George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Z wasn't knowingly putting himself in harm's way. He left his SUV so he wouldn't be trapped inside.
He was never trapped inside his vehicle. Had he felt that way, he could have simply driven off. Zimmerman fans say the dumbest shit, I tell ya.

You do little better boyo. hehheh
but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Z wasn't knowingly putting himself in harm's way. He left his SUV so he wouldn't be trapped inside.
He was never trapped inside his vehicle. Had he felt that way, he could have simply driven off. Zimmerman fans say the dumbest shit, I tell ya.

Trapped inside his vehicle? Huh? Where are they getting this stuff from? That's almost as good as Bootney Lee Famsworth telling us we obviously don't have martial arts training, therefore Zimmerman is not guilty. This is hysterical. LOL
Please why do you think these young boys on the street are so bold, if most of them didn't have a gun they would run like a kicked dog.

we arent talking about street thugs,,,and

do you read you comments before posting???
you should,,,

TM didnt have a gun and didnt run away,,,instead he turned and confronted Z

I know that, my point was that the coward had the gun which was Zimmerman.

how do you know he was a coward???

he was out there doing his job which kinda proves otherwise,,,
No, he wasn’t doing his job. His job was to stay out of harm’s way.

Ridiculous....Yes...I say a...........ridiculously stupid post. Would you say the same about cops, the military? Anyone trying to catch a criminal or to help the police apprehend a criminal?

I hope you are not white...that would be very embarassing.

Anyhow....what Z was doing was being a good citizen and neighbor....I pity your neighbors.

I always get a good laugh when someone posts stupid shit while calling my post stupid.

A cop’s job is to go into harm’s way when needed. It’s also a cop’s job to apprehend criminals.

It’s NOT the job of members of a Neighborhood Watch to go into harm’s way and it’s NOT their job to apprehend criminals. Their job is to look out for suspicious activity and call 911 when they see it.
You're an idiot. The dispatcher is in communication with police and Zimmerman constantly relaying information. It was never in doubt that Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin. Go read all the material on the case and get back to us. This is embarrassing for you.

Dispatchers are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information.[1] A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information and coordinate their operations. Essentially, the dispatcher is the "conductor" of the force, and is responsible for the direction of all units within it.[2]

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Lots of folks that try to help police put themselves in harms talk like that is a crime...and being a coward you probably think it is against the law or at least should be....look this is a free country...if a citizen wants to help the police that is his perogative and if it means putting himself in harms way he is free to make that decision...what would you say about someone who rushes into a house on fire to save someone? Would you also denigrate them for putting themselves in harms way?

As an American I find your attitude cowardly and extremely nauseating.

Would you be offended If ask if you are a negro?
Then you should call your local police department and tell them they should change their protocols for Neighborhood Watch programs. Tell them they’re teaching people to be cowards.

But I recommend you make that call from someone else’s phone, not your own. I don’t think you want the police knowing what a complete moron you are.
They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Z wasn't knowingly putting himself in harm's way. He left his SUV so he wouldn't be trapped inside.
He was never trapped inside his vehicle. Had he felt that way, he could have simply driven off. Zimmerman fans say the dumbest shit, I tell ya.

You do little better boyo. hehheh
I can always count on cons to resort to pre-K, I know you are but what am I, retorts.
They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Z wasn't knowingly putting himself in harm's way. He left his SUV so he wouldn't be trapped inside.
He was never trapped inside his vehicle. Had he felt that way, he could have simply driven off. Zimmerman fans say the dumbest shit, I tell ya.

Trapped inside his vehicle? Huh? Where are they getting this stuff from? That's almost as good as Bootney Lee Famsworth telling us we obviously don't have martial arts training, therefore Zimmerman is not guilty. This is hysterical. LOL
These freaks are nuts, in case you haven’t noticed. The place they get this shit from is their very own asses, where they simply make up anything they think sounds good. About all they’re good for is the entertainment value they provide. That in itself keeps me coming back for more.
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we arent talking about street thugs,,,and

do you read you comments before posting???
you should,,,

TM didnt have a gun and didnt run away,,,instead he turned and confronted Z

I know that, my point was that the coward had the gun which was Zimmerman.

how do you know he was a coward???

he was out there doing his job which kinda proves otherwise,,,
No, he wasn’t doing his job. His job was to stay out of harm’s way.

Ridiculous....Yes...I say a...........ridiculously stupid post. Would you say the same about cops, the military? Anyone trying to catch a criminal or to help the police apprehend a criminal?

I hope you are not white...that would be very embarassing.

Anyhow....what Z was doing was being a good citizen and neighbor....I pity your neighbors.

