George Zimmerman sues Warren and Buttigieg for 265 million

George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

I am hoping however Nick Sampson's case goes to trial and he wins at least a partial victory for the way those left wing asshole slobs treated him.

I forget what station now, but I think it was CNN that settled out of court, so Sandmann got something. Of course, part of the agreement is that it doesn't get disclosed to the public.

Now that you mention it, I do recall something to that affect, but I do believe he still is suing the Washington Post if memory serves.
Sandmann's case against the Washington 'Jimmy's World' Post is even stronger than his case against CNN.

CNN likely settled because they didn't want to go through the discovery process. Just imagine the treasure trove of CNN's embarrassing internal communications and emails that would have been exposed.

I hope Sandmann takes the WaPo and NBC cases to trial.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

I am hoping however Nick Sampson's case goes to trial and he wins at least a partial victory for the way those left wing asshole slobs treated him.

NIcholas Sandmann? He sued CNN for $250 million and they settled with him. The amount he received hasn't been divulged. He also had a lawsuit against the Washington Post but some liberal hack judge dropped the case at WAPO's request.
FYI, the same judge reopened the case.
You can't proclaim that gun violence is the same as self-defense.
Gun violence and self-defense are certainly not mutually exclusive terms.

Zimmerman definitely employed gun violence in self-defense. Shooting somebody is an extremely violent act.
You can't proclaim that gun violence is the same as self-defense.
Gun violence and self-defense are certainly not mutually exclusive terms.

Zimmerman definitely employed gun violence in self-defense. Shooting somebody is an extremely violent act.

When somebody uses the term gun violence, most people think of it as gang shootings in Chicago or something. It was no accident that she used the term for that reason either.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

The fact is that they have every right to express their opinion. Zimmerman made himself a public figure. It is a shame the courts are being used to play politics.
Devin Nunes, Tulsi Gabbard, Donald Trump and now Zimmerman. Maybe 30 days in jail for contempt would stop this.

Typical commie. Throw people in jail for using their right to have a case heard and litigated. In fact, throw anybody in jail that resists the MSM or Big Brother.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning?


Read the tweets --- neither one even mentions the plaitiff's name. How in the fuck can you "defame" somebody if you won't even specify who you're talking about?

Fake news.

Who else could they have been talking about? They were celebrating what would be Martin's birthday today, and they basically said that the person that killed him was a racist white-Hispanic supremacist. There was only one person that killed Martin.

You cannot build a defamation case on assumptions. The law requires that the defamer published or uttered some purported factual statement about the aggrieved, that they knew to be false, with the express purpose of defaming him/her. None of that is met here.

One tweet reads, "How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy, gun violence, prejudice, and fear?" That's not even a statement at all; it's a rhetorical question. And it mentions no names.

The other tweet reads, "“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,”

Again, no names other than the deceased. What case can a plaintiff possibly make there? That we should NOT end gun violence and racism and we should NOT build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free?

Rotsa ruck wit dat one. And even if they did make that case, it wasn't directed at anyone.

The fact is Martin deserved killing, a jury said so. So there was no stolen 25th birthday stolen in his case.


If somebody robs a beverage store an is shot by the owner, nobody can say the robber's life was stolen. He took it upon himself to surrender his life for personal desire or gain.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

Half Hispanic = White if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

Half Black = Black if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

Half Hispanic = White if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

Half Black = Black if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

The media didn't even make that distinction. They used the term white-Hispanic. They had to get the "white" part in there, or otherwise it wouldn't be a story. They couldn't get any protests going using Hispanic, they couldn't get any riots going, they couldn't sell enough news papers.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

Half Hispanic = White if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

Half Black = Black if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

The media didn't even make that distinction. They used the term white-Hispanic. They had to get the "white" part in there, or otherwise it wouldn't be a story. They couldn't get any protests going using Hispanic, they couldn't get any riots going, they couldn't sell enough news papers.

It’s all political opportunism.

Isn’t it interesting that the guy driving a van into a tent full of Trump supporters got no national coverage?

