Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson prescribes a paralyzing pill to African-Americans


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
No you can't have reparations and no to hiring blacks-only, no to pay blacks more money than is appropriate, no to money for school tuition and zoo, museum, and movie admission, no to etc, etc. Eric Dyson is a rich indoctrinator doing his part for the rabid progressive liberal ultra left-wing...

Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson prescribes a paralyzing pill to African-Americans.
April 25, 2017

Danusha V. Goska



Dyson's main point is that America is a hellhole that dooms black people to failure, silencing, and death, while whites uniformly bask in unearned wealth and good fortune. "You know that white skin is magic."

Blacks are analogous to captured birds. Whites will decide whether they want, finally, to open their hands and liberate blacks, or just, out of spite, strangle them to death. "It's in your hands."

As reparation, whites must hire blacks instead of whites. Whites must pay blacks more money than is appropriate. Whites must give blacks money for school tuition and zoo, museum, and movie admission, and pay for massages and textbooks. White people must also tell every white person they meet that he enjoys white privilege. Dyson provides the script: "Whites must understand that they benefit from white privilege in order to realize how white privilege creates the space for black oppression."


The book is so repetitious one gets a sense of its entire message from two pages of its "Invocation": Blacks are not free; they are "ensnared." Whites are "tormentors" and nothing blacks can do will "stop their evil." Blacks cannot convince whites that "we are your children and don't deserve this punishment." Whites are "slaughtering us in the streets" because they want "to remove us from the face of the earth." Whites "are lying through their teeth." Whites "are invested in their own privilege" so "they cannot afford to see how much we suffer." "White folk act like the devil is all in them." Dyson watches helplessly as racism threatens to snuff the life out of his grandchildren.

What the hell is Dyson doing in the US? Genocide, he insists, is inescapable. The borders are open. He has money. Why isn't he on a plane?


Pay for My Massage; "White Skin is Magic"

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