George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martins parents!

You dumb shit. Suspension is getting kicked out. The only dinstinction is one you can never go back and the other is maybe you can come back. However, you don't get suspended for coming to class late, especially in a Miami ghetto school where you have to just about murder someone before being kicked out.. You get suspended for being a piece of shit.

Why was the sonofabitch skipping class? Why wasn't he living with mother being a good kid instead of trying to kill somebody after getting kicked out of school?

Are you really that stupid or do you just play being that on the Internet?
no it isnt . exspulsion is, he just had to stay home a few days., what and idiot you are . must be boy scout. from the hood. he didnt even have weapon or a record . your ass hole is sick guy and so are you. seek help. and idiot living in a tent like you with free charity phone know's nothing.
Trayvon was a homophobic idiot.

According to the fat girlfriend that testified at the trial, Mr. Martin referred to Zimmerman as a creepy "ass cracker".

The term "ass cracker" refers to Martin's opinion that the Latino was a homosexual. He found out the hard way that he was wrong.
and you bully people who are over wasit. jack ass
Wow, what a fucking coward POS.

If you were in Zims situation you'd have done the same.
Unless of course you're a blithering idiot who'd rather die.
And I suppose you'd have done the same as Traygone and went back to confront Zim for no reason.
That says a lot about your intelligence or lack thereof.
no it isnt . exspulsion is, he just had to stay home a few days., what and idiot you are . must be boy scout. from the hood. he didnt even have weapon or a record . your ass hole is sick guy and so are you. seek help. and idiot living in a tent like you with free charity phone know's nothing.
Stop being an idiot. The sonofabitch was a low life hate filled worthless Negro shithead. You know, just like Queer Barry's son would have been.

The kid was a piece of shit that attacked a man and paid the price. That "Cracker" that he told his big fat girlfriend on the phone that he was going to attack. He just picked the wrong Cracker and he paid the price for being a low life racist Negro.

Zimmerman acted in self defense as the jury found and we have one less worthless piece of ghetto Negro shit that would probably be in prison now if Zimmeran hadn't given him his just reward.
That's not what happened. Trayvon went out of his way to attack George. He was beating the life out of George when George pulled his gun and shot Trayvon.
This thread is about the frivolous lawsuit against Trevon‘s parents , and idiots on both sides are talking about the fight between Zimmerman and Trayvon.
Focus and stay off drugs everyone.
That's not what happened. Trayvon went out of his way to attack George. He was beating the life out of George when George pulled his gun and shot Trayvon.
no he didnt his bigt mistake was acting this nut job why he was folwing him and george grabbed him and he said get off . and they fuaght .trayvon was trying to get away. george is cold blooded killer and liar.
no he didnt his bigt mistake was acting this nut job why he was folwing him and george grabbed him and he said get off . and they fuaght .trayvon was trying to get away. george is cold blooded killer and liar.

This is all fantasy land bullshit from you. I followed this case extremely close and your account is utter horseshit.
This is all fantasy land bullshit from you. I followed this case extremely close and your account is utter horseshit.
not close enough hood rat. go back to your gutter. george has anger issues he failed at being a cop ;. a women abuser and liar. he brags about murdering that kid he deserves what god does to him.
Senor Zimmerman thought that Trayvon was up to no good,
Oh he thought?
and as a sworn officer of the neighborhood watch, it was his assessment to make.
Who swore him in and as a neighborhood watch is it your job to chase a teenage boy with a gun.
Martin should not have attacked him in a Homophobic Rage, and he'd still be around today if he hadn't .
You don't know who attacked who, you just AssUMe that Zimmerman a lying coward is telling you the truth.
Trayvon Martin was a piece of low life ghetto shit. He should have been back in Miami with his mother going to school learning something but instead he got kicked out for being a school yard thug

He called up his fat girlfriend and told her he was going to get that Cracker that was looking at him the wrong way.

Classic example of fucked around and found out..

Good riddance to the piece of shit.
Thank God there is going to be a special place in hell for racist trash like you and I hope someone comes and takes a shit on your grave.
i actually started this thread ages ago and people got board and dragged it up. craziness.
If you were in Zims situation you'd have done the same.
Unless of course you're a blithering idiot who'd rather die.
And I suppose you'd have done the same as Traygone and went back to confront Zim for no reason.
That says a lot about your intelligence or lack thereof.
No I wouldn't have, because I wouldn't have been stalking a 17yr old teenager. See but racist trash like you thinks white folks can do whatever the hell they like when it comes to black folks.

See only dumbass cowards like you will try and defend a coward like Zimmerman. You mean to tell me a 28yr old 208lb grown man needs a gun for a 17yr old, 160lb teenager in a fist fight. That shows Zimmerman is nothing but a weak ass, cowardly, bitch.
Thank God there is going to be a special place in hell for racist trash like you and I hope someone comes and takes a shit on your grave.
Zimmerman was found innocent of the charges after a lengthy trial where all the evidence was presented. That means the Trayvon piece of shit was the aggressor.

You can't stand that, can you? That makes you the racist seeing that the testimony in court was that he told his fat ass Negro Ho girlfriend that he was going to get that Cracker.

Tough shit. Good riddance to a filthy ass racist Negro piece of shit. Next time if a "Cracker" looks at Trayvon wrong maybe he won't attack him. Oh, wait, there won't be a next time, will there? Good!

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