Georgia Bill Would Criminalize Giving Food and Water to Voters Waiting in Long Lines

The republicans create the long lines, now they want to make it illegal for people to give those in that line water and food.
Which Republican created these lines?

I will never understand why people vote for republicans.
I Imagine that happens to you a lot doesn’t it

What are republicans doing to solve the problem of long lines for voting and solve the difficulties that result in eligible voters being unable to vote? What steps are being taken?
The republicans create the long lines, now they want to make it illegal for people to give those in that line water and food.
Which Republican created these lines?

I will never understand why people vote for republicans.
I Imagine that happens to you a lot doesn’t it

What are republicans doing to solve the problem of long lines for voting and solve the difficulties that result in eligible voters being unable to vote? What steps are being taken?

Which Republican created these lines?
This is just sick and wrong. The long lines are only in areas where black people live.

As I was reading it I saw there was no wording that said the food and beverage can't be sold. Then got to the end of the article which mentions just that.

If I lived in Georgia I would give out water and food for a penny or a barter.

This is clear and blatant vote suppression. If it passes it should be challenged in court.

The law also restricts no excuse absentee voting to people over 65, no cell phones can be used, and no candidates can enter certain polling places.

How can it be voter suppression when they are already at the polls waiting in line to vote?

I had to wait over 30 minutes in line last November, yet I voted as everyone else who was there.

I do agree that making this law section is silly, but other parts are badly needed.

On Page 51, a section prohibits giving free food or drinks to voters waiting in line, among other restrictions. Doing so, would result in a misdemeanor.

Very dumb!
Because if you have to wait in line for 7, 8, 12 hours in the blazing heat of a Georgia primary election in August, you’ll be motivated to get out of that line and give up when your dehydration makes you sick. You might even end up passing out and getting transported to the ER. That’s gonna suppress your vote. This isn’t rocket science.
Link to someone waiting 12 hours to vote.
This is just sick and wrong. The long lines are only in areas where black people live.

As I was reading it I saw there was no wording that said the food and beverage can't be sold. Then got to the end of the article which mentions just that.

If I lived in Georgia I would give out water and food for a penny or a barter.

This is clear and blatant vote suppression. If it passes it should be challenged in court.

The law also restricts no excuse absentee voting to people over 65, no cell phones can be used, and no candidates can enter certain polling places.

If (a big "if"), the intent of such a law is to discourage certain folks from voting, then it is plain wrong.

1. No matter what one thinks of those folks, they have a right to vote.

2. The only consideration should be to make sure that only eligible voters receive a ballot.

3. George is a-changing and it cannot be stopped. Those folks and their allies will soon be running the whole state. Already, the state's two Senators are Dems.

4. What Southerners have feared since the end of the Civil War is now coming true. Accept it or leave the state. There is no going back.

Only eligible voters should vote, I agree, but there is no evidence that ineligible people are voting. I think that you mean, in referring to what "Southerners have feared since the end of the Civil War," are the fears of a certain portion of the white population of the south, not all southerners. I interpret the fact that Georgia's representatives in the U.S. Senate are from the Democratic Party as indicating that the Republican Party needs to reform, update, and present to the Georgia voters candidates who are ready to lead in a way that the electorate wants, and rid itself of the public perception that it is capable of representing only one segment of the population.

Thank you for your very civil & thoughtful reply.
They know the only way they can win is if they prevent as many democrats from voting as possible
Not Democrats persay but IDIOTS. When you were a child did your parents allow you to vote on the family budget? Or when you need automobile repairs to you goto the dentist for help?

People who don't understand the issues should not have a say in designing MY FUTURE via their uninformed vote.

Don't understand....or don't AGREE?
They know the only way they can win is if they prevent as many democrats from voting as possible
Not Democrats persay but IDIOTS. When you were a child did your parents allow you to vote on the family budget? Or when you need automobile repairs to you goto the dentist for help?

People who don't understand the issues should not have a say in designing MY FUTURE via their uninformed vote.

Don't understand....or don't AGREE?
There is no reason to feed people in line to vote. It's beyond stupid. If you think you need to feed people GOTO A HOMELESS SHELTER and actually feed someone who NEEDS IT
This is absurd, no one should be waiting for many hours to spend 2 minutes to vote.
I agree

or should it takes days or weeks to count the vote

do counties take the dumbest government workers they cant fire and put them in the elections dept?

Vote counting have gotten longer over the years. It used to be that before year 2000, we knew who won the Presidential election by midnight of voting day and for all Congressional elections as well.

