George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martins parents!

Yea, slammed his head so hard on the concrete he didn't even need a band-aid. Man go on somewhere with that bullshit, I am still trying to figure out how a man who was sliding on his back in the grass and mud had on a completely clean jacket. Did the cops take him by the dry cleaners before he went to the police station?

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Can you explain that?

He was on concrete ya chucklehead.
Yea Roy Bryant and JW Milam (2 of your heroes) were found not guilty as well. Delabeckwith was found not guilty how many times, because of racist trash like you on the jury.

Kind of like racist trash like you that calls OJ Simpson a murderer, wasn't he found innocent in a Court of Law after a lengthy trial were all the evidence was presented. You love Zimmerman because the punk ass, coward was able to get away with the very thing your racist, bitch ass wish you could do.

If you think OJ is innocent you're a moron.
Zimmerman being the adult should have just taken his ass on to Target, btw Trayvon was on his way home until the coward started harassing him.
You dumb shit didn't see the trial did you?

A dumbass hate filled Black ghetto punk decided he was going to beat up a "Cracker" that said a couple of words to him. Typical Black hate and culture of violence.

He attacked Zimmerman and was bashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete when Zimmerman did the only thing he could do to keep from being murdered by the shithead.

Speaking of adults. If the goddamn ghetto trash mother and absentee father had raised the kid right then Trayvon would have been at home that night doing his homework to get ready for class the next day instead of trying to kill a "Cracker" that said a couple of words to him that he didn't like. Typical lack of responsibility from trashy ghetto Negro families that don't give a shit about their children.
Who knows if he had any trouble with white kids.
What we do know is Traygone was trouble as was shown by his actions that night.
It's all good though,Traygone wont be causing anymore trouble.
We also know he was trouble because he got kicked out of school.

His ghetto mother couldn't control him so she sent him to live with the absentee father, who also didn't give a shit about him. The father was out whoring around the night his son was killed.

This is typical Black family not giving a crap about their children.

But yet after the little shithead got killed they were all victim tears and demanding they get money as compensation.

No fucking responsibility at all.
We also know he was trouble because he got kicked out of school.

His ghetto mother couldn't control him so she sent him to live with the absentee father, who also didn't give a shit about him. The father was out whoring around the night his son was killed.

This is typical Black family not giving a crap about their children.

But yet after the little shithead got killed they were all victim tears and demanding they get money as compensation.

No fucking responsibility at all.
actually his father had custody of him a long time and coached his football team. when he divorced and was transitioning relationships. he went to live with his mother. All they did was switch custody. no one didn't care about Trayvon. He wasn't trouble had no record and was only suspended for few days from school not kicked out. His biggest mistake was asking a craze loon a tick who his trigger happy failed cop why he was following him. They did not live ghetto either.
actually his father had custody of him a long time and coached his football team. when he divorced and was transitioning relationships. he went to live with his mother. All they did was switch custody. no one didn't care about Trayvon. He wasn't trouble had no record and was only suspended for few days from school not kicked out. His biggest mistake was asking a craze loon a tick who his trigger happy failed cop why he was following him. They did not live ghetto either.
You are confused Moon Bat. His parents didn't bother to control the little shit and didn't give a crap about him and that is why he was out walking the streets at night getting the ingredients to get high on Dank and was trying to kill Zimmerman for looking at him wrong and making a couple of comments.

Trayvon was a great example of what the Negro culture of violence produces. A great example of Negro parents that don't give a shit about their children.

Of course when the little piece of shit was killed all the typical "Mababydindunutin" victim bullshit came out from the parents that didn't do parenting very well.
You are confused Moon Bat. His parents didn't bother to control the little shit and didn't give a crap about him and that is why he was out walking the streets at night getting the ingredients to get high on Dank and was trying to kill Zimmerman for looking at him wrong and making a couple of comments.

Trayvon was a great example of what the Negro culture of violence produces. A great example of Negro parents that don't give a shit about their children.

Of course when the little piece of shit was killed all the typical "Mababydindunutin" victim bullshit came out from the parents that didn't do parenting very well.
why you so narrow minded and racist dang. trayvon did nothing wrong. except cross pass with nut job. go seek help jerk.
Who knows if he had any trouble with white kids.
Every time he called the cops it was on a black kid.
What we do know is Traygone was trouble as was shown by his actions that night.
It's all good though,Traygone wont be causing anymore trouble.
The trouble that night wasn't Trayvon, it was the coward that was stalking him. Only a racist POS would celebrate a coward ass grown man murdering a black teenager.
You dumb shit didn't see the trial did you?

A dumbass hate filled Black ghetto punk decided he was going to beat up a "Cracker" that said a couple of words to him. Typical Black hate and culture of violence.

He attacked Zimmerman and was bashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete when Zimmerman did the only thing he could do to keep from being murdered by the shithead.

Speaking of adults. If the goddamn ghetto trash mother and absentee father had raised the kid right then Trayvon would have been at home that night doing his homework to get ready for class the next day instead of trying to kill a "Cracker" that said a couple of words to him that he didn't like. Typical lack of responsibility from trashy ghetto Negro families that don't give a shit about their children.
First of all Trayvon was doing NOTHING wrong that night other than being black and walking home. That bitch ass, coward Zimmerman put that whole night of events into action. One was an adult and the other was a teenager. Now tell me Flush were you that much of a bitch when you were 28yrs old that you needed a gun for a 160lb teenager? When Trayvon approached Zimmerman in his vehicle and asked him why he was staring at him? Why didn't the adult put the teenagers mind at ease that it was all good. Why did Zimmerman jump out of his vehicle with a gun in pursuit of Trayvon when the dispatcher clearly told him not to. You keep babbling about responsibility, but you don't want to hold the adult responsible for his actions and that's because you are racist trash and happy that they coward got away with murdering a black teenager.
First of all Trayvon was doing NOTHING wrong

You dumb confused asshole.

Bashing somebody's head into a concrete sidewalk in fucking wrong. Even when a Negro does it to a White guy.

After hearing all the evidence a jury found that the Negro shithead was the aggressor and Zimmerman acted in self defense.

Case closed.

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