George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

Why do you refuse to answer the question.....................'how would you characterize someone who rushes into a burning building to save a person or a beloved pet' ??????

I will not be waiting with bated breath. hehheh
You run in and save them because their life is in immediate danger. No one’s life was in immediate danger by Trayvon Martin returning to his residence from a convenience store with an iced tea and a bag of skittles.

Can you possibly be any less retarded than to compare that with a person trapped inside a burning building??

Why do you refuse to answer the question.....................'how would you characterize someone who rushes into a burning building to save a person or a beloved pet' ??????

I will not be waiting with bated breath. hehheh
You run in and save them because their life is in immediate danger. No one’s life was in immediate danger by Trayvon Martin returning to his residence from a convenience store with an iced tea and a bag of skittles.

Can you possibly be any less retarded than to compare that with a person trapped inside a burning building??


Lookie here bubba............when you have an illusive figure lurking in a housing area on a dark and rainy night with a hoodie on to cover his face....who knows what he is up to or what he is capable of?

....lots of possibilities....including burglary, rape or even murder....thus you are trying to prejudge a situation using hindsight aka knowledge that only came available after the incident was over...not understanding this incident with trayvon could have turned out different if trayvon had not been interrupted by in George may have interrupted something of a criminal nature Trayvon was planning to do.

Z did not know who trayvon was...he did not know what he was up to...he did not know what he was capable of...all he knew was that trayvon looked suspicious.......thus his call to the police.

Say George had ignored the suspicious person ....continued on to Target to buy some groceries then came back home went to sleep and when he woke up the next morning and turned on the news there was a report about his neighborhood...someone in the night had broke in raped and murdered a do you think George would have felt? if it had been you who ignored the suspicious person....would you have felt?

Are you too much of a simpleton to grasp all that? Me thinks so.

In hindsight we know George put himself in harms way....but we forget ....this was George's neighborhood he lived there and he had seen suspicious punks lurking in the area before and called the police...this was nothing new for George. Thus I doubt if he thought at the time that he was in much danger....the punks always ran like cowards do.

Unfortunately for George the punk decided to attack George....this was completely unexpected.
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you are such a dumbass you cant read your own post,,,

dispatch is not the police,,,,

youre obvious delusions clearly make you unqualified to comment on anything but lego movies,,,

You're an idiot. The dispatcher is in communication with police and Zimmerman constantly relaying information. It was never in doubt that Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin. Go read all the material on the case and get back to us. This is embarrassing for you.

Dispatchers are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information.[1] A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information and coordinate their operations. Essentially, the dispatcher is the "conductor" of the force, and is responsible for the direction of all units within it.[2]

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.
your opinion is noted and rejected because its a dumbass opinion,,,
Zimmerman was told by police not to follow. .

no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.

Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.
no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.

Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin.

Followed the shit out of him.

This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense.

Why is self-defense manslaughter?
no, Z was told by a Police Dispatcher on the phone that they didn't need him to follow the perp. Not the police, and not an order to not follow. In any event, the no-limit N-word had already disappeared.

Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

Manslaughter legal definition of manslaughter - Legal Dictionary
'Manslaughter. The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

What part of 'unjustifiable' do you not understand.....what part of 'unlawful killing' do you not grasp? There was nothing about any of Z's actions that were 'unjustifiable'....there was nothing about any of Z's actions that were unlawful...if you disagree....please specify what actions of Z you consider unlawful or unjustifiable?

We all have the legal right to self defense...we all have the right(at least here in Florida)to use deadly force if we fear our life is in danger or if we fear great bodily harm.

What so many that this case was one of simple self defense. Yet many have tried to insert in things in this case that did not belong such as 'the stand your ground law.' the defense was up front about that from the was not needed, and it would not be used...yet the media kept going on and on about it how Florida was a outcast state because they have that law etc.etc.etc.

Z...was attacked...there was no excuse for that...even if Z had followed Trayvon from kalamazoo to legal justification for Trayvon to attack him like he did or attack him in any manner as far as that goes.

The attack placed Z in fear of his life...not even to mention grievious bodily injury. Also forgotten if ever known by most was the fact that right before he was shot...Trayvon spotted Z's holstered weapon...his response.....'oh you got a piece--You die tonight" and attempted to get the weapon but fortunately for Z he was able to control the weapon and shoot his attacker.