Now, flip the script and say it was a Trump supporter diving a van into a Bernie you think it makes the national news? :21:
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

Half Hispanic = White if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

Half Black = Black if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

The media didn't even make that distinction. They used the term white-Hispanic. They had to get the "white" part in there, or otherwise it wouldn't be a story. They couldn't get any protests going using Hispanic, they couldn't get any riots going, they couldn't sell enough news papers.

It’s all political opportunism.

Isn’t it interesting that the guy driving a van into a tent full of Trump supporters got no national coverage?

Now, flip the script and say it was a Trump supporter diving a van into a Bernie you think it makes the national news? :21:

Besides the Zimmerman story being dragged out for as long as it was, the media still hounded him years after it was over. It was a simple local self-defense case that would have never gotten any national media attention if it were two black people or two whites.

The other weekend, Chicago reported 9 dead and 14 injured in shootings. That's just one weekend. One of the wounded victims was a 7 year old girl. No big deal. Nothing to see here. It's the usual black on black crime going on.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

Half Hispanic = White if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

Half Black = Black if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

The media didn't even make that distinction. They used the term white-Hispanic. They had to get the "white" part in there, or otherwise it wouldn't be a story. They couldn't get any protests going using Hispanic, they couldn't get any riots going, they couldn't sell enough news papers.

It’s all political opportunism.

Isn’t it interesting that the guy driving a van into a tent full of Trump supporters got no national coverage?

Now, flip the script and say it was a Trump supporter diving a van into a Bernie you think it makes the national news? :21:

Besides the Zimmerman story being dragged out for as long as it was, the media still hounded him years after it was over. It was a simple local self-defense case that would have never gotten any national media attention if it were two black people or two whites.

The other weekend, Chicago reported 9 dead and 14 injured in shootings. That's just one weekend. One of the wounded victims was a 7 year old girl. No big deal. Nothing to see here. It's the usual black on black crime going on.

Such blatant and disgusting political opportunism. Dimms are filthy and morally bankrupt.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

I am hoping however Nick Sampson's case goes to trial and he wins at least a partial victory for the way those left wing asshole slobs treated him.

Who the fuck is Nick Sampson?

He is the 16 year old boy who was wearing a MAGA hat that made the news while the Black Hebrew Israelites shouted four letter words and other vile verbal garbage at him. He just stood there wearing his hat and smiling not saying a word and he was hammered in the press for it, excuse me so called press.

That's Sandmann. And I put out the challenge, over a year ago back in January 2019, for anyone to find and bring to us any evidence of said "the press" "hammering" him over it. Any web page, newsprint, broadcast, whatever. To this day I have received a total of zero.

Again, not just the name but how can someone be "defamed" if no one can recall ever seeing or hearing it?

Smirking MAGA Hat Student Responds to Accusations of Harassment

Video shows teens in MAGA hats surrounding Native American veteran

Appalling: Catholic school students harass Native American veteran on Lincoln Memorial steps; Corrected

Viral video show white teens in MAGA hats harassing a Native American vet

Kentucky high school student seen on video mocking Native American protester gives his side of the story

And they were all lies, Phillps is the one that approached the students, Sandmann just stood there silent.

Appalling: Catholic school students harass Native American veteran on Lincoln Memorial steps; Corrected


Okay, this is more like what I asked for but let's peruse the list.

First link simply says Smirk-boi responds -- it's quoting his take on it. The fact that Smirk-Boi responded is a true fact.

Second describes what's in a viral video. The video was viral, that's also true.

Third one is a blog. Note that when the writer apologizes, he directs it to the body of Covington students who he had mischaracterized initially, and NOT Smirk-Boi individually.

Fourth one, a writer for Vox, actually makes a declarative cause-and-effect statement:

President Donald Trump started off the week by mocking one of the worst Native American massacres in US history in order to score some political points. By Friday, a group of young white teenagers were following in his footsteps by taunting Native American elders at the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, DC — on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, no less. (Vox)​

-- which could be characterized as describing the group's motives, although it remains a fact that they were taunting Philips additionally "the group" is a collective while Smirk-Boi is an individual; Same as previous link, whether it attributes a causation or not it's referring to the group.

