George Zimmerman is in court again!

LOl now Zimmerman’s the one being stalked, and he’s butthurt about it. Let’s hope it ends for him the way it ended for the kid that he stalked.
He didn’t stalk anyone. He saw a little thug and kept an eye on him for a few minutes. Little thug attacked him, and Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
Which we know is true, because Zimmerman said so. we all know such a stand up guy would never lie.

You seem to have blocked out the eye witness testimony that confirmed Zimmerman’s.

Saint Trayvon lost Zimmerman when he ran off, obviously to ditch something he didn't want to get caught on him, and then came back to try and murder Zimmerman. These scum always pretend that didn't happen. Nobody ever tried to look for what Saint Trayvon ditched.

Regardless of what Trayvon did, he didn’t deserve death. And Zimmerman wasn’t that 501 so he should have backed off.

You just think Zimmerman had no right t defend himself from a violent black racist thug trying to do him serious harm. Your own racism is obvious. Zimmerman was on a public street, so tough shit for your bigoted slant.
LOl now Zimmerman’s the one being stalked, and he’s butthurt about it. Let’s hope it ends for him the way it ended for the kid that he stalked.
A minority assaulted another minority and the victim shot and killed his assailant. The courts and witnesses determined this is what happened.
Is there a minority you prefer over another minority (since we already know you hate white people)?
Unlike you I have a JD (Juris Doctorate) and passed the Bar and I know the law. I tried to explain it to you but you are too biased to deal with reality. Now, my unenlightened adversary, you have the last word. I am done with you.
Let me guess, criminal defense? And why did you leave out the part of the Florida stalking statute regarding "course of conduct"?
Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Zimmerman. POTUS apologists just need to put him on a ballot, any ballot, and just be done with this poster pin up boy.
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He's a right wing hero. They love him. They want to do what he did.

...and the filthy ass thug that he shot in self defense is a hero of the Moon Bats. You know, Obama's son.

He shot a 17 year old high school kid who lived in a good neighbourhood and who had never been arrested or had any police record. The boy in no way met any definition of a “thug”. That’s the portrayal that right wing assholes such as yourself have tried to pin on an boy who was racially profiled, stalked and murdered by your racist wanna be cop.

Zimmerman was told by the real police to leave Trayvon alone and not to follow the boy.

If you would have listened to the trial you would have known that the little racist ghetto 17 year old shithead told his fat girl friend on the phone that a "Cracker" was following him and then he attacked Zimmerman.
The jury found that the shithead was the aggressor and that Zimmerman acted in self defense.

The typical Black "ma baby dindu nuffin" defense didn't fly in the face of the facts in this case.
George Zimmerman Battles to Reveal Names of Witnesses Against Him

It is in Orlando news too. He sure loves to stalk people dosent he, now who is the thug? Threatening peoples lives over a documentry. uh huh. Zimmerman is a loose screw just waiting to explode. He can not stop Jay Z or anyone from making a documentry on this subject or anyone else who wants too. He is not intitled to the names of these people who contributed to the documentry who are scared to death of Zimmerman. Funny how there are people out there who are scared to death of George but not of Trayvon. No worries Zimmerman will end up behined bars eventually. I can not wait to see this documentry . And George is pretty stupied to threatenIing Jay Z or his people. Come on this is a celebrtiy , he has security that will turn Zimmerman into a pretzel before he gets two steps close to any of these people. They were kind enough to ask Zimmerman if he wanted to contribute ot the documentry though. hah!
He served his purpose he got rid of that piece of trash Trevon Martin… LOL
I love how Trayvon Martin has stayed out of jail.

Got away with crimes because of being a minor. He then thought he could murder somebody, and got his sorry ass shot dead. A common even in black neighborhoods, even 'middle class' ones. They encourage that sort of 'culture' among both adults and yoofs.
LOl now Zimmerman’s the one being stalked, and he’s butthurt about it. Let’s hope it ends for him the way it ended for the kid that he stalked.
He didn’t stalk anyone. He saw a little thug and kept an eye on him for a few minutes. Little thug attacked him, and Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
Which we know is true, because Zimmerman said so. we all know such a stand up guy would never lie.

You seem to have blocked out the eye witness testimony that confirmed Zimmerman’s.

Saint Trayvon lost Zimmerman when he ran off, obviously to ditch something he didn't want to get caught on him, and then came back to try and murder Zimmerman. These scum always pretend that didn't happen. Nobody ever tried to look for what Saint Trayvon ditched.

Regardless of what Trayvon did, he didn’t deserve death. And Zimmerman wasn’t that 501 so he should have backed off.

Sometimes stupidity carries a death sentence.
Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman both made really stupid choices and one paid for his mistakes with his life. Zimmerman should never have left his car and Martin should never have ambushed Zimmerman.
Definition of a thug:
a violent person, especially a criminal.

Which only fits Zimmerman . the one with the police record for being violent to a cop , and to women. And now to pi who asked him to be part of the documentary. He was sentenced to anger class, which obviously has not worked. Who has people who are afraid of him. Who was known in his neighborhood for watching the black people and for habitually calling police on them for daring to look in his direction. Where is Trayvon's criminal record police or school? Were are the people who are afraid of him? Were are people he supposedly beat up? Were is this gang he was supposed to belong too? Or the stash of drugs he was supposedly have, hmm? What made Trayvon so suspicious? Even the 7-11 gut has no issues with him. He had hood on because it was raining. He got a snack because he was hungry. He answered his phone because it was ringing. Sounds like typical teen to me.

What is pathetic is so many watched the trial and yet still continued to make up things and fictionalize points of the whole thing. Just sad!
Unfortunately, for Trayvon, he was violent toward an armed man.

Where is Trayvon's criminal record police or school?

He was suspended. I think it was for having stolen property in his locker.

What made Trayvon so suspicious?

Beating on Zimmermann was suspicious.

He got a snack because he was hungry. He answered his phone because it was ringing.

He circled back to attack Zimmermann, instead of going to his Dad's or calling the cops.

Sounds like typical teen to me.

Typical thug.
Definition of a thug:
a violent person, especially a criminal.

Which only fits Zimmerman . the one with the police record for being violent to a cop , and to women. And now to pi who asked him to be part of the documentary. He was sentenced to anger class, which obviously has not worked. Who has people who are afraid of him. Who was known in his neighborhood for watching the black people and for habitually calling police on them for daring to look in his direction. Where is Trayvon's criminal record police or school? Were are the people who are afraid of him? Were are people he supposedly beat up? Were is this gang he was supposed to belong too? Or the stash of drugs he was supposedly have, hmm? What made Trayvon so suspicious? Even the 7-11 gut has no issues with him. He had hood on because it was raining. He got a snack because he was hungry. He answered his phone because it was ringing. Sounds like typical teen to me.

What is pathetic is so many watched the trial and yet still continued to make up things and fictionalize points of the whole thing. Just sad!

Ridiculous spin. the crime rates in that town are easily Googled, and why they had a Neighborhood Watch. Not to mention Zimmerman has every right to be out in public, had every right to ask anybody else out in public a question, only idiots try and spin that as some sort of 'harassment' or somehow illegal, and the fact is Martin got away and then returned to commit an extremely violent assault attempt to severely injure and/or kill Zimmerman, period. Tough shit if you racist thug apologists like it or not. Nobody thinks Saint Trayvon was innocent, not even you, you're just being a typical POS, is all.
I don’t have heroes, but if I was to meet GZ I would offer to buy him a beer. Why? Because he has more than anyone except maybe Trump, exposed the left and their media as the liars that they are.

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