Thus it is plain and it is simple...there was nothing...absolutely nothing unlawful regarding any of Z's actions that night.
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Ridiculous....Yes...I say a...........ridiculously stupid post. Would you say the same about cops, the military? Anyone trying to catch a criminal or to help the police apprehend a criminal?

I hope you are not white...that would be very embarassing.

Anyhow....what Z was doing was being a good citizen and neighbor....I pity your neighbors.

I always get a good laugh when someone posts stupid shit while calling my post stupid.

A cop’s job is to go into harm’s way when needed. It’s also a cop’s job to apprehend criminals.

It’s NOT the job of members of a Neighborhood Watch to go into harm’s way and it’s NOT their job to apprehend criminals. Their job is to look out for suspicious activity and call 911 when they see it.

First of all Zimmerman had no job per se....he was a volunteer ....any citizen has the right to arrest a criminal, any citizen(especially in his own neighborhood has the legal right to try and protect his neighbors by reporting suspicious behavior, any citizen has the right to follow a suspected criminal to try and aid the not forget...the dispatcher axed Z which way was he(trayvon) going....

Anyhow Z was not attempting to arrest anyone....he never had...his sop was alway to call the police when he saw someone suspicious which was what he did in this case....he got out of his vehicle to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did trayvon run off to....and the other question...what is your exact address...he could not see any house numbers he went to a lighted area to get an address.

You are a cowardly idiot ....thankfully there are a lot of good citizens...unfortunately and obviously you are not most likely being a negro and living in a hood somewhere subscribe to that slogan....'snitches get stitches'

Again what would you say about someone rushing into a burning home to save someone or even a cat or dog?
Imbecile, I never said Zimmerman tried to arrest Trayvon. And it matters not that his stint with Neighborhood Watch was on a volunteer basis as he was still trained for that position by police who instructed him to stay out of harm’s way. You know, what you idiotically refer to as the police training people to be cowards. :cuckoo:

I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any you have any proof of that or is that something you heard from cnn.

Such instruction as to stay out of harm's way is for the benefit of the is not is merely operational procedure...aka...stay not go and get yourself killed...that kind of thing.

You may say Z used bad judgement by getting out of his vehicle....that is all you can say.....but did he? It was his neighborhood....would you be afraid to walk around your own neighborhood...well since you may live in a ghetto it would be understandable for you to say that if that is the case.
”I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any training...”

All people who join a Neighborhood Watch program are trained by their local police department on what their role is in participating; and that includes, and stresses, on the safety of the members’s participation. Members are trained to stay out of harm’s way. They can follow a suspect only if it’s at a safe distance. And it has nothing to do with legalities as in a case like this, while it’s legal for folks like Zimmerman to put himself into harm’s way, he was instructed not to. Here is the woman from the Sanford Police Department who trained Zimmerman...

Excellent video and everyone should watch it that has any interest in the Zimmerman case....even you.

It makes no mention of any training Z received...not it that makes any difference....thus I stand by my statement I have seen no evidence he received any training.

The most you can claim is the police handed out some brochures ...that is not what I or most would call 'training'...that was just information put out. Something that is sometimes read or not...and even if read probably forgotten quickly.
Please why do you think these young boys on the street are so bold, if most of them didn't have a gun they would run like a kicked dog.

we arent talking about street thugs,,,and

do you read you comments before posting???
you should,,,

TM didnt have a gun and didnt run away,,,instead he turned and confronted Z

I know that, my point was that the coward had the gun which was Zimmerman.

how do you know he was a coward???

he was out there doing his job which kinda proves otherwise,,,
No, he wasn’t doing his job. His job was to stay out of harm’s way.

Ridiculous....Yes...I say a...........ridiculously stupid post. Would you say the same about cops, the military? Anyone trying to catch a criminal or to help the police apprehend a criminal?

First of all dumbass this kid wasn't a criminal and this coward wasn't no damn cop.

I hope you are not white...that would be very embarassing.

Of course not, only a racist idiot would post some bullshit like that.

Anyhow....what Z was doing was being a good citizen and neighbor....I pity your neighbors.