Our population keeps increasing and more people are voting. It's not the poll workers who are the issue, no need to blame them. Many areas need more polling places.

There are also very real issues for voting in rural areas where the population is widespread, for example on a number of tribal reservations. These people often depend on a relative or friend to take their ballots to a polling place that maybe a hundred mile drive.

Addressing the issues that prevent voting rather than creating more obstacles to it should be the priority imo, and can be addressed while still maintaining election integrity.

The problems are at the feet of the County and state governments. They should have kept up with the changes over the years, but they haven't which is why we are getting more frustrated by their failures to do a simple thing in maintaining a simple set up.
Each polling place needs more voting machines and more workers to hire... I agree the problem is they need more polling places, but $$$ doesn't grow on trees for local and county governments. It's possible this isn't some diabolical plot, it's that they can't find the funds.
Restrictions on mail in voting are voter supression. It's just that simple
I agree. It suppresses illegal voters.
You can't possibly be that stupid. I said nothing even remotely resembling that.
You're right, I'm not.

It's only common sense that if you need to be a citizen to vote that you would need to prove who you are by presenting an I.D.
Nice of you to drop out the part that makes you look stupid, that I was responding to. I put it back in for you.

This is just sick and wrong. The long lines are only in areas where black people live.

As I was reading it I saw there was no wording that said the food and beverage can't be sold. Then got to the end of the article which mentions just that.

If I lived in Georgia I would give out water and food for a penny or a barter.

This is clear and blatant vote suppression. If it passes it should be challenged in court.

The law also restricts no excuse absentee voting to people over 65, no cell phones can be used, and no candidates can enter certain polling places.

This sounds like some Dem scheme to buy votes by providing free food and water, shocker.
Nice of you to drop out the part that makes you look stupid, that I was responding to. I put it back in for you.

You're the one supporting mail-in voting, not me. Smart guy.

"I am a citizen and have an I.D., but shouldn't have to prove it". ~idiots
This is absurd, no one should be waiting for many hours to spend 2 minutes to vote.
I agree

or should it takes days or weeks to count the vote

do counties take the dumbest government workers they cant fire and put them in the elections dept?

Vote counting have gotten longer over the years. It used to be that before year 2000, we knew who won the Presidential election by midnight of voting day and for all Congressional elections as well.

Our population keeps increasing and more people are voting. It's not the poll workers who are the issue, no need to blame them. Many areas need more polling places.

There are also very real issues for voting in rural areas where the population is widespread, for example on a number of tribal reservations. These people often depend on a relative or friend to take their ballots to a polling place that maybe a hundred mile drive.

Addressing the issues that prevent voting rather than creating more obstacles to it should be the priority imo, and can be addressed while still maintaining election integrity.

The problems are at the feet of the County and state governments. They should have kept up with the changes over the years, but they haven't which is why we are getting more frustrated by their failures to do a simple thing in maintaining a simple set up.
Each polling place needs more voting machines and more workers to hire... I agree the problem is they need more polling places, but $$$ doesn't grow on trees for local and county governments. It's possible this isn't some diabolical plot, it's that they can't find the funds.

One of the benefits my state gets from all mail in voting.

We don't have to spend the money on voting places and voting machines.

We save a lot of money going all mail in voting.

Other states should consider it. It saves money.
This is absurd, no one should be waiting for many hours to spend 2 minutes to vote.
I agree

or should it takes days or weeks to count the vote

do counties take the dumbest government workers they cant fire and put them in the elections dept?

Vote counting have gotten longer over the years. It used to be that before year 2000, we knew who won the Presidential election by midnight of voting day and for all Congressional elections as well.

Our population keeps increasing and more people are voting. It's not the poll workers who are the issue, no need to blame them. Many areas need more polling places.

There are also very real issues for voting in rural areas where the population is widespread, for example on a number of tribal reservations. These people often depend on a relative or friend to take their ballots to a polling place that maybe a hundred mile drive.

Addressing the issues that prevent voting rather than creating more obstacles to it should be the priority imo, and can be addressed while still maintaining election integrity.

The problems are at the feet of the County and state governments. They should have kept up with the changes over the years, but they haven't which is why we are getting more frustrated by their failures to do a simple thing in maintaining a simple set up.
Each polling place needs more voting machines and more workers to hire... I agree the problem is they need more polling places, but $$$ doesn't grow on trees for local and county governments. It's possible this isn't some diabolical plot, it's that they can't find the funds.