I always get a good laugh when someone posts stupid shit while calling my post stupid.

A cop’s job is to go into harm’s way when needed. It’s also a cop’s job to apprehend criminals.

It’s NOT the job of members of a Neighborhood Watch to go into harm’s way and it’s NOT their job to apprehend criminals. Their job is to look out for suspicious activity and call 911 when they see it.

First of all Zimmerman had no job per se....he was a volunteer ....any citizen has the right to arrest a criminal, any citizen(especially in his own neighborhood has the legal right to try and protect his neighbors by reporting suspicious behavior, any citizen has the right to follow a suspected criminal to try and aid the not forget...the dispatcher axed Z which way was he(trayvon) going....

Anyhow Z was not attempting to arrest anyone....he never had...his sop was alway to call the police when he saw someone suspicious which was what he did in this case....he got out of his vehicle to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did trayvon run off to....and the other question...what is your exact address...he could not see any house numbers he went to a lighted area to get an address.

You are a cowardly idiot ....thankfully there are a lot of good citizens...unfortunately and obviously you are not most likely being a negro and living in a hood somewhere subscribe to that slogan....'snitches get stitches'

Again what would you say about someone rushing into a burning home to save someone or even a cat or dog?
I know that, my point was that the coward had the gun which was Zimmerman.

how do you know he was a coward???

he was out there doing his job which kinda proves otherwise,,,
No, he wasn’t doing his job. His job was to stay out of harm’s way.

Ridiculous....Yes...I say a...........ridiculously stupid post. Would you say the same about cops, the military? Anyone trying to catch a criminal or to help the police apprehend a criminal?

I hope you are not white...that would be very embarassing.

Anyhow....what Z was doing was being a good citizen and neighbor....I pity your neighbors.

I always get a good laugh when someone posts stupid shit while calling my post stupid.

A cop’s job is to go into harm’s way when needed. It’s also a cop’s job to apprehend criminals.

It’s NOT the job of members of a Neighborhood Watch to go into harm’s way and it’s NOT their job to apprehend criminals. Their job is to look out for suspicious activity and call 911 when they see it.

First of all Zimmerman had no job per se....he was a volunteer ....any citizen has the right to arrest a criminal, any citizen(especially in his own neighborhood has the legal right to try and protect his neighbors by reporting suspicious behavior, any citizen has the right to follow a suspected criminal to try and aid the not forget...the dispatcher axed Z which way was he(trayvon) going....

Anyhow Z was not attempting to arrest anyone....he never had...his sop was alway to call the police when he saw someone suspicious which was what he did in this case....he got out of his vehicle to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did trayvon run off to....and the other question...what is your exact address...he could not see any house numbers he went to a lighted area to get an address.

You are a cowardly idiot ....thankfully there are a lot of good citizens...unfortunately and obviously you are not most likely being a negro and living in a hood somewhere subscribe to that slogan....'snitches get stitches'

Again what would you say about someone rushing into a burning home to save someone or even a cat or dog?
Imbecile, I never said Zimmerman tried to arrest Trayvon. And it matters not that his stint with Neighborhood Watch was on a volunteer basis as he was still trained for that position by police who instructed him to stay out of harm’s way. You know, what you idiotically refer to as the police training people to be cowards. :cuckoo:
thats all you have left is bullshit school teacher complaints,,,

and after all that a thug is dead and the world is a better place for it
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

Your major cities aren't "too dark to see" ever , even at night. If you want to go someplace which is "too dark to see" if you have to leave the city lights and go someplace like Potter County PA or the woods of West Virginia. Between all of the street lights, house lights, car lights, never 100% dark
Sanford, Florida is not a major city and there were no street lights behind the condos as there is no street there; which is why Zimmerman got out of his car to continue his pursuit on foot.

And worse for you, every eye witness who saw them fighting, said it was dark. At least one saying it was “pitch black.”

That would be Zimmerman following Trayvon into harm’s way, which police told him not to do.

Again you are are lying....Zimmerman had no communication with the police until they showed up after Trayvon was killed....

Z was talking to a dispatcher who had no legal authority to order him to do anything and he did not order him to do anything and even if he had...Z would not have been legally bound to follow the order. The dispatcher merely made a suggestion that they did not need Z to follow the suspect...trayvon.

To be chrystal clear...............