I don't have neighbors who chase teenagers around the neighborhood with a gun because they are walking down the street talking on their cellphone.
Why do you refuse to answer the question.....................'how would you characterize someone who rushes into a burning building to save a person or a beloved pet' ??????

I will not be waiting with bated breath. hehheh
You run in and save them because their life is in immediate danger. No one’s life was in immediate danger by Trayvon Martin returning to his residence from a convenience store with an iced tea and a bag of skittles.

Can you possibly be any less retarded than to compare that with a person trapped inside a burning building??


Lookie here bubba............when you have an illusive figure lurking in a housing area on a dark and rainy night with a hoodie on to cover his face....who knows what he is up to or what he is capable of?

....lots of possibilities....including burglary, rape or even murder....thus you are trying to prejudge a situation using hindsight aka knowledge that only came available after the incident was over...not understanding this incident with trayvon could have turned out different if trayvon had not been interrupted by in George may have interrupted something of a criminal nature Trayvon was planning to do.

Z did not know who trayvon was...he did not know what he was up to...he did not know what he was capable of...all he knew was that trayvon looked suspicious.......thus his call to the police.

Say George had ignored the suspicious person ....continued on to Target to buy some groceries then came back home went to sleep and when he woke up the next morning and turned on the news there was a report about his neighborhood...someone in the night had broke in raped and murdered a do you think George would have felt? if it had been you who ignored the suspicious person....would you have felt?

Are you too much of a simpleton to grasp all that? Me thinks so.

In hindsight we know George put himself in harms way....but we forget ....this was George's neighborhood he lived there and he had seen suspicious punks lurking in the area before and called the police...this was nothing new for George. Thus I doubt if he thought at the time that he was in much danger....the punks always ran like cowards do.

Unfortunately for George the punk decided to attack George....this was completely unexpected.
Wrong, you do what the police instruct you to do. And Zimmerman was trained to not do what he did.
You're an idiot. The dispatcher is in communication with police and Zimmerman constantly relaying information. It was never in doubt that Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin. Go read all the material on the case and get back to us. This is embarrassing for you.

Dispatchers are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information.[1] A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information and coordinate their operations. Essentially, the dispatcher is the "conductor" of the force, and is responsible for the direction of all units within it.[2]

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.
your opinion is noted and rejected because its a dumbass opinion,,,
Slobbers an idiot who thinks chasing after a suspicious stranger into the dark isn’t putting himself in harm’s way. :cuckoo:
Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin.

Followed the shit out of him.

This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense.

Why is self-defense manslaughter?

Why should it be self defense if... let’s say, for argument’s sake, Travyon was defending himself from a stranger who was after him for no good apparent reason?
Man you guys are dense! We've been through this. smh lol It's irrelevant because Zimmerman's lawyers concede he was told by police not to pursue. The dispatcher coordinates instructions.

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

Manslaughter legal definition of manslaughter - Legal Dictionary
'Manslaughter. The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

What part of 'unjustifiable' do you not understand.....what part of 'unlawful killing' do you not grasp? There was nothing about any of Z's actions that were 'unjustifiable'....there was nothing about any of Z's actions that were unlawful...if you disagree....please specify what actions of Z you consider unlawful or unjustifiable?

We all have the legal right to self defense...we all have the right(at least here in Florida)to use deadly force if we fear our life is in danger or if we fear great bodily harm.

What so many that this case was one of simple self defense. Yet many have tried to insert in things in this case that did not belong such as 'the stand your ground law.' the defense was up front about that from the was not needed, and it would not be used...yet the media kept going on and on about it how Florida was a outcast state because they have that law etc.etc.etc.

Z...was attacked...there was no excuse for that...even if Z had followed Trayvon from kalamazoo to legal justification for Trayvon to attack him like he did or attack him in any manner as far as that goes.

The attack placed Z in fear of his life...not even to mention grievious bodily injury. Also forgotten if ever known by most was the fact that right before he was shot...Trayvon spotted Z's holstered weapon...his response.....'oh you got a piece--You die tonight" and attempted to get the weapon but fortunately for Z he was able to control the weapon and shoot his attacker.

Thus it is plain and it is simple...there was nothing...absolutely nothing unlawful regarding any of Z's actions that night.

Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.
You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin.

Followed the shit out of him.

This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense.

Why is self-defense manslaughter?

Why should it be self defense if... let’s say, for argument’s sake, Travyon was defending himself from a stranger who was after him for no good apparent reason?

Travyon was defending himself from a stranger who was after him for no good apparent reason?

Being followed for no good reason isn't a defense for beating someone.
You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

Manslaughter legal definition of manslaughter - Legal Dictionary
'Manslaughter. The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

What part of 'unjustifiable' do you not understand.....what part of 'unlawful killing' do you not grasp? There was nothing about any of Z's actions that were 'unjustifiable'....there was nothing about any of Z's actions that were unlawful...if you disagree....please specify what actions of Z you consider unlawful or unjustifiable?

We all have the legal right to self defense...we all have the right(at least here in Florida)to use deadly force if we fear our life is in danger or if we fear great bodily harm.

What so many that this case was one of simple self defense. Yet many have tried to insert in things in this case that did not belong such as 'the stand your ground law.' the defense was up front about that from the was not needed, and it would not be used...yet the media kept going on and on about it how Florida was a outcast state because they have that law etc.etc.etc.

Z...was attacked...there was no excuse for that...even if Z had followed Trayvon from kalamazoo to legal justification for Trayvon to attack him like he did or attack him in any manner as far as that goes.

The attack placed Z in fear of his life...not even to mention grievious bodily injury. Also forgotten if ever known by most was the fact that right before he was shot...Trayvon spotted Z's holstered weapon...his response.....'oh you got a piece--You die tonight" and attempted to get the weapon but fortunately for Z he was able to control the weapon and shoot his attacker.

Thus it is plain and it is simple...there was nothing...absolutely nothing unlawful regarding any of Z's actions that night.

Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.

So what?

I always get a good laugh when someone posts stupid shit while calling my post stupid.

A cop’s job is to go into harm’s way when needed. It’s also a cop’s job to apprehend criminals.

It’s NOT the job of members of a Neighborhood Watch to go into harm’s way and it’s NOT their job to apprehend criminals. Their job is to look out for suspicious activity and call 911 when they see it.

First of all Zimmerman had no job per se....he was a volunteer ....any citizen has the right to arrest a criminal, any citizen(especially in his own neighborhood has the legal right to try and protect his neighbors by reporting suspicious behavior, any citizen has the right to follow a suspected criminal to try and aid the not forget...the dispatcher axed Z which way was he(trayvon) going....

Anyhow Z was not attempting to arrest anyone....he never had...his sop was alway to call the police when he saw someone suspicious which was what he did in this case....he got out of his vehicle to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did trayvon run off to....and the other question...what is your exact address...he could not see any house numbers he went to a lighted area to get an address.

You are a cowardly idiot ....thankfully there are a lot of good citizens...unfortunately and obviously you are not most likely being a negro and living in a hood somewhere subscribe to that slogan....'snitches get stitches'

Again what would you say about someone rushing into a burning home to save someone or even a cat or dog?
Imbecile, I never said Zimmerman tried to arrest Trayvon. And it matters not that his stint with Neighborhood Watch was on a volunteer basis as he was still trained for that position by police who instructed him to stay out of harm’s way. You know, what you idiotically refer to as the police training people to be cowards. :cuckoo:

I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any you have any proof of that or is that something you heard from cnn.

Such instruction as to stay out of harm's way is for the benefit of the is not is merely operational procedure...aka...stay not go and get yourself killed...that kind of thing.

You may say Z used bad judgement by getting out of his vehicle....that is all you can say.....but did he? It was his neighborhood....would you be afraid to walk around your own neighborhood...well since you may live in a ghetto it would be understandable for you to say that if that is the case.
”I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any training...”

All people who join a Neighborhood Watch program are trained by their local police department on what their role is in participating; and that includes, and stresses, on the safety of the members’s participation. Members are trained to stay out of harm’s way. They can follow a suspect only if it’s at a safe distance. And it has nothing to do with legalities as in a case like this, while it’s legal for folks like Zimmerman to put himself into harm’s way, he was instructed not to. Here is the woman from the Sanford Police Department who trained Zimmerman...