Fifth link is, again, a recounting of a statement ("gives his side of the story");

And then the sixth one is the same as the third one, repeated.

And reviewing all of them I'm seeing wording of "a video appears to show" and also seeing more background on the Black Hebrew Israelites. What I'm not seeing is any direct declarative statement about "what Smirk-Boi personally was doing" or why.

Also only one of them is an actual news reporter (#2) and I'm not aware that CBS has been sued.

It's a lot of verbage, if you have something specific in there I may have missed, don't just plop links, go ahead and quote it specifically.
I am hoping however Nick Sampson's case goes to trial and he wins at least a partial victory for the way those left wing asshole slobs treated him.

Who the fuck is Nick Sampson?

He is the 16 year old boy who was wearing a MAGA hat that made the news while the Black Hebrew Israelites shouted four letter words and other vile verbal garbage at him. He just stood there wearing his hat and smiling not saying a word and he was hammered in the press for it, excuse me so called press.

That's Sandmann. And I put out the challenge, over a year ago back in January 2019, for anyone to find and bring to us any evidence of said "the press" "hammering" him over it. Any web page, newsprint, broadcast, whatever. To this day I have received a total of zero.

Again, not just the name but how can someone be "defamed" if no one can recall ever seeing or hearing it?

Smirking MAGA Hat Student Responds to Accusations of Harassment

Video shows teens in MAGA hats surrounding Native American veteran

Appalling: Catholic school students harass Native American veteran on Lincoln Memorial steps; Corrected

Viral video show white teens in MAGA hats harassing a Native American vet

Kentucky high school student seen on video mocking Native American protester gives his side of the story

And they were all lies, Phillps is the one that approached the students, Sandmann just stood there silent.

Appalling: Catholic school students harass Native American veteran on Lincoln Memorial steps; Corrected


Okay, this is more like what I asked for but let's peruse the list.

First link simply says Smirk-boi responds -- it's quoting his take on it. The fact that Smirk-Boi responded is a true fact.

Second describes what's in a viral video. The video was viral, that's also true.

Third one is a blog. Note that when the writer apologizes, he directs it to the body of Covington students who he had mischaracterized initially, and NOT Smirk-Boi individually.

Fourth one, a writer for Vox, actually makes a declarative cause-and-effect statement:

President Donald Trump started off the week by mocking one of the worst Native American massacres in US history in order to score some political points. By Friday, a group of young white teenagers were following in his footsteps by taunting Native American elders at the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, DC — on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, no less. (Vox)​

-- which could be characterized as describing the group's motives, although it remains a fact that they were taunting Philips additionally "the group" is a collective while Smirk-Boi is an individual; Same as previous link, whether it attributes a causation or not it's referring to the group.

Fifth link is, again, a recounting of a statement ("gives his side of the story");

And then the sixth one is the same as the third one, repeated.

And reviewing all of them I'm seeing wording of "a video appears to show" and also seeing more background on the Black Hebrew Israelites. What I'm not seeing is any direct declarative statement about "what Smirk-Boi personally was doing" or why.

Also only one of them is an actual news reporter (#2) and I'm not aware that CBS has been sued.

It's a lot of verbage, if you have something specific in there I may have missed, don't just plop links, go ahead and quote it specifically.

I could provide more, but you have proven you're not interested in the facts. The fact was no one taunted Phillips, Phillips is the one that approached the kids. He's the one that moved among them and then came back to Sandmann and got in his face. Sandmann did nothing but stand his ground and smile. Another fact is Sandmann was singled out in most of the reporting and that's why CNN settled the case.

New York (CNN Business)CNN has settled a lawsuit with a Kentucky high school student who was at the center of a viral video controversy, a spokesperson for the news network confirmed Tuesday.

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy - CNN

George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning?