1. Following someone is not illegal /per se/

2. Police dispatchers who speak with civilian callers on the phone are
not sworn law enforcement officers; they have no authority to issue
lawful police orders to civilians

3. Even sworn l.e.o. cannot order civilians not to do something that is
otherwise legal and that isn't interfering with a lawful police

Zimmerman was not "ordered" by the police not to follow Martin. The
race-obsessed anti-Zimmerman lynch mob needs to find something else.
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

Your major cities aren't "too dark to see" ever , even at night. If you want to go someplace which is "too dark to see" if you have to leave the city lights and go someplace like Potter County PA or the woods of West Virginia. Between all of the street lights, house lights, car lights, never 100% dark
Sanford, Florida is not a major city and there were no street lights behind the condos as there is no street there; which is why Zimmerman got out of his car to continue his pursuit on foot.

And worse for you, every eye witness who saw them fighting, said it was dark. At least one saying it was “pitch black.”

That would be Zimmerman following Trayvon into harm’s way, which police told him not to do.

Again you are are lying....Zimmerman had no communication with the police until they showed up after Trayvon was killed....

Z was talking to a dispatcher who had no legal authority to order him to do anything and he did not order him to do anything and even if he had...Z would not have been legally bound to follow the order. The dispatcher merely made a suggestion that they did not need Z to follow the suspect...trayvon.

To be chrystal clear...............

1. Following someone is not illegal /per se/

2. Police dispatchers who speak with civilian callers on the phone are
not sworn law enforcement officers; they have no authority to issue
lawful police orders to civilians

3. Even sworn l.e.o. cannot order civilians not to do something that is
otherwise legal and that isn't interfering with a lawful police

Zimmerman was not "ordered" by the police not to follow Martin. The
race-obsessed anti-Zimmerman lynch mob needs to find something else.

You are pathetically stupid. This is evident by you thinking I said he was in communication with the police that night before the shooting when I never said any such thing.

Like I said, you Zimmerman fanatics say the dumbest shit.
how do you know he was a coward???

he was out there doing his job which kinda proves otherwise,,,
No, he wasn’t doing his job. His job was to stay out of harm’s way.

Ridiculous....Yes...I say a...........ridiculously stupid post. Would you say the same about cops, the military? Anyone trying to catch a criminal or to help the police apprehend a criminal?

I hope you are not white...that would be very embarassing.

Anyhow....what Z was doing was being a good citizen and neighbor....I pity your neighbors.

I always get a good laugh when someone posts stupid shit while calling my post stupid.

A cop’s job is to go into harm’s way when needed. It’s also a cop’s job to apprehend criminals.

It’s NOT the job of members of a Neighborhood Watch to go into harm’s way and it’s NOT their job to apprehend criminals. Their job is to look out for suspicious activity and call 911 when they see it.

First of all Zimmerman had no job per se....he was a volunteer ....any citizen has the right to arrest a criminal, any citizen(especially in his own neighborhood has the legal right to try and protect his neighbors by reporting suspicious behavior, any citizen has the right to follow a suspected criminal to try and aid the not forget...the dispatcher axed Z which way was he(trayvon) going....

Anyhow Z was not attempting to arrest anyone....he never had...his sop was alway to call the police when he saw someone suspicious which was what he did in this case....he got out of his vehicle to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did trayvon run off to....and the other question...what is your exact address...he could not see any house numbers he went to a lighted area to get an address.

You are a cowardly idiot ....thankfully there are a lot of good citizens...unfortunately and obviously you are not most likely being a negro and living in a hood somewhere subscribe to that slogan....'snitches get stitches'

Again what would you say about someone rushing into a burning home to save someone or even a cat or dog?
Imbecile, I never said Zimmerman tried to arrest Trayvon. And it matters not that his stint with Neighborhood Watch was on a volunteer basis as he was still trained for that position by police who instructed him to stay out of harm’s way. You know, what you idiotically refer to as the police training people to be cowards. :cuckoo:

I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any you have any proof of that or is that something you heard from cnn.

Such instruction as to stay out of harm's way is for the benefit of the is not is merely operational procedure...aka...stay not go and get yourself killed...that kind of thing.

You may say Z used bad judgement by getting out of his vehicle....that is all you can say.....but did he? It was his neighborhood....would you be afraid to walk around your own neighborhood...well since you may live in a ghetto it would be understandable for you to say that if that is the case.
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

Your major cities aren't "too dark to see" ever , even at night. If you want to go someplace which is "too dark to see" if you have to leave the city lights and go someplace like Potter County PA or the woods of West Virginia. Between all of the street lights, house lights, car lights, never 100% dark
Sanford, Florida is not a major city and there were no street lights behind the condos as there is no street there; which is why Zimmerman got out of his car to continue his pursuit on foot.

And worse for you, every eye witness who saw them fighting, said it was dark. At least one saying it was “pitch black.”