Excellent video and everyone should watch it that has any interest in the Zimmerman case....even you.

It makes no mention of any training Z received...not it that makes any difference....thus I stand by my statement I have seen no evidence he received any training.

The most you can claim is the police handed out some brochures ...that is not what I or most would call 'training'...that was just information put out. Something that is sometimes read or not...and even if read probably forgotten quickly.

I’m glad you liked that video. How far into it were you able to watch though with your feeble brain?
First of all Zimmerman had no job per se....he was a volunteer ....any citizen has the right to arrest a criminal, any citizen(especially in his own neighborhood has the legal right to try and protect his neighbors by reporting suspicious behavior, any citizen has the right to follow a suspected criminal to try and aid the not forget...the dispatcher axed Z which way was he(trayvon) going....

Anyhow Z was not attempting to arrest anyone....he never had...his sop was alway to call the police when he saw someone suspicious which was what he did in this case....he got out of his vehicle to try and answer the dispatchers question of which way did trayvon run off to....and the other question...what is your exact address...he could not see any house numbers he went to a lighted area to get an address.

You are a cowardly idiot ....thankfully there are a lot of good citizens...unfortunately and obviously you are not most likely being a negro and living in a hood somewhere subscribe to that slogan....'snitches get stitches'

Again what would you say about someone rushing into a burning home to save someone or even a cat or dog?
Imbecile, I never said Zimmerman tried to arrest Trayvon. And it matters not that his stint with Neighborhood Watch was on a volunteer basis as he was still trained for that position by police who instructed him to stay out of harm’s way. You know, what you idiotically refer to as the police training people to be cowards. :cuckoo:

I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any you have any proof of that or is that something you heard from cnn.

Such instruction as to stay out of harm's way is for the benefit of the is not is merely operational procedure...aka...stay not go and get yourself killed...that kind of thing.

You may say Z used bad judgement by getting out of his vehicle....that is all you can say.....but did he? It was his neighborhood....would you be afraid to walk around your own neighborhood...well since you may live in a ghetto it would be understandable for you to say that if that is the case.
”I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any training...”

All people who join a Neighborhood Watch program are trained by their local police department on what their role is in participating; and that includes, and stresses, on the safety of the members’s participation. Members are trained to stay out of harm’s way. They can follow a suspect only if it’s at a safe distance. And it has nothing to do with legalities as in a case like this, while it’s legal for folks like Zimmerman to put himself into harm’s way, he was instructed not to. Here is the woman from the Sanford Police Department who trained Zimmerman...

Excellent video and everyone should watch it that has any interest in the Zimmerman case....even you.

It makes no mention of any training Z received...not it that makes any difference....thus I stand by my statement I have seen no evidence he received any training.

The most you can claim is the police handed out some brochures ...that is not what I or most would call 'training'...that was just information put out. Something that is sometimes read or not...and even if read probably forgotten quickly.

I’m glad you liked that video. How far into it were you able to watch though with your feeble brain?

I watched the whole thing....particuarly liked how it showed Z was a concerned citizen devoted to helping his troubled complex and how well he worked with the police.

Very admirable.
Imbecile, I never said Zimmerman tried to arrest Trayvon. And it matters not that his stint with Neighborhood Watch was on a volunteer basis as he was still trained for that position by police who instructed him to stay out of harm’s way. You know, what you idiotically refer to as the police training people to be cowards. :cuckoo:

I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any you have any proof of that or is that something you heard from cnn.

Such instruction as to stay out of harm's way is for the benefit of the is not is merely operational procedure...aka...stay not go and get yourself killed...that kind of thing.

You may say Z used bad judgement by getting out of his vehicle....that is all you can say.....but did he? It was his neighborhood....would you be afraid to walk around your own neighborhood...well since you may live in a ghetto it would be understandable for you to say that if that is the case.
”I am not absolutely sure but I do not think Z received any training...”

All people who join a Neighborhood Watch program are trained by their local police department on what their role is in participating; and that includes, and stresses, on the safety of the members’s participation. Members are trained to stay out of harm’s way. They can follow a suspect only if it’s at a safe distance. And it has nothing to do with legalities as in a case like this, while it’s legal for folks like Zimmerman to put himself into harm’s way, he was instructed not to. Here is the woman from the Sanford Police Department who trained Zimmerman...