Read the tweets --- neither one even mentions the plaitiff's name. How in the fuck can you "defame" somebody if you won't even specify who you're talking about?

Fake news.

Who else could they have been talking about? They were celebrating what would be Martin's birthday today, and they basically said that the person that killed him was a racist white-Hispanic supremacist. There was only one person that killed Martin.

You cannot build a defamation case on assumptions. The law requires that the defamer published or uttered some purported factual statement about the aggrieved, that they knew to be false, with the express purpose of defaming him/her. None of that is met here.

One tweet reads, "How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy, gun violence, prejudice, and fear?" That's not even a statement at all; it's a rhetorical question. And it mentions no names.

The other tweet reads, "“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,”

Again, no names other than the deceased. What case can a plaintiff possibly make there? That we should NOT end gun violence and racism and we should NOT build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free?

Rotsa ruck wit dat one. And even if they did make that case, it wasn't directed at anyone.

The fact is Martin deserved killing, a jury said so. So there was no stolen 25th birthday stolen in his case.


If somebody robs a beverage store an is shot by the owner, nobody can say the robber's life was stolen. He took it upon himself to surrender his life for personal desire or gain.

Fair point. But if you're planting your flag on this Zimmerman person being the subject in the tweets in question,.that poses its own question -- was the kid on the end of the bullet robbing a beverage store? Or robbing anything? I don't know the details of the event.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

No, the audio of the 9/11 operator clearly contains Zimmerman using the 'N' word.
Zimmerman was racist, and FL Hispanics are notorious for being ultra racist.

Also Zimmerman was NOT at all a member of Neighborhood Watch.
He went to one meeting, but was rejected because he would not follow the rules.
And the rules would have prevented the situation that he caused by his criminal actions.
Neighborhood Watch never allows any of its member to patrol while armed or alone.
By violating those simple and obvious rules, and a few more, Zimmerman caused the whole scenario to occur.
It was all his fault, even if it did not necessarily prove an intent to commit 2nd degree murder.

We also now know Zimmerman is not a good guy because of all the additional violence he has been convicted of, such as domestic violence.
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

Half Hispanic = White if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

Half Black = Black if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

The media didn't even make that distinction. They used the term white-Hispanic. They had to get the "white" part in there, or otherwise it wouldn't be a story. They couldn't get any protests going using Hispanic, they couldn't get any riots going, they couldn't sell enough news papers.

It’s all political opportunism.

Isn’t it interesting that the guy driving a van into a tent full of Trump supporters got no national coverage?

Now, flip the script and say it was a Trump supporter diving a van into a Bernie you think it makes the national news? :21:

Besides the Zimmerman story being dragged out for as long as it was, the media still hounded him years after it was over. It was a simple local self-defense case that would have never gotten any national media attention if it were two black people or two whites.

The other weekend, Chicago reported 9 dead and 14 injured in shootings. That's just one weekend. One of the wounded victims was a 7 year old girl. No big deal. Nothing to see here. It's the usual black on black crime going on.

Such blatant and disgusting political opportunism. Dimms are filthy and morally bankrupt.

There was no self defense involved in the Zimmerman case.
You can't chase people at night, block their access to their home, and call it self defense.
Half Hispanic = White if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

Half Black = Black if Left Wing Fucko Lunatics want to use you for political gain.

The media didn't even make that distinction. They used the term white-Hispanic. They had to get the "white" part in there, or otherwise it wouldn't be a story. They couldn't get any protests going using Hispanic, they couldn't get any riots going, they couldn't sell enough news papers.

It’s all political opportunism.

Isn’t it interesting that the guy driving a van into a tent full of Trump supporters got no national coverage?

Now, flip the script and say it was a Trump supporter diving a van into a Bernie you think it makes the national news? :21:

Besides the Zimmerman story being dragged out for as long as it was, the media still hounded him years after it was over. It was a simple local self-defense case that would have never gotten any national media attention if it were two black people or two whites.