That would be Zimmerman following Trayvon into harm’s way, which police told him not to do.

Again you are are lying....Zimmerman had no communication with the police until they showed up after Trayvon was killed....

Z was talking to a dispatcher who had no legal authority to order him to do anything and he did not order him to do anything and even if he had...Z would not have been legally bound to follow the order. The dispatcher merely made a suggestion that they did not need Z to follow the suspect...trayvon.

To be chrystal clear...............

1. Following someone is not illegal /per se/

2. Police dispatchers who speak with civilian callers on the phone are
not sworn law enforcement officers; they have no authority to issue
lawful police orders to civilians

3. Even sworn l.e.o. cannot order civilians not to do something that is
otherwise legal and that isn't interfering with a lawful police

Zimmerman was not "ordered" by the police not to follow Martin. The
race-obsessed anti-Zimmerman lynch mob needs to find something else.

Zimmerman was told by police not to follow. This is not even disputed by Zimmerman's own defense team. The dispatcher is coordinating between the caller (Zimmerman) and police. This is why the lawyers did not dispute this. Zimmerman's lawyers even argue after being told by POLICE to return to his vehicle he did so.
Zimmerman was told by police not to follow. .

no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.
Why do you refuse to answer the question.....................'how would you characterize someone who rushes into a burning building to save a person or a beloved pet' ??????

I will not be waiting with bated breath. hehheh
Zimmerman was told by police not to follow. .

no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.

You are correct it was a dispatcher who have no legal authority to order any citizen to do anything....yet time and again we see the accusation pop up that Z disobeyed a police order.
Zimmerman was told by police not to follow. .

no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.

Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.
Zimmerman was told by police not to follow. .

no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.

Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?
Zimmerman was told by police not to follow. .

no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.

Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.
Zimmerman was told by police not to follow. .

no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.

Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............
No, he wasn’t doing his job. His job was to stay out of harm’s way.

Ridiculous....Yes...I say a...........ridiculously stupid post. Would you say the same about cops, the military? Anyone trying to catch a criminal or to help the police apprehend a criminal?

I hope you are not white...that would be very embarassing.

Anyhow....what Z was doing was being a good citizen and neighbor....I pity your neighbors.

I always get a good laugh when someone posts stupid shit while calling my post stupid.

A cop’s job is to go into harm’s way when needed. It’s also a cop’s job to apprehend criminals.

It’s NOT the job of members of a Neighborhood Watch to go into harm’s way and it’s NOT their job to apprehend criminals. Their job is to look out for suspicious activity and call 911 when they see it.

First of all Zimmerman had no job per se....he was a volunteer ....any citizen has the right to arrest a criminal, any citizen(especially in his own neighborhood has the legal right to try and protect his neighbors by reporting suspicious behavior, any citizen has the right to follow a suspected criminal to try and aid the not forget...the dispatcher axed Z which way was he(trayvon) going....

Anyhow Z was not attempting to arrest anyone....he never had...his sop was alway to call the police when he saw someone suspicious which was what he did in this case....he got out of his vehicle to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did trayvon run off to....and the other question...what is your exact address...he could not see any house numbers he went to a lighted area to get an address.

You are a cowardly idiot ....thankfully there are a lot of good citizens...unfortunately and obviously you are not most likely being a negro and living in a hood somewhere subscribe to that slogan....'snitches get stitches'

Again what would you say about someone rushing into a burning home to save someone or even a cat or dog?
Imbecile, I never said Zimmerman tried to arrest Trayvon. And it matters not that his stint with Neighborhood Watch was on a volunteer basis as he was still trained for that position by police who instructed him to stay out of harm’s way. You know, what you idiotically refer to as the police training people to be cowards. :cuckoo:

I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any you have any proof of that or is that something you heard from cnn.

Such instruction as to stay out of harm's way is for the benefit of the is not is merely operational procedure...aka...stay not go and get yourself killed...that kind of thing.

You may say Z used bad judgement by getting out of his vehicle....that is all you can say.....but did he? It was his neighborhood....would you be afraid to walk around your own neighborhood...well since you may live in a ghetto it would be understandable for you to say that if that is the case.
”I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any training...”

All people who join a Neighborhood Watch program are trained by their local police department on what their role is in participating; and that includes, and stresses, on the safety of the members’s participation. Members are trained to stay out of harm’s way. They can follow a suspect only if it’s at a safe distance. And it has nothing to do with legalities as in a case like this, while it’s legal for folks like Zimmerman to put himself into harm’s way, he was instructed not to. Here is the woman from the Sanford Police Department who trained Zimmerman...


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