Excellent video and everyone should watch it that has any interest in the Zimmerman case....even you.

It makes no mention of any training Z received...not it that makes any difference....thus I stand by my statement I have seen no evidence he received any training.

The most you can claim is the police handed out some brochures ...that is not what I or most would call 'training'...that was just information put out. Something that is sometimes read or not...and even if read probably forgotten quickly.

I’m glad you liked that video. How far into it were you able to watch though with your feeble brain?

I watched the whole thing....particuarly liked how it showed Z was a concerned citizen devoted to helping his troubled complex and how well he worked with the police.

Very admirable.

Well then there is no more proof needed that you are completely brain-dead. :cuckoo:

You said...
It makes no mention of any training Z received
But at 6:15, she discusses how she personally trained him...

Q: And when was it approximately that you first had that phone call, that first contact from the defendant?

WD: Sometime in August ... I don't remember the exact date.

Q: August of 2011?

WD: Yes.

Q: And then, did that lead you to do a startup presentation in that community?

WD: Yes, we had several ... a few phone calls between then .... to the presentation, trying to schedule a date.

Q: That is you and the defendant?

WD: Yes.

Q: And as a result of that, was a presentation meeting scheduled?

WD: Yes.

Q: And what was the date of that meeting?

WD: September 22nd, I believe ... of 2011.

Q: And where was that meeting held?

WD: It was at the clubhouse at the Retreat at Twin Lakes.

Q: And what time of day or night would that have been?

WD: Probably about 7pm.

Q: And was the defendant himself present for that meeting?

WD: Yes.

Q: Did you speak with the defendant at that meeting?

WD: Yes​

So despite her saying she personally gave Zimmerman (along with the others present), a presentation; you say you watched the "whole thing" but didn't catch that part. That's evidence you're brain-dead.

And you said...
The most you can claim is the police handed out some brochures
But starting at around the 4 minute mark, Wendy Dorival went on to explain she gave a presentation which included oral and written instructions, along with a Power Point presentation, along with uniformed policemen, along with addressing questions and answers.

So despite her saying the presentation was oral and written and electronic; you say you watched the "whole thing" but didn't catch that part. That's evidence you're brain-dead.

And because he was in a lead position as coordinator of that Neighborhood Watch, Wendy Dorival also stated she additionally gave Zimmerman a copy of the Neighborhood Watch manual which covered everything. That would include this gem @4:44 you also somehow missed because you're brain-dead...

Q: Do you address specifically what a Neighborhood Watch person is to do if they see someone acting suspicious?

WD: Yes I do.

Q: And what is that?

WD: If someone is acting suspicious, you call the 911 non-emergency dispatch.

Q: Do you tell them to do anything else at that point?

WD: No. They're the eyes and ears.

Q: In that instruction, is that also part of the written materials?

WD: Yes

Q: What do you tell volunteers about following someone they believe might be involved in criminal behavior?

WD: We tell them, you don't do that. That's the job of law enforcement.​

You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

Manslaughter legal definition of manslaughter - Legal Dictionary
'Manslaughter. The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

What part of 'unjustifiable' do you not understand.....what part of 'unlawful killing' do you not grasp? There was nothing about any of Z's actions that were 'unjustifiable'....there was nothing about any of Z's actions that were unlawful...if you disagree....please specify what actions of Z you consider unlawful or unjustifiable?

We all have the legal right to self defense...we all have the right(at least here in Florida)to use deadly force if we fear our life is in danger or if we fear great bodily harm.

What so many that this case was one of simple self defense. Yet many have tried to insert in things in this case that did not belong such as 'the stand your ground law.' the defense was up front about that from the was not needed, and it would not be used...yet the media kept going on and on about it how Florida was a outcast state because they have that law etc.etc.etc.

Z...was attacked...there was no excuse for that...even if Z had followed Trayvon from kalamazoo to legal justification for Trayvon to attack him like he did or attack him in any manner as far as that goes.

The attack placed Z in fear of his life...not even to mention grievious bodily injury. Also forgotten if ever known by most was the fact that right before he was shot...Trayvon spotted Z's holstered weapon...his response.....'oh you got a piece--You die tonight" and attempted to get the weapon but fortunately for Z he was able to control the weapon and shoot his attacker.

