUT, we know it wasn't rain, right?”

No, you don’t know that either.
What part of "clear skies" do you not understand, you dumb fuck?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You should be more careful when you project it’s others who are the dumbfuck.

You didn’t say there were clear skies, you said clear skies were forecast...

”The forecast said clear skies.”

Forecasts can be wrong.

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