The other weekend, Chicago reported 9 dead and 14 injured in shootings. That's just one weekend. One of the wounded victims was a 7 year old girl. No big deal. Nothing to see here. It's the usual black on black crime going on.

Such blatant and disgusting political opportunism. Dimms are filthy and morally bankrupt.

There was no self defense involved in the Zimmerman case.
You can't chase people at night, block their access to their home, and call it self defense.

A Hispanic killed a Black guy. It happens all the time.
Who the fuck is Nick Sampson?

He is the 16 year old boy who was wearing a MAGA hat that made the news while the Black Hebrew Israelites shouted four letter words and other vile verbal garbage at him. He just stood there wearing his hat and smiling not saying a word and he was hammered in the press for it, excuse me so called press.

That's Sandmann. And I put out the challenge, over a year ago back in January 2019, for anyone to find and bring to us any evidence of said "the press" "hammering" him over it. Any web page, newsprint, broadcast, whatever. To this day I have received a total of zero.

Again, not just the name but how can someone be "defamed" if no one can recall ever seeing or hearing it?

Smirking MAGA Hat Student Responds to Accusations of Harassment

Video shows teens in MAGA hats surrounding Native American veteran

Appalling: Catholic school students harass Native American veteran on Lincoln Memorial steps; Corrected

Viral video show white teens in MAGA hats harassing a Native American vet

Kentucky high school student seen on video mocking Native American protester gives his side of the story

And they were all lies, Phillps is the one that approached the students, Sandmann just stood there silent.

Appalling: Catholic school students harass Native American veteran on Lincoln Memorial steps; Corrected


Okay, this is more like what I asked for but let's peruse the list.

First link simply says Smirk-boi responds -- it's quoting his take on it. The fact that Smirk-Boi responded is a true fact.

Second describes what's in a viral video. The video was viral, that's also true.

Third one is a blog. Note that when the writer apologizes, he directs it to the body of Covington students who he had mischaracterized initially, and NOT Smirk-Boi individually.

Fourth one, a writer for Vox, actually makes a declarative cause-and-effect statement:

President Donald Trump started off the week by mocking one of the worst Native American massacres in US history in order to score some political points. By Friday, a group of young white teenagers were following in his footsteps by taunting Native American elders at the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, DC — on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, no less. (Vox)​

-- which could be characterized as describing the group's motives, although it remains a fact that they were taunting Philips additionally "the group" is a collective while Smirk-Boi is an individual; Same as previous link, whether it attributes a causation or not it's referring to the group.

Fifth link is, again, a recounting of a statement ("gives his side of the story");

And then the sixth one is the same as the third one, repeated.

And reviewing all of them I'm seeing wording of "a video appears to show" and also seeing more background on the Black Hebrew Israelites. What I'm not seeing is any direct declarative statement about "what Smirk-Boi personally was doing" or why.

Also only one of them is an actual news reporter (#2) and I'm not aware that CBS has been sued.

It's a lot of verbage, if you have something specific in there I may have missed, don't just plop links, go ahead and quote it specifically.

I could provide more, but you have proven you're not interested in the facts. The fact was no one taunted Phillips, Phillips is the one that approached the kids. He's the one that moved among them and then came back to Sandmann and got in his face. Sandmann did nothing but stand his ground and smile. Another fact is Sandmann was singled out in most of the reporting and that's why CNN settled the case.

New York (CNN Business)CNN has settled a lawsuit with a Kentucky high school student who was at the center of a viral video controversy, a spokesperson for the news network confirmed Tuesday.

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy - CNN

As I just said, if you've got something specific, SHOW IT. All you did above was dump a gaggle of links and then run away. QUOTE something that proves your case. Hell I quoted more of your own links than you did.

The group ABSOLUTELY WAS taunting Phillips. Ever hear of the "tomahawk chop"? Clearly you're not a baseball fan.
As with Nick Sandman who is now a millionaire, it is time to make the day he defended his community the best day of his life, rather than being the worst.

Make him very rich at the expense of fake Indian.

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