One of the benefits my state gets from all mail in voting.

We don't have to spend the money on voting places and voting machines.

We save a lot of money going all mail in voting.

Other states should consider it. It saves money.
I was surprised to learn in all the election discussion this time around that five states are exclusively mail-in and it seems to work fine. At least I never heard any squawking about it, not even this time. The post office seems to manage, there aren't claims of fraud.

It's certainly an argument for expanding that option in other states, I think.
"virtue signaling"
Wanting a drink while standing in the Georgia sun for hours is now "virtue signaling"?
Methinks some of our colleagues here should drink ........ more.

There is no reason to feed people in line to vote.
Who can't agree with that? Standing in line 10 or 12 hours should be a penance, a sacrifice, a tithing of time, a weight loss tactic.
Hell, it might even be----hold for it ----'virtue signaling'.

I was surprised to learn in all the election discussion this time around that five states are exclusively mail-in and it seems to work fine.

Indeed, OL, you bring up a traction-ful point.
Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.........are all riddled with stolen ballots, rigged elections, fraud, illegal immigrant voting, (on a positive side they do not have people dehydrating --or virtue signaling ---while standing in the precinct line).
But worse than anything are the waves and waves of ---hell, whole cemeteries ----of dead people voting.*

In fact, Washington legislators are considering a ban on cremation ....... as those ashes don't vote.

*Does Haley Joel Osmith and '6th Sense' come to mind for you too?
This is just sick and wrong. The long lines are only in areas where black people live.

As I was reading it I saw there was no wording that said the food and beverage can't be sold. Then got to the end of the article which mentions just that.

If I lived in Georgia I would give out water and food for a penny or a barter.

This is clear and blatant vote suppression. If it passes it should be challenged in court.

The law also restricts no excuse absentee voting to people over 65, no cell phones can be used, and no candidates can enter certain polling places.

How can it be voter suppression when they are already at the polls waiting in line to vote?

I had to wait over 30 minutes in line last November, yet I voted as everyone else who was there.

I do agree that making this law section is silly, but other parts are badly needed.

On Page 51, a section prohibits giving free food or drinks to voters waiting in line, among other restrictions. Doing so, would result in a misdemeanor.

Very dumb!

It is to be noted that these lineups are only found in minority neighbourhoods, where people have lined up for several hours. This is an effort to force people to leave, and refusing them food or drink, unless they brought it with them, means that someone who is diabetic, may have to leave. That's the hope on the part of Republicans.

God forbid that they offer programs or plans to help these communities and try to earn their votes. No, better to just make it so hard for them to vote against Republicans that they'll just give up.
It is to be noted that these lineups are only found in minority neighbourhoods, where people have lined up for several hours.

In this morning's New York Times there is an interesting front-page (below the fold) story on how the Georgia Legislature keeps moving the goalpost to narrow the opportunity for Blacks and the poor to vote.

I've posted a link to it below; however, there may be a paywall if you don't have any kind of a NYT subscription.

Anyway, the article is interesting.
A take-away I think I get from the article is the constant dance-steps the Republican legislature undertake to put hurdles to voting for Blacks.

For example: Five years ago the Republicans pushed through measures to lessen the restrictions on voting-by-mail because back then it helped the white majority. Then when the black constituency began to more fully use it due to the elimination of drop box and polling stations in their neighborhoods and communities.....well, now the Republicans want to take that back.

Then in some jurisdictions Sunday voting on several October weekends was legal. And Black constituents, through their church attendance on a given Sunday would take a church bus and vote together:
....1. because it was convenient and it was a hard-to-get day off work;
and 2. because as a group they were less subject to the danger or harassments by whites near the polling location.

So now the white Republican legislators are urging bills to restrict Sunday voting to just one weekend in late October.

Lastly, this clear Jim Crow desire to restrict anyone from selling or even giving water or snacks to Blacks waiting in long slow lines to vote ---- in the Georgia sun. With no recognition or attempt to shorten those lines in Black neighborhoods by opening more polling stations, hiring more poll workers. Instead, they keep closing polling stations in Black communities.

Georgia is changing. But there is still a lot of Jim Crow segregationist malarkey embedded in the culture.

"In Georgia, Republicans Take Aim at Role of Black Churches in Elections

New proposals by the G.O.P.-controlled Legislature have targeted Sunday voting, part of a raft of measures that could reduce the impact of Black voters in the state."


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