Thus it is plain and it is simple...there was nothing...absolutely nothing unlawful regarding any of Z's actions that night.

Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.

You have no proof he did not.
Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

Manslaughter legal definition of manslaughter - Legal Dictionary
'Manslaughter. The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

What part of 'unjustifiable' do you not understand.....what part of 'unlawful killing' do you not grasp? There was nothing about any of Z's actions that were 'unjustifiable'....there was nothing about any of Z's actions that were unlawful...if you disagree....please specify what actions of Z you consider unlawful or unjustifiable?

We all have the legal right to self defense...we all have the right(at least here in Florida)to use deadly force if we fear our life is in danger or if we fear great bodily harm.

What so many that this case was one of simple self defense. Yet many have tried to insert in things in this case that did not belong such as 'the stand your ground law.' the defense was up front about that from the was not needed, and it would not be used...yet the media kept going on and on about it how Florida was a outcast state because they have that law etc.etc.etc.

Z...was attacked...there was no excuse for that...even if Z had followed Trayvon from kalamazoo to legal justification for Trayvon to attack him like he did or attack him in any manner as far as that goes.

The attack placed Z in fear of his life...not even to mention grievious bodily injury. Also forgotten if ever known by most was the fact that right before he was shot...Trayvon spotted Z's holstered weapon...his response.....'oh you got a piece--You die tonight" and attempted to get the weapon but fortunately for Z he was able to control the weapon and shoot his attacker.

Thus it is plain and it is simple...there was nothing...absolutely nothing unlawful regarding any of Z's actions that night.

Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.

The burden of proof was on the state. They failed.

Next............someone ....somewhat intelligent...puhleeeze
You are mistaken. Anyone and everyone with much of a connection or knowledge of the incident knows it was a dispatcher who suggested to George...they did not need him to follow the suspect (trayvon)

It was recorded...would you like for me to play the tape for you?

Nevermind. LMAO! I actually laughing out loud.

here ya go boyo...............

That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin.

Followed the shit out of him.

This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense.

Why is self-defense manslaughter?

Why should it be self defense if... let’s say, for argument’s sake, Travyon was defending himself from a stranger who was after him for no good apparent reason?

For George it was a matter of life and death or serious bodily injury....simple as that.

O.K. Let us look at it from Trayvon's viewpoint which of course is not possible...unless one is a Negro....they think differently than most of us.

But let us give it a try anyhow............O.K. I will try to think like Trayvon oh myo what a beautiful day I got mah skittles skippy do la and my g/f on the phone oh happy days.

Heading back home but first I gotta check out da complex...let me lollygag around a bit...........well its a dark and rainy night prob not much to see hmmmmmmmmmmm let me look in some windows might get lucky and see sumptin ..

Irregardless........There was no one after Trayvon.....but I suppose it is possible he might have thought that....ok what would anyone do or white.....if you thought someone was 'after you' whatever that means.

He had a phone ....just like George he had a phone and I am pretty sure he knows or knew what 911 stands for...but of course being a young black stud hung up on his machismo and martial arts proficiency not something he was likely to do.

Actually he did the best possible thing he could have done....he ran home. That should have been the end of story.......but wait...he did not stay there.?????

If he really thought someone was after made no sense for him to back track and confront George.

For Trayvon it all comes down to 2 scenarios ....he either ran home and left or he did not go home at all.

His so called g/f testified in court that he told her on the phone he had gone home and completely eluded George.

But say he was lying to her and did not go home....why would he not go home...20 seconds around 80 yards from where he took off and started running.

Some have said he was afraid George would follow him home. But he had completely eluded George...there was no way for George to follow him home.

But if he did not go home...then he certainly remained in the complex....why? If he was so fearful of George following him home he could have run off to somewhere else for a couple of hours....apparantly he did not mind being out in the rain.

Either way if never went home he stayed on the complex grounds for some reason...or if he went home initially he back tracked for some reason.

There was no good reason for him not to go home and there was no good reason for him to backtrack and confront George if he went home like he told his g/f...either way Trayvon obviously has a motive that is